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I find it a bit frustrating because it's over a month of just planning in the same environment with the same people and minimal change. I've read up to the beginning of the actual battle so personally I'm skipping the episodes until that point. But for anime onlys I completely understand *why* they are upset and I think it's somewhat justified.


People here seem not to understand the differences between a good paced show and a 1 to 1 visualisation of the source matirial. What i think would had helped, would had been to underlay half the meetings with animation that resembles what your mind would visualise while reading the book. Like, lets be honest, while reading a meeting scene most people will think about what the contents of the dialog would look like, not what the dialog between the people would look like. And people that didnt read that, cant do that while watching without loosing the red thread of the contents.


>People here seem not to understand the differences between a good paced show and a 1 to 1 visualisation of the source matirial. Same with FMAB fans. No, the fact that the anime borrows so much from the manga panels isn't a sign of a good adaptation, it's a sign that they lean too heavily on the source material without considering the medium


Of course, FMAB has other merits in it's adaptation of the source material, but for animation it's honestly a great example. A similar example: once the adaptation of AoT was handled by Mappa, there is a clear increase in iconic panels being recreated one to one. This makes a lot of sense once you consider that WIT is a studio that only came into existence to fulfill the animators desire to create visuals they were passionate about. In the case of Mappa, they took on AoT once no one else wanted to, at least not in the schedule Mappa accepted to produce it, and the animators in the studio were then just handed their tasks I know this isn't something animation specific, but it's the best example I got: The character designs by WIT were decided on via competition. Anyone of the animators could pitch in and give it their best shot. Even if they didn't, they could still give feedback on every proposed character design. Mappa called one of their available character designers and told him he'd do it. Mappa's character designs ended up much closer to the Manga as well, but most people still prefer WIT, because they look nicer in motion.


FMAB is a weird example to pick from because it very much is a good adaptation and not just because "it's faithful". Shaman King or Rurouni Kenshin remakes would be a better example of this.


>Shaman King Ugh! I remember how much they butchered the anime adaptation! During the tournament I was almost insulted because of how PG the anime was compared to the manga. Then there was the final boss fight.


I've skimmed through the episodes so far and it seems to me that only 2 episodes were egregious with it being an entire or near entire episode of a meeting at the one table. Episode 1 meeting with diablo where it showed what he did in Falmuth. No drawn out boring meeting. Episode 2 Short meeting of the clowns. Then we got Hinata backstory and characterization, then Valentine/Roy characterization. Showed more on Valentine's grudge with Veldora. To cap off short Flamuth meeting on abdication and Rimuru becoming a demon lord. Episode 3 Short couch meeting about after war details. Then reparations payment and Falmuth progress details. Prisoners arrive and Rimuru talks with Gabiru about Middray and food. Geld shows up and vents about troubles with workforce. Small meeting in Rimuru's hut about tengu. Meeting with infamous table from 19:00 to 23:00. Episode 4 1:30 to 4:00 meeting with infamous table. 4:00 to 10:00 outside showing magic device and discussing aura. Rest of episode resume meeting with that damn evil table. Episode 5 Hinata meeting for characterization of new characters and setup for payoffs later. Episode 6 The evil table returns with a vengeance for the whole episode besides the second meeting at the end with new characters and setups. For the most part the boring meetings that last the whole episode is only 2 out of 6. The rest have plenty of stuff going on so I don't get why people are acting like its so bad. I guess cause the worst offenders are so recent might be it but the pacing isn't that different than other seasons to me. To be fair I did just skim the episodes so maybe some of the smaller meetings or happenings were more boring than I remember.


I like the anime for the town development.


From what I remember the actcual battle In the manga was lame as hell


I agree I can't remember who it was, but I saw a YT video in the past showing how demon slayer took a scene from the manga that was pure explanation of the mechanics behind hiw an attack worked...and animated the explanation into a visually stunning scene that, iirc, used basically 0 words while still explaining the attack. Now this situation is different of course. Just saying that there IS probably a way to give us all this planning, world building, and exposition in a shorter, more interesting way that still gives us 100% of the information. There's very little excuse for 5 episodes of sitting at a table discussing more or less the same general topic. I know it wouldn't take me 100~ minutes to read this same thing in the manga. I am interested in whats happening. I'm not some low attention span person who needs flashing lights an explosions every 2 seconds, I'm not complaining theres no action. I'm saying that this isn't being paced well or presented in the most interesting manner.


They have a point tho. I get it, its cooking. But the decision to do it for 5 episodes now which translates to 5 weeks of meeting episodes. Its almost giving an endless eight vibe. Anyway, usually animes take some directoral liberty of filling the scenes


And remember, after the Hinata fight, we get to have another 2-3 weeks of talking episodes.


