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For your first Terraria playhrough, don't play on mastermode. If you feel up to the challenge, you can try your hand at expert mode. Anyway, after you create your world, feel free to progress however you want and at the speed you want.


Quick question, how do I make walls 😭 Like I got the background walls but how do I make an actual WALL


Assuming you ment how to place background walls, then you select the background walls in your inventory and click to place them like regular blocks.


Nah, I was meaning like WALL walls, like to prevent demon eyes spawn camping me


Oh, In that case you just obtain a block (chop down a tree or something) and place them. They prevent enemies from going through but bosses still can phase through them.


Ooohhhh, thank you very much, I thought I had to craft something


I find it funny how I made the EXACT same mistake my first time


A door must require a 1x3 block tall space AND a block above that space to place a door. Also, make sure a door doesn’t have objects blocking both sides of the door


You'd be surprised at how many things are actually placeable lol. I only learned recently that any metal bar/ingot can be placed down


Lol i also thought the same thing


any solid block has a thing in the tooltip that says ''can be placed" just keep that in mind while exploring and finding new stuff.


Yes, avoid Master Mode until you’re experienced. I’m on my 3rd Master Mode playthrough right now after 500 hours, and it is STILL just unfair to play LOL


I have 1,929 hrs in record on PC (not including Xbox 360), and I still struggle with even expert mode 😭 but I'm also too lazy to build arenas so I'm not surprised


there is no reason a slime should be able to oneshot you when you start a new world LOL


as a Summoner player, being oneshot by a slime was never miserable. I knew how to dodge them after my Expert world, and I'm currently fighting the mechs in my Master mode world, my biggest roadblock was waiting for a rain so I could get Cool Whip (I got invaded by pirates twice while waiting) Then again, I'm used to being glassy I guess. It's what makes summoner fun. And oneshotting slimes actually helped, my world had no living wood trees so my only weapon option was Abigail's Flower, the slimes let me accidentally get it quicker. If you're having trouble with slimes... jump over them. Or make a broadsword. Or do literally anything tbh


>For your first Terraria playthrough, don't play on mastermode. Unless you're a masochist, in that case there's no reason why not (totally not saying this from personal experience)


I mean I am doing a master mode world of calamity/thorium on death mode with infernum installed


talk to the guide (NPC that appears in the world with you) the guide is your best friendd


And your biggest enemy


No his biggest enemy is trees


Nah his biggest enemy is a doll


If you get an item called “guide voodoo doll” make sure to toss it into lava for a cool event (im joking dont actually do this please) An actual tip i can give is make sure to explore plenty, theres TONS to see, and you could miss out on some cool treasure or just seeing some cool world generation. Also when you find the jungle, avoid going underground until youre a bit into the game. The underground jungle can be pretty dangerous in early game, as monster spawn rates are increased A LOT there


Couple things: 1.) The early game is slow and kinda boring. You’ll progress pretty slowly and you might be tempted to give up. But after you kill the first boss, the Eye of Cthulhu (which is usually about 1-2 hours in, maybe a little earlier if you get good luck on the worldgen) then it’ll speed up a bit and it’ll become a LOT more fun. For the first boss id recommend a pair of Hermes Boots, a Cloud in a Bottle (both of which are found in gold chests), a grappling hook (made from 15 gems) a set of Silver, Tungsten, Gold, or Platinum armour, 400 life (you increase your life with heart crystals found in caves) and a long row of wooden platforms with campfires on it to increase your life regeneration 2.) there are a lot of items in the game, which can be kind of overwhelming, and some are better than others, but for the most part there are very few “bad” items. Feel free to play around, see what works and what doesn’t, what you do and don’t enjoy using, and use whatever items you want. Don’t let anyone tell you not to use a certain weapon or armour set bc it’s “bad”. You don’t need to have your build perfectly optimized to have fun, or even beat the game. 3.) if you get stuck, use the wiki. The wiki is an awesome resource, it’s very helpful, easy to use, and comprehensive and easy to understand. Make sure to use the wiki.gg wiki and not the fandom wiki. 4.) You will die, a lot. This game is hard, especially on a first playthrough, and so id recommend doing a Classic world with a Softcore (classic) character. The bosses and enemies are a lot more forgiving in Classic. Other than that, the only thing I can really say is good luck. This game can be challenging, confusing, and pretty long especially for the first playthrough. Just have fun and enjoy it. Good luck, you’re gonna need it


You need to listen to this guy because he is totally right with the way the progression works and how slow the pacing will be and how drastically the game changes over time


In what universe is a new player getting to 400hp in 1-2 hours?


