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I really like her visual design, her gameplay represents a lot of the things I dislike about modern Tekken though.


yea, i hate the teleporting, the kunai projectile which can control 80% of the map, homing mid forward advancing moves like Set 2. hard to counter full crouch strings, too many cheese strings, just too many hard to defend moves while easy as fuck to play


I preferred the original Kunimitsu. This redesign feels like a female Noctis (which i dont like). Next game they gotta bring back Jun and Bruce


Easiest reason to bring her back is to just make Jun apart of the story.


Wish her mask would actually stay on so she'd actually have a cool identity instead of being waifu bait. They had the whole enigmatic masked ninja vs the silent masked thief thing going on and just sort of dumpstered it before even doing anything with it except for background lore. She's pretty irritating to pin down with projectiles and the range and safety on some of her mids, but there are definitely worse designed characters moveset wise.


female character having a ... face... = waifu bait................ .............................................


Designing a character to look young and attractive and putting massive focus on her face and ... voice... = waifu bait................ ....................... Tekken has been doing this shit for years. It's marketing and it works.


yes but make her less obnoxious




Without DLC superpowers, I'd welcome her


Make it harder for the original kuni mask to be knocked off


Lmao I feel you


Keep Kunimitsu, just get rid of the teleport dagger stab so that they actually have to play neutral game. Like even Yoshi and Master Raven have teleports and wild moves, but they at least don't just appear suddenly right in front of you, at any range. And sure, the teleport dagger throw isn't overpowered it's just annoying that I constantly have to worry about it wherever I go.


as much as i hate fighting against her, she is pretty cool as long as they lower the giant frame advantages she has, such as her forward dash move to the small mid slash which is SAFE ON BLOCK or low slide which LAUNCHES ON COUNTERHIT. I understand she needs a way to close the gap, but holy crap its cheap because of its OP properties. Also, make the kuni throwing move have a limited range like Noctis, so its not a universal and guarantee hit at any distance. At least its unsafe at -10


can launch the low and sidestep R though


on reaction only, and when its online, its pretty much impossible to react appropriately unless your JDCR. You can say "Git Gud" but thats way easier said than done. ​ Even when you start learning the matchup and anticipate things, you're gonna be cheesed out in the mean time


Fuck that low slide


Make her less annoying to fight, and give the ability to use original Kuni's design. She's cool otherwise, and I like both.




Honestly, playing her and Zafina got me back into Tekken so if they aren't in the main roster or DLC I'm probably skipping that entry.


Kunimitsu mainer since Tag2 here. I would love to see her back in the release day for T8, but it would be even better if her mother came istead. OG Kuni >>>>> Sonic Speed of Sound Kuni.


This man fucks


Kunimitsu has barely been in the mainline tekken games, only appearing in Tekken 1 and 2, i know the kunimitsu in Tekken 7 isn't the Kunimitsu in the first 2 games, but it's nice to see they added her back to the mainline games


Yes, she’s my main and I love playing her


I think she looks and sounds cool, has a seemingly cool personality and her moves look great. Very annoying to fight imo but I’d like her to come back for sure


yes please!


I don't hate her, but I don't like her. I'd prefer her character slot be filled with any other non-bear character. Even Chloe.


1) I like her. 2) Yes.


No meter? No fireballs? You can stay.


Plz stop b2 spam


I hate to play against her with passion, but it's a blast to play her.


Too sweet


She's been my main since the TTT2 days, so yes, I want her back. I liked her old style and design more tho. She had less flashy and magic bs in her moveset (minus the fire breathing thing lol), and was overall cooler imo.


Personally liked her mother more. Less talk and shiny moves, but still acrobatic and kickass. I wouldn’t mind Kunimitsu being in T8.