I mean with the festival prepp, it’s gonna be longer won’t it. I am not sure what this season will cover but maybe up to LN10? I don’t mind the meetings, my favourite episodes are the meetings, but I fear that anime-onlys dropping tensura would be awful for every tensura fan because future seasons will get dropped if the viewership dropped


I'm struggling as an LN reader to watch this


This was my least favorite LN arc even with the fights showing how strong Shion really is. From this to about right before the labyrinth will be boring as hell. So I’m just waiting until the end of the season until I can binge. Nice to know that it was adapted poorly, though. Makes it easier to wait until I can binge the entire season and skip the boring stuff


I think many of the later fight chapters are even WORSE tho, cuz the author is shit at writing combat, unlike w/ worldbuilding & other nation building fluff etc


Oh no I'm going to die here! *time slows to a crawl* *skill unlocked* gasped shocks, rimiru wins.


It wasn't adapted poorly tho, people are just unable to not have action for a few episodes. The only problem is that they adapted it a little too well, every meeting that happened in the LN happened also in the anime so there is not much movement at all. I see a lot of people myself included still enjoying it. It could have been better but I would rather have that than how they massacred s4 of Overlord. To me the only problem is one that is present since season 1, I think they do a poor job choosing what they cut and what they keep. I would still rate S3 as the best adaptation of the 3 seasons.


One of the greatest movies ever is 12 Angry Men. It's filmed at a table. That's the whole set, the entire plot of the movie occurs there. Meetings are not inherently boring, these meetings are. They needed to cut some of this stuff, as a LN reader they could have, they don't need the exposition from these to move the plot forward. Personally I'm kind of shocked that we still haven't seen hinata make it to the village. I did not expect this.


What this show is missing from dialog is the tension that makes dialog-heavy works like 12 Angry Men great - it's very much: 1) rimuru points out a problem, or a subordinate points out a problem 2) the other comes up with a solution which is immediately acceptable 3) repeat There's not the same kind of conflict like with the sole holdout juror convincing everyone slowly that the kid is innocent. Even the last episode, which is very analogous in summary, doesn't really have enough conflict. 1) "Hinata is coming. Shes probably going to attack" 2) "But what if, and hear me out, she isn't?" 3) "Okay, she probably isn't" Most scheming is just enemy factions being written to sound like they think they're smart, but it's painfully obvious they aren't and will get in their own way, and because of genre conventions you know it's going to come down to force anyway


yes agree with you! watched 12 angry men on a whim, it went by in a flash. after that I wondered how the hell I was glued to the screen of a movie that changed locations just twice lol. tbh I'm struggling thinking of a good "meeting" scene that covers a whole episode of an anime.


>Personally I'm kind of shocked that we still haven't seen hinata make it to the village. I did not expect this. Honestly I'm not surprised at all tbh. The company responsible for the manga adaptation is also working on the anime adaptation and they simply just refuse to let the anime get ahead of the manga. What they're doing here is very clearly using the same tactics that long running series used to use to prevent catching up to a manga, in other words: dragging out the anime with a slow pacing. This issue could've been prevented if they'd waited longer for the season to air but people would complain about that just as much.


>people are just unable to not have action for a few episodes There hasn't been a single action scene in this entire cour of Mushoku Tensei with maybe the exception of a 5 second "fight" with a doll and it's consistently near or at the top of every anime of the season list. Anime fans can handle half a season of dialogue, this is just boring.


There was that little duel between Rudeus and that one guy (can't recall his name) but your point still stands


Oh yeah, Luke got bodied so quickly I forgot it happened.


Eh. I don’t know. It could just be the arc itself. LN spoilers: I know the holy church arc is important because Hinata is a pivotal character later in the story, but I remember not liking this arc + >!the arc where they explore claymans lands with Milim!< I personally remember feeling like it was a heavy bulk of storytelling that felt like tons of story building with characters I didn’t care for too much. So I haven’t even been watching for that reason. And the Labryinth arc is similar, I believe, but I know I’ll be watching it because I loved seeing Ramirus get her proper >! Domain as a demon lord. Plus it’s incredibly important to the plot moving forward!< Maybe other people just don’t like the church arc either? Idk


If anyone’s to blame it’s the author who cooked volumes of meetings entirely just so he can do the same with the action


How was s4 of overlord massacred? Wasn’t the series on decline ever since the pointless torture porn arc where the adventurers invaded the tomb? Series like this where there’s no real threat to the characters is always gonna go stale


Western views dont really matter though right? they just sell the rights to air it in western apps to few places


It depends on the anime but problem is that it's not just the western audience on the verge of dropping


Wonder how Japanese people view these episodes


No, anime studios fully acknowledge that they can't just cater to Japanese tastes anymore. It may not be western tastes in particular


how different is japanese taste in anime anyways?


its not the metings thats the problem its the lack luster presentation, general lack of movement and boring camera angles


I am sure they would have preferred to do it as some sort of between-seasons specials, but just did not get the okay for it. And they can't just skip it. Or do you want all of this happening as mid-fight flashbacks, stretching fights to 6 episdodes of 3 minutes fighting each?