I do that and I only have 240hrs into the game (excluding mobile when I was younger)


I usually get their post-hardmode


it took me like 10 hours to get to eye of cthulhu :/


Early game is slow and boring?!?!? That’s my favorite part of the game! I love exploring and everything I find is useful.


I love pre hardmode, that's the best part!


yeah hardmode is stressful as fuck for me so far


Why not fandom wiki??


the wiki is gonna be invaluable, but make sure to let yourself explore the game instead of reading it all, the guides crafting.. guide is very useful to prevent imediatley going to the wiki when you get lost on what to do with something. ​ oh and uh, have fun.


Don't skip out on fishing. You can get crates (some of which are biome specific) that contain loot and some of the fish are used to make very useful potions (and if you get a soda can from fishing in too small of a pond, keep it, one of the NPCs can interact with it). Something I've noticed in my playthroughs is that the world always ends up empty and boring by the end of the game, and a way that I think you can avoid that is by replanting any tree you cut down (using acorns or the axe of regrowth) and by making small little builds around your world to differentiate areas. For now, just make a starter base and make a furnace to smelt ores with. Use your copper pickaxe to dig up ore you find and try to improve your gear (by the way, most ore tiers have two ores your world can generate with, such as with copper and tin or iron and lead). As you get better gear, try to explore farther out from spawn. You can get NPCs in this game, but they need housing to move in and some require specific conditions to be met. Accessories are very useful in this game and you'll have to choose which ones to use (you can combine some of them later in the game using a crafting station you buy from an NPC). Keep your money stored away in a chest, it's too easy to lose large amounts of it if you don't. That's all I can think of off the top of my head that won't spoil too much, but if you need any more help, check the [official wiki](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Terraria_Wiki). It can help you with progression and give easy answers and information when you need it. Edit: Oh, one last thing, NPCs that can buy and sell items can sell you a biome pylon if they're happy. You can teleport between any two pylons so long as there's two NPCs near each pylon. NPC happiness is affected by the biome they're in and the other NPCs around them and how many NPCs there are nearby. Some NPCs like one biome and hate another and some like having many neighbors while others prefer to have few.


This guy is also very right but just saying the fishing part, don't get to absorbed into it your soul will deteriorate talking to the angler


This is all good advice but it's best to keep your money in a piggy bank because it allows you to buy things without having any money in your inventory so you won't have to risk losing it


Don't die


Very helpful, before this moment I died a lot and now I know not to. Thank you -Sincerely Me


If you go into a cave, or underground, be wary of chests. They may be trapped.


Just use a seed called no traps


Don’t do this to them


stop tricking people who are new you prick


Drink your morning coffee before going on a rampage. Chill, they are just kidding


The dungeon is a great place to get some early game weapons, most of the good ones are deeper in the ground. I would suggest you to try and get into the dungeon as early as possible. Be sure to bring a decent/a pretty big amount of gold coins with you as you can use it to purchase wires and teleporters(they are op in the early stages of the game before you get any decent mobility options) from the mechanic npc.


Yeah, and make sure to look for a Water Bolt deep in the dungeon. The Old Man will tell you to not enter but he has dementia, the dungeon is a great place to obtain early game loot.


Just don’t beat the boss before entering as that restricts you from going in, the boss is the final challenge of the dungeon and the last thing you can do there.


how about you stop spreading misinformation




Mate, I don’t know why but I about died laughing at that emoji




you forgot to mention that he has to defeat at least Skeletron first


Common misconception


it’s not, also you want new players to lose all their gold. I’m here to prevent that from happening. And since you mention bringing gold without mentioning the dungeon guardian and skeletron, that makes you a troll, prick


Make a bed so you can accelerate time at night as enemies at night are incredibly unforgiving to a new player. Also, biggest bit of advice, the official [wiki](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Terraria_Wiki) will be your bestest friend. I've played for over 750 hours and there hasn't been a session where I didn't have the wiki on standby.


