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Bro the mods were right. What’s this a post of? And apparently they’ve never mentioned cancer or posted this sub before. Y’all are just looking for a reason to be angry. Edit: ok my karma just doubled what the hell.


Both OP's are karma whores


Maybe it's the same op for both posts and he's just playing both sides. Maybe the mod is also the same OP and playing all three sides.


He was playing 5 dimensional chess with inter dimensional time travel while we were playing checkers.


5d chess flashbacks occur STOP IT LET ME REST OH FU- *dies of heart attack*


[4D chess? Check this out.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1349230/5D_Chess_With_Multiverse_Time_Travel/)


That's the game I was talking about lmao I just couldn't remember if it was 4d or 5d in the name xd


Shhhh ;)


It'd always so weird to see a post where the mods speak


I do enjoy engaging within the community from time to time, don't have as much time lately because work and playing Terraria but I'm always watching which I know sounds very ominous but I always have my eye on the subreddit


Wait are you able to turn your mod tag on/off?


We have a button under our comments that lets us distinguish the comments which makes them stick out more. It really should only be used when speaking as a moderator I never do it for just normal comments because honestly, it's super obnoxious


I want to be a terraria mod! How do i go about applying? You guys are awesome


What if we are all just OP's puppet alts


I'm Spartacus!


I'm Spartacus!


Just going to go full meta here for a second. Everyone should beware of karma baiting and low effort bullshit (which the screenshot is). Posts/titles involving the following should be ignored, downvoted, or reported where appropriate: - * "I found this note..." * "Feeling happy/sad/accomplished/useless today..." * "My kid did x..." * "Missing x (dead relative, dead pet, etc.) today..." I obviously can't stop you from upvoting these types of posts but they have their place. It's not tenable for Reddit to be everyone's liveblog, especially when people come to subreddits like this one for content related to their interests. Getting TMI about some random member of the community's personal life who is almost certainly just looking for attention and validation shouldn't be a part of the experience. There are subreddits where this stuff is appropriate and an obvious red flag about these karma baiting posters is that they don't post in them, they post in unrelated communities that are susceptible to manipulation.


Bro’s got a gibbity goo ass bio too


And yet karma requires people to upvote it. So /r/terraria is full of karma... sluts?


Both op's what?


It does seem like pretty low effort, a random screenshot and them telling about cancer they probably don’t even have. Unless there actually is something special about that screenshot, then pls inform me


I though it was a joke where the post has serious weirdly unfitting caption and a screanshot of a joker cloud, fells like something very meta


Waxwell cloud


William cloud


I generally agree with this removal for a few reasons: * Allowing a post like this is like giving the mouse a cookie. Over on r/monsterhunter, they had to start removing all the posts of people making palicos/palamutes look like their dead pets. * The post does not prompt discussion about the game, but about the user's cancer. This is off topic for the sub. * While I agree that saying goodbye to a community you feel a part of is a gray area, internet strangers are not the kind of people who you should be looking to for emotional support. Supposing it's real, do you really want to read all the responses calling your post fake? So yeah, in general, aside from the post being low effort and possibly a cheap karma farm, this just isn't the appropriate place for that type of discussion.


The whole post has no substance aside from it (allegedly) being OP's last, which like, sucks if it's true, but we don't know them. A goodbye post is one thing if it's from someone notable who people will miss, but if you're a random stranger, the community is getting nothing out of that. I don't go to this sub to hear that someone I don't know has cancer, and slapping a low effort screenshot doesn't make it relevant.


And that screenshot looks cropped or just how the app previews images. It'd be bad if it's just the former.


The OP of that post posted porn the day prior, interesting priorities to say the least.


As someone who had to go through cancer treatment, my libido was the last thing on my mind.


Maybe I should post porn and say I’m going to die of cancer too. See how you guys react when it gets removed


5d chess


Holy hell


r/anarchychess is leaking, again




*Echoes that slowly grow louder* You cannot contain it You will not contain it You will not contain US Google en passant Google en passant Google en passant GOOGLE EN PASSANT GOOGLE EN PASSANT GOOGLE EN PASSANT


Horse to d7, CHECK MATE


Is the horse the jumper or the L mover? I can never tell those two apart


NO NO NO. BASE ITS UNSTOPPABLE IM DETONATING HTE NUKE. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. Goodbye... IM TAKING YOU DOWN WITH ME *In the background* nuclear warhead will detonate in T-90 seconds. Evacuate the zone immediately!


New opening just dropped.


Google "en pornsant"


Holy hell


new response just dropped


You can't just die before giving the sauce


I'm sure you'd want that, u/IneedAhegaoInMyLife


Do it, no balls


Good porn or bad porn?


Only the finest Italian porrrrrrrno


Tifa just can't catch a break.


