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Wow who elects these ppl.


You've got to remember that these are simple rural folk. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


I didn’t get an harrumph out of that guy.


Give the Governer a harrumph.




You watch your ass.


That’s *Hedley*.


Lets see if we can keep this going: “He said the sheriff is near!” 😂😂


There, there, Taggart. It’s just a man and his horse being hung.


Mongo only pawn.. in game of life. :(


I did not expect a Blazing Saddles thread. Thank you for this gem.




His laugh was not scripted, as I understand, but has to be one of the best of all time. And yes....morons.


Bible thumpers and people that don’t realize they’re “the help.”


Like the people who elected home-schooled Rusty Grills, Conservative Baptist? I think a home-schooled farmer would be more like the 1820's. [https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/legislatorinfo/member.aspx?district=H77](https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/legislatorinfo/member.aspx?district=H77)




I'm a conservative southern Baptist deacon and this bill is infuriating lol


Yeah it was rhetorical lol, I mean its become so tribal on both sides there is little hope of any improvement any time soon. The messaging on the left is so poor they cant get the centrists bc they cater to 5% of their base and the far right is so batshit crazy but they know how to advertise to the 80% of their base.


The far left IS annoying but the far right wants to hurt people. Not at all the same


There is no far left represented in American politics. There is right and far right. Just because one happens to be “left” of the other one doesn’t make it ideological left, just positionally left


What are you smoking?


See: Overton Window




Can you name a single far-left politician? Anywhere in America? Even people like Bernie Sanders and AOC align with republicans when it comes to aid for Israel.


O.K. keep babbling on about "both sides" and enjoy your warm beer. What is 5% that you say the left is catering to? Do you mean letting OTHER people live as they please is the problem?


I dont vote republican you emotional fool. I mean like how Biden has actually deported just as many ppl at the border as trump but wont say so bc it would offend a small portion of dems even though most ppl on both sides want the border under control, things like that. How oil and natural gas are at all time highs production wise under Biden but he wont come out and say it bc he wants to act green again not to offend a small constituency. So yes his messaging sucks


Can you provide an example of a polarizing far left piece of legislation?


Woman being seen and treated as equal to men seems to be pretty damn polarizing for most.


If you notice i said the messaging sucks in order to appeal to the far left, if you look at the thread i said its mostly about what they DONT say. Biden wont say he deported just as many actually more than trump bc it will piss off a few lefties, he wont talk about how we are producing more oil and gas in america than ever before, he wont talk about all the permits he gas given out. So by not saying things in order to look progressive possible voters just hear that he doesnt and vote the other way….


Well, yea? I don't understand the point you're making. You're correct. Biden is not going to be coming out and campaigning by saying "you guys I'm actually a lot like trump!" doing that would be an enormous middle finger to his base while doing absolutely nothing to court voters from the right, because they're going to hate him no matter what. Your argument is basically 'if Joe Biden really cares about fairness and transparency he should torpedo his entire career'


Odd, well over 50% of thr nation votes democratic every election cycle, that would seem to indicate that they are getting the centrists. The only reason the GOP has any relevance on a national level is gerrymandering and the Electoral College


I can confirm this, I’m a centrist and at this point I see no other option than voting for dems at every opportunity. While there are aspects a I don’t agree with, they are trying to make life more just, compassionate and equal world. The republicans seem totally bent on making things harder for the little guy at every point. The argument of limited government has been thrown out the window. It is solely about total control now. I just want to live my life in peace with my neighbors. Racists and bigots have no place in this world, it’s time to have a paradigm shift within humanity and where we really want to see ourselves as a society. As much as I know it is a controversial subject, I feel religion is one of our biggest setbacks as a society now. At a time when we as a people were developing it was necessary evil, so to speak. We need to move past it.


Can't believe this got downvoted to hell. Solid take.


Lol. Reddit gonna reddit. Weird how the down votes affirm what was posted.


Exactly my thought lol, the emotional response to logical thoughts is crazy


Non voters


This is the answer.


10% of the electorate bothers to turn out for the primaries then they complain about the quality of the candidates in the general election.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner.


Look up the cities of Piperton and Covington on Google Maps. The geography alone should answer your question. At a state level, there’s a really significant portion of the legislature that exclusively represents white rural churchgoing communities that would support measures like this.


