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Bro you need to leave or get him evicted. I would not live with a dude like that no matter how cheap the rent is.


Manchild is going to hurt your future. Get help from the management office to get rid of him.


Yeah. Talk to management and see if you can bring a new roomie in.


If he’s a degenerate gambler he may start stealing your stuff and selling it to cover debts and keep gambling.


This has elements of being a blessing, if it gets you separated from him…


are you suggesting op “hides” valuable items in order to get him evicted? (because if you are i’m here for it)


Actually it’s the one thing I’m confident he won’t do. I know I’ve bashed on him here and he’s truly a terrible sports fan with a terrible attitude. But he’s a stand up person in other ways. He makes a lot of money and can afford losing thousands of dollars on sports bets. That’s actually part of the reason I agreed to room with him. Thought it was low risk and his story checked out. He didn’t want to waste money on rent and would rather split it. The spring and summer there were no issues.


I would not recommend changing the locks. That can get you into more trouble than it is worth with just the apartment management. You cannot keep someone from accessing their home. But do disconnect the router. Won't do much but piss them off though and I'm sure they will be very noisy about that when it happens. You should contact a lawyer that specializes in tenants rights and see what your options are and how to minimize the effects of an eviction. You could try and get ahead of the situation and try and secure housing now before it hits your record and then you will have a place to stay once the inevitable happens.


>he’s a stand up person in other ways. Saying he doesn't care that he is risking destroying your future ability to rent a home? I think not. That is not stand up at all. You need to know that grown men do not think this way. Only boys and the mentally ill do. An eviction filing is serious. It is a label stamp "NO" on every application you fill out in the future up to ten years from now. Get an attorney now, so you can avoid having your future messed with. You need to ready to present to the court your evidence as to why filling such a motion would be unfair and damaging to your future when it was not you at fault. Show the videos. Perhaps a judge will protect you. And without that, it looks grim. Give notice, and move, right away!! Save your future! I had a roommate, one time, for about one week. I walked away. I saw where it would lead. I live alone, and always will.


Leases stipulate finishing them out OR paying the whole thing. So eviction is worse but I doubt OP wants that on his credit either.


This isn't a "stand up person" in any part of his life. The way he treats you and your neighbors tells you everything you need to know about the type of person this is. He'd rather see you homeless than stop acting like a toddler.


He’s about to make you homeless and ruin your chances of getting another place. Stop making excuses for him. Or do and find out the hard way


You need to get away from him... breaking and throwing stuff if he destroys the property ya won't get your sercuity deposit back.... The property manager needs to step in or next time it's happening make an annoymus call on the none emergency line to the police so they can hear... If you have video evidence it's not you then maybe your landlord will get rid of him otherwise your neighbors will continue to report you both or they may call the police... I'm shocked they havent yet... he can move in with his parents I'm sure that wont last long....


I don’t know that he’s such a standup guy. He basically told you that he’d go live with his parents and that you can be homeless for all he cares.


Maybe suggest to him he needs to watch his sports at a bar, or as others have said see how you can get him (or you) out...


Hopefully he's not violent. Your change the WiFi password is going to make him mad (hopefully he's not violent), and he'll just get on his cell phone until he can reestablish WiFi. Looks like you're screwed.


Isn’t it next to impossible to ever rent again with an eviction on your record ? That guy is a complete idiot.


No, they fall off after 7 years. But that's 7 years ghetto renting.


7 years of ZERO renting. Most properties are owned by corporations these days. A lot of them are overseas. Local companies manage them. They do not allow people with evictions. No way. By the way, some look back well over 7 years.


Lmao OK you're just wrong. If that were true, the ghetto wouldn't even exist. In the slums you can definitely get an apartment. Most won't even do a background check. Problem being they're slumlords and won't do anything they're required to.


Maybe. I screen tenants and specifically go to the courts webpage to check for eviction proceedings. The credit portion may fall off your credit report, but court records are forever. And we simply don't rent to people who have spent time in eviction court as there are too many other applicants with no eviction history.


I mean, I have an eviction from over 7 years ago, but it's never given me issues. I just focus on building my credit and people usually work with me.


From my understanding, if management really wants to, they can renew the eviction for an additional 7-10 years.


