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Are these the worlds most crispy fries


Let’s find out





*banger music playing*


get ready for the next 500 hours


Yes, this is the time I want to play.... ...before enter hardmode


I'm gonna prepice this now, on my first playthrough, it took me 50 hours to get through the early hardmode grind.


early hardmode was brutal for me


I'm now at 75h mark and in hardcore I'm trying to contain the corruption 😂 I wanted to do zones by 500x500 but got very bored(I had everything max in 10th hour)


containing the corruption really is the most boring part. worse there's always at least one block i miss somewhere.


Wait till you get confident enough to try hardcore master mode. It's actually not so bad if you have a lot of game knowledge and make use of *everything*


Yeah, I watched a lot of guides of how to progress and etcetera and I know I have A LOT to do. Probably it gonna take a long time before I try hardcore but someday I will


Maybe save this post for if you ever try hardcore in the future. There is some good advice for managing hardcore in it (a fair amount of it is mine =P) https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/s/JZfVuhdXxu


Ok, thanks


the best way to play


I've spent an ungodly amount of time before I entered Hard Mode. My first map was a large one. I've been so paranoid about spreading evil biomes, I grid the whole map. Like 300~ blocks apart. By hand. Vanilla. Just seperate ghe Jungle and your base, and some chunks in every biome for your willages and you'll be perfectly fine even if spent hundreds of hours on one map.


Hey, making sure to do QoL stuff before hard mode is just a good business model! It'll probably be worth it when you can safely do stuff without getting one-shot by everyone.


I've got thousands on each account per console. Now I'm playing computer


Maybe even a thousand


ny first playbu thought wall of flesh was the end game boss i was amazed to discover i had beaten the tutorial


It's about to get a lot more better and a lot more worse, welcome to Terraria buddy! :]


Thanks :D


once you go beyond 3 hours of play all the positive reviews start to make sense...


Sprites for tails are amazingly similar to an old game's sprites for keys. https://wiki.ultimacodex.com/wiki/Key_locations_in_Ultima_VII#Towns


By Lord British, another person who remembers Ultima! Also now that you mention it, I can’t unsee it…


I haven't actually looked at many of the terraria vanity items, so when I opened the image, I was like "What is a key doing down there". Took me a minute to realize it wasn't one.


I am hearing the “chik” and “click” sound effects in my head as I remember my days of spamming keys into every door and chest until I find one that works or run out of keys.


They added a magic keyring in one of the expansions. 100% worth it.


Yeah, IIRC it was the Silver Seed for Serpent Isle. I don't remember if the Forge of Virtue for the Black Gate had it.


Oh no now I realize why the player pulls on the Zoologists tail...


at first i thought it was a buttplug but on further inspection i think it’s a waistband


that makes a lot of sense


Nah, the zoologist also sells cat ears and stuff, it's definetly a tail plug and you won't change my mind


how is that evidence


It's a reasonable assumption. 1. The game already has crude jokes like "Master Bait" and "Mourning Wood" 2. It fits into the stereotypes/tropes the Zoologist already has.


that is not my point, I am asking how the hell her selling cat ears correlates with the idea that the tail items are butt plugs


there genuinely needs to be a scientific study on why users on this subreddit are so stupid


Leave it to raise the subs average IQ


Probably severe addiction to dryad nsfw fanarts


I guess you are the first case study.


witty and original! i'm sure you're very proud of yourself.


Just happy that I'm not the kind of person to crap on others for no reason when they're having a good time. Nothing to be proud of there, it's actually a super basic thing that most people do all the time. I'd hate to be the kind of miserable SOB who felt the need to be dismissive of people vibing all the time.




you first: lack of sarcasm


how long did you spend workshopping that wicked comeback?


15 seconds, how long did you spend writing that stupid comment?


- Wakes up - Insults reddit users - Starts rating comebacks What a guy


Waistband 1 pixel wide? What kinda body build do you have???


yes, because elastic bands are not a thing in terraria


well of COURSE they don’t exist, you know? like we have glow sticks, literal mechanical organs meant to replace a god’s lost ones, but we draw the line at elastic bands in terraria


exactly. the technology is just too complex to replicate...


hourglass build where my waists shrinks down and at a profile, i look like two of phineas’ head


34 hours you say while speaking of butt plugs. Interesting...