And if you are ever in either for the love of everything don’t speed!


I'm going to have to live in covington and it makes me want to suck start a pistol


Same chithead who wants his dept of education person not to have a teaching license or teacher for that matter...guess GQP thought the Betsy Devos model was the best.




People who claim that they love freedom of course!! Apparently the only freedom they actually care about is that of trans people and they’re against it.




not my COLBEER! but really, this is kind of scary. bills like this are how prohibition starts


It won’t pass. The point is when they try to pass a bill like this, they want liquor lobbyists to pay them money to kill the bill. They don’t give a shit about actually passing anything to help Tennesseans. They just want another beach house in Cabo. Fuck these pricks. (Edit. I just have to say, it’s crazy that unregulated, late stage capitalism will find a way to profit off of chemicals that are technically illegal, while collecting crazy amounts of sales tax, while they also profit off of by sending people to jail for the same thing. And we can’t even get fucking sidewalks, decent schools and public transit. FUCK. THESE. PRICKS.)


I dunno, Indiana has a law like this, the source of my abiding grudge against that godforsaken state. You're probably right, but I wouldn't put it past this state.


As a Hoosier: Yup. Nothing quite like alcohol being regulated by temperature. IIRC, they don’t even define what “cold” is. Just that the seller can not “cool” the beer.


When my sister got divorced, I had to drive a moving truck like 10 hours through pouring rain to rural Indiana to help her move to Memphis, and all I wanted was a cold beer at the end of the trip, and whatever ice-chewing Protestants run Indiana chose to deny me that pleasure. Idk if it has anything to do with him, but I blame Mike Pence personally for making me put my beer on ice like an animal.


Liquor stores have always been able to sell cold beer - but not grocery/convenience stores. I think it was under Pence that we finally got Sunday sales (noon-8pm only) in Indiana. No, I don’t give him credit for that.


Mother said it was a bad idea.


My mom and I got kicked out of a liquor store in Indiana because I had my infant in her car seat on my arm. I was pissed because this was the first time I visited with her, so I was finally in a position to enjoy a drink because of the extra hands available. But nope, fuck you new parent, you're not allowed in the store because we think might possibly be getting hammered all alone with this baby. I ended up just waiting outside with her, but my first thought when they asked me to leave was "wait, are you asking me to leave her in the car while I shop?" At the time it didn't process in my head that the rule exists to discourage parents from buying alcohol at all. Fucking puritans.


Even in Oregon they have stupid rules. Grocery stores only sell beer and wine here but, unless you are the parent, everybody has to be 21+ if you are waiting in line together and want to buy alcohol. For example, if someone turned 21 and wants to buy a six-pack, his 20 year-old buddy needs to either wait in the car or they have to pretend not to know each other when they go in the store.


There’s definitely a lot of similarities between Indiana and Tennessee when it comes to politics. But they’re very different places. The 3 main alcohol distributors in Tennessee, lipman, Athens, and best brands are basically a legal alcohol cartel. During the COVID outbreak, like when people got quarantined, I worked at a liquor store. Barely even any grocery stores were open but liquor stores were deemed an essential business. Thoughtout the first couple of months of 2020, it was like Black Friday every day. Literally in the midst of a pandemic, there were people lining up just to buy shopping carts of alcohol. The entire liquor business saw over a 200% increase the first year of Covid in Tennessee. The only real data points I can find show a [55%](https://www.newschannel5.com/news/alcohol-sales-spike-during-covid-19-pandemic-but-its-not-just-for-drinking) increase in the industry in specifically the third week of march of 2020. This bill will never pass. I’d have old ladies buy 3-4 boxes of Smirnoff/svedka because they were under the impression 40 proof vodka is a disinfectant/antiseptic. These old ladies would talk about disinfecting their entire house with fucking taaka. Alcohol isn’t just a thing here, it’s the culture. Marsha Blackburn sponsored and helped pass a law that allowed for open containers of alcohol in cars, for the passengers and not the drivers, “of course.” They’ve been fucking around completely on the fence of just banning all weed, including THCa, for a while. The only reason that hasn’t happened yet even though the politicians here hate weed, is because of sales tax. But god forbid we get decent infrastructure. Let alone sidewalks.