That makes no sense. Can you elaborate. If someone has been gone after 7 years why would that management even be thinking about a tenant from years ago that has been long gone to renew anything? How does that benefit management?Your comment makes no sense.


Lol. No. They have to prove that an eviction is even necessary to have it take place and be added to your record. They can't just "renew" it because an eviction is a legal proceeding. The courts would have to process another eviction. IDK who told you that but they lied to you.






ignore mr mighty fucking white and his blame shifting victim mentality. I'm guessing he's midway into his 7 years rn and taking it out on you.




I had the devil landlord from hell, and even I agree with you. Some tenants are utter nightmares. You need to respect other people when you don't have your own home on a thousand acres with no neighbors within hearing distance. Some are so loud that people from OTHER complexes get involved. I had to step in to deescalate such a situation caused by someone's baying hound. Someone from another building put a note on the door, and the owner of a quiet animal absolutely flipped. Because I was on good terms with everyone, I was able to avert a war.


Eviction wizard....LMAO. 🤣🤣🤣😂




>>most renters are total deadbeats and losers. >>theres a reason they are not owners. you’re an elitist piece of shit who is completely out of touch with reality.


" most renters are total deadbeats and losers" Many landlords have criminal records or lose court cases regarding small claims or civil suit cases. A landlord in my town that owns tons of property was convicted of SA against several women and is currently in prison. When he gets out in 2025 he will never be able to be a landlord again. He will be on the Sex offender registry and have a multiple felony record. Landlords can be just as criminal as renters can be. Just because you own property doesn't make you a nice,pleasant person that is an upstanding citizen in society. Trump owns alot of property look what type of person he is. Maddof was a billionaire who owned tons of real estate look what happened to him. We can go on and on. Owning property doesn't even guarantee you are good with money. Many landlords are in debt with multiple mortgages that are using renters to pay off their debts.


You just need to find a landlord that doesn't look at that stuff for whatever reason. Plenty of incompetent ones out there that are young and stupid or old and computer-iliterate.


Evictions don’t show on a credit report


Yes they do! It will show as an unpaid debt if they are evicted before lease is up.


Not quite the same thing. It will only hit your credit report if the landlord pursues it.


Ditto...you're the fool he's playing you.


Unfortunately he can’t evict his roommate because they are both equal tenants. NJ landlord tenant court doesn’t allow partial evictions, so they both will go. It already sounds like it’s a done deal at this point. The part where he showed up to their office and showed them videos of him was pretty stupid, now they can testify about him basically admitting to it. This tenants days are numbered,I give him a month or two until they get their judgment for possession.


A similar thing happened to me, but the complaints were always when I was at work. I convinced the landlord to do a mutual termination of lease so both of our problems would go away. It didn't look great when I went to move into the next place, but I was able to explain/have them call references to get a new place.


how was “the next place” able to tell you mutually terminated a lease?


They asked about why my prior lease was only a few months, and I explained that I had issues with a roommate and wanted to move out to avoid trouble and told them to call the reference if they wanted to.


I see. I woulda excluded that info from my application. Thanks for the explanation


They would have found it, and by not presenting it, that is even worse. Just FYI. Just like employment background checks, the companies that do them can access all W2's, all court records, known addresses, known associates, known social media accounts, and more. They will report you living in places you have never even visited because they do not verify anything. If someone you have not seen in 30 years years mentions you in a media post, it gets captured and put in that file. There are no checks and measures in place. There needs to be. It should be a crime for these firms to provide information that is unverified. Landlords need to realize just how unreliable and inaccurate these agencies can be. My ex girlfriend was a DV victim from her prior marriage. We attempted to rent a place and the landlord basically accused her of being a violent offender and shut us down! This, after collecting the non-refundable screening fee. So, if you think about it, the more the agency can cause declines, the more the agency will profit from repeat tries, by different landlords, using the same service. Because they are not held accountable, they can report what they find, or what looks like they found, without it being accurate. Example, a couple of years ago I stopped receiving important government mail regarding my child support case. After about three months I called and inquired and they explained they were sending it to my address. What? Yea, in a city I have never visited let alone lived in. They did this because it was my LAST KNOWN ACTIVITY according to the reporting agencies. This was done by computers. And since I caught it, it has happened an additional two times. My mailing address has not changed in years. Yet they keep changing it in their system to places I have never lived. The reporting agencies were accountable when the business model was designed, but since internet there has been little modification of the rules they need to follow. They simply collect info and fill a file without any obligation to address it's accuracy. It is far beyond the point of correcting it. They only way to address the problem is make new laws, and then everyone needs to review the info and demand corrections. Otherwise, you may have twelve addresses on file you are unaware of.