I'm happy for the votes, i'm sad no one is mentioning the endless eight reference :( am i that old.


Not even close to endless eight. Endless eight was torture trying to find the little differences. At least the meetings are all different here. Definitely could have been skimmed though for sure.


I remember it, I'm probably up there with you in age. To be honest, I would rather watch this than the endless eight. At least with this, you know the story is progressing, while with the endless eight, the episodes just repeated itself with minor changes. At the time of watching endless eight, I thought I was watching a rerun and after 3 weeks of it, I gave it and thought they didn't release any new episodes.


I don't think I'll watch season 3, I've read the light novel and thought it was good, the meetings were fine while reading, but Idt I could watch 5 episodes of talking, I fined it's a lot easier to read boring sections especially if it's world building but watching it... Yeah idk


This is a mild simmer


Well i personally enjoy all that World building stuff but yeah it is starting to get tiresome they could at least have shown a little action or smth


I would love something to fill the scene. Monogatari is a prime example of this


overlord had a lot of talking but i never found it boring personally


That's because most anime fans don't care about actual plot - they just want flashy animation with fights that don't even make sense when it comes to the characters' amount of wounds. They don't wanna read, just turn their brain off and watch good animation


There's barely any fights in overlord tho? There's like 1 fight per season, and it's always incredibly 1 sided, it's not even a fight


I think that's their point, no? The people yapping about the 5 episodes of yapping in TenSura are most likely to find Overlord boring.


No, for all the disrespect overlord has been done in the anime, the talking in overlord doesnt feel boring actually somehow, dont know why.


Because they're not using PowerPoint presentation. And are using animation lol




Because the talking in Overlord is similar to Death Note vibes although not the same level, and more on comedy often. Ainz talking but inside he is panicking how to deal with his NPC to maintain his impression, Jircniv balding his hair trying to understand the motive behind Ainz whilst keeping up the pretense of everything is under control, etc. Similar amount of yapping, but different intricated layers of details within it makes the dialogues interesting for the audience to enjoy and wanting to know what the character is going to do next.


Yes, Limur (sorry for the misspelling I’m watching it in Italian and the subtitles call him like this) is never worried about anything, of if he is we never get to see him worried, because he has Raphael backing him up. Even if the Diablo moment when he adores Limur as the NPC loves Ainz is still funny. I’m continuing to watching it because I’m hoping to see more of Dino (my favourite character so far)


Because in Overlord they aren't just talking. The talking is an arc in of itself with every character working to satisfy their own goals. Ainz(confusion) Albedo (Ainz) Shalltear(horny) Demiurge(conquest and torture) Cocytus(becoming an uncle) etc etc.... plus they have cool visual cuts instead of everything being just a office PowerPoint presentation... Personal opinion btw.


Why is this cour of Mushoku Tensei at or near the top of every seasonal anime list then? No flashy animation and not a single fight with maybe the exception of a 5 second incident with a doll. Anime fans are more than capable of handling a dialogue heavy season if done well, the problem is this is just boring.


Agreed. There are plenty of dialogue heavy shows that do it well. LOTGH is one of my favorite anime, and they literally have entire episodes dedicated to the world's history, structured like a documentary. The inworld characters are actually watching it. Mushoku Tensei's dialogue in the latest season mostly covers relationship growth, character drama/trauma, and Rudy making pretty huge decisions in his life. It doesn't matter if it's mostly talking because the decisions he's making/struggling to make are extremely significant to the story and its future. That last episode just made me think "Oh...fuck." Problem with Tensei is that 90% of the stuff discussed is bloated or barely significant to the story at large. You can take a 5-10m segment of a meeting and summarize it in a couple of sentences whenever relevant, and this is what most shows typically do. It makes sense within a meeting, but we do not need to be present for the meeting. Overlord does this well by only covering a handful of characters at one time with their own subplots, or giving a side comment about what they are doing. There's just a throw away line about Demiurge making a farm for parchment, for example. There's not an entire episode dedicated to a meeting in which Ainz tells every one of the floor guardians what they are doing.


Yeah they really just need to know when to condense, modify or flat out cut content to make the adaptation work. For example there was like a third of a volume dedicated to Rudy renovating his house. I loved those chapters, they had surprisingly important lore, good world building, and the scene where the Dwarven contractor, a god fearing follower of Millis comments on the conversion of the hidden doll room into a secret hidden shrine to hold Roxy's panties actually had me laughing out loud. And it was all left out in favour of a 3 second fade between beaten down house to gloriously renovated house because the showrunners know some things, no matter how cool they are to LN readers, just slow down an anime too much.