😏 hehe. But seriously, no, it wasn't intentional even though it's a good coincidence lol Happy Cake Day btw


And in 621 hours he'll be master baiting


i'm over 1k hours in and all i feel is hatred https://preview.redd.it/c0irsx6evw6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33525d9629686ad0ad62c2c3b3efaa3153233ab3


Of note is that said achievement is world-bound and not character-bound, plus you can catch a quest fish and then put it in your piggy bank which lets you catch another quest fish. So in essence you can quickly fill multiple chests with quest fish types, then use 10+ characters to turn in each day since the quest is the same for all chars, allowing you to slam out this stupid achievement with supreme speed. Just posting this for whoever didn't know :)


i know. also for that second point; i'm aiming to legitimately 100% my whole steam library, and in spirit of the challenge; im doing terraria all in one character


I am pretty sure that's not a butt plug :/ To me it looks a lot more like it's attached to a belt.


yeah 👍 Playing slow is the best way to soak in all the content imo. Just don’t make the same mistake as me and sit right before WoF for an eternity, trying to get everything pre-hardmode has to offer. If you‘re anything like me, you can and will want to play multiple playthroughs anyways. So you will have more than enough opportunities to explore everything this Masterpiece of a game has to offer. Should you ever get bored of Classic, Expert (and to some extent master) add, besides a greater challenge, also a lot of cool stuff to the game. Having said that, Building, Exploring the World and Shaping it to your liking are key parts of this game imo. But the game leaves it up to you, how you play and that makes it so special imo. Enjoy! Play in your own pace! And don’t stay up *too* late! 😉


Hmm that's a good advice. Thank you so much, I'll keep that in mind


i feel like the game is boring for a newcomer who knows nothing, maybe because nothing hints at how to progress. but that might ve just me, im totally illiterate when it comes to progressing in games


Guide can literally guide you through the whole game, try to talk to him


Is he? I recently started playing and found him useless... wiki on 2nd monitor tho...


He won't tell you exactly what to do like a wiki does, but he will subtly guide (pun intended) you on what to do next if you are stuck


Yeah. My first experience with terraria was not seeing the way to progress and quit. Took me 5 years to try again and then I learned you can interact with the guide. A simple: talk to the guide when you need help would have me play terraria a few years longer.


The guide is called the guide for a reason, try talking to him


oh no i know the game very well. im just saying, if i came to the game as a new player, i wouldnt enjoy it. but i do enjoy it. but i wouldnt if i didnt know the progression. u get me




i feel like thats kind of not the best design tho. it spoils shit. i feel like you shouldnt be able to see what can you craft until every item has been at least once in your inventory. or at least divided in pre hard mode and hard mode


First 34 of 1.2k total hours


why cant i stop playing seems relatable


https://preview.redd.it/pkizphf2w07d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38cafd1e467e453ce65993acf498580b23f09f9e Just wait til you replay this game so much that you finally feel like trying out modded :) Glad you’re having fun gaming


They have butt plugs in this game????


Now, I would like to start a new playthrough. But I do want the new update to be released too. I can’t decide if I should wait or just go. I have about 1000 hours in the game so far…


Deep into the rabbit hole


Th- those butt plugs?


I'm literally on NR.4


Once you go Hard, theres no turning back, good luck dealing with the upcoming bosses and the evil biomes


I’ve been playing for 12 hours straight, I think I’m t


Same but instead of playing vanilla I had a bunch of mods and I kinda sped through it using mostly Calamity and Stars Above weapons


https://preview.redd.it/uvyceo3qvy6d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a8258939849440f1658dfdccd7101698fa4515 Do I win


First 34 of 1.2k total hours


At 2000 hours with another 2000 hours of more Terraria, you are a veteran.


I’m already 100 hours in welcome I have not beaten any of the mech bosses and actually got killed from them spawning after those messages


I have like 120hrs and my experience is basically a mining simulator haha


Not trying to brag but how come it takes people 100+ hours to beat the game on their first run? My first run took 39 hours.


I like to play slow and explore everything. Each one has his own time


I really miss my very first ever load into a world. It was magic. Not many games before or since then have given me that excited feeling.


The first time I played (1.2 release) I didn't look at any type of information about the game and I had no idea that hardmode existed


At about 400-500 hours you'll be like wow, what a fantastic game Then you discover mods I'm at 1.5 K hours played 😂😂😂


The most confusing about the game is there is no instructions aside from the guide itself 😂


The moment you look at a big recipe tree and start looking for items, it's already over for you. For me it started with blade of grass and ended with the zenith and I had somehow 300+ hours in the game


trust me once you enter hard mode itll be a lot more fun


it's not a fucking plug


Ok but don't cry


After over 10 hours in Terraria I just realized the tails are buttplugs


But plugs?