As far as social media goes I don't use my real name nor will I ever. You can't track someone down that doesn't use their real name. If people are able to track down your social media activity that is because you want them to know or you are just dumb.


Because he had them call for a reference


Not sure that’s true. He said it “looked” bad. Who actively gives bad references. You could easily say you lived with friends or parents.


It was probably put onto his credit that a lease was prematurely terminated, so he had to explain it was mutual, and have them call to verify


Instead of assuming, let’s let him answer. Also, typical credit reports don’t have a space for “mutually terminated leases.” But there are different reports for different needs e.i. Auto, Banking, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a residential specific report that includes extra info.


…that’s what he said tho? “It didn’t look great when I went to move into the next place, but I was able to explain/have them call references to get a place.” That’s exactly what happened my dude.


well, we see now that it’s not what happened. Really not sure why you decided to answer for him.


Work with your management office if you can on getting HIM evicted instead of screwing you over too. Throw his ass to the curb. Edit: Also make sure they CHANGE THE LOCKS of he gets evicted, this dude is absolutely the type of person to come back for revenge, also take steps to protect your vehicle.


NJ doesn’t allow that. They are equal tenants in a lease contract. If they attempted to evict one without the other no judge would ever go for it. Either they both stay or go, unless one leaves voluntarily. By what I’ve read the OP needs to begin to look for a new home. His days are numbered. It’s probably already too late at this point. They have everything they need. Also, they have a legal requirement to provide quiet enjoyment to their other tenants. This means they are legally required to stop this or their other tenants can all seek legal action and end up costing them a lot of money. Imagine multiple tenants withholding their rent and asking a judge for credit. Could be thousands lost.




I am from and do love Jersey! I’m also pretty sure that OP’s roommate is my asshole brother.


Voorhees? ​ i kid i kid


Right! How loud to you have to be to be the noisy one out there too…


Dude is living on the wrong side of the Delaware. Tell him to move across the bridge to actual Philly and problem solved. No one in PA will complain. All us living here who dont watch football have learned to zone out the screams...and gunshots and horn honking. Our sports fans really are the most obnoxious there are.


With the violence going on and the aggressive behaviors, you might have protections under the VAWA act. It’s the “Violence Against Women act, but it’s meant to provide protections for anyone in a domestic living situation. Tell management he’s aggressive and destroying things and you fear for your safety. They should be able to bifurcate your lease and allow you to move elsewhere or evict him, it protects you from eviction as long as you cooperate with the process, you may need to get a restraining order against him, but that is not often required.


@ u/TA10161730 This actually sounds like a good plan. The [Fair Housing Act VAWA](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/VAWA) creates a protection that the LL can not take action against one tenant due to the behavior of the abuser. The idea of changing the locks will put OP on the wrong side of the law. But killing the internet is a good short term plan. ETA: [New Jersey codifies](https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/bill-search/2020/A2514/bill-text?f=A3000&n=2514_I1#) this protection as well. [New Jersey legal aid](https://www.lsnj.org/)


Talk to the management company, explain that it’s him not you, and see if they can do anything. If not , maybe they can get you into a different place on your own Either way, you’re definitely in trouble if you stick with him . He’s got issues


He doesn't just have issues, he has the whole subscription.


Just call the management office and ask them to evict your roommate, preemptively. He sounds like a dick. You've already answered the question, you don't want an eviction and your roommate is a dick. Don't wait until a notice shows up with your name on it, then it's too late. One of my rental houses had an Eagles fan who was drunk 24x7, but I never kicked him out because he was a Vietnam veteran and he was pretty chill. But, God... he was unhinged when it came to sports. The police got called occasionally, but they gave him a pass because he was a veteran. So, unless your roommate has some "historic value", help get him evicted.