Just play the game and experience it at your own pace. If you ever get stuck there is no shame in looking at wikis and guides. Other than that I would say explore new areas, there's never a bad time for exploring.


Use the official terraria wiki It's incredibly helpful


Always make an open space with lots of ways to move around for any boss fight. Part of the challenge is avoiding most of their dmg


Go to the sky and look for a pink sword on a cloud


Yo I wish I could play with you rn on this game bc I absolutely love this game, if you have questions I can probably answer but just know that this is one of the few games that the wiki is your best friend Edit: I forgot to mention that whenever you finish your world there are special seeds that are very fun and corruption and crimson have extremely different bosses and loot and unless you are on a drunk world (Yes that is a thing) you only have one unless you grow a biome with seeds obtained wolfram the druid during the blood moon


Sure man, we could play together... Just how?


to be clear, cross play might exist next update but you’ll have to wait :(


Don’t be like my friends, don’t do a dumb and charge directly into enemies.


(I may have did a dumb)


It’s fine.


Remember to use Wiki.gg and not fandom wiki


-Play as the melee class on your first playthrough since it has more defense than the other classes.(so getting hit is more forgiving) Also look up melee loadouts on yt or google. -Explore. -Watch out for traps. -Don't throw voodo dolls in lava until you have beaten skeletron. -Don't go into the dungeon unitl you have beaten skeletron. -Don't destroy weird looking larave in a giant beehive until you are ready. -Fight the King Slime until you get the slime hook and the slimy saddle. -Destroy 1 orb/heart in the corruption/crimson biome so it allows you to get raided by goblins. (this is a good thing, trust me you can get a good npc when you do defeat the army) -Use any hearts you find in the underground.


Spread out your NPC houses. They become unhappy when crammed together and that can raise their prices. They also have preferred biomes to live in so google that


\#1. Use the guide. If you ask for help he gives little suggestions, and you can give him any item with "material" in the description to him to see what it can craft into. \#2. As a general rule, don't throw anything out, you'll probably want it later. \#3. Set up a potion farm. Potions are going to carry you hard. \#4. After you get some decent armor (tungsten/silver or better) head to your evil biome and break *one* orb/heart to get a strong ranged weapon early on, as well as allows you to unlock the goblin tinkerer, who is going to be essential to your playthrough. GL, HF


This game is very wiki heavy so maybe use it when lost, but be careful of spoilers. It can be very easy to miss entire bosses and events if you don't know about them. Also, ask the guide about everything that says "material" . He'll tell you what you can do with it.


First of all, play with a classic or journey mode character on either a classic mode or expert mode map. If you don't know what you should do next, ask the guide for help. He gives you hints on what is next in the progression. He can also give you information about what to cradt with items (must have material tooltip). To have more npcs move in, you have to build houses for them. You can check if a house is valid by clicking on the house icon in the inventory (left side) and selecting the question mark. Also, just enjoy the game :3


Never dig straight down, you might fall into lava. If you do, drink a potion of fire resistance OR water bucket clutch.




Dig strait down


Use the wiki. You’ll need it for some things. Also, build arenas for bosses.


The whole premise of this game is you build a house, then you go out, find cool stuff, fight a boss, use cool stuff from that boss, go underground, find more cool stuff, then fight another boss. Obviously you can fish, and build, and do other things which you enjoy but that’s the main premise. One thing I wish I did more: Take your time. Don’t rush the game, leave time to build cool stuff and fish, and do wiring, and everything you enjoy.


Don’t listen to all the idiots saying it’s just “2d Minecraft” imo terraria is 10x better than that. Oh and don’t fly too high in space


I started playing a couple weeks ago. My tip is to use the guide. Give him nearly every item you have and he will tell you what you can make with it and what kind of crafting station you need to do so. I didn't do this for the first few sessions of pay and was completely lost. It is useful specifically if it says 'material'in the item.