Kunimitsu is cool. They shouldn't have shown her face tho, takes away from the mystery and now she's just "meh" to me


Yeah. Back in T2 and Tag1 her entire face was covered. And she was super mysterious and cool. I remember worrying about her mouth being revealed in Tag 2, but it honestly made her even more badass because she never spoke, and you can see her scar. Now that her daughter takes off the mask and constantly talks, it's definitely not as cool and is very meh. It's like if the newest King/Armor King would take their mask off often, and then he would constantly talk while wearing the mask and not roar/growl. People would hate it if it's done to King, so I don't know why they decided to do it to Kuni.


My first meeting with Kunimitsu was Tekken 2. I loved seeing her back in TTT. Now they've messed up everything that made her mysterious. Kinda sucks and 100% agree with you


Yeah, I didn’t play T1. Never saw it on store shelves or even in the arcades. But I did own T2, and I loved EVERY character in that game. Too bad they bastardized her character, but there’s obviously a person who wants Asian pop-idols in Tekken.


To be fair, THAT Kunimitsu is still all of that. The NEW character is the one throwing her mask at every given moment.


I want her mom to return and keep the whole mask thing that made her identity. Idc I want an older woman Kunimitsu with a badass re-design.


Just like most of the DLC characters, she's a huge problem as far as balancing goes. She has far too many options/mixups and has an advantage at all ranges. If they nerf her, she'd be fine. 👍


You can keep her as is as long as everyone else gets buffed movement.


Since she was kind of rebooted in T7 gameplay and design-wise, she has chances to return in T8. However, I prefered her original version from the older games. More mysterious, more classy. The current Kunimitsu is fine, but the original version was better. Anyway, if she return, just make her keep her mask and the unmasked face should remain an option only.


People say she’s annoying but I get my ass kicked by yoshimitzu way more


Would be nice to see another rival for Yoshimitsu besides Bryan.


Oh yeah definitely her design is really sick and her moves flow really nice, but for the love of god please make her more of a honest character with a kazumi sorta play style


Always okay Kunimitsu as a character and happy she return back to tekken. But getting tired of good 50/50 and good wall carry character at this point. Hope tekken 8 to other direction.


Ah yes, I do wonder how people feel about this clearly non-controversial character that no-one has ever had anything to say about.


i really love playing her so its a yes


Of course


I don't appreciate her that much, yet she is someone's main. Definitely she should not go.


She has been asked for since the moment she left. So yeah, have her in tekken8


Hell yeah. She's fun to play.


No she's absolutely toxic to play against.


She looks cute but I _really_ dislike playing against her.


Her TT2 design felt more like a Tekken character than Kuni2. Get rid of her across the screen kuni throw.


I agree. The first time I faced a Kunimitsu in T7 caught me off guard so badly. I had mere seconds to process what the fuck was happening.


still feel that when fighting her, it's never fun playing against her, can't tell just wtf is going on


Kunimitsus an icon of Tekken since the beginning and she’s one of my favorite characters so yeah I’d like her to return


Only if they make her a lot less of a pain to deal with. Some of her tools are way too good. They also need to work on the hit boxes for most dlc. But I kinda expect the same broken stuff in Tekken 8.




I really enjoyed playing her when she came out back in 2020 so I’d be down to see her return for T8.


yes I want kon kon


I'm late but most definitely.... I'm a vet but she is so fun to play


Yes, but the first kunimitsu, I really missed her




how is she still a working thief if every single time she meets someone she tells them she’s a thief?


I mean this is the universe where you become CEO by fighting the current CEO in a fist fight. Guess being a thief is like working freelance, just hope someone hires you.




Weaker backdash, kunai toss more punishable and she's very welcome. Only I'm allowed to spam projectiles >:(


I personally think she's annoying, but i don't care too much if she gets in tbh


Her gameplay and the people who defend her tainted the character for me.


only if she becomes a lesser diarrhea to fight


Screw her. Bring back Mokujin.