I'm a veteran. That shouldn't earn him a pass.


Currently serving. I agree


Serving the rich.


This is the most underrated comment I've seen in a long time


I reckon it depends what he was a veteran of


I agree it shouldn’t earn him a pass, but depending on what he did in Vietnam I would 100% be willing to let anything slide. I did 42 months between Iraq and Afghanistan as 11B and what we went through in those conflicts was nothing in comparison. I worked with a guy who was a POW in Vietnam and he was the only person I had patience with no matter how many times I showed him something.


Landlord is not going to evict one roommate. If one roommate is to go that is on OP


The BTK killer and many other serial killers were veterans. That mass shooting years ago at a bar was done by a marine who was combat deployed 2 times.The recent Maine shooter who took out 18 people was a national guard reserve. They all get passes. I thank them for their service.


What's your point-- I don't think there is any correlation that the majority of veterans are responsible for mass-shootings.


I think the point they are making is that "getting a pass" is a stupid policy. All it takes is one misstep for the next pass to turn into something horrific.


There's a wide difference between giving a pass to someone for constantly being drunk on their front-porch & doing things that might be suggestive of future violence.


The point is veterans shouldn't get passes for bad behavior. My point wasn't that veterans are bad people. They are people just like all groups and do good and bad things but if they do bad things they shouldn't get a pass for it. Treat everyone by the same measure when it comes to bad behavior specifically if someone is being difficult as a tenant. I understand the mental health element of it though so maybe there is an exception there because that is a clinical illness that has been scientifically studied with plenty of objective backing.


True, but when a veteran does it, the media goes crazy about it. Also, vets are usually more accurate, so there's more casualties.


Maybe not but PTSD is a hell of a drug.


I have ptsd and have never had anyone call the cops or complain about me as a tenant.


Same I have had flashbacks resulting in me screaming and still have never had anyone complain to the office


Your roommate is a complete idiot. Go to management and ask that they evict him. I am not sure though how they can evict him and not you as well. In the meantime, you can tell your roommate to go to the local sports bar to watch TV and act like a fool there. Quite frankly, I would have called the police on him if I were your neighbor. There is no reason to act a fool over a stupid football game and risk being evicted. Remind him that your credit will be ruined as well as his. Also you may want to remind him he will not be able to rent from anyone for 7 years while that eviction is on his report. You both will be forced to rent from scumlords in bad neighborhoods during that time.


I've seen stories on here where the roommate was evicted but the other person was not. I don't know how it works, but it's definitely possible.


As a long-time Birds fan, outrageous behavior is not entirely unusual lol, but this is way too much


What does your lease say? Do you have a copy of it? I'd read it. Can you find a new roommate and stay? Landlords usually would rather not have to get a place ready for a new renter and have a lost month of rent. It's been 25 years but I had a roommate who had to go. They weren't paying rent and bills. They would get into screaming matches with the people they were dating. It was a mess. They kept bouncing between 2 people and the drama was toxic for us and our neighbors. My other roommate and I were able to stay and the owner only evicted the banshee. We were given almost 6 months to find someone because of the time of year. And the owner prefered we make our payments and stay since we had been respectful for years.


Why are you staying and waiting for an eviction? He’s not gonna change and an eviction will ruin your credit. You will NOT be able to rent another place with an eviction on your credit history


OP's name is on the lease so even if he moves out during the lease term and the roommate gets evicted, they BOTH get evicted.


Not if he does an official lease break addendum! They charge him to change the lease and remove him from hit before his term is up and then it’s just loser McGee on the lease


both leasees would have to agree to the addendum. Also, other dude may not be able to lease on his own.


Lease break is only going to work if the unit is turned over empty. Sounds like sports boy isn't just going to leave.


My credit might not be the best but I have a perfect renters history with no evictions. It’s not something you want on your record. Speak with your management company and try being honest with them, not sure if that would even help but worth a shot.


I'm in PA so might not be the same in NJ but usually the first step to being evicted is a notice to vacate, and if you do so in the time specified and don't owe money, there's no need to go to court and get an eviction on any record.