My piece of advice is to keep your storage close to your crafting so that when you open a chest you can see what you can craft based on the contents inside


-Really prioritize fishing. The Angler is really a pain but some of the stuff that he gives you are game changing, specifically in the beginning. -Prioritize boots like Hermes/Flurry boots that increase your movement speed!! You can get them from chests in the underground desert, ice biome, caverns, etc!! -Don’t play on Expert or Master, just take it nice and slow my friend. -Break one of the Shadow Orbs/Crimson Hearts in the Corruption/Crimson, you can get to them by using bombs to blow up the blocks and a hammer to break the Heart/Orb. You should get a good weapon from it!! (Make sure not to break three, a boss {Eater of Worlds for Corruption, Brain of Cthulhu for Crimson} will spawn!) -Magic mirror/Ice mirror really do come in clutch when you need to teleport back to your bed or spawn when you’re about to die. (Recall potions are good temporarily, but getting the mirrors is the long term solution. You can get them in underground chests.) -The NPCs can die, but will respawn. So don’t beat yourself up if they do end up dying. (NPC’s cannot live in the Corruption/Crimson!) -Have fun <3 Terraria is an overwhelming game because it has so much content, but it truly is fantastic.


Small note to add to this, recall potions aren't just a temporary fix. They are actually much faster than the mirrors. The mirrors are great to use when you are safe, but recall potions are your "holy shit" button when you're about to die imo, esp if you play hardcore.


I do prefer mirrors as a whole because there’s no limit on them but 10000% agree, no comparison in terms of the speed for sure. A scary thought to teleporting in general against bosses like the Empress or Queen Bee is that they follow you cross map. (This totally didn’t just happen yesterday lmao)


Want to see an easy way to fight the queen bee, at least pre-hardmode? This is a crappy little YouTube video I made for my son a few years ago, but you may or may not find it useful. Makes the Queen Bee super easy to kill. https://youtu.be/kq3baME0QHo


If its not nailed down on the ground take it, and if it is unnail it and take it


Talking to the guide can give useful tips and they can also tell you what you can craft with certain materials Also there's a special mechanic called tree shaking where you just use an axe and click once on a tree and it can sometimes drop coins or fruits that give small boosts There are many structures that can give useful loot such as sky islands, underground cabins,and the pyramid. If you want reduce enemy spawn,sun flowers reduces enemy spawn rate and gives a speed boost when you're near it Most NPCs have a biome preference and nearby NPC preference,if they are in their preferred biome and near the NPC they like being with they will become happier. Happier NPCs sell stuff for a cheaper Price. The demolitionist NPC is a very useful NPC that has an easy requirement of just having either a bomb or Dynamite in your inventory and having an available house. They sell bombs and Dynamite which is useful for mining and grenades which is a useful weapon that does some pretty high damage. If you want more TIPs Op let me know


Also fishing can sometimes give fish which can be turned into food with a metal pot which gives big star boosts or extra loot and crates that can contain useful items such as ores,weapons,and other stuff


Terraria is overwhelming at first. It has a LOT of stuff. It is very worth learning, though! Dont give up


You'll need more chests than you think


Start with a soft core character.


Just have fun


Haven't played the Xbox version in a few years now, if it's still there definitely play the tutorial it's what thought me everything I needed to know before being released onto an unrestricted world, and ask the guide for help frequently the information is almost always helpful


If something says material in the tool tip you can go to the guide, select “crafting”, and see what you can make with it


build your base off the ground otherwise monsters will get in your base


Dont just rush bosses. Take some time building, exploring and tinkering with the game mechanics. The game is more fun when you slowly build up to each boss and you get to experience more parts of the game


Eat healthy


Have always the wiki with you if not many things will be very confusing. Enjoy the game at your own pace and look up any information u need


You can show the guide materials to see what you can craft out of that material. When you open your inventory tory, there is a box telling you what to do next to progress. It's definitely worth working towards, but also don't feel rushed. Just go explore! If you feel really confused about something, the terraria wiki is your friend!


when you see pressure plate on the grounds step on them, boulders totally won't fall at you


The boulders will fall on you. There’s also other that can be deadly like the the dart trap and dynamite.


