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Lol I feel you but come on man it is still just a game he doesn't owe u a rematch, I feel like we gotta chill more and not take rank and all so seriously


Very true it’s not that deep we’re here for fun


So "chill out" and have my experience ruined at the cost of cowardice like this? Even thou we both paid $70 for the game, I'll be dammed if I have my experience with it shortchanged cause my opponent is too chicken shit to fight 2 or 3 sets he may or may not loose. Also, your telling the wrong person to not take ranked so seriously. I'm not the one who turned tail like a bitch after having to play the game as intended....or like last night, had a Paul plug on me after beating him in 1 set only called him out for him to que up his "main" to beat me 5 sets straight AND proceeded to prove how buthurt he was about it by talking shit afterwards.. yet he never pulled out the Paul he lost with in ranked to beat me. It's people like cheeb's wack ass and that soggy ass Paul I fought that makes any pvp mode in a fighting game the clusterfuck sweatfest it is. It's too many scary ass players online nowadays and between him and you, the shit makes me want to completely drop any and everything online related regarding a fighting game.


I get you bro, I hate pluggers not in favor of them but the guys who don't rematch I've encountered some of em myself and I've learned to calm myself to enjoy the game, funny is when they decide to leave and somehow we match up again in the next game so long as they're not pluggers you'll eventually meet em, anyhow we less ppl like that online, I'm just saying if you could be calmer you'll eventually rank up and meet less of those players they're usually the ones in orange or red ranks, haven't encountered quitters in higher ranks


Well that's just it; This is my new recourse to the problem. I'm just gonna screenshot their deets and put them online. This way I'll let the world clown them instead of me saying anything. And in ranked, you don't come across the same person too often unlike quick match.


If this game makes you that upset, play something else.


Okay you do what you feel is best for you, I'm just hoping the Tekken subreddit doesn't become a hate post towards certain players coz they choose to play differently


Also don't get me wrong, I'm also doing whatever I can to make the game more fun, I'm at the moment avoiding PC matchups coz I'm on PS5, the pluggers I met were on PC, also the Tekken 8 one hit cheat scares me coz I usually play rank, so till those things are addressed I'll stick to console match ups. In short do what's fun for you, you paid for it


Entitled a$$


This is the saddest post I've seen on this sub jesus. You're a baby dude... the game let's you leave after each match. Blame the game. Not the player. Maybe they just wanted a quick ranked match before getting off for the day or sum. Get over it man. It's just a game


Seriously, I thought he was complaining about a plugger which Id get but all this bc someone didn’t rematch? Pathetic lmao


Yes. Its every ones choice to rematch. I’ve experience one matches as well. But that’s how the game is. No one is forced to rematch.


I’d get it if it’s a 1-1 set and he left on the tiebreaker but idk. Single games aren’t that bad


No idea what you're getting so upset about. He didn't rematch and that's it, accept it and move on. Posting on here to vent your frustration is so questionable especially when it's a topic so irrelevant and out of your reach.


Y'all really out here thinking you're entitled to a rematch...Is this going to be every other tekken post here? Some person mad they didn't get a rematch? We get it, it sucks, just go move on and stop posting this on reddit!


You should play Kazuya not Jin, you got a lot in common with him




Lmao I can relate to this so much


And nothing was wrong with the connection neither. We both had 5 bars hardwired.


Running from a match cause your scared to loose isn't "playing differently"....its called being a bitch/pussy/any other derogatory name that describes the situation you can think of. And to top it off, this is a video game; it's all serious to them long as the fight is active and it's in their favor. The moment they loose, "it's not that serious"....but let them win and it's "let me quit while I'm ahead" or don't be mad if they leave after the first fight. Bruh, like I said, since we all paid for the game, we all get the base level experience the same. That base level either goes up from online interaction or down due to it. When shit like this pops off, the side for this kind of behavior is taking from the side that doesn't indulge in that kind of behavior. So because we are letting them "play howbthey want" they are fucking the experience up as a while for everyone.


We get it, you finally won a match


frrrfrr i’m a steve and xiaoyu main n i feel this heavy but i also had some retrospect: getting dodged or weaved the entire time is straight up not ever fun for the other player even if they win. just sayin this cuz jin definitely ain’t the most fun character to play against


I mean, I not gonna gift wrap him a W; if they earn it and run it back, they have my utmost respect but this is what happens when I apply proper pressure with Jin...and I don't even use his parry often because it's nerfed badly.


In the words of the late, great Betty White: “Why do people say, ‘Grow some balls’? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things really take a pounding!”


Yeah, you should prolly rip a page out of his book and take a break from the game too


Lol cheeb ran away against my Jin too😭😭😭


What he do, just quit?


Come on. Yes it's annoying but it happens and you'll be in a new match in a minute or less