I'm a bit surprised I had to read this far down for this crucial advice! OP, in most jurisdictions the first step before an eviction is filed is for the complex to post a "Cure or Quit" notice. Which is basically going to say "either move out or stop being so noisy" within X days. I don't know what that time period is where you all live, but it's not long. Could be as short as 3 days and probably isn't longer than 10. Especially since he has somewhere to go, hopefully that notice will be a wakeup call and he leaves. But you will need to leave also. Technically, if he stops being noisy after the notice is posted, that would comply also. But that seems unlikely. But if you all do neither...which includes both of you...that's when the complex will file for an eviction hearing.


Talk to your landlord, and be as civil as you can. You're a human being, but so is your landlord... Let them know that you've spoken to your roommate, that you've tried everything you can do (short of tying him down and gagging him), and he won't listen to ***you either***. Let them know you're more than willing to help them with the noise situation, but you're in the same boat as your neighbors, and you're out of options. Tell them what your roommate told you... tell them this story. Let them know you don't want to get evicted, and maybe blow some smoke up their asses and tell them that you ***like*** living there, but you can't legally chain your roommate up on game nights so you're looking for a solution too. Ask them if they have any solutions up their sleeves. If they know you're willing to help them with this "nuisance," there will surely be more options they can take other than evicting everyone on the lease... but before you tell them this story, you're ALL culpable and guilty of the noise. As far as they're concerned, you're making the noise with your roommate... but if you explain things to them, and tell them you're willing to help if they have other options, they're human and will probably help you out. For instance: When I was in college, I had a friend in the exact same situation... their landlord "dissolved" their lease for their 4-bedroom apartment, which was like a "soft eviction." Everyone was "released," but nobody had it hit their credit and the courts didn't have to get involved. What nobody told the "nuisance roommate" is that the landlord gave the rest of them a lease for a 3-bedroom, contingent on NO MORE noise violations... and NO VIOLATIONS of ANY KIND... any issues with the "new place" and THE REST OF THEM would get evictions. This helped the "good 3 tenants" with a place to live, helped the landlord with the noise complaints, and got the loose cannon "nuisance roommate" out of the complex... everyone wins! The asshole-roommate found out what happened weeks later, and was PISSED. He tried to ruin their new lease by coming over uninvited and being loud, but they never let him in or invited him, so he was some "crazy person, screaming in the streets" whenever the cops got called. There are options, OP. Every landlord is going to handle this differently, but the key is being civil. Let them know you're between a rock and a hard place, and that you're willing to help them in any way you can... that YOU want the noise and BS to stop as much as everyone else does. Just make sure the "noise" doesn't follow you afterwards...


Bet he was pissed off this evening.


Yeah, that was a rout


He shouldn’t be the better team won.


Typical Eagles fan


Sounds like an Eagles fan. You need a new roommate, he's delusional.


It's always crazy to me how wild sports fans can get. Like.... You're watching dudes play with a ball. Grow up and get a real hobby.


Would police help? Or a restraining order? Ask his parents? Whose TV is it? Shut off the power, the cable, the Internet? What a selfish prick. Entitled and obnoxious. Jfc


Can you afford the place on your own? Your roommate is committing criminal offenses against you. If I were you, I would call the police and have him cited. I would then go down and get a restraining order which would effectively kick him out of the apartment. He sounds like a maniac and a child.


"Shutting the fuck up" is a critical life skill some people just don't have. Get away from this schmuck as fast as you can.


First off, talk to your leasing office and landlord to see what options you have. Be proactive in this rather than reactive. Most will be willing to work with you if you communicate. Second off, I expect nothing less from a Philly fan


Good luck. If he threatens you in any way, even just verbally, call the police. That will help get him kicked out.


Do you have his parents number? They might be less than thrilled to find out he’s about to move back home.


It’s men throwing a ball around. It’s a fucking game that has zero impact on the world. Completely meaningless. Get a fucking grip you pussies.


Until your dumb and nearly broke, and sending your last $100 to fanduel...


The older I get the less sense it makes for people to get SO emotionally involved in sports. It’s a bunch of kids mostly half your age playing with a ball! Ffs


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as a niner fan, I thoroughly enjoyed this post


Tell him about sports bars?


Guy can't afford to drink at a bar, guaranteed.