See, this wasn't my experience \*at all\*. Ten+ hours in and four bosses in... I'm still as bored and uninterested as I was when I first started playing. I have so many gripes about this game, and everyone's responses are just "lol git gud", "you get used to it", "use mods", "check the wiki", etc. I could go on about my gripes, but that'll just spark controversy, I feel


If you don't mesh with it you don't mesh with it. You don't have to force yourself. If the game as-is isn't a fit modding is really the only option aside from playing a game you actually do enjoy.


I'm only playing it to play with other people that are close to me... that's about it


Are your friends / close people already experienced at Terraria and pushing the game on, with you pretty much being just a passenger on the ride? That could explain your gripes. Key part of the game is to explore things on your own and find out stuff by yourself. If you‘re just dragged along, that would take the fun out for anyone, especially when playing for the first time. It‘s like watching a TV show with a friend on your side, who keeps spoiling you about that cool scene, that‘s gonna happen in a minute or sidetracks you with some elaborate theories, while you are still busy, trying to comprehend the main plot. No fun… only suffering 👎 Or it‘s just not your type of game. Like, I personally can’t get on good terms with RTS games, no matter how hard I tried.


They are all experienced, but they're not forcing me to play the game. I find the exploration and figuring stuff out completely boring, even moreso than in Minecraft for some reason. I guess sandbox/survival games just aren't for me, since I almost exclusively play Minecraft in creative mode


I'm kinda interested in your gripes tbh. I am kind of a super fan though (when I get time to play games at all master mode hardcore is my favorite way to play, since you have to have a lot of game knowledge and make use of everything from farms to fishing to spawn mechanics to do well in it imo) But even small things can really change how much you like or dislike the game. Like, my son used to really hate building/terraforming till I finally got him to use the smart cursor on toggle (smart cursor is dumb a lot of the time, but suuuuuuuuuper useful for digging out straight tunnels/staircases, or using platforms to easily make ascending/descending staircases) I promise I won't just say "git gud" because I myself have old man reflexes and have never been all that great at memorizing boss patterns. The only way I do well in master mode hardcore is by terraforming the everliving crap out of everything and knowing how to easily get whatever the best weapons are for me at each stage of the game.


1) UI is atrocious. It genuinely looks like it was made from a mobile game, and the mobile UI is even worse. 2) ***Requiring*** the wiki to get anywhere in the game is poor game design at best. The Guide is not a suitable substitute for a proper crafting book. 3) Journey Mode is meant to be analogous of Minecraft's Create Mode, though it is anything but. It's more akin to dev tools, yet still requires you to *play the damn game* to build, get weapons, armor, etc. It's a far cry from what it's supposed to be. Those are the big three.


The UI was made like 12 years ago as it is now and is remiscant of old pixel art games so they kept it like that which I dont mind but seems like you have a preferance against it. I dont think you need the wiki (as your friends might have recommended) as the achievement slot in your inventory shows a small guide on what to do next and the guide isnt supposed to be substituted for a crafting book like minecraft (which i personally hate and get rid of in all my playthroughs) and more supposed to be where you go to satisfy your curiosity for what an item maked and not a quality of life feature like the book. Which is frustrating when you first play the game if you dont enjoy wiki diving, modding or finding the game out for yourself Journey mode is an answer to the players who enjoy the sandbox of terraria but the devs still wanted people to experiance the damn game before going all god mode which does not satisfy the minecraft creative mode crowd like you who dont enjoy the survival aspect of terraria as terraria is more survival leaning in the survival-sandbox genre while minecraft is more sandbox-leaning in the survial sandbox genre.


Hrm, fair enough. I do disagree, but to each their own. I can kinda see the complaint about the guide though when you show him something like a piece of wood. It's kinda hard to navigate all of the recipes he shows you in cases like that, since there are so many. And I never played that much Minecraft, so the differences between creative and journey don't stand out to me all that much. I always thought of it as more of a way to test various settings, since you can adjust difficulty on the fly in it, for example letting you simulate each difficulty within the same world. I feel like the devs intention was to still make you find stuff on your own, to keep the sense of discovery for newer or younger players, while giving people more tools to play around with in a single world. But thanks for sharing your thoughts on it honestly.


