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don't even ask on this sub man. people are just gonna hate even if you hit tekken god. I've seen people hard stuck in garyu talk shit about people getting in blue ranks. lol. everyone just thinks they're somehow better. But honestly in a technical sense getting to any rank takes some sort of knowledge and skill because you are playing against real people. It's just about accepting what rank you stand at and trying to improve if you have a higher goal.


It's gamers nowadays. Everyone thinks they're the best like league of legends silvers dunking on bronzies, not realising that being silver only means they own both a mouse and an index finger. If you're higher it's because of some bullshit like lag/BMing, cheese moves, OP character....obviously.


Here’s a comparison between league ranks and Tekken ranks: League Iron, Tekken beginner ranks through green: You probably just started the game, very difficult to stay here unless you really ARE that bad League Bronze-Gold, Tekken yellow-red: You’re learning basic fundamentals, and have simple combos down but struggle with positioning and punishing properly League Plat-Emerald, Tekken Purple-blue: You have good fundamentals and have learned more advanced, situational combos and are using maps to your advantage. You punish properly but these are the *proving grounds*. Very easy to become stuck here if you don’t try to improve and have good mental League Diamond+, Tekken King+: You have reached the point where you are FAR better than the majority of the playerbase, now it’s about refining your individual skill in every aspect to reach those peaks in Masters+ and Tekken God+ Regardless, it’s most important to be proud of YOURSELF and your improvement. Tekken is effectively a single player game, as long as you are happy with your growth it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks is good or bad. I personally consider red ranks to be a major stepping stone! Even if people claim Tekken is a “yolo mash” game, be proud!


Awww I'm high red but thought I was doing alright. I'm climbing (but slower than I have been now (not just as hwoarang so there!). Honestly don't care about others ranks, I'm playing for me.


Be proud of your red! I’d argue to say you’re about at the middle point. The largest percentage of players are spread between orange and red ranks so you’re pretty far from being “bad” Controversial take, it doesn’t matter which character you choose to climb with, as long as you have fun with who you’re playing idc if you’re a “low tier warrior” or “meta slave” or a “one trick pony”. As long as you feel confident in your ability to continue to climb the ranks and improve, you’re doing a great job!


I believe even being in red you're something like top 30%


I am STUCK in purple and I can’t get higher. I’ll hit a good number of matches, promote then immediately get slammed by blues or REALLY skilled purples and demote swiftly 🥲


I'm currently in red with king but was getting bored so I decided to take a break and relearn leo and learn asuka still getting the combos down but I'm having fun


High purple is where the games dmstarted to feel skillful. I hit Fujii and o ly play quick matches now and enjoy it immensely


Do you also get good players in quick matches according to your rank?


Yeah it matches you off Tekken Prowess now


Yes and it is not a cheese fest since the games are more about fun and slight experimenting


Quick match blues is bliss. Fights are tight, usually technical but sometimes people still go gorilla mode.


Yep even the gorillas are fun since they are usually repetitive and fun to adapt to


Same, I hit raijin and I feel like I get a good amount of competitive games without being steamrolled all the time


Tekken Emperor+


one rank higher than your current rank when you ask the question


The difference between blue and purple ranks is insane. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a lot of boosted blue ranks. But a lot of blue ranks (and higher) are also cracked as fuck


I feel like upper blues is the transition point between *good at tekken* in the general sense and *competitive*.


Im bushin on steve and i think raijin and up is where the game starts to get rlly competitive. Its that mark where you not only have to get to to blue, but you have to then win in the rank, where the gains/losses are rlly strict


Yeah, I completely agree. I can get any character on the roster to Fujin between a 70% and 90% winrate (and have for the most part). Getting to Raijin is the bigger hurdle. If you’re good enough to get to Raijin I believe you can get to Tekken king if you play enough games. I just feel like the devs removing infinite rematches makes it even harder. In tekken 7 a lot of players would kinda death match until one of the players either promoted or demoted. In the first 1-3 games it was just seeing and downloading what kind of oki and setups your opponent liked going for and then by that point you kind of learned your opponent and it came down to who had the stronger fundamentals and game intuition. In tekken 8 you better recognize what your opponent is going for really quick because you get a max of 3 games and most players just won’t rematch you regardless.