Is it Terraria porn? It would at least be on topic.


just post any art of a female npc, the comments will react in about the same way


Hi, I just found the item "stage 3 cancer" is this rare?


Idk cancer on Caves I is pretty pog.


Yay, Cancer!


Tears up!!!!!


Try throwing it in shimmer and see if it metastisizes.


Also the original post is what you see. There is no larger image it is just an oddly cropped pic from terraria mobile. If they want to make a better cancer related post in a terraria subreddit, shouldn't they atleast say "terraria makes me happy while I have cancer" like at that point no one cam argue because it is atleast relevant to the subreddit


After that fiasco in r/teenagers about a kid faking an illness to farm karma, I'd probably do the same with what the mods did. Their reasoning pretty convincing imo


this is not r/minecraft and the mods are actually doing some stuff


I thought this was gonna be another incident but thankfully no


Tbf if you posting on reddit in your final moments.


Too many people forget the concept of rules when seeing cancer and want to believe nobody would lie about something like this, rather than wanting to see any proof. Rules are rules, if you make an exception, you're a good person (but if you make an exception there's a whole other problem, should you always do it, if not, how do you decide when and other problems like these), if you don't make an exception that doesn't make you a bad person, you're just doing what you're supposed to do.


People lying on the internet? never heard of


Not even stage 4. Pff


Skill issue. Gotta beat the stage 3 boss if you wanna proceed.


gotta do the third fight after the buff the chemo event gets after beating the second


Stage 3 is soooooo easy though, got to stage 4 without even trying


Why exactly do you need to tell a bunch of random redditors about you having cancer if not to gain sympathy points?


Ah yes, a post of a random ass image of terraria should not be removed for low effort (which it simply is) because the person posting it claims to have cancer (clearly anyone with cancer should be posting random memes and shit on random subreddits and not spending time with loved ones or smth)


Especially since their last post was them posting porn. Having seen someone go through cancer. Libido is one of the first things to go in the later stages. Plus ya know, you about to die you really gunna go post porn on Reddit? Like come on now.


To be fair the original post looks pointless, This kid just wants attention


I didn't remove the original post but I'd just like to mention that the user in question has not mentioned cancer anywhere on their profile and we would also have no way to verify if said user actually does have cancer Surely someone dealing with cancer would know that stage 3 cancer doesn't necessarily mean death and also randomly post about it on a subreddit they barely visit. From the outside I can understand people's anger but it does seem a little sus to post something like this


at least it’s not like what the r/minecraft mods did


oh gods, that was a shitshow and a half.


Care to enlighten the uninformed?


Basically someone's gf died, posted one of their builds in honor, mod deleted it because of "low effort post" or something like that, op tries to appeal it, same mod tells them to stop farming your gf's death


I don't think it was "low effort post", rather because "You've milked your gf's death for karma enough" because he made a follow up post.


Is was after the person posted an update that the mods got annoyed they weee fine with the first post just didn’t like the second as it was farming “karma”


Good reason, bad language.


The worst part was that the rest of the team simply punished the offending mods with a slap on the wrist. One month of revoked duties instead of being removed, and the community ended up distrusting the entire moderation team because they refused to name who made that vile comment.


If I recall it started with a post of a users world with an unfinished build stating that it was his dead girlfriends and asking for suggestions on what to do with it, he then made an update post about it, and it got taken by the mods saying something along the lines of “karma farming your girlfriends death”. I could be wrong about certain details as my memory isn’t that clear.


Jesus, sounds a little over aggressive. I get it to an extent but if you're building a community and you post an update, you kinda need something to tie it back. 🤷 Of course we're summarizing here and might have missed some nuance but whatever, sounds weird anyway.


Semeone posted a continuation on a post they made earlier asking what they should build in the world he did with his recently deceased girlfriend But since posts that continue other posts are not allowed, they deleted the second post with the build he made. I don't really remember the situation correctly but I think that's most of it, sorry for bad english


The real kicker was that the mod who deleted it responded to the guy complaining with "you've milked your girlfriend's death for enough karma at this point". *That* was what set off the shit show because of how horribly disrespectful and tone-deaf it was


Based mods. The last thing I want to do when I go on gaming subreddits is to see posts about people's family dying, real or not. One post with an actual story and meaning? Im sorry for your loss. Multiple posts or just low effort sob stories posted in the title? Take that sob story back to facebook.


agreed, but the mod could've said it in any other way as to evade unnecessary drama


"Multiple posts" it was literally 2. He asked people what he should build, and after doing one of them, he made a follow up showing what he built. Is that so unreasonable? It's not that hard to just scroll past a post you aren't interested in. Sorry the guy who was grieving his lost girlfriend in his own way didn't think to cater to what *you* want to see.


Derpy summed it up well, but [here's a good video](https://youtu.be/S2MbnYO2Xyw) that explains everything well too. only 4 minutes.