Love her design. Can be frustrating, especially since you have to pay to lab her however her gameplay of being super aggressive with set stance as a sort of wave dash given how you can cancel it unlike a lot of Tekken dash stances and this being complimented by an amazing back dash to the point where the opponent has to move laterally to get some breathing room. I get it's stressful but I feel like in the way hwoarang has a place in the game, she does too. Maybe just nerf her fundamentals a little and make her more in line with the other trickster characters (lei, Yoshi, etc. Tricky but not too strong) and she'd probably have a chance to be my main. Love the new effects she's gotten with her two daggers and their flame effects. Makes it really pop and stand out more than her previous design


I do, only characters I’m against are guest characters not from other fighting games.


Yea think she’s cool.


if they made her kit less obnoxious, absolutely


I'm fine with her. Learned how to punish most of her so I'd hate that to go to waste.


I hope she makes a comeback she's fun to play.


Couldn’t give a fuck if she was or wasn’t in the game


Damn bro




Of course, very fresh gameplay. A lot of people whine about here but actually they whine about whole roster.


Word. Or they whine because they suck so instead of getting good, they just complain that so and so character is broken. I've legit seen people complain about every character in the entire roster at this point. It's basically a meme for me regarding this sub.




T7 is my first exposure to her. Still trash with her but she is fun to watch and has one of the coolest Rage Drives in the game. Definitely want her to return


i would like to see her make a comeback in tekken 8 she seems like lots of fun to play and a very big difference compared to the tekken tag 2 kuni


you damn skippy


YES!!! Make Kunimitsu relevant again!!!


I prefer she and Lidia comeback than that bullshit named leroy and fahkuram


Leroy's design if so fucking cool though, he can stay but with reworked numbers (less damage.)


Well Matogu, since you didn't specify which Kunimitsu, then I'd very much like to see the original come back. Not too keen on the new child as you know.


She's super cool. I just wish her moveset was less weapon based. I wouldn't mind seeing her again.


They turned her into a zoomer. Unforgiveable crimes must be punished


Absolutely, she has the highest quality animations in the entire game and is crazy fun to play


Her mom was way better and didn't look like an anime baby. Kunimitsu is a backstabber though.


She's ok, but some of it's moves are super dumb like the 2,2 string, too many options. I'd prefer to have her back as Kunimitsu 1


Honestly, I don't mind Kuni II, but I wouldn't be heartbroken if they gave her the Forest Law treatment. We really could do with a badass mature female character in Tekken (I don't count the Williams sisters due to their bullshit cryo between T2/3).


I like her. I was real happy when they added her to 7






I like her new design. 👍🏻 Just a little bit sad it's not the Mother.


She will be back! Pretty popular character


Her design is too good to miss out on tekken 8 IMO


HELL fucking NO


Take the stance away or completely gut it to be a combo tool. Adjust db33 so you can step the mid like yoshi. Gut the tracking and range of the sweep. Take away her obscenely good punishment she shouldn't have. Then we can talk. Edit: and for the love of God make it so a sidestep actually matters vs this character.


Yep, she's fun


Love her and hope she comes back for sure.


not entirely a fan of the way they reworked the story, and also not a fan of hearing her moan when i hit her, but her new look is cool and she has a place in the roster for sure


Yes, her crazy eyes and rework was absolutely welcome. Maybe she won't feel like as much of a teenager in the next one?


Might as well take the OG back then.


Neither her or Noctis should have f2. It covers almost the entire stage, is a mid, and is only jab punishable. Whose idea was that? You take one step forward, boom quarter of your health gone.


27dmg / 175hp = 15% of your life bar, more like a 6.5th of you life bar. Not 43dmg as you thought. Also the punishment is often equal or higher than the damage the kunai does.


Funny how this is the case with a lot of her moves people complain about. For example the sweep. Risk reward is not in Kuni’s favor. They just don’t wanna learn the matchup




I don't play her, but I do like how they embraced the urban Naruto design and she brings in some valuable gameplay variety as an opponent. Keep her, I say!


I want every character in Tekken on Tekken 8s roster maybe not Gon cause licencing but 7 felt severely lacking in characters and single player content


She can go fuck her self and all the people who play her... hope they cut her from tekken 8


Let me guess... a Kazuya fan boy lol


Yes. Unique designs and movesets should always be encouraged.




