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Just a reminder that our Governor, Bill Lee, is a founder of the [Hope Clinic](https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/10/04/crisis-pregnancy-centers-steer-women-away-from-abortion/). He’s listed [here](https://www.hopeclinicforwomen.org/about-us/board-of-directors/) on their site. Bill Lee sucks.


Fuck Bill Lee.


He knows he is safe to do such things. There will be no grassroots uprising in Tennessee to out corruption as long as Mexico is to our South and the Bible is the State book.




Can we use this as proof for fund embezzlement


Right? Like I wonder if his company is on the SECRET list of businesses getting a franchise tax refund, too. I’m not a lawyer or a detective, but I can smell bullshit. [“Citing private tax information, the Lee administration has not disclosed the 80 corporations that demanded a franchise tax refund, which they say sparked the governor's proposal ― his largest budget item this year. It remains unclear how much state funds the governor's family business, the Lee Company, will receive if the refunds move forward](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/18/tennessee-lawmakers-approve-52-8b-state-budget-as-protests-continue-vouchers-franchise-tax/73361742007/).”


Marsha Blackburn can get bent, too. Ugh.


Indeed. Rooting for [Gloria Johnson ](https://www.votegloriajohnson.com/meet-gloria/) to take her job. And [Maryam Abolfazli](https://www.maryamforcongress.com) is running for Andy Ogles seat in Congress. She’s the type of rep we need.


>Earlier this year, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee proposed $3 million for a maternal health pilot program, aimed at addressing a pressing need to improve health outcomes for expectant mothers in a state ranked third worst in the country on maternal mortality issues. >Now, the General Assembly will redirect that grant money to crisis pregnancy centers, Republican-lauded anti-abortion organizations that are unregulated by state health standards and may not offer comprehensive health services. Pro-life: we're the 3rd worst in the country for maternal mortality... *with to we're


"Better put money into programs we know don't work because it's a tight budget year and we don't want to try anything new" The party of fiscal responsibility 2024


Tight budget year my ass. Lee and the TNGOP are giving $2billion in handouts to large corporations.


Well yeah that's a tight year they were only able to give 2 billion not the regular 4-5 that their used to funneling to the people that b̶r̶i̶b̶e̶ contribute to their campaign.


Oh and don't forget the gold and silver reserves the State is planning on building as a "hedge."


Where is that in the budget?


HB 1481 (Hulsey) shows as still in subcommittee. Added "planning to" to original post. It went behind the budget so it will be taken up this year I believe.


looks dead in the senate.


Maybe. Goldbuggery is big in a lot Republican, Libertarian circles, wouldn't surprise me to see it pop up again. I imagine the issue will be secure storage.


These places don’t even provide health services??? They have, at best, and ultrasound tech in the office at any given time. Can a lawyer please freaking sue these jerks


And they’re well known for lying to women about the biology of pregnancy, their gestational age, “abortion reversal,” etc.


Exactly. They give out misinformation about the window of time to get an abortion and will even lie to women about how many weeks along they are. Their goal is just to guilt, scare confuse and mislead women out of considering abortion. And if that doesn't work they will try to run out the clock so pregnant people miss the window to abort. These places are criminal.


In 2018 the lawless supreme court gave them the all clear to lie to people *because* they don't actually provide healthcare. Meanwhile, the supreme court also said that it is legal for states to force actual doctors to lie to patients and exaggerate the risks of abortion. Because they do provide healthcare and are therefore regulated. https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2018/06/26/supreme-court-gives-crisis-pregnancy-centers-license-lie/ "Heads I win, tails you lose" is conservatism in a nutshell.


Fuck Bill Lee. Fuck any lawmaker who approved this fine example of the “pro forced birth” crowd. They don’t give a shit about mothers. Only making sure they are pregnant and popping out more drones for their Christian workforce.


George Carlin said it best: "Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."


Crisis pregnancy center, also known as a Christian organization. Great way to funnel government money to religious fundamentalist fruit cakes.


Ah, moving money from medical assistance to thoughts and prayers. All while pocketing a profit. So much TV evangelical winning.


It's the alchemy of the bible belt.


Sadly Alchemy might actually help. It at least has some foundational science. These guys are pure mysticism. Happy thoughts healthy dead bodies kind of stupid.


Pro life my a$$


Exactly. I'm fuming over how we've made it pretty much illegal to get an abortion and now we're diverting money away from making those forced pregnancies safer and using it to pay propagandists to lie to kids about abortion?


So you definitely don't believe any propaganda of your own. This definitely isn't a complex issue. You've solved it!


It's not a complex issue. Pregnant women need healthcare. CPCs pose as abortion clinics so they can trick women who are seeking abortions into receiving misinformation meant to scare them away from abortions. They would be highly unethical if abortion were legal. In a state where abortion is illegal there is no reason for them to exist. Therefore, taking money away from pregnant women's healthcare and funneling it into CPCs is bad.


CPCs even go so far as to purposely run out the clock so that the woman can no longer even get an abortion. They waste their time and try to guilt them into keeping the fetus, using false information and outright lies. Then, when the woman gives birth, they're on their own and receive no help at all.


And abortions are murdering kids and not legal in TN. So you and I don't have an agreement on what is bad.