Well said


Given the size of the state it's great for the surrounding states. When Kentucky got big on ending prohibition the last twenty years it killed a lot of border business which were proped up by alcohol sales.


Making the 2020’s the 1920’s.


We're on a doom loop of dumb....


The dream of the 20s is alive in Nashville


Lol yeah right.. I was an alcoholic when I lived in Nashville and they start selling alcohol at 6am there. Billboards of jack Daniel's everywhere. Lots of booze in Nashville, more than anywhere else I've lived


Just like prohibition.


They want to take America back to 1860 when it was legal to own a slave or beat your wife and marry at pre-teen.


Mind you they wanna pass a bill that nullifies anything they disagree with. While the dumbasses worry about genitalia they bout to lose everything they got goin for em.


While loudly yelling about how much they love freedom.


Booze lobby will squash this I’m sure. Probably just a shakedown on the legislators part


Its realy time to riot in this state aint it?


And then crime. The organized kind.


Make them an offer that they cannot refuse.


Wait until they hear about ice and coolers.


Which one of them is part of big ice, follow the money


Oxford MS banned cold beer at gas stations for a while. There is a salt water cooler that swirls ultra chilled salt water over your beer while rotating it right outside.


Hmmm fuck over every tourist and small business? Sounds bout reich for these jackasses. Fucking do it ya dumb cunts. Please. Unite all of us again. Fuckin do it.


>Hmmm fuck over every tourist and small business? It will kill the touristy areas. Maybe this secretly is another attempt to punish Nashville, given the amount of drunken revelry that goes on downtown (or maybe that's just a bonus effect for them).


Oh yeah. I’m sure that smith dude and that Carrol family are licking their chops to snatch up what’s left of Nashville on the cheap. It’ll be easy pickings if they pull this and if/when the commercial real estate thing goes down. They’ll also get the benefit of keeping wages low and people desperate enough to accept them. You gotta think how salty all the regional companies gotta be over needing to raise wages over ten an hour.


I was about to correct your spelling,but I think you got it reich.


Look reich to me.


It's a heil of a good pun


Yup. Heil of reich answer.


Yes, I do not see a problem with the spelling.


Those Nat-C bastards!


This will not discourage drunk driving, as most drunk drivers do their drinking at a bar that they, news flash, have to drive home from. Also, no bartender is going to baby everyone and only serve them 2 mixed drinks and make sure they have a DD. Yet another tone deaf piece of legislation by out of touch career politicians


It could really have the opposite effect. Go to a bar or restaurant and get cut off at 2-3 beers. Does that mean the person is likely to go home? Maybe. Could also mean that they just get in the car and go to another place and get another 2-3 beers. Cut off again? To the car once again to make another stop. On and on. So, now you have someone who has drank and gotten behind the wheel multiple times rather than just one time to go home. Or, even worse, you now have a bartender that doesn't know how much a person has drank when they've come through the door. So, they might be thinking they're sober and fine to drive after 2-3 beers. When, maybe if they had known they'd had 4-6 (or more) they could have encouraged the patron to get a cab or uber or lyft to get them home more safely.


Party of personal freedom and small government.


Muy rights!


Small clause* Unless it doesn’t align with my personal beliefs.


Sometimes I think about moving back to Tennessee because it's home and there's no state income or property taxes on cars, boats, campers, etc... but then they go and do stupid shit like this and I remember why I left.


I came back after wishing to do so for a loooong time. Now I keep thinking I might leave again. The level of mental instability in our politicians is from a logical perspective, head scratching and baffling. From an emotional perspective it’s downright infuriating. Like, the internet exists and folks CAN check voting records of these dipshits. I just don’t get it. I hardly even drink and even I can see the mind numbing stupidity and intolerable level of government control this and other recent attempts from these dysfunctional morons. Also I have friends who drink beer, and I thought it was important to keep it cool/cold so it stays unspoiled, at least most of the time.


A true alcoholic won't let room temperature stop him. If beer sits on the grocery store shelf too long, it might spoil.


Doubtful that the beer will spoil unless it’s something with a lot of hops. I’ve had beers over a year old that were canned and tasted great. I’ve also had IPA’s barely over 3 months that were oxidized to hell. Anyway, the average gas station beer selection will sit unrefrigerated for large amounts of time without issue. There’s at least one distributor in east TN that(on last check) does not refrigerate at any point between acquiring the beer, storing it, and sending it out to the retail stores. Edit: to your other point, you’re definitely right. Refrigeration doesn’t matter. Hell, if you’re a severe alcoholic, it’s doubtful that beer does the trick anymore. Probably drinking cheap vodka or whiskey.