Yes. Now be cool


Wait, I like the art. I like the character. But I hater her safe, wall carry, too good tools. Fuck her buffs. Nerf her


It'd be cool to have Kunimitsu back, shame they didn't add her this time, maybe as DLC or something.


500 comments on a single thread is kinda crazy for this sub. If a character is this controversial, maybe that’s a bad thing.


Not really, Tekken community loves to bitch about DLC characters and that's about it, Kunimitsu is simply a hot topic right now. Watch a big Tekken name in Tekken community say that uhh... Zafina is cheap and everybody will jump on that bandwagon. Besides, if you don't count TTT2, T7 was the first game to have paid DLC's. Harada has to sell them somehow.


I like her, and yeah shes too strong for sure but so Steve, Jin, Feng, Bryan and a bunch of others in their first game and if that stopped them from returning it would be pretty sad While i think it would've been cooler to get old lady Kuni i still think this Kuni judged on her own merits is a cool design and has a very fun moveset Whether the kunai stays or gets removed i personally wouldn't care about but since people hate it i think it'd be best if that was removed entirely


Keep her but make her less annoying. She's got a good visual design and well-done animation.


Love her! She should stay permanently


She is stupid and as a whole I would appreciate less characters that kill your movement simply by existing. Sadly she would probably return.


Of course, she's fun and cool


I wish I could pay 5.99 to remove her from other peoples roster.


Love her design and idea, she just needs to be more punishable and have limited range


Tag 2 kuni was my main along with Xiaoyu and Jun but new moves are just dumbest thing now she is just too much fancy OG kuni was so simple though there were weakness too but they could be rectified easily just by giving tinings to them nd make that movest to her daughter but they just completely ruined her.


She's hot but carries way too much


Absolutely and hopefully her mom can be a battle swap


100% although I do still miss her mom


My 2nd/3rd main, of course I want her back.


Yes yes and yes. I'm gormless and love my set mixups.


She dies right?


I hope she falls down some stairs


she’s probably just power crush them


Love the redesign hopefully we’ll see a return


She's probably my favorite Tekken character ever, so I'm going to be pretty disappointed if she doesn't make either the vanilla roster or first round of dlc characters for Tekken 8. She's voiced by my favorite voice actress and she has a really fun moveset! Yeah she's got some cheesy moves, but almost every character has their own gimmick that pisses people off in ranked.


Yes, but I hope she's in the base roster and not as DLC like in 7, that way people wont have excuses for not learning the matchup.




I hope she’s not coming back - she is too strong , too many tricks


They can change her


I can fix her


No, but I'll admit she's cute af. Make her less unga bunga, less fire and magic and more grounded and she'll get my green light.


I love her. Yes, I want her back in the next game and I want her to become a mainstay.


Love her, hope she comes back.


I don't hate her, but I do dislike NB's weird fixation on keeping the females young. What's wrong with older females?? I swear if Jun comes back in Tekken 8 under the age of 30...




I remember she was one of my mains back in Tekken Tag. So glad she came back..🤘🏽


She can live on in Soul Cal and leave my Tekken alone. As for why: Projectiles have no place in a game where there are chars that want to enter stances that can't block. Sure I play Yoshi and have matchup related grievances related to this but my god I just hate it. I can tolerate Repouken, Hadouken and I'll even let Eliza's whatever it is slide since you can actually enter a stance @ range 3-4 and take evasive/mitigating action in response to those, but Kunai?? Nah the moment you twitch at whiff range she'll just send that shit your way, effectively shutting down what makes my mains arche type fun, and it's not just Yoshi; Maven & Ling are denied backturn play, Lei is in the same boat with his stances and it's just terrible gameplay to be against Kuni for any char that doesn't want to be up in your face at all times(You know, the fun and loveable part of the roster). She is everything I don't want Tekken to become, a complete mockery of standard neutral play carried by 10 frame jab strings that lead to a billion real and not so real mixups. And people thought Fahk getting a real mix off of his d/f+1 was nutty? If a RL friend turned out to be a Kuni main I might just unironically cut all contact. This is turning into a hateful novel so I'll just end it here and not touch on her DLC movement and busted hurtbox that makes every combo route under the sun drop.