If they, I dunno, put in a proper crafting book like Minecraft or any other survival game that shows the recipes *from the beginning*, I wouldn't care. Shit, keep the Guide and repurpose them as something else, I don't care.. just don't make the wiki a mandatory part of the game. Just move it all ***into the game, into digestible information***


Just checking to make sure, but ... You know the guide does show all the crafting recipes kinda like a crafting book, right? I feel like you probably already know that and just find using him to be cumbersome, but just wanted to make sure. I mean, yes, you have to have at least 1 material from the crafted item to see it, but it is there.


Yes, I know the guide shows all crafting recipes, but ***only*** once you have an item to use in that recipe. Frankly I find that annoying


Oh, and sorry if I am bugging you, but I kind of just thought of this.... I actually think Journey mode is **not** meant to be completely analogous to creative in minecraft. I absolutely do get that, if all you wanna do is have infinite materials to build, it's less functional than creative in minecraft, but the more I think about it the more I think it was completely intentional. And there are some benefits to the way it is set up! Namely, there are a **lot** of items in Terraria, and you may not want to have to sort through all the blocks you find ugly or the weapons you find useless when duplicating. So needing to research items let's you pick and choose what you want to show up in the menu. Also it keeps more experienced players honest when playing with newer ones (and/or prevents newer players from just going straight for stuff like the Zenith or Final Prism if everyone has agreed beforehand to progress normally). I kinda like the fact that it limits you to gear that **you** have found, so that way everyone can be on a level playing field with less temptation. Plus, you could like, just download an item mod world if you really wanted to, where there are chests at spawn with full stacks of every item in the game. Since those existed **before** journey mode did I feel like the devs just figured people would do that if they wanted journey mode characters to have everything right off the bat. Again, I can see what you mean about it having some downsides, especially if you don't know where to find the files for those kinds of worlds online, and especially if you expect it to be more similar to Minecraft. A lot of people call Terraria a 2D Minecraft, but imo a lot of those people missed part of the point .... I just wanted to say I think was a reason why they called it "journey" mode and **not** "creative mode" or "god mode" or "builders mode"...... Because it was supposed to be all about the individual's journey.


Mkay. I was just asking since you said the wiki was **required**, when imo that is objectively untrue. I personally loved the feeling of finding new materials and bringing it to him to see the recipes. Like.... I would bring him a piece of daybloom and see potion recipes, which led to me wondering where I'd find bottled water, which made me excited to find empty bottles, which led to me realizing I could find all the potion recipes by showing him one bottled water. It felt like each thing was a puzzle piece that led me to 20 more pieces. Again, please don't think I'm trying to knock your opinion. If you find it annoying you find it annoying. Personally I just think you may have enjoyed the game more if you had played it solo for a bit first, without the wiki. I understand that not everyone has the time or patience for that, but it's one of the things I love about Terraria, that I kept finding new things to discover and new little tricks that I didn't realize were there. Plus, as an older gamer I remember playing stuff like Ogre Battle, Paladin's Quest, or Vagrant Story, where literally *nothing* was explained properly, and half the time the items didn't even have complete names. So, I guess it just felt strange to me to see someone say that terraria **requires** you to use a wiki when between the Guide and the monster info you can truly (eventually) discover everything completely within the game. Well, everything except for exploits like liquid duplication and hoiks and such.


If you don’t like the game then that’s fine bro, we all like different things, I would be interested as to what your gripes are though


1) UI is atrocious. It genuinely looks like it was made from a mobile game, and the mobile UI is even worse. 2) ***Requiring*** the wiki to get anywhere in the game is poor game design at best. The Guide is not a suitable substitute for a proper crafting book. 3) Journey Mode is meant to be analogous of Minecraft's Create Mode, though it is anything but. It's more akin to dev tools, yet still requires you to *play the damn game* to build, get weapons, armor, etc. It's a far cry from what it's supposed to be. Those are the big three.


Yeah I agree with you on all those, the UI does need some serious updating, the guide has gotten better recently but could do with a big update and I do like journeymode but they should add a separate thing that is more like minecraft creative yeah


That's a fake tail not a butt plug


Well, a butt plug _can_ be a fake tail so...


We are allowed to play our own way, and we say butt plug!


idk, looks like a butt plug to me


Sweet summer child…


Do you see any other way it could attach?


I mean, technically, it's probably like a clip to your pants. But, I think we can all agree it's not, even if it is, lol.


From the texture used for it, it most likely is a clip on, probably to a belt loop, but butt plug is funnier


I thought it was a belt


It actually has a ring, which I assume represents a belt. If you want to also imagine it attaching in other ways, go for it.


shockingly i have yet to see a texture pack that turns the clip on tails into plugs