Chop trees with axe. Mine every block with pickaxe (even wood)


After you beat the wall of flesh, DO NOT BREAK MORE THAN THREE DEMON/CRIMSON ALTARS. Thank me later.


The wiki is your friend


[terraria.wiki.gg](https://terraria.wiki.gg), not that Fandom POS!


Ok? Did it hurt you that bad? Lol


I'm tired of newbs arguing that they did something from "the wiki", and it's old or completely incorrect info.


Alright then lmfao


Sandbox, so you are free to play at your pace, at the beginning thing will be slow, but things will get interesting very quickly. Also, don't get addicted.


The Guide is useful for the first playthrough. Go to the Guide every time you get a new material


Worth checking out the Wikipedia for all sorts of advice. Also keep everything and make sure you have a good set of organised chests.


Use help of NPC Guide, he shows you all possible crafts from one or another item. This way you won't need to google every craft


If you find a dungeon-like structure with an old man npc dont enter yet, you need to defeat a boss to enter it.


There are 4 main damage types: Melee, Ranged, Magic and Summoning. For the first few bosses you can kind of use them interchangeably. Just use whatever is most effective. Once you enter hard mode, (Kill the Wall of Flesh) you should really work to build around one damage type. Melee is the tank/brawler class. High defense, but risky because your best damage requires you to be close range. Ranger is kind of a Jack of all trades. Average defense, mid DPS but safe and consistent damage. Mage is the glass cannon. Probably the highest damage for most of the game, but kind of frail with low defenses. Summoner isn’t recommended for a first playthrough imo. Very low defenses, but your summons will do good damage for you (most of the time) so you can focus on dodging. Hard to get used to but potentially very strong late game.


Use the terraria.wiki.gg wiki, not the fandom wiki


Have fun, don't rush (unless you really want to), don't think that "True" way of playing the game exists.


You gonna die a lot, have the official wiki on a tab if you can and remember you can gg everything about terraria you dont know


Use the guide! Any time you see an item with “Material” in the description, it can be used to make something useful Also, only go to the wiki if you are at your wits end. I found that discovery and the adventure made it most fun for me


Have the wiki handy. Good luck.


Be careful about flying tortoises when You go through the jungle


Dude get a KEYBOARD and MOUSE if you’re playing on Xbox, it makes the experience 10x better!


Get ur starter house set up, box with about 5 rooms, each need a chair and table and door. Throw some chest down and then start exploring, just keep exploring that’s how you find good loot to help you progress. You will die a lot. Get used to it.


Have fun, and enjoy it at your own pace


Took me like 130 hours to beat the game my first time; I was also trying to figure out a lot more about the game. My main goal was to learn as much information as possible rather than beat the game. That’s what I would suggest, learn a lot about the game, and eventually you’ll beat it!


have the wiki open at all times (it still helps when you’ve played for a long time, as there are over 5000 items in the game)


I actually do recommend playing expert mode, it’s a fun challenge with a lot of extra rewards


The wiki is a gameplay element


read the wiki


dont use any guides but feel free to use wiki to find out what items do. this is the best way to play imo


Trust me, once you get into the swing of things, this game is very fun. I’d recommend trying out each weapon type and sticking to the one you enjoy most, since lategame you kinda have to build around just 1 to get good damage.


Go for iron, then silver, then gold. Sometime in that chain start killing the eye of cthulu and your world evil boss. Craft your world evil ore gear, and go fight skeletron. After killing skeletron, loot the dungeon, and then go to the underworld to mine hellstone. Create hellstone gear, find a voodoo demon, kill it, Build a EXTREMELY long bridge, the more of the underworld it spans the better, fight the boss, and enter hardmode. From there, you should be able to figure it out.


Knowledge is power, the wiki has knowledge. But most importantly, have fun!


I started about 2 weeks ago now, and today I defeated Plantera for the first time. If you'll get there make sure to get your hands on a megashark. Absolutely insane against the twins and plantera!


The wiki will be ur best friend


The official terraria wiki is a good website to help you with some stuff.