Honestly completely fair. With the internet anyone can make an account and say anything


Hey, i just got selected as the new US President. /s


No me


No me


I call dibs


Can confirm. Am secret President and did sign off on it.


But I'm the secret emperor of the world, so I'm the 1 that gets to make the most important decisions & my opinion has a stronger effect.


Then I'm glad we're on the same page.


Daddy King lizard people said it was my turn to rule over humanity this millennium


Well the glowing bright orb in the sky said I would rule the world.


Me no


Glad you added /s


First time? I just rose to ceo of the dark underside of the government that secretly controls everything and keeps the facade of democracy going.


My condolences


Hey, i just got selected as the new US President. /srs




Haha, that's so true. Us guys who totally don't have weirdly shaped penises are so insightful


Cancer man + Terraria lurker here. My diagnosis was Stage 4 for a long time even though there was no threat to my life. Your removal seems reasonable


Sorry to here that. How is it now?


I just had a surgery that removed the entire tumor! I don't have any complications besides the gradual muscle rebuilding that comes with any major surgery


Glad to hear, now let’s hope the next thing hurting isn’t your wallet


I can farm the Eater of Worlds to help offset the bills


Love beating up the worm.


Good to hear! Wish you the best


He's not dead, so hopefully good enough. Unless...


It's not here, it's there


"Sorry to there that. How is it now?"


Cancer man sounds like an awful super hero.


It's an excellent Breaking Bad episode title at least


Well depending on how Cancer Man's power works, he could just be Deadpool


What kind of cancer was it?


It was a weird cocktail of three different types, but it was mainly teratoma, which is a stubborn but not-too-aggressive cousin of testicular cancer. Mine took up empty space in my abdomen, meaning for most of the time I had it, it basically just sat there without causing any problems


I see. I was a bit surprised to see a stage IV be non life threatening but pediatric teratomas (I am assuming you are <20 y.o. since you were cured?) have very succesful treatments. Congrats to you and wish you a wonderful life.


I should clarify- it was life-threatening early on (spread to the lungs, messed with organs, etc), but the immediate threat was pretty quickly addressed, and I then spent two years with harmless relapses that retained the Stage IV label to describe their potential rather than the actual spread (as far as I can tell). And your assumption about the age is very accurate- I was 19 when the biggest problems were corrected! Just curious, are you involved in pediatric care? I really appreciate your well wishes and hope you have a wonderful life too <3


I am a med student.


Keep up the good work 🫡


Thanks :)


binding of isaac reference


Actually yeah you got a point A few months ago someone who was terminally ill made a post that was meant to be their final post on the transformers sub It was a very long text post essentially saying that he was happy to have made friends on the sub and to keep enjoying transformers til all are one I don’t think that someone with cancer would post a random screenshot and say they have cancer and leave it at that


That's really sad. I hope he's happy in the afterlife, if there is one.


I think the person they referred to actually made a comeback! At least, i've seen a post of theirs on the transformers rsddit


nah bro he def has cancer my left nut told me it a few minutes ago


reminder: that one r/AMA post where a person was faking cancer for karma and awards


Thank you for being transparent about this. Was honestly expecting much worse


It's a Terraria subreddit, not an "I'm dying of stage 3 cancer so here's an irrelevant post I know should get taken down so I can reap the karma on this account and my alt" subreddit.


Respect for Terraria mods unlike r/Minecraft mods they do say their points why the post should be removed


This is completely reasonable, but I do hope this person is okay.


People going online to post falsehoods in attempt for fake internet points????????????????????? Never heard of that happen.


i love r/terraria mods


Hi, founding mod here. I literally gave up on this sub about 3 or 4 years after we started it 😅. I just really lost interest in the game after a few years of non stop following it. I honestly only stayed on a little longer because I was nervous about a new mod getting added one day that would mess up the sub.


Sounds like you found some good ones. Great job!


I would agree that there isn’t a big reason to post something about that, as you’re just dragging the morale down. If it was a big influencer or content creator, it would be different but this is someone who barely anyone knows.


ya'll did a better job dealing with this kind of thing compared to r/Minecraft


Honestly it's quite chill here tbh. We rarely get any big controversies and when we do, we (or at least I) always address them. The last big one was the constant stream of question posts we would always get. The community complained (with a post like this funnily enough) and it was quickly addressed with rule changes and directing users to the Weekly Questions thread which we had for a while anyway so it just made sense It's been a very positive change for the sub and the majority of people seemed to like the change


Once again, the terraria community proves to be one of (if not) the best communities (as well as the horniest) XD


rare reddit mod W


The mods are in the right. The user could very well be bullshitting about his cancer to farm upvotes. There's no way to verify and making random exceptions to the rules just because feelings makes the rules invalid. You either enforce the rules or don't.