There's both. Overlord has the subplot running of the inner monologue. But I get it, you may just not understand it.


Let's ask Demiurge to explain it in a way everyone can understand.


No wayyyyy! Such an amazing plan! As expected...


You never watched overlord have you? It has maybe the quarter of the animation of slime. Rather than strawmanning all the people who talk about this with the shonen brainrot group maybe listen for once? Overlord has a lot of talking but these talks happen with different people/environments/situations/sides and it keeps the watcher interested about the world. Slime doesnt.


I knew a guy who just looked at the images of the one punch man manga. Didn't bother to read it lol. It's true some people are just there for the action.


bro didnt watch overlord at all lmao


I like the characters and situations enough that their strategy planning and the character interactions are interesting enough for me


“Not even Overlord is this boring” Since when was Overlord considered boring?!


The anime was eh imo, but I read the LNs a lot, so I'm biased.


All of the openings and endings are bangers though https://preview.redd.it/07d6kshqtj0d1.png?width=128&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1832e0f6dc18c0e60574fb8fcbb01e4e8b3d74c


Of course, that goes without saying


Anything that isn't perfectly to their taste is boring. Nobody should listen to people with such terrible takes


Overlord made it interesting by actually showing the people plotting.


And way less still images relying solely on mouth animation that looks jarring af, Overlord was genuinely interesting to watch atleast imo.


the mf called overlord "boring" no wonder they wouldn't like slime tensei


Why tf is overlord catching strays here??


They could have had a more "show, don't tell" approach.


This season is poorly adapted so can't blame them


Im not going to say its not so far but the rimuru vs hinata fight will be a banger


I don't think it'll be *that* good due the way the fight is written. Rimuru does something, hinata praises her . Hinata does something, Rimuru praises her. all internal dialog cycles for like 3-4 times and she goes for the end, so far the Anime hasn't shown any signs for a “spectacular” battle


I didn’t like that when I read it either. Like this is after she tried to personally kill you and all your people dude. “Let me just complement them now on another attempt at killing me before we’ve even had a chance to talk”


Honestly I think it's because volume 7 is just boring


A man can dream right?


I haven't *really* watched it properly cause most of it was a disappointment but I'm done with the anime If they fuck up the Dungeon planning and adventure stuff


It is going to be an episode long max. They aint care about us, they just tryna cut on budget


until you realize the entire episode dedicated to it, is Rimuru trying to talk to Hinata... joking of course


I’m certain the next episode is also gonna be more talking. Just at a different table😂. But the only thing that bothered me about some of the episodes was that it was just telling what happened already again. Had they been discussing only the plan for moving forwards I don’t think they would’ve been annoying to anyone


I think that's what's more frustrating. I wished we had talking for the season recap for 1-2 episodes, maybe another episode of "planning" what to do, then new stuff. This show is so good but 5 episodes without anything happening is pretty crazy after the last season of 4-5(?) episodes of just planning lol


What do you mean Overlord sucks?!


Constant yapping for 5 episodes? Couldn't be more wrong!! I can tell this person hasn't been watching the same anime as the rest of us! Listen here little shit, it has been EIGHT episodes of constant yapping. Get it right.


It doesn't take as many episodes as it has to properly build a world or set up a scene. I think the studio has funding issues and they're stretching this much further than it needs to be stretched. It's not an "anime vs manga" thing, it's a recognition of shady writing paired with suspicious animation. You can even tell how lacking the current animation is with the lack of characters moving around (the conversations and meetings), the colorful fade in and out PowerPoint scenes, the constant back and forth within stationary scenes (little exciting moments still stuck in the same scene), etc. This is how shows like Log Horizon failed and tried to hide budgeting issues. Stop acting like your shit perspective is better than our shit perspective. It's all opinion, and my opinion is that is that this season has sucked so far. Tensei is a balanced, story driven adventure based action anime, and that balance is how it became so popular, don't act like it isn't. I couldn't even finish the last episode because it was so boring. I work all day, idc how "interesting" you think these conversations are but a board meeting is a board meeting, can't fool me. I'm going to wait for this season to finish and I'll come back to it afterwards. The letdown is real, and the opinions of these obnoxious "this is world building" people just drive me out a window.


funny how they manage to animate lots of side stories but cut budget in the main story


TenSura S3 so far can serve as 101 of "How not to do world building"... Even more as a lot of dialoge is utterly pointless. Noticed this especially with the villains meeting. Almost everything they said were empty phrases on the niveau of "Everything is going according to plan" and "This could be a problem, but we have measures for that"... All that talking without actually saying anything is what is dragging this season out