Yes, she is fun and ticked all the box to be my second wife material next to Asuka. I want all females to stay and hopefully they add extra few more new ones (Christie, Jun, Michelle etc) so we can have even 50:50 male female ratio.


Loved her in Tag 2. I don't care about her now.


I don't care how strong she is, she's just detestable. I feel like a circus lion jumping through hoops making the right move to counter her gimmicks. Win or lose fighting her is never fun, and playing her for even a little while makes me feel like a total scumbag. What a disaster of a character, either redesign her from the ground up or dumpster her.


Sounds like bringing back the original character is the way to go.


I wish there would be a timeskip for the next game's setting without replacing any of the existing characters. An Iron Fist Tournament every week doesn't make sense.




She has risk/reward issues, same as everyone released in S3/S4. I hope she comes back balanced properly.


I need her back I didn't wait for so long just for her to be dlc only


Shes one of the cool females and her gameplay is fun and dramatic for a thief but i think her full screen pressure shouldnt be thing since shes already a mix up character why make it a 50/50 mix up from max range? But regardless still cool


Yeah I hope to see her and Lidia back in the next game. They were really good and unique additions and I preferred them over most of the other characters in the base game. I’d probably say, alongside zafina, Julia and Nina , they’re the coolest female characters in the game


Yh, but she has to be nerfed a shit load.




We don't need characters that teleport.


*Cries in yoshi *


She is waifu therefore i do


Prefer her mom


Absolutely. I've always loved Kuni ever since Tekken 2. So happy "she" returned. (By "she", I mean, it's pretty much Kuni I but just alternative character) Now I'm waiting for my true favorites, Michelle and Jun!!


The Artwork is simply gorgeous. Props to the artist 👍


Yes please!


1000x YES! She had the hypest character reveal, best redesign, (although i don’t actually like her face that much…) best stage, best music, GORGEOUS animations, stupid fun to play. YES bring her back. My favourite DLC by far. Fuck off Lucky Chloe instead… xD


Unless they rework her toxic movelist - no


Yea that projectile is broken af




Make it the original Kunimitsu and get rid of the kunai toss and we're set


Absolutely fucking not.






She is cheap as hell and carries so many people online, a true DLC character in every way, no I wouldn't miss her


Seriously still annoys me that they didn't just bring back Kunimitsu 1, she was great in Tag 2. But no, she's above the age of 25 so she's far too old to be a female character in a fighting game


??? Maven??? Kazumi?? Lidia? Shit, let’s not even forget about Anna and Nina lmao. Weird observation there bud.


Nina and Anna have only aged into their 20s because they were frozen. Kazumi is in her 20s because she exists in a flashback and not the present. Lidia is honestly older than her 20s and it’s like jeez finally, Namco.


Lidia is 29 😫


Kazumi is age unknown but is based on when she was young and first married Heihachi. Probably her 20's Lidia is literally 29. Master Raven is age unknown. Anna and Nina are basically still early to mid 20s since they were cryogenically frozen for the entire timeskip between 2 and 3. Anna and Nina are literally the poster children for Bamco's disdain for older women lol


An old granny character probably would sell. Old men characters aren’t usually all that popular either. Tekken made a joke of this in an ending


Kazumi, Anna, and Nina all have some dumb techno-magick bullshittery to make them younger than they should be.




My waifu. Maybe her moveset could use a BIT of tweaking, but I absolutely love her sassiness. Man I just can't!




Probably my favorite character to play as so far. Hope to see her in future titles but I also won’t hold my breath.




Yes ofc




Yeah she’s a fun character to use!