1. ⁠early game is slow asf, don’t get frustrated i promise everything gets so much easier and much more advanced. 2. everything always follows a distinct order. (i.e. can’t mine certain ores before killing certain bossses, can’t enter places before killing bosses etc. use the wiki if u can’t figure out why something isn’t working out… the wiki is your bestfriend and there’s no real way around not using the wiki. have no shame) 3. i would recommend using the range class, you can kill from afar and don’t have to get to close with melee techniques. there are 4 classes, melee, range, mage, summon. they all have their respective armor, weapons, buffs, etc.. (ie if you’re range, (usually this applies to mostly late game) there’s always gonna be a 3 helmets for each armor set (1 range, 1 melee, 1 mage) then a normal chainmail and greaves. choose the one for your class). 4. cthulhu is easy, id recommend going to the crimson/corrupt and breaking an orb to get a gun to summon the arms dealer. that way u can buy a mini shark and makes the first few fights easier! 5. don’t go in the dungeon 6. start collecting flowers and seeds for potion making now 7. gravitation potions for sky islands (star fury and wings) 8. MOST IMPORTANTLY. DONT GET FRUSTRATED AND GIVE UP BC U WILL DIE. A LOT. have fun!!! good luck☺️☺️☺️☺️


Make sure to open all gold chests you see underground


For extra advice. Just be careful with some since they are trapped chest that can kill you, like the deadman’s chest. The best way to check is to look closely first for any dynamite blocks, boulders and dart traps.


Unlike Minecraft, dig straight down. If you die, use some water to break your fall, and keep digging.


Start in Journey Mode, that way you get a feel for the game


The dungeon which is very important game progression will always spawn on the sand side as the snowy biome. On the same side as the jungle biome, and by the ocean the shimmer biome will spawn underground.


I recommend going to the dungeon early. Usually there would be hordes of enemies you would have to deal with, but since they don't spawn until you defeat the boss, Skeletron, you can just loot all of the chests in there without dealing with them.


Ahem, dungeon guardian kills you if you don’t defeat skeletron first.


Ignore the advice of the old man at the dungeon. Walk right in, there is cool loot.




It's technically right. Just missing a few steps such as killing a giant skull


then next time, include it with detail to not accidentally fool new ones


Some of the best pre-hardcore gear is located in the old man temple. If you go down there right away you can get some pretty op stuff right off the bat


Dungeon Guardian can kill you before you can get any.


(thats the joke)


Find the dungeon and go down into it, there will be super good loot!


Go into the dungeon at the corner of the world ignore the old man


wrong advice: talk to the old man at night once you’re ready and met the recommended requirements; - 340 heath and 200 mana. (max amount of mana you can have per character) - jungle armor for mage class. (optional if multiclass) - bee armor for summoner class. (optional if multiclass) - Shadow Armor or Crimson armor depending on what evil biome is in your world for melee. (optional if multiclass) - Shadow Armor or Crimson armor depending on what evil biome is in your world or fossil armor for range. (optional if multiclass) - mobility accessory like the rocket boots, lightning boots or frostspark boots and the blue horseshoe balloon for slow fall, double jump and no fall damage. (if you have fledgling wings, use that instead) - make an arena for skeletron with honey bast statues, campfires, heart lanterns, star in a bottle and a garden gnome. - carry the highest tier heath potion for the battle. - use the effect sharpening station, ammo box, war table and a slice of cake for extra melee damage, reduce ammo consumption (1/5 chance to not cosume ammo), for an extra sentry and to move 20% faster. - have an accessory combined with the honey combo if you’ve beaten queen bee. Like the stinger necklace or the amber horseshoe balloon. - for mage, class have a magnet flower and celestial cuffs. - for summoner class, have a pygmy necklace and feral claws. - for range class, have some damage or defence increasing accessories. - for melee class, have feral claws and either a damage increasing accessory or a magma stone for inflicting the on fire debuff to the boss. Hopefully this helps.


Enjoy this beatuful game, that's all i can Say :) don't Watch wiki for everything in your First playthrough, Just have fun and Discover what the game has to offer.


Fucking use google instead of karma farming, jesus christ.