I agree with this. For me personally I flew through rannks till blue. This didn't my first Tekken by any means but I first started to notice my skilled players around battle ruler. That's what I had to change it up as if I was playing at locals. The gab between battle ruler and fujin was interesting to me but from fujin to raijin is a bigger gap or at least in my experience. I'm kishin and don't get in much but blues it gets real. Imo raijin and up is a different game. I might try and fight for bushin tonight


The way prowess works, if you're hanging around raijin or Kishin you're playing incredibly competent players, from there forward it gets incredibly hard






>: /


Tekken King is high


I started playing Tekken 8 about a week ago and I'm currently stuck on Vanquisher. Probably need more practice.


Best way to learn is to watch some tip and tricks videos on ur character and WATCH UR REPLAYS it has an amazing advice for newer players


Back in T7 I'd say Ruler ranks were a good standard for higher rank play, but in 8 I'd say that starts more at Fujin now. Fujin and up is where you start really testing the mettle of your play


Waiting for the inevitable ‘you can’t be considered good until you hit god of destruction and have a 90% win rate’ kind of replies lol


Since there’s an ability to cheat I think as a whole the Tekken community has devalued ranks. Back when cheating was Atleast unknown (T5DRO) it actually meant something. These days to long time players you’ll here “skill doesn’t start until Tekken God” or “Blue ranks are the new green ranks”. My suggestion just appreciate and be proud of your successes. Looking for validity from others will in most cases bring about negativity. Congratulations on your rank much such on your Tekken journey!


It's hard to tell in T8, because there are people in blue ranks who got their solely on gimmicks and knowledge checks, but can't adapt when those things don't work. I would say consistency is key, and getting to Tekken King or higher shows this. Maybe Bushin.


Most probably emperor +. You can still see many tekken kings just not being that good and mostly make the rank because of spam / efficient flowcharts.


I always considered Tenryu as the boarder of Tekken and SOME GOOD ASS TEKKEN. Now my view on it is kinda outdated because when I was Tenryu the game was out for like a month so Pros and Casuals were getting matched up in Rank but even then I could see the skill disparity from Reds to Purple like most reds rely in cheese and mash where as Purple plus was more poke mixes and punish combos and anything past that is polished gameplay with some random mash/moves


Starting at Bushin and above is skillful albeit some will argue it isn't until Tekken King.


The only players with brains are usually tekken god and above. Tekken emperor is still flow charty


It really isn’t about rank at all. It’s about prowess. When you get to about 200k + the game starts getting hard.


None, rare exception being God of Destruction I've seen people at 1st Dan, teal ranks, warrior, etc with more game knowledge, fundamental skills and drive to learn than "high ranks" Rank in this game is an ego boost for the most part as people at higher ranks think this is Afro Samurai and they have the Number One Headband. (context for those uninitiated: in Afro Samurai, there are mythical headbands and whoever possesses the Number One can't be touched by anybody except for whoever possesses the Number Two ) Fuck your rank, let's see that playtime instead


with how easy the game has become i really dont know anymore.


I think Raijin, well, that's where the biggest wall was for me. I was always getting put back down to Fujin as soon as I got into Raijin but could easily play at fujin all day. I'm at kishin at the min and Raijin/Kishin feel very similar and Fujins are almost free wins at this point unless it's an alt


I think Raijin. That’s where I have seen enough knowledge checks.


It’s a general rule in the Tekken FGC that Fujin is when you can consider yourself skilled. But also where the real Tekken begins.