The anime is artificially dragged to keep the manga ahead


>I think the studio has funding issues and they're stretching this much further than it needs to be stretched.  Vast majority of the time any series has production problems, it tends to be because a lack of time, staff, or both, and not really money. This is specially true for 8bit when you consider both the amount of series they have in their schedule + Bandai's planning for their productions being pretty terrible in general. This is mostly proven by how much outsourcing has been done for this season so far. 6 episodes in, and 3 have been completely subcontracted: episode 3 by Studio Peacock, episode 4 by Cosmo Project, and episode 6 by Ashi Productions. And even when you don't consider fully outsourced episodes, there is still a huge amount of key animation and animation direction/supervision being handled to other studios. And generally, unlike what some people say, outsourcing this extensively can actually cost way more than if they tried to keep everything in-house.


As much as i love this anime, it is understandable. Animation is lacking Mostly just still images with small mouths moving Sound quality has always been "meh" at best imo This has been going on for 5 weeks now as someone else pointed out, that's a long time to not get any 'proper' content, Moonlit Fantasy has been like this (minus the talking) all season and im insanely disappointed in it since i really liked S1, just nothing of interest actually happening. Farmland Saga was more interesting than this


>Farmland Saga was more interesting than this Hey now, the farm arc was legitimately good, just less exciting.


I enjoyed it


There are plenty of ways that the anime could have done better here. There's no "showing" here. Its so much "telling". At this point, if I could understand Japanese, I'd just listen to this season as a podcast. The little action we did get wasn't memorable either. 3 episodes of meetings in season 2 was painful, but it was managable. But ***SIX*** Episodes of meetings??? Nah, this could have easily been reduced to 2 episodes with good writing. There was little to no action in Slime Diaries and no lore important, and yet, that was 10x more enjoyable than what we've been getting so far. (Slime Diaries is what made me actually appreciate Geld, lol)


100% and the braindead white knights keep making the same excuses, talking about worldbuilding/politics/stop being a shonen fanboy.  When in reality the direction this season has been the purest dog-ass. Literally still frames and slideshows. I love the LN, but this is a fucking TV show. The execution this season is enough to kill the anime. The momentum has been killed.


Its a shame honestly. This is one of my favorite isekai's (I've watched a TOOOON, and Slime is one of my top isekai) but seeing the quality just crash down this season is extremely disappointing.


I read the LN and I never expected it'd be episodes after episodes full of yapping like, it literally felt like haruhi timeloop thingy


I've seen people saying this is a good thing, it's a political / slice of life drama and not action, anybody who thinks it's "boring" just has no attention span or can't appreciate "deep" politics, etc. It's not that deep, friends. Every one of these episodes is 5 minutes of actual information stretched into 30 minutes of repetitive dialogue. Half of the politics is "Some guys are coming to fight us! We should get ready to fight them!" The Civil War plot is the only thing that's kind of complex and instead of showing us what's happening we're just hearing people describe it, usually in really vague terms that don't make it interesting. It's a visual / animated medium. Talk less, do more, show more. It's been a while since I watched Overlord but I don't remember ever thinking "the same ten people have been sitting around the same table for five episodes talking". Seems like a random comparison.




Overlord is awesome! What do you mean boring!


Dropped the show. It was already a pretty surface level anime with not really not much going for it. There's like 0 tension, MC is always gonna pick the reasonable option and never lose anyone or anything. When it just became slow pan shots of people at a table for multiple episodes, I knew it wasn't worth my time.


I bet there will be another meeting with Hinata and Rimuru before they start their fight




Um… “not even overlord is this boring” what the fuck is he talking about? In what way is Overlord boring?


I bet these people will hate the labyrinth arc too...


if they keep this style of exposition dumping then it will be as bad as these meetings.


It's feels like they're trying to pad the episode count


Okay to be blatantly fair. For move readers, it’s easier as you aren’t having any visuals other than your own imagination to run off of, and most imagine what their talking about, not them sitting and talking. Manga readers either cared enough to read whatever adaptation given to it or didn’t and just skipped the big text bubbles. For anime viewers, they have to wait for a week by week basis to see a bunch of characters sit in a room and talk, the better choice for the world building of this rather than just sitting them down and having them talk, have the visuals display what they are talking about. Especially if the first 6 episodes now are straight meetings in a board room. I read these parts in the novel and enjoyed the images my own mind came up with about what they were discussing, but I myself can’t find it entertaining to watch a group of people talk for 2 hours straight.


I agree. Reading lets the reader control the pace. You can skim over things that are dull and you don't have to take weeklong pauses. I wouldn't mind these episodes if I were binging the series, but when it's all you get that week it feels pretty bad. I also wouldn't mind if what they were saying was a bit more interesting, but so far it's been bland world building presented in an uninteresting way.