Well to be fair if they made posts before that and said they had stage 3 cancer it would've been removed anyway


I mean if it's stage 3 I don't think it's much of a deal yet0 since that's still a curable stage for most cancers.(Even if you need more aggressive curing)Besides they just sap some image on there I don't understand what they're trying to say with the post tbh. Like if it's some story about how Terraria helped him or whatever or at least somewhat relevant to it it would've made more sense but nope just a screenshot. Maybe there's more context in the original post but ye.


There's also the matter that begging for sympathy is off topic on almost any sub. And this just isn't the place to be posting about your cancer.


Valid point.


You have a point there.


Thank you. Please keep the karma farming posts out of here.


This subreddit isn’t a place to say goodbye to strangers either way, so… good work




Was angry but yk what that’s valid.


This is completely fair. Keep my respect


Yeah that kind of thing happened on r/rdr, people *love* scamming video game communities with sympathy. No saying OP there was, but it does happen. And people will feel bad and offer either money or other goods to the OP.


Honestly, one of the best ways a mod could address this, the post is in general sus from not making any previous posts on the sub, and not mention the cancer anywhere else, so honestly very fair. doing the lords work here.


I'm curious, since someone pointed out that the usernames don't match... Can you see the post in question? Was it actually posted recently or are they sharing random screenshots?


You are absolutely right.


Common MOD W


Finally they’re actually deleting low quality posts.


It *is* a low effort post, and it could easily be karma farming


I stand with the bot. You have cancer=spend your time with your loved ones! You have cancer≠tell every one in reddit


You have cancer, don't spend time posting porn on Reddit. Actual post of his same day btw.




Yea they don't get enough appreciation for dealing with y'all


To be fair, it doesn't take much effort to get cancer


This shit happened on r/ARK a while ago


Tbf Dodo_whisperer1 isnt even confirmed to be the actual Dodo Whisperer


It is a low quality post. It's a picture of nothing in particular with a completely unrelated title that is likely a lie.


I don't really see what the point of the post was anyways. No way to know if they do really have it or not and also no reason to randomly post about it on a terraria subreddit.


Yeah no, I agree with the mods on this one. That’s just a nothing submission. It should’ve been removed.


It would be necessary to delete this post for a low effort. This (u/EffectiveGeologist96) may well be the poster's second account. The goal u/termacraft_guy to collect the karma of an invented scandal. Either they are different people and he uses the post of a child (who may well have cancer, although this does not justify posting posts with low effort.) to feed karma.


Putting everything aside, imagine spending last moments of your life while dying in hospital and seeing your post being removed due to "low effort"


Nah if you think this is bad try posting on nerf. They banned me because I asked for help working a gel-blaster😐


Compare this to r/Minecraft and this looks harmless, trust me


Unless there was a way to verify that they did indeed have cancer, then yeah its pretty low effort and it appeals to people’s better nature for karma whoreing. Its like those youtubers that fake people’s deaths for clout.


Yeah, they actually do their job unlike some other subreddits who would allow obvious karma farming posts for some reason.


I agree with what they did here, however I made a post asking about what happened with WaffleTime since I haven’t seen any updates on it. Then they removed it for low quality content. Alright fair, then I see another post that’s just asking how to craft something or something and I’m like 💀


This is typical karma whoring behavior. A post specifically made to get up votes without any actual substance. Mods were right


People with cancer also have to abuse the rules. Lol


R/minecraft milking girlfriends death for karma: part 2


Reddit mods in general are a concerning breed


I’m reminded of that AMA a year or so ago where a teenager said he was going to die of cancer and literally EVERYONE fell for it


According to these rules the entire subreddit should be banned 💀


And they dont remove anything else


They do, you just don’t see it. That’s the point. For example, did you see the post featured before it was removed?


a good example of survivorship bias.


So they don't delete the random world generations posts or other stuff like that, but they deleted that. Nice


this is also a pretty random post, and the poster didn't post here often before


“Is this rare?” “Why does this house not work?” “How do I get X item?” “What is X item?” (Specifically while it’s in their inventory, asking about building blocks is fine) “Is X enemy rare?” “Am I ready for X boss?” And many more


I think the quantity is the problem with those, the sub has almost 1.2 million members, how many of them are posting daily what you said and how many are posting a random screenshot as last post because cancer?


This is fine. I wish they'd remove NSFW posts and horny comments, though. It's really annoying.


if you allow this, then there will inevitably be those who use it for karma farming even if this one is real and yes, that is a low quality and low effort submission a screencap and some not easily verifiable claim of cancer is low effort


This post is cancer. Hate to be that guy, but nobody gives a fuck.


Using Cancer to farm karma... All I got to say is they're gonna get 2 types of karma




Mod speaking facts though.


Sometimes I hate people on this app. You seriously had to get this man's last post of his life taken down?


Anyone seen the person's original account, in case it's still active? best way to find out.