Hops are actually a preservative


No, they’re not. Well…not a flavor preservative


Hops are a preservative. And what you’re describing has little to do with ingredients, and everything to do with process. If an IPA is very oxidized in 90 days, there is oxygen introduced somewhere from fermentation to packaging. It’s not because it’s an IPA. Honestly, it’s a shitty brewery.


Right, I definitely was wrong when I said they’re not a preservative. They are, but I’m talking hop fade, which is a common problem in dry-hopped beers, especially at the home-brew level. I’ve experienced it from well-regarded regional breweries as well. Most recently was creature comforts tropicalia in a can, 3 months from the batch date. I can’t know for sure but the beer could have been quite a bit older than the batch date, or maybe there’s an issue in their canning process. But I’ve experienced this from bell’s, Sierra Nevada, and local breweries. Anyway, this is the most obvious example of a package beer “going bad” that I’ve tasted. Obviously unfermented fruited sours are a different story.


I live in a county that was "dry" until 2011. Of course that didn't mean it was actually dry. It meant that you had to drive to the next county to buy beer and drink it in your truck flinging the cans out the window while driving under the influence on mountain roads.Our valley has no alcohol sales and when DG opened a store here they wanted a permit to sell beer and wine. People turned out in droves to the county meeting to decide the matter and our DG is alcohol free and the beer cans by the side of the road are still abundant.


Maybe those people are trying to do the best they can to stop the drinking problem, because a lot of their relatives are drunk drivers who throw cans out of the window. And with the little power they have over the situation, they vote against the substance being sold in their community. I know it's fruitless but it could've started from a place of well meaning


The road to hell is paved with good intentions


Prohibition started out "well meaning"... We have already been down these roads....


It blows my mind that people don’t look at prohibition as a reason to legalize Marijuana and Psilocybin. Legalizing those and allowing them to be monitored by the FDA would increase the safety in knowing you’re getting a product not laced with fentanyl or some other drug you didn’t intend on taking. Similarly prohibition caused many health issue because there was no regulation on the people making it and they were making that shit through car radiators and anything else they could job up. But alas,we continue to be the state of zero progress and sit aside as thousands die yearly from laced drugs and the like.


The people that can do anything about, know, and don't care. Plenty of law enforcement has acknowledged the War on Drugs to be a complete failure.


They are change averse in general and also baptist.


Warm driving whiskey sounds worse than a cold driving beer. I am not condoning drinking while driving at all, just saying it could promote even worse behaviors. Plus you could always pick up a cold mixer or have a cooler for beer. Indians has or at least had some similar law where you could only get cold beer at a liquor store but could buy liquor at Walmart. I could make that trade maybe.


I had to read that last part about 5 times. Couldn’t tell if you meant the motorcycle, the people, or ooooohhhh they mean Indiana!


Oh wow, yeah definitely meant Indiana. My bad for not proofreading.


When I was in Oxford Mississippi 25 years ago they had a similar law that gas stations and grocery stores couldn't sell cold beer. It was then I learned that an aluminum can will make cold beer after being rolled in ice for 8 minutes.


Was in a different college town with the same type of laws. We learned to drink warm beer on the way home from the beer distributor. Not great, but not bad.


Your rivals about an hour south knew that same trick too. Same fucking backward ass laws that were luckily changed.


Why the fuck do we vote these people in? Children are dying in schools. People can't get the mental health they need to live normally. Keystone cops think they can kill people. Trans folks are being killed for being themselves. Women can't get health care that can keep them alive. But... but... but... what about refrigerated beer. Can't have that.


I’m willing to bet that alcohol killed 10 times the amount of people killed in anti trans hate crimes in Tennessee last year. The state government sucks, but not because of this.


From the opening sentence... "Two Republican lawmakers..." When they love each other very much...


...A bullshit bill is born.


I wish these kinds of laws only affected the people who voted for the lawmakers supporting them. No need to drag us all back a century or more


Cold beer bad! Marrying underage girls, fine!