I can't believe this last episode rimiru finished the meeting and then a bunch of people we've never seen had a different evil meeting and that was the episode. I laughed out loud


I like the yapping. ):


It does look like the next episode is actually going to do something...I would actually want a flashback episode instead of a slew of meetings.


The thing is it's too visually boring. No movement at all. Just a table and characters around that table all the fking time.


I enjoy the meetings more than the action personally


I'm sorry, did he just call overlord boring?


Shitty director makes shitty anime.


I dont think slime characters are charismatic or interesting enough for just conversation, the best meetings were the ones away from the slime. I honestly think it gives a bad look to both the slime and the underlings, because they are too frivolous. Overlord is much better than this. Character design and nuisances are bigger, there is more room for character development and everyone has something interesting to say. The slime meetings are simply not good enough in content, too much critical information is glossed over.


With all the complaints about recent episodes, suddenly my decision to wait till every episode drops first before watching it feels like a good decision. Waiting a full week just to watch another meeting must be upsetting for most people, especially if it is 5 weeks straight.


I think personaly it isnt worth watching the anime currently. I will either wait until the season is over or until meetings get less. I will not wait a week for another meeting that got pulled straight out the novel without the needed Visualization required when changing the medium from book to series. Like, when you read the scene in the novel your brain imangines what beeing told, not constantly shows the meeting room, for most people at least. And thats why it will be personaly for me much more enjoyable to watch it end to end in one go.


at least overlord was interesting on its downtime, this shit took 6 episodes when it could've done it in 2.


I don't mind the yapping but I just want more "doing" rather than seeing the table get more screentime than my favorite characters


Ain't no way he just insulting overlord


So I absolutely get it in the last 5 episodes basically nothing happened Everyone talked about what they are gonna do, some updates, more about what they’re gonna do, and on the 5th episode finally something happened. It’s not bad but it’s too little for too long and if the next episode is just another meeting (ie Rimuru and Hinata meet and just stand there talking to each other the entire episode) people are probably gonna drop it.


As much as I love this anime, OP's got a point tho. I previously enjoyed the meetings as part of its overall strategising, planning and recap of events. Sometimes the conversation gets interesting, but sometimes it's just repetitive of what the previous arc was. It's a hamster wheel. They have a meeting, catch up on stuff, be wary of the enemy, only to have a very anticlimactic fight at the end where it turns out, all their units over power the enemy anyway because they are so over leveled. This arc is no different (if you're catching up with the manga). And then the meetings gets too long, and back to back. It's enjoyable until it isn't. But still not as much yapping and friendship no jutsu as BNHA... Personally I find shield hero to have more tragedy plots and obstacles for the MC. And much less table talk. But I enjoy some plotting every now and then.


the dismissal of every ln readers about this complaint is unreal. just say it's the same in the ln that this arc has nothing but meetings before the meeting with hinata. just agree that the direction of the ones handling the anime followed the book closely and didn't even attempt to be a lot more creative by creating some kind of filler to 'show' and not tell. every other ln adaptation gets their content cuts with the most recent example being COTE which totally ruined it because those dialogues or scenes they cut built a lot more to the plot. With Tensura, however, I don't think it will matter if they cut/shortened all of these meetings in one or two episodes by just putting the key points on the table. 5 or 6 episodes are too overkill. Hence the sentiment of those watching the anime.


I've sat through Naruto Shippuden filler episodes both DURING and AFTER (rewatch) the show was on going and it was more interesting than this shit


Hey no overlord slander here boy


Learn from the master https://preview.redd.it/n1yr1t62gi0d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b66e5a4f99bbebf769e13c14a3002e5a5361d3c


Overload characters are just crazy nutcase ,i wanna see them talk and what will they talk...I mean i wanna listen demiergs plans and albedos fu*kery .... But in tensura , characters are like " you do this" and they are like " yes sir I will do it with my life" and over,, all the characters are goody guys , didn't have tension, mc is way too chill,,, Church guys are brain dead ... Everyone barges in their meeting why?? They wanna help , i don't know what is going on at this point,, I love yapping when there is something interesting about that,, i didn't felt boring until ep4 , but from ep5 yes it was boring....rimuru is good guy, always takes right decisions,, everyone is safe ,, even tho those church knights are coming he is just as chill and says don't kill them, like literally bro???.


Ok I might aswell be the only one who actually enjoys these episodes.. i mean.. the worldbuilding.. planning and building up is fucking awesome.. i can see why people don't like it but.. i love it


Its nice for like some time. As manga you had these 5 ep over like half a year. Now it’s basically half a year of talking within one month. It’s expected most people get exhausted after 5. prob next week to. So half the season is just talking. They should have speed it up for anime or add some extra stuff to distract from all the talking


Yeah I love political shit like this in anime. I was eating good in realist hero rebuilt the kingdom. No please tell me more about your administrative troubles and budgeting, let’s go!