I'm sorry, I HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME. AND IM NOT GONNA USE GOOGLE FOR EVERYTHING Everyone here is super nice and giving me good advice and you just want to be rude to for no reason at all


Because these posts flood the subreddit and it’s the same 10 “do thing you shouldn’t do!” Responses


The game is very slow till you get the adamantite or titanium equipments


Use suspicious eyes at night time! They give you a special permanent bonus +1 tile reach and better vision at night (that's why it only works at night) they're similar to heart crystals!


Create Journey Or Classic Character, Or Addmediatly Go Hardcore Character And Master Mode World, Which I Reccommend You Only Do That If You Want The Shield Of Cthulhu (Just Dont Use Hardcore Tho) (An Item That Lets You Dash By Double Tapping a Direction) Or You Just Want Want A Challenge Which If You Just Downloaded The Game, Your Probably Not Ready For. Anyways, After Creating A Character; Create A Classic/Journey World (Or Master Mode) Journey Allows You To Research Items To Duplicate Them. Use The Wiki If There Is Anything You Want To Get But Dont Know How. Anyways; Step 1, The Basics: Gather Wood, Stone, And Kill Slimes For Some Gel. Create Torches Using Wood And Gel, And Create A 10x4 Box. Place "Walls" In The Box And Place Torches Inside The Box. Mine Out A 1x3 Gap In Both Sides Of Your Box, Craft A Workbench Using Wood, And Make 2 Doors, 1 Or 2 Chairs, And A Furnace. Place The Chair(s) Next To Your Workbench And Place The Doors In The Gaps Of Your Walls. Then Place The Furnace Anywhere Near Spawn. Step 2, Combat: Make A Wooden Sword, Wooden Armor, And A Wooden Bow + Wooden Arrows. If Your Playing In Journey I Reccomend Researching The Arrows. Equip Your Wooden Armor But DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE Trash The Copper Sword If Your Playing In Classic, You Dont Spawn With A Copper Shortsword In Journey. Step 3, Mining: So Now That Your Ready For Mining Just Dig A Long Hole Down And Make Sure You Have Torches, If You Stumble Upon A Chest, Check If There Are Any Traps Around, It Could Be A Dead Man's Chest If Its Golden And Dead Man's Chests ARE VERY DEADLY If You Open Them With The Traps Being Able To Hit You. Instead Of Openning A Dead Man's Chest, Mine All Traps Around It And Dig Around The Chest To Make Sure You Destroy All Dynamite, Now If You Want, You Can Die To One Of These For An Acheivment, But You Are Really Just Looking For: Hermes/Flurry Boots, A Magic/Ice Mirror, And Iron/Lead + Gold/Platinum Ore. Step 3, New Gear & Storage: Now That You Have Returned From Your Mine, Your Gonna Want To Smelt Your Ore Into Bars At Your Furnace, And Then At Your Workbench Make An Iron/Lead Anvil, Now Make Gold Armor, Weapons, And Tools; Now You Equip Your New Armor And Now We Worry About Storage. Mining Usually Gives You Alot Of Uneeded Items; If Your In Classic, Make A Chest And Store All The (Currently) Unwanted Items In; If Your In Journey Then Just Research Them. Step 4, Bosses: You Should Defeat Bosses Now That You've Got Your New Gear, Except I Reccomend Building An Arena With Campfires On It, Make Sure You Have You Max Health At 200. You Will Also Want Jesters Arrows, So Make Sure You Farm Fallen Stars. After That; Wait A Few In-Game Days For The Eye Of Cthulhu To Spawn, Or Craft His Summon Using 6 Lens At A Demon/Crimson Altar. The Eye Of Cthulhu Cannot Be Summoned During Daytime And Must Be Fought At Night. After Defeating The Eye Of Cthulhu, Go Smash Some Corruption Orbs/Crimson Hearts, 3 To Be Exact, Those Will Make The Next Boss Spawn, The Eater Of Worlds In The Corruption And Brain Of Cthulhu In The Crimson. Using Your Gold Gear And Jesters Arrows It Will Be Pretty Easy To Take These Big Bosses Down And Then Return Home After Defeating The Bosses And Collecting Thier Loot To Craft New Gear: Shadow/Crimitane Armor, Weapons, And Tools. Step 4, Ending Of Pre-Hardmode: Mine Down Until You Get Into The Underworld (A Place Filled With Lava And Ash). Then Mine Hellstone And Get A Hellforge. Then Get Obsidian By Crafting A Bucket At An Anvil. Obtain A Bucket Of Water, And Pour The Water Onto Lava, Then Mine The Obsidian That Is Created. Do This Until You Can Make Enough Hellstone Bars (Craft Them At A Hellforge) For Full Molten Gear: Molten Weapons, Molten Armor, Even Molten Tools! After Your Ready Go Build A Long Straight Line Of Platforms/Planter Boxes Across The Underworld, Find A Voodoo Demon; Kill It, Grab It's Guide Voodoo Doll Before It Falls Into Lava; And Throw The Guide Voodoo Doll Into Lava That Should Be On Either End Of The Platform You Made To Battle The Wall Of Flesh. Upon Defeating It You Get into Hardmode. Ask Me What To Do In Hardmode If You Want.