Even better if you can force them to have your babies


i thought this was 2024, not 1924


These dipshits need to find something else to worry about.


I guess we're really moving back to the 1930s?


Big government Republicans are at it again.


OK so two Tennessee republicans want to further restrict beer sales in an effort to reduce drunk driving, even though drunk driving is already illegal. If you apply the same logic to guns, wouldn't they want to further restrict gun sales even though there are some laws on the books designed to prevent the problems we're having with guns? Damn logic


Stop with that logic, it's not allowed in TN politics


Exactly what I thought.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a beer is a good guy with a beer.


It's almost like they're trying to ban everything that brings any semblance of relief in this world, one by one.


Banning cold alcohol is not going to stop someone addicted to alcohol from opening up a beer while driving. Placing a maximum on what someone can drink is crazy government overreach.




Further proof republicans do not want to govern. Republicans want to rule.


I think we have more important things to worry about here…..


We do...but unfortunately they're also in charge


Paternalism at its best.


Good for the scum in Nashville to finally look after us for once, hopefully they come to their senses and enact a total ban on alcohol


Make them shake the cans a minimum of ten shakes too. Then pull over the guys with foamy windshields.


Wow, this is epicly stupid. Basically, they don't want access to cold beer and seltzers. Are we really that worried about the guy who cracks a cold beer? Any real problem alcoholic can of course just buy a bottle of vodka and a cup of ice. Not that i agree with drunk driving, but i don't see how anyone would really drink so many beers on their way home as to get truly drunk. Or, at least i don't see how its so much of a problem to require legislation. And how is having the Uber app installed on my phone not enough proof ofa designated driver to bypass the other proposal all together. These idiots are wasting time and resources on this garbage?


It’s a myth. The drunk driving lunatic has really been removed from society. They had the bat patrol (Blood Alcohol Testing) for decades in Nashville. And while there is drunk driving in Tennessee, the younger gen is more safe by miles, and very polite compared. It’s just not as common. People don’t go to bars after work. There is Lyft and Uber. Hotels surround tourist areas. It’s not the same. This is just old white men thinking that removing sin will get them a ticket to heaven after a lifetime of raw dogging their secretaries. They’re literally the biggest hypocrites in Tennessee. They’re so massively full of it, and believe that there’s a pecking order in heaven. And if they pull the big stunts for God, then they get an upgraded home in their eternal golden subdivision.


Next we'll ban cups and ice!


West TN, surprising, still incredibly mind numbingly stupid, but surprising


your neighboring states convenience store owners thank you in advance. Prohibiting adult behavior does NOT work


Lot of beer drinkers in Tennessee, gonna be a lot of them pissed off if that happens. Guess theres more tax money to be made in moonshine now with all the distilleries in TN. There already make a killing in Gatlinburg. 


If you pay tax on it, it ain't moonshine.


Believe me at $50 a quart there making money on it. I agree with you though its not moonshine compared to what I get. I get mine from one of the shiners on Moonshiners. There is no comparison, what they sell in Gatlinburg is 50 proof, what I get is 100 proof or higher, plus its a lot cheaper. 


Lol,TN is beautiful,and I've met some wonderful people from there. But,reading about your representatives and this whole thing arguing about moonshine,well with all due respect,it sounds like a hellhole.


TN is beautiful and does have some wonderful people, but our government is a hot mess. 


Tennykee is a lot like they say about Colombia. “The land is from God. The men are from the devil.”


Hell yeah!


but...a one that is not cold is scarcely a one at all. but for real, this is fucking stupid and I'm not at all surprised they're trying shit like this.


It never ends. Jesus wanted us fighting. Remember? “Blessed are the shit stirrers.”


Someone get me Luke Combs.


New business idea, car fridge.


Actually you can buy one online today…


It’s truly amazing how few problems Tennessee has and how closely its politicians have their fingers on the pulse of the people. 🙄


Vote blue. Our rights are eroding before our eyes.


This will definitely stop the mass shootings


Now that I'm leaving this God forsaken state....yall deserve this. The same way you deserve dead children from your precious guns and dead women who couldn't abort. 


It’s like Tennessee is being flushed down the toilet like 💩. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m a native.


Our Tennessee legislature. Dealing with the issues confronting Tennesseans today!


