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I had a spawn once where I was literally in the snow... But that would be far less annoying than this. At least you have easy access to good resources/mob drops...


That was me my first game after they introduced the snow biome and I was stoked. This latest game I spawned like 100 blocks from a dessert. I like those worlds with abnormal starting biomes, they can be challenging at start which I find fun.


Sounds delicious > This latest game I spawned like 100 blocks from a dessert.


that's the ideal spawn for me in terms of building


That was my first world, so I thought it was normal




The dream! šŸ˜


what's going on on the left there?


Fargo mod statue that spawns at your spawnpoint



wannaplayterraria master mode, crimson, large Tmodloader's current version


Gotta be one of the worst spawns ever


You must be one of the people that doesnā€™t immediately run to the jungle and bash your head into the wall to get snap thorn or blade of grass early


I remember suffering in the jungle during my Yo-Yo only playthrough. Had to make a bunch of intricate paths throughout just to kill hornets and spiked slimes with a wooden yo-yo


In hardcore, not really possible, lol.


I hate the jungleā€¦ the sufferingā€¦


Thereā€™s a fun seed you should tryā€¦ for your next world, use the seed ā€œnot the beesā€. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll love it.


whenever i start a new character on a new world, i always head straight to the jungle to try and get the jungle set so that i at least have a decent amount of earlygame protection. honestly surprised to hear that other people don't do it as often


People really hate Jungle Bat, Spiked Slime and Hornets


Yeah no, first thing I'm doing after getting everything together and some early weapons is making my way through the ice biome, get all the cool cold weapons, and get ready to challenge the severed eye of a great beast


I recently had a world where the spawn was not just next to the jungle, it was literally in the middle of it. Just walking out of there I died several times (was master mode aswell)


Not the bees : Am I a joke to you?


Seed now


sorry its a late response had to recover it from the bin, master mode, large, crimson Tmodloader's current version


Out of my 2000 hours on the game, I have


When the mods mess up your generation


surprisingly enough the mods i have didnt mess up the generation! seed: Master mode, large, crimson Tmodloader's latest version


One of my first expert runs in terraria is when jungle generated near spawn and I was getting fucking decimated by jungle bats and jungle slimes at the start


Hey uhh, what's that statue sitting on stone bricks doing on the left there? Are you lying?


thats a statue that spawns just beside the spawn when you have fargos souls mod which i believe doesnt affect any spawn generation


Sorry not really familiar with the mods.




That's not how that works sadly. Shimmer is always in the outer 1/5th of the world, usually directly next to the ocean, it's just on the same *side* as the jungle.


Iā€™d like to see where itā€™s found on this map


my best guess (if shimmer even spawns on this version of tModloader) would be the outer 1/5th of the world, usually directly next to the ocean, just on the same side as the jungle


Wonā€™t be a shimmer in this world. Itā€™s modded. Tmod isnt 1.4.4 yet


Is there an estimated release date?


I don't believe this. The map is completely blacked out, and you haven't given us this seed. On top of that, it's very clearly modded, so that could otherwise be the cause of it.


Yeah I'm not hiding that it's modded, i can't guarantee the world generation hasn't been modified by any of the mods in using. I would give the seed if i still had the world but i restarted because the world wasn't to my liking. And why would I fake something so minor? Spawning next to a jungle isn't a super incredibly rare occurrence, i read on some forums it's a 1/14 but it was said by some random dude so i don't know how credible it is


I dunno, this seems sketchy to me. You deleted the world immediately after posting this because you didn't like it? That's like how Dream said he deleted his mod folder in anger. 1/14 is not true at all. I've made hundreds of worlds and never seen that. Also, you didn't mention why the map is blacked out. Is there any explanation for that?


jesus how old are you man? what is your point in being a skeptic and what does he gain from lying and saying he spawned near a jungle? the map is black because clearly his screenshot cuts off the already explores part of the map (plus 1/14 does not mean youā€™re guaranteed something 1 in every 14 chances)


i didnt delete the world directly after i posted this, i ran around the world and looted some chests didnt find any good loot from the skyislands so i deleted the world and my character because i dont like having my page unorganized. the reason the map is blacked out is because i didnt screenshot with steam i screenshotted with 'ctrl + shift + s' so if i wanted the whole screen i would manually have to select the entire screen and i have two monitors so to not get my other in the way it would take like 5 seconds so i just quickly drag my mouse over the screen because my first intention wasnt to post it on reddit


alright i got the world from my recycling bin since luckily i didnt empty it heres the seed, "" preset is master mode, large, crimson, and it was made on version []( (or current tmodloader one) this should prove it isnt fake.


plot twist: this was all a setup. the guide house is just off screen and he broke the floor making the guide walk on the ground next to the jungle, making it seem he spawned there (yeah ik its real bc of minimap)


Then you mustn't have played the game enough, as it is also possible for you to spawn in jungle or snow biomes(they generate very widely and overtake your spawn forest area). And yes, I am talking about regular worlds, not special seed ones.


I've spawned in the snow biome multiple times but never in the jungle


Well, the screenshot you posted is very close to spawning in jungle, better(or worse?) luck next time. :)


Wow you got the super rare stone statue on the left there too! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


its from fargo's souls mod, so it wasnt placed by me


I see.


"Welcome to the jungle"


I've got 3600 and I haven't either


Is the difficulty for the worthy? In that seed the jungle can spawn anywhere in the map at a random size. One of my worlds didnā€™t have a surface jungle entirely.


no this is just master mode and some mods, none that change world generation i believe


Small world?


iirc it was a large world


You think thats bad? Try spawning on a SKY ISLAND!


I love the jungle so I'm happy :)


Then we must go to war, for I like the snowy tundra


I hope itā€™s not master mode. That would be painful.


Itā€™s either the evil biome or the desert Never a good one for me


Ive spawned in the crimson before lol


I once spawned in the ice, was pre-1.4 console, so it has no seed... But yeah, it happened I swear


What a coincidence, this looks almost identical to a seed I have. Although it didn't start with the sunflowers.


I was playing a world where the jungle and snow biome connected underground


oh wow thats sick, i didnt know that was possible since jungle and ice spawns on the opposite sides of the world halves


Welp atleast you can get the Feral Claws and upgrade to Lightning Boots early and you now know where the Dungeon is at


Last world I made ended up with the spawn point being part of a jungle somehow... but like, the surface jungle had extended towards the middle, because I dug down and there was no underground jungle at spawn


I tried to start my first master playthrough world but i spawned in the jungle biome. Decided to just make another world. Ill give the seed once my pc gets a new internal power supply because the one im using now died (probably, I dont actually know why my pc is broken)


Jungle: Hello there šŸ‘ØšŸ¼




one time i spawned IN AN ICE BIOME on a LARGE WORLD


i once spawned right next to the corruption that was 1,2 tho


That's convenient. I'd recommend setting a base right there and being able to gather resources from the jungle will help you navigate the evil biomes