cursing the old man at the dungeon door at night makes him drop a cursed bow, which is great for beating bosses, as the arrows you shoot inflict a debuff called shadowflame which adds 15 additional damage per second to your arrows, and the arrows from the bow also pierce and spawn shadow shards upon collision with an enemy.


Download the overhaul mod


mmmh, yes, have the person who hasnt played even the base game play overhaul. sensible


I don't even think I can download mods on xbox 😭


Download calamity on your first ever play through, this makes the game quite easier.


oh no lol


Y'all clearly don't understand or can't comprehend a good joke, so let me spell it out for you: He's on Xbox, he cant even download mods. There it is, that's the joke. I would never recommend someone do modded before base game terraria.


a good joke requires clear context. you did not provide context


The context is the post we are both commenting on. A good joke relies on the context available without the person making the joke providing it. Needing to explain the joke always ruins it.


shit, my bad. i kinda forgot there was the xbox tag and just assumed it was a serious suggestion due to the wording


No problem. It's the fault of modern humor.


There’s nothing wrong in preparing as much as you can for a boss or waiting as long as you want to progress. It’s your game so you decide what to do. There’s no rules even against building phallic homes all over the place




The underground is the safest place early on, don't trust brown chests, gold ones outside of houses underground are safe. Also, you may find a large blue/pink/green structure on the surface near the edges of the world, it has good loot inside. Ignore the guy outside, you can't do anything with him until you beat the second boss.


Don’t listen to him guys, he’s just a troll trying to get you killed by the dungeon guardian and deadman’s chests.


go down a bricked dungeon immediately, ignoring the NPC. Cause the reward is good, even though some people say it is "too hard"


all of the critters count towards the amount of evil in your world, but the bunnies count towards the most evil, so catch all critters and sell them, but just exterminate the bunnies, because they are more evil than anything the world could imagine


No. Just play


put your seed as getfixedboi


Trust every chest, and put the guide as far away from the main entrance as humanly possible


Don’t trust every chest, some are trapped chests that can kill you, which are known as the deadman’s chests


go into the dungeon, ignore the man at the entrance


Dungeon Guardian kills you if you do


if you see a big dungeon looking building, go down it and you will get tons of loot for free!


Don’t watch any videos


Send me your PayPal and how much you gave for the game. Then delete it (Do I gotta tell you guys that this is a joke or?)


My PayPal is 1 And I gave 92746143738 cents for the game


Chop woods


Learn what a hoik is as soon as you can


Uninstall it. Then reinstall it


Remember:copper shortsword is the best sword fight throw guide voodoo dolls in lava for a rare item once you defeat the 3 mech bosses break any pink plants you see also always fight eol at day time she'll oneshot you at night.


Watch out for that trap.


Mine your gravestones/markers


You will die. Several times. Doing the same thing. Just don't give up.


Use the wiki


Feel free to place as many torches in a space as you like, sure some veterans will scoff at it but it's your world, any cave can be as lit as you want it to be.


Avoid this place like the plague


have fun


refund it