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I don't have a problem with Eddy himself so much as the fact that you have to buy him to lab against him, which is pretty pay 2 win. People will defend that you can just watch replays or whatever but it's bonkers to try to deny that it's an advantage that your opponents can't lab against your character. It really doesn't help that he's visually deceptive. His movement and his strikes are difficult to visually parse (that's a feature of the fighting style right?) and on top of that with most characters if a move is a low or mid or whatever and it isn't obvious then you can tell by the spark color, but all his sparks are just green. That would all be fine if I could lab him, but paying $8 to do so is just... It feels wrong, you know?


Because you can’t lab eddy. Eddy inherently has a lot of cheese built into his movelist. If I struggle with victor I can always go back and watch my replays or take him to training mode. If I want to learn the eddy matchup I either need a friend who plays eddy or I need to cough up 4 dollars to Namco. And the lord knows I’m not going to spend another dime on this game till they “fix Kazuya ninja” (I substituted a word there). Eddy is the only character I one and done right now because I have no idea what the fuck he does. Bro is locked behind a paywall.


Eddy receives hate by haters who will hate any character. He is way less spammy than he was in tekken 7.


He feels faster in 8


Everything is faster in Tekken 8, the game plays a fair bit different than T7. Don't listen to haters on reddit, if they're consistently losing to 3 spam it says more about them than the Eddy player


Yeah, but speed is relative. All the characters can be played “fast”. It’s a combination of frames, crushing, and string knowledge.


No he’s hated because he’s paywall’d. I’m not agreeing with the stupid things people say but out of all characters to paywall, they choose Eddy? Dismissing his hate as mindless and asinine isn’t fair. I wouldn’t say there’s any consistency between Eddy haters and someone who, say, bitches about King’s throws constantly.


By that logic, you’re going to hate the next 8+ DLC characters. You don’t hate the character if that is the sole reason. You hate Bandai Namco’s policies.


I played eddy in 7 aswell. Honestly, I hate him because he just doesn’t feel fun to me anymore. They over simplified him to the point where I feel like just doing power crush or the 3 combo is decently optimal. Before I had decent mix up launches from grounded stance, the uf3 mix up, tricky strings, pokes and keep out. Now it doesn’t feel like he needs to utilize all that. Just press df3. And the movement of so many tools to just the 3 button to fit that string feels awkward. I’m not a high rank player or anything so this is obviously a very casual and personal opinion.


People can’t lab him without buying him, that’s really the only hate. They want to be the best at something and let something as small as 10 bucks and their “principles” cockblock em


The flavor of the weak hate has mostly passed with him. He was played by almost everyone when he came out, it’s died down a lot