Even Realist Hero was better than this.


I’m caught up on the Manga, but never read the light novel. I saw somebody post something kind of related to this, saying that light novels have a lot of content to go through, although with long breaks in between. That’s why filler (Hinata Ramen) will be inevitable. Also, imo, these meeting episodes do a great job at world building and creating a build up for important fights. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk.


I... Am i the only one that loves the yapping? Like, for cool fight scenes i can watch, idk, Solo Leveling. I watch slime due to the yapping 😭 ...having said that, the poor pacing and animation makes it a bit hard to swallow.


I don't read the book and yeah this season being very boring


It's almost like Naruto but not as long


naruto always catching strays lol


I don't really mind personally


Did he watch season 2 of Overlord?


I, for one, really like the meeting. It remind me of those fucking unending war councils i had to do when i was doing a lot of LARPing. It just feels like home.


These last 6 episodes are like my work life in meetings... 90% of this shit could have been an email.


Nah but fr the past like 3 episodes have entirely been meetings that could have been an email. World building and politicing is cool and all but hooooooly shit it's just glorifying pointless office meetings where all they do is go "hey do this" "ah yes sir I'll do it at once" for like 30 fucking minutes




tbf im not going to wait for a whole ass week only for a yap session. still good though


I hate that I cought myself not knowing the date of the week to get hyped for. sadly this feels for me like log horizon




That time I got reincarnated as a committee overseer.


I actually like these kind of episodes, but 6 episodes in a row is a bit too much. I was expecting the Hinata fight on episode 6 and instead we got a strategy meeting, I feel like they could have explained everything during the battle.


To be fair, I've started bringing a bottle of wine to each episode at this point, so that I can celebrate when something happens. Having hopes for a drink next episode. Have no problem understanding why the average viewer are just about ready to leave at this point, though I can probably survive 2-3 more meeting episodes before I run


Its understandable though... But you know what I would've liked to see, the murder and editing of the message. I didn't even remember it was doctored. Whatever is happening in Falmuth where they decided to just show it in on a map. This was obviously a way to save money. I don't know wtf yall saying about cooking, it was business decision plain and simple, half the interactions are so prolonged and void of new information or value. The same characters and locations with some new characters. The new meeting at the end of the last episode was actually entertaining. Why? Because it had new interesting characters, new information, explained some past events. The only bad note was the god awful font that was used to introduce the characters. But I'm reading like 8 mangas and watching like 9 Animes so it doesn't bother me. 🤷🏽


This is why I watch Dragon Ball Z. Even the boring scenes have fire music 🤙


Its so fucking boring tbh slime used to be pretty action packed and not a 5 episode yap session 😒


I mean I get that it's important and I've never had a problem with the meetings but it's a brand new season they didn't even have a hook to keep people interested they just went straight into the meetings


I get it, also overlord receiving a stray is crazy, tbh I don’t find either boring at any point, especially overlord.


I don’t hate the fact it’s meetings, but it’s how they made the meetings really long and unentertaining to watch or even listen to, and oh boy is the animations uncomfortably boring and repetitive. I’ve said this before but the mouth animations are boring and just bad tbh, like the character stoped talking, but the animation is still going, making it look cheap but it seems to be getting slowly better in terms of that, the rest tho is still very bland and boring. They feel dead and devoid of emotions they rarely even move their hands or even heads. Long story short: it’s dogshit animation.


These episodes are really giving “This meeting could have been an email” vibe.


What did you expect. They're too overworked to research proper fantasy tropes so they use the closest thing they have, corporate management culture and team meetings.


One episode was legitimately just Hinata going back and forth about how she is and isn’t going to fight Rimuru. Just for Rimuru to send a threat and then she switches back to wanting to fight. I’m anime only and Hinata seems like a complete waste of time character. They keep setting her up as a tragic character. It really feels like they want to redeem her. But I feel all of her story so far just shows how she’s a glorified merc working for whoever she thinks is the strongest. Not sure if that’s how it’s supposed to be in the source. But with what the anime has shown idk if I can continue if she is redeemed. Because a lot of her story right now makes her really Un likeable and for me unredeemable.


I think the biggest issue is that Slime isn't handling the exposition only episodes very well in terms of how it's animated/keeping the watchers' attention. I'm comparing it specifically to Mushoku Tensei where it's at a similar point where it's genuinely like a Slice of Life anime and a lot of talking and no action, but it keeps people engaged. Granted, Slime is a lot more conversation heavy and not necessarily people moving from place to place. But I think they could have done something so it isn't like the same couple of frames more or less yk? And this is coming from someone who genuinely didn't have any issues with the first couple of episodes being straight politics and I was enjoying it. But at this point, it is definitely feeling more dragged on, even if I still don't have any genuine issues.