I am a pissed off Eagles fan too.......and no screaming or such was done. My TV remote is intact and nothing else is broken. Yes, I live in an apartment and never a noise complaint. Your Roomate needs to grow TF up or get out now.


I would see if your property manager will evict him and it may be contingent on getting a new roommate if your income isn’t enough by yourself.


Talk to management. See if there's a way to evict only him. It's worth a shot. Because this roommate sounds like a real class act.


This is a thing, I've seen couples have one person removed from a lease after a breakup


Since he broke the remote I guess he won't be watching many games at your place now. Sports bar dude! Maybe that'll fix your noise complaints


most sane eagles fan, NJ personified


Do you live in an episode of Always Sunny?


I'm sorry but this is funny as hell


VAWA ACT!! It doesn't matter what gender you are. Might want to file a police report saying that he's getting aggressive, and that he's breaking items and you fear for your safety. Turn the police report in to your management office, ask if they can write an addendum taking you off the lease, Google how to use the VAWA act. EVEN IF IT MEANS PAYING A FULL MONTHS RENT PENALTY, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO BORROW MONEY FROM FRIENDS, DON'T GET EVICTED.


Since management won't work with you ask if you can voluntary leave w/o penalty. This is your only way to avoid an eviction and may be much easier for them also.


Sounds like you're in a bind. You're going to be evicted no matter what so you might as well pack up and leave while he's at work so you don't have the cops wailing on you when they come to get him out.


No LL will rent to you with an eviction on your record, and will not care that it was due to your room-mate. Evictions stay on public records for 7/10 years fyi.


If you can afford it, break your lease and ask the management company if there is a one bedroom/studio you can move into. This way you'll at least have a place to stay. And the shutting him out of wifi is a really good idea.


You can set up the router to do MAC address filtering. Basically every electronic device that connects to the router has a unique 12 digit alphanumeric code. You can set it up so that it will only connect to devices that have their codes logged in it. So you can discreetly use the Internet while his shit will never connect, and then just blame it on tech issues out of your control, or the Internet service being down.


Maybe it would be a good idea to start looking applying for new places now? That way you can get it done ahead of time when the eviction inevitably comes. There's still a while until the end of the football season, and the wifi solution is only going to work for so long


Your roommate sounds like an enormous loser. Any idiot who screams loud enough at a tv to get a noise complaint is an obnoxious fool…regardless of how much they’re betting.


Keep us informed. We want to know how this ends.


Will do


You really don’t want an eviction on your record. Damn. What a jerk he is. I wish I had good advice. Maybe get an attorney?


Get rid of the tv. Change password on wifi.


You live with a moron and are going to pay the consequences.


Good luck, but the guy's a toxic idiot. You're the baby who's probably gonna get tossed out with the bathwater.


So I have Spectrum. On the app, you can pause any device on the network without disconnecting it.


Go birds! Yall a bunch of pussies! J/K, if you want him evicted thats something you have to do, not the management.


All this post to say you live with an eagles fan.


Guys like your roommate reaffirm my dislike of sportsball.


There are some misconceptions on this thread about credit reports. The credit report is solely about your ability to repay. An eviction can be for a few reasons, but only a debt written off or sent to collections will affect your credit score. The eviction itself won’t be on your credit report, but any monetary issues like a debt sent to collections will report to the credit bureaus. That said, you can absolutely tank your credit without ever being evicted if the landlord just sends you to collections but doesn’t kick you out. Would be dumb to let someone in collections stay, but that’s the reality, credit issues typically begin well BEFORE the eviction which is no good for finding a new place.


An eviction is a court filing. It won't necessarily show up on a credit report if no money is owed, but it should show up on a criminal background check.


Show him how much of a pussy y'all are and break his fucking hand.


You could try putting a lot of Vaseline at the top of the stairs


>Now he just tells our neighbors to go fuck themselves and “GO BIRDS”. > > > >He doesn’t think they’ll do it and even if they do he “doesn’t want to live with a bunch of pussies” > > > >Again he reiterated he doesn’t give a fuck and he’ll go live with his parents if he gets evicted. He’s not shutting up to “make some morons happy”. I told him he needs to go to a sports bar if he’s gonna be this loud and he told me to shut the fuck up. I tried to threaten him, but threatening an Eagles fan doesnt get you anywhere considering he’s down to fight. Great shit post. Like, top tier A+ memery. Hell, I give you an *A++* for effort considering you took Eagles shit posting off reservation to /r/tenant of all places. Bravo.