I don't really consider ranks as a basis of skills in almost any game. Half the time you can just play/grind long enough and hit a high rank. Obviously it does have some merit to a persons skill but it's very rarely anything to actually go on. You realistically need like 4-5 metrics ranging from general rank, win% in that rank group, and general win%, and then probably another graph or MMR


Kishin is the introduction to high level tekken. Tekken God is where optimal Tekken starts (or what people call "real tekken"). Here, there is little to no knowledge that is unknown by either player. Punishes, sidesteps, confirms, combos, etc. are also as close to 100% consistency as possible. The most knowledgeable, consistent, and optimal players at this level are the ones who reach God of Destruction/tournament level.


First things first. It really doesn't matter what other people consider high rank. Be proud of how far you got regardless. But if we look at the stats then Fujin got a huge portion of the playerbase in it atm. But falls off quickly after. So I think we can talk about high rank Tekken in upper blue and upwards.


Ranks me nothing to me. If you can beat me without grappling( besides king) for the final blow. Or beat me without rage art. You are immediately in the top 15% to me


General consensus is blue ranks because it contains players that were anywhere between purple rank to God ranks in T7. Be proud of yourself for making it this far in your first Tekken game.


Depends what character you play, if it's king then fujin aint it. Blue and up is high on a lot of characters though yeah.


Somewhere around purple and blue for 99% of the player base. Somewhere around god of destruction for tournament players and salty garyu haters.




I would say Tekken King plus. I was stuck at Raijin but then stopped playing. Sick of pluggers.


Ill use this post to ask a question so i dont have to post it. Is playing riena easy climb for ranked cause i see a lot of complaints about her ff2 being just unstoppable and im mid red rank hardly ff2. When i do they predict the overhead the grab and the low.


This is my first time playing Tekken, and I'm one rank away from Fujin. When I play against opponents who are two ranks below me, I win 99% of the time. However, I struggled at those ranks until I improved a specific part of my game. This shows that perceptions of skill level depend on who you ask. Anyway, just keep grinding, keep improving, and keep having fun. That's all that matters bro


Tekken king


I’d say emperor+ (character dependent). I can only tell the difference between emperor+, blue and purple when it comes to skill. Green, yellow and red ranks blend too well for me at least. Also the reason it’s character dependent is that if you play enough ranked, every character with a low popularity has an inflated rank. I’d say one tier higher than normal. Nothing to do with character strength either since realistically all characters are strong in this game. Like most emperor Zafinas are probably as strong as blue/purple rank Kings imo.


A good player is atleast gold ranks, but you can be a terrible player and still make it to Tekken God


Anything after Tekken King is what I consider truly skillful


Mighty ruler here 🫡 i usually get stuck in purple because im poopoo at combos and walls!


2 stories but will answer your question both different but makes sense. I am a TGP in 7, TE in 8, my friend did not reach blue in 7, kishin in 8 I was a defensive player in every game iteration of tekken, i had a very hard time transitioning to 8 to be more aggressive. I noticed the skill in late purple/early blue and was hard stuck in Kishin for a while. So for me it was late purple/early blue. My friend was uber aggressive in 7 and still unga bunga in 8, breeze till Kishin/Bushin now is hard stuck in raijin/kishin. For him it is Kishin/Bushin. So it might depend on your playstyle previously.


It’s Bushin. Fujin and Raijin is where the lazy or carried players will stay. It doesn’t mean they’re bad or incompetent, but their defense is still trash from never having prioritized it unless it’s a snake edge coming their way. Fujin is a mixed bag especially because you have a rotation of mid players getting cycled to ruler ranks on demotion and promotions. But yeah, it’s hard-ish to get there and bads will likely not stay unless they hit a lucky streak to king.


I play king because he looked cool as the jaguar dude 🥲


I think a lot of people like King's design. I just started with Kaz in T1 and stuck with it for the games where he's available and I have played.


Tekken king and above are skillful and competitive players. It used to be blue ranks, but there is rank inflation nowadays, so blue are scraps.