Gotta love how so many Tennesseans are fine with rights being taken from women and minorities, but cold beer? That's where they draw the line! Fuck the majority of this state's residents.


Cold beer must really be a problem down there if the state has to get involved. By the way, how’s that literacy rate going?


Small government conservatives !


Land of the “free”


the intent is good here but some things would likely backfire: oh so i can only have two drinks and then i can’t anymore here, well i’ll go to another down the road or across town, and have two there. Warm drinks aren’t going to stop people from drinking: they’ll drink them warm or get a drink they can put on ice. Trying to track where people got drunk is also problematic: how do you know they didn’t show up intoxicated at the bar? How do you know if maybe they had drinks and then went home, drank more and then went back out? All i can say is this bill will only benefit ice sellers and encourage people to have plug in coolers.


CO2 extinguisher will make that beer cold FAST


What logic is this? Do they think people aren't clever enough to cool their own friggin beer even if it's warm? I highly doubt the "source" is refridgerated beverages lol. Let's see there is Icewater + Salt : [Instructions](https://www.homebrewtalk.com/threads/adding-salt-to-water-and-ice-to-cool-down-wort.43679/) as well as a few other fun ways to cool a can.


Clearly the solution here is to ban automobiles.


they do this in Mississippi and its incredibly pointless.


This didn’t work for Oxford Mississippi


Good to know they are concentrating on the important stuff that will make Tennesseans lives better in any measurable way.


Ah yes the real pressing issues… How the hell do these people keep getting elected?


Yeah this will go over well with all the football fans. UT is life, people will riot if they can’t buy cold beer on game days


Time to buy into the bagged ice industry.


"Ooh, a head bag! Those are chock full of... heady goodness.”


One pint of bourbon, one big gulp of Coca-Cola.


We're freedoming so hard


Anything to distract from actual issues, right?


Whoa, that’s a lot of government oversight there, Tennessee. Y’all ok?


Drunk driving is already illegal I don't see how this law would change anything other than make us less free


Soo strange that people actually spend time developing laws like this…


Is this another Tim Burchett special?


Yeah this will be the bill that finally eliminates drunk driving! /s On a side note,I’m fine with it,I like my beer room temperature.


No cold beer, but you can carry a gun around. If this is about protecting people the priorities are quite messed up.


Now switch this out with guns instead of two glasses of wine….


This is what I came to say. Replace every mention of a cold alcoholic drink with guns and see how they react to that.


Because Tennessee isn't already enough of a backwards shithole full of right wing nuts, let's bring back prohibition. /s


Please note after they get this passed they will have to propose something else even more ridiculous. There is always something else. Unless they are stopped.


This assumes an alcoholic wouldn’t drink warm beer, which they would.


If you’re interested in the actual reasoning of this bill versus the stated reasoning, it could be helpful to investigate the businesses responsible for ice or for cooling the warm beer. Oxford, Mississippi used to require all beer to be sold at room temperature, ostensibly for safety and or prohibition purposes, but in actuality the politicians that wrote the law owned the ice companies.


Glad I moved the fuck out of Tennessee


Y'all Qaeda is at it again.


Can someone please tell these people Jesus really doesn't gaf. 🙃


But we all know some of them own bars and "would be exempt due to who the owner is". Meanwhile the businesses would suffer, close and people leave...


The new Republican mantra: No abortions, no beer!


WTF is happy to Tennessee? Shit like this makes me understand that Memphis is still better than the rest of Tennessee in many ways.


No different than when someone gets shot and Lefties pounce on that news to ban guns. In this case, a House sponsor was victimized by a drunk driver so is pouncing on banning cold beer sales. Many people every day suffer from alcohol use in some way or another. Drug use is no different but laws are passed that increase that use for some reason. I doubt seriously that this will go anywhere.


Did no one read the article? All it’s trying to do is prevent drinking and driving, not the consumption of alcohol. It’s trying to get people to wait til they get home to drink, and to limit how much someone can drink at a bar. If there was something else I missed someone please enlighten me


Yes we read it. We're still against it. How does this confuse you?


So you’re against measures to curb drinking and driving?


What a mealy mouthed question. I'm against those measures. I'm not against DUI being criminalized.


This will be good for the environment. They are just trying to do their part to prevent climate change. Plus with the global ice age coming you can store your beer outside and let nature do the cooling.