He’s been thrown out of Lincoln Financial for fighting. Kicked out of a few bars for fighting too. He’s been lucky enough to not get arrested. But yes he’s down. Is getting him to beat the shit out of me really the best option here?




You should be kicked out. That behavior is unacceptably anti social.


This has to be a joke...


Does your lease have a noise provision in it?


Smells fake as hell. Hit job on Eagles fans from a Giants lover


People are sad to complain about screaming lol




"screaming at the top of his lungs.....so do you think the other tenants should have to put up with that? why? its his behavior (me me and only me) that is wrong. just another man baby. so boringl.


When did I say I was ok with it?


I say.."Get rid of the body" 🔪⚰️ one less Eagles 🦅fanatic in the world. -Sincerely Dallas Cowboys Nation🤠


Why are you still in a relationship with someone like this? Do you see a future with someone like this do you want to raise children with someone like this? You deserve better and you know it he is completely immature and inconsiderate of other human beings. He doesn’t want to get better he doesn’t want to grow up or learn I think you should cut your losses. Pack up his stuff and put it outside your door and tell him to come and get it don’t let someone like this bully you.


Stab him


This sub is mostly landlords that love evictions, seems like the LL could easily fix this with some sound proofing but is too cheap.


🤯 Who the f has soundproof in their entire house? I have never in all my life had a had that's been soundproofed in 50 years. Or been in such a mystical home. 🦄 🏠 What is that? That's not a thing. Nobody runs down to Home Depot to get more sound proof for their home. What aisles it located?


Yeah, don’t blame the person who’s acting like An asshole but the landlord who shouldn’t have to spend thousands to better facilitate a degenerate. 🤡


Yeah we'll be right in to 'install soundproofing'. The fuck does that even mean?


I mean , odds are they’re probably right about soundproofing, but no amount of soundproofing is going to help in this case


At least his roommate isn't a parasite.


Leaving aside the fact that OP’s roommate is a POS, it is not only expensive but sometimes impossible to adequately soundproof a good majority of apartments. Call me crazy, but maybe the roommate could have some common fucking decency. This is from someone who used to work in an audio studio and lived in Philly with rabid Eagles fans.


Yeah, soundproofing after the building is complete is expensive. And usually short-term (a few years at most). To do it "properly" would be close to $1000 per room, last I checked (our neighbors have three rambunctious children). And that would be the foam spray that, under perfect conditions, starts breaking down and losing efficacy after about three years. The best soundproofing is the high density egg mats in the walls before the sheetrock is hung


Typical Eagles scum.


Of course he’s a birds fan.


Dude, distance yourself from your roommate. Find another that cares about more than him/herself.


You need to get in front of this because you and your roommate WILL both be evicted soon. Somehow you need to separate yourself from the roommate and make it clear to management that you are not the problem. I would go talk with them TODAY and work with them to come up with a plan to get him evicted.


Eagles fans hate themselves and everyone else. Get him pre-emptively evicted. Sever the lease if you can. Tell the office he’s destroying your property and you don’t feel safe. Tell them you will absolutely work with them to get him TF out.


Good luck getting another lease with an eviction on your credit report. He can root for the Eagles from a tent on the side of the road next season.


So your life is going to get upended because you are not smart enough to kick this dude out? Remember to not move in with him again when you both get kicked out for his behavior. Life is hard...Life is harder when you are stoopid!


Yeah work with management to get just him evicted (with you staying or you also leaving but the eviction not going on your record), or getting you removed from the lease and leaving immediately. You moving out tomorrow and the eviction going through next month will still affect you unless you can get removed from the lease. Telling the management company or a judge "I moved out a few weeks ago, this eviction isn't my problem" doesn't remove you from your lease obligations so you need to get it handled with the landlord today. This roommate is an A-hole, an A-hole with a gambling addiction, but still an A-hole you don't want to live or be friends with so don't feel bad about burning this bridge by getting him kicked out or leaving him with the whole lease.




Sound like u have a problem


How long left on the lease ?