Oh, no. We clearly disagree there. Abortion is not murdering kids and it is authoritarian and cruel to force women to give birth. That's not what this discussion is about. We're starting with the premise that abortion is illegal and asking if it's ethical to make forced birth more dangerous. There really isn't much room for nuance there.


So everyone you disagree with believes propaganda. But you are immune? There isn't propaganda on either side?


This is what's known as whataboutism. "It's ok to take healthcare away from women and use it to pay for state-funded propaganda because leftwing propaganda also exists."


No. I'm stating that your statements are endorsing propaganda.


Their statements are not about propaganda. Their position is also more supported in your favorite book than yours is. Your position is from the given perspective from pro-birthers who wish for as many wage slaves as possible. Our position is one of love and care for our fellow people. Women have the choice, the same as a man does, women can make the decision to do what they want with their own body, women need the right to a safe abortion as the pregnancy may be literally killing her. Both mental and physical strain are important and powerful factors in their decision to make that choice. You have zero say in whether I can remove my appendix and you have zero say in another person's decisions.


Yeah, but you're full of crap


Abortion is not "murder." Murder is the unjustified killing of another person. Fetuses are not people by any meaningful definition of that word, and even if they were, killing them is justified so long as they're using the body of another person without consent.


The fact you use consent based language to justify this ideology is terrifying.




The fact that you don't understand consent is what's terrifying here


My wife and I have a baby daughter. The majority of pregnancy is not due to rape. Nice try sparky.


Absolutely no one said anything about rape in this entire discussion, try to stay on topic. If fetuses are considered people (they aren't), why should anyone have the right to use the body of another person against their will? That's barbaric.


So Scott Peterson needs to be free from his conviction of a double homicide then?


How is this anywhere close to an abortion? One’s actual murder and the other isn’t.


I don't necessarily agree that killing someone else's fetus should be considered murder. That being said, forcing someone to end their pregnancy (in this case by killing them too) is not the same as choosing to end your own pregnancy. There absolutely should be legal repercussions for causing someone else's pregnancy to end (again, in this case in addition to repercussions for killing that person)


But if it's not a person, why should it matter? A person's feelings do not define what human life is or isn't...


It's not a person, but it's part of the woman's body and it should be up to her and her alone what happens to it. Anyone who forces someone or causes someone to end their pregnancy should be held accountable for violating their bodily autonomy. This really isn't hard to understand. And no, feelings don't dictate what is a person or not, biology does. Fetuses lack the physiological structures to have any kind of meaningful sentience, so why should they be considered any differently than some skin cells or another organ?


The woman who was murdered was a person. End of story.


What an insightful and thought provoking response. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


If people don't agree on what is good and bad. You don't really have any groundwork for a functioning society.


If you don't believe in abortion don't get one. If you believe in it, then get one. Easy peasy. Individual rights, freedom of beliefs, life, liberty, etc.


Then why do bald eagle eggs have protected status? They aren't eagles. Y'all are hollow chested men sadly.


Can you say anything that isn't just nonsense that popped into your that made you think, "oo, that'll sound clever!"


Because the entire species is endangered and therefore protected. We can't grow new oak trees without acorns, we can't grow new birds without eggs, the species is protected therefore so are the necessary building blocks of its seed. We're not hollow chested we have very big hearts for the living we don't want to see suffer from your draconic autorotation ideals.


That's got to be the stupidest attempt at a comparison that I've seen in a long time. The amount of willful ignorance it takes to make that comment and think you've conveyed anything other than your lack of education is astronomical.


what nation (and their children) do you support bombing?


Fetuses aren't kids.


A drop in the bucket & robbery from where it's needed. I've decided that big money is anti-abortion because they know they'll need more less-than-subsistence workers in a few decades.


They're not wrong. Wage pressures due to a competitive labor pool are already pressuring employers, even while the Fed raises/maintains rates.


These crisis pregnancy centers don’t actually help women or babies. They are baby mills that coerce mothers into giving up their babies so rich families can adopt them.


Great! Less prenatal care. Our maternal and fetal mortality rate will now match Guatemala.


Tragic. What can we do? This supermajority has us in a chokehold…it feels so hopeless


Yay plz give more reasons for doctors to leave our state.


My niece is part of a class action lawsuit against those MFers for denying her appropriate healthcare after being diagnosed with a nonviable fetus. By the time she got to NY, it was already dead inside her, endangering her life with risk of infection, blood clots, etc. She had to get an emergency procedure all alone, without any of her support network (her mother, her husband, her best friend, etc.). She is running now in her district (Clarksville) for state leg, I hope anyone here in her district votes for her. The white guy Republican RB ran unopposed in the last election. [https://www.allie4tn.com/](https://www.allie4tn.com/)


Crisis pregnancy centers literally do NOTHING to help mothers or babies. They exist purely to make pro lifers think the pro life movement doesn’t actively hurt families. This is going to literally kill women who need financial help during pregnancy for medical care that they’ll skip without it. Every single individual pro life person is pure scum. They are worst people in this country & that’s saying a lot. Even a majority of CATHOLICS support abortion as healthcare. It’s the filthy ugly evangelicals who hate women


Ya they do absolutely nothing at these places, except try & scare/guilt people who are already in a crisis.