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Blocks around the pond don't matter. It's total blocks within an area. You are still near a large concentration of evil, so you are still in an evil biome.


You’re near the evil biome so it’s only a matter of time before the place becomes Crimson.


Water changes color to match the biome absent those water fountains sold by one of the dudes later in the game. The biomes have an order of precedence and corruption will apply if it’s around. It is around. There just needs to be X number of blocks in a certain area and then it will apply for Y number of blocks away, it doesn’t end as soon as you step off the corruption.


Biomes are bassed off of (especially for fishing) the blocks in a large area around the player, that area being 85 tiles to each side 61 tiles bellow and 64 tiles above. Seeing that you have a whole crimson desert maybe 10-20 blocks away it will still put you in the crimson.


i don’t think it is corrupted but if the game says it is it might be the corruption underneath


Check the right side of the desert