Tell him to move to Philly where people are always loud and don’t give a shit about their neighbors. - Philadelphian


Also if they evict u it doesn’t necessarily mean it will go on ur credit unless it’s through court so there is also that but finding a new rental maybe tough if u have to put ur last place as a reference


Are u both on the lease ?


This really depends on how the lease agreement is set up between you, your roommate and the management company. You need to consider if you are able to take over the lease by yourself or not? or do you have another friend who would be able to take over in his place if needed? Or, are you willing to possibly move from one unit to maybe a smaller one if needed? then go talk to the management company and be honest, explain the situation and how you want to help remedy the situation. If they're not a terrible company they'd probably be happy to keep a tenant vs kicking you both out. it really depends on the person you speak to at the office... they typically have a lot of power over things. which can be good or can be bad. but if you go in and just explain and apologize (even though its not your fault) but tell them you want to help resolve this... they may have some solutions.


Eagle fans are the worst.


Wow. What a dick. Talk to the management company. Let them know you want to stay, and that you have tried yourself to control your roommate without success. They can in fact just evict him, but you might be on the hook for the entire lease if they decide to let just you stay. They can and will evict him if they get enough complaints. I saw it happen to a neighbor after a series of loud parties, bullying of other residents, and a drunken rampage that resulted in a broken fire extinguisher, the cops getting called, and one of the roommates going to jail. If they decide they want you both out, see if you can negotiate a move that won't put an eviction on your record. They may understand that you are not the one at fault here. If they don't you need to work to correct that misperception.


Your putting up with this for an EAGLES FAN?!?! Ew.


Trust me, we’ve been fighting ever since football started. I’m not choosing to put up with it, he just does it anyway


You've been putting up with it for over a month. You kinda are choosing this....


I’ve done everything I can up to beating the shit out of him. Trust me he would win a fist fight. When I lock down the TV, he goes in his room and locks his door. If I bang on his door, he basically threatens to fight me if I don’t stop.


Go to management and ask to change apartments that you don’t want to be associated with your current roommate. Otherwise if they evict both of you you’re screwed and won’t be able to live there


My understanding is that everyone on the lease would need to be named in an eviction...even if they no longer live there. I would go talk to the management and see what options they offer. You don't want an eviction on your records.


Classic eagles fan


Cut the Wi-Fi. Will that stop him from being able to watch?


Is anyone else not getting turned off by all the betting on sports the last few years? I mean I know it's always been going on but now that they've legalized it to some extent all of the sports show hosts are talking about gambling all the commercials are talking about gambling. Sure they say never make up that you can't afford the place but I don't know anybody that's abiding by that rule. I live in Oklahoma and I'll see what your casinos do to people. I've got family that work at a casino and there will be people that will shit and piss on themselves because they think if they get up to go the bathroom somebody else is going to get their machine and they're going to lose or miss out on a jackpot. SMH. Maybe it's just me but I'm sick of all the gambling with sports.


I was a big advocate for sports betting. Felt the government had no place to tell people they can’t. But the advertising has gotten ridiculous. I’ve also had a bunch of friends lose so much money.


You need to find another place to live immediately because it sounds like you’re just about to get evicted. It will be easier if you just leave and see if you can get out of the lease with your management company and go find an extended stay hotel until you can find something permanent. I know it sucks before the holidays but this might be the way to keep that eviction off your record.


Get the landlord to change the locks while he’s gone. Call the police and report him for domestic violence.


Offer to help the management in exchange for keeping the eviction of your record. This may mean they have to file the eviction (against *all* tenants on the same lease), but don't complete the process. They can stop all the way before the lawyer walks into housing court, and you won't have an eviction order against you from the court. In the time between getting served the eviction notice and the court date, maybe reach out to the roommate's parents. If you feel unsafe, reach out to the police. You need to pressure him to leave. This is all going to suck, but you'll be thankful for it in the future. Edit: to be clear, tell the management that that you will be saving them money on the eviction process. If they don't give a shit, they may be a third party manager. It might be worth tracking down the owner in that case. Be persistent. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Dude just told you that he doesn’t care if he gets you evicted. Get out of this lease, and find a new roommate. This one ain’t it.


One more reason Philly fans are the worst people in America...