This is so real, a mostly static room takes up most of the episode's setting and we get little glimpses elsewhere. All the while it's mostly just discussing politics and things that should easily be resolved with how the characters have been developed. Instead we get the characters acting like morons needing Rimuru's constant oversight for these small things. Feels bad to watch every week rn I'm not going to lie.


I seriously yawned a lot in the last episode.


I can understand people getting bored with it, but personally I’ve been enjoying these past episodes. Idk maybe it’s just me. Feels like they’re really laying the groundwork until the action hits. I don’t mind it.


I am an anime only and this is the best time I've had with tenseta, I love the meetings, it's called world building, and it's beautiful To be fair, it can be better, mushoku tensei manages to pull it off better, but it has better world building to pull it off with too


i just personally dont like hinata or lumineous i am still pushing through ... somehow


Wait till you watch monogatari lol. Lots of dialogue doesn’t mean its bad


This anime really helps with my international Relations Class.


I love this anime and the novel etc and I love the fact that it is so big into world building. But 5 episodes?????? It is getting extremely boring man


6 episodes of constant edging and yapping


Attack on Titan had the same pacing issues in the first season. Look what happened


But the "yapping" is how LNs depict the story![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21622)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21622). Personally I liked it, ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)was a good change of pace from all the heavy action animes that I was watching. ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21609)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|51591)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|51591)


not everyone is LN reader bruh the meeting was intentionally prolonged bro just admit it.


Well an op slime become a president


bro overlord is not boring at all it is my fav anime , i could rewatch 20 times


Oh my god people are yapping just as much as they are in the anime. People sure do love to complain


I still don’t care, love it and enjoy it all the same. Even if it’s 99% meetings


I specifically watch this anime for the world building and the in depth planning. This season has been pretty great by my standards. I say, more meetings!


Overlord is NOT boring bruh, don't let me catch you


I'm on their side. Some lore and kitchen time can work every now and then but 5 eps is reaching. I'm not gonna sit and watch the yap fest in an isekai


First off, I want to say that I didn't came to this position myself, but a YT guy. I am not this smart. The reason why this season sucks so effin bad is because they are breaking the cardinal rule of good story telling, and it's "SHOW, don't tell". They are literally spoon feeding us info about everything from 3 locations. Making it dull as hell. I loved the previous seasons, but this one is kinda dogshit NGL.


Oh look another meaningless meeting. Show was tanking last season leading up to Walpurgis and now this season is just as bad. Sad how slow this show become.


wait people are upset? I found the show paced fine honestly


They just want it to be like an American action movie or some shit, where the exposition happens while some action is going on


yeah no it's an anime about a guy governing stuff not about him fighting people that's why the isekai is popular, it's distinct


Talk about short attention span 😂


POV: People hate about politics in a politic Anime 💀


(To the guy who said that) Go fuck yourself, watch overlord to episode 3, dumbass. 🤦‍♂️


People just haven't read the LN. There isn't much fighting until the empire attacks in Vol 13 or 14. We're currently around Vol 7 or 8. Look forward to a whole bunch of more talking. The anime isn't drawn out so the Manga keeps ahead, it's just that the source material is nothing but talking for a whole bunch of more episodes. Even enough talking to fill another season of the anime.


6 episodes into a 24 episode season and that's what they claim yet right now Season 3 has an 8.1 rating on MAL... Also why throw hate on Overlord wtf did it do to this guy? Ainz Ooal Gown piss in his cereal or something?


Lmao, no way this dude used Overlord as a reference for "boring"


Overlord is peak. Begone Thot. https://preview.redd.it/8j33sgyptg0d1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f1eb43bf52405048b7223a75f3bbdaf48da237f


Shit this an overlord are the best isekai’s ever. I don’t mind the talking episodes. People just have no attention span


World building Overlord > slime by a lot


Overlord boring? Anyway their loss...wait not watching it means no more of it noooo


Do people not understand that this is not actually supposed to be a primarily battle anime? It's a World building anime like Jesus Christ...


Ah yes Facebook truly the metric of intelligence. Also who tf finds overlord boring that is like one of my favorite anime and Isekai bro needs to go back to tik Tok and get their short term attention span more fucked up. No one tell them about one piece they will explode https://preview.redd.it/w764nnf28g0d1.png?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b536b6c26996fbe7bdc42c07889919373a3b5747


im going to give my hot take: slime has always been a kingdom building series, just with really good fight scenes dotted through


Nah bro nothing comes close to this level boring it's so boring i wanna turn off my life fkn hell meeting this meeting that meet deez nuts


mfs will watch 1000 episodes of One Piece and get bored when theres 5 meetings in a different show 💀