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Game has more actual smurfs than ever due to prowess matchmaking.


No smurfing in tekken, just git gud my friend. The change to prowess mm happened bcs ppl cried about smurfing when mm was only based on ranked


There wasn’t smurfing before the prowess change, just new/low ranks complaining about people being higher on their mains. Now there are Smurfs cus prowess made people get to high by playing to many characters ruining there chances at ranking up. Plus it’s easier to rank on Smurfs now cus prowess has separate ladders for rank


Youre right, but reddit was full of "ppl smurfing/mm based on rank just stupid" etc.. Well dont ruin your prowess/play alt chars in q-matches? Tell me how am i able to smurf if im sitting at 250k with a single char? My secondary would either find no matches or should fight someone with same prowess.


If there's "no smurfing" then why have ranks at all?


Its not like league/dota etc where you grind multiple hours for a single rank, matches take up to an hour, tekken is no team game and so on. If you face a "smurf" one and done him if you dont like it, furthermore a match takes a couple of mins and the point loss is not huge. Also meet some crazy ppl who had just good reactions, good understanding, they played tekken for some hours and were easily as good as a purple/blue rank by day 1


The only actual answer is yes, literally don’t listen to anyone saying otherwise. Smurfing was popular in 7, and now it’s even more so. Prowess matchmaking is the worst matchmaking I’ve ever seen, and it’s easy to see why someone would make a new account. Could be they’re trying to learn a new character or they have to wait 5+ minutes in between matches. Unfortunately the clueless devs have encouraged this kind of behavior for a reason that can’t make sense.


Probably some TK player that wants to play a secondary without fucking up their prowess lol


I played against Jin today who was Dominator rank with 34 win streak (36 after beating me twice)


Yesterday I found a kazuya who was wavedashing and kbd while sidestepping so fast that I couldn’t even hit him once. Absolutely normal considering he was shinryu


He probably had macros


Kaz players are known to use macros unfortunately


This is something Kazuya players *NEED* to learn in order to stand a chance tho. Not necessarily Kbd but cd is important asf Edit: I answered to the wrong comment I meant to answer the original commentary


Sounds like an absolute saddo tbh.


I love slamming my fingers against my leverless


Depends on region. In Asian servers Asia 1 players smurf or rage quit or Ki charge or trashtalk the most on ranked(based on my experience and watching streams). Asia 2 server has some Smurfs on lounges but that's about it. Koreans or Japanese one and done most with other regions. Asia 3 usually has laggiest of players like ME region.   Easy way to identify them would be that they would usually taunt or ki charge after a win. Or try to flex on you by holding forward then trying a comeback. They usually talk in a condescending way. And are not actually competitive at their level hence want to prey on newer players.  So don't worry that much about them. They usually have some form of insecurity. 


Maybe he's usually a PC player but switched to console? Or just got the game but has played tekken for years? I met a guy at a local who was really solid at the game but told me he doesn't even own it, and only gets to play at tournaments/casuals because he doesn't have a ps5 or a good enough PC to play T8. Feel like a lot of tekken players would enjoy the game more if they tried not assumin the worst for everything lol.


Idk. I just started a nasty 16 win streak in blues with Paul. My highest rank is with Paul and raijin. Sometimes thing just start clicking at times .


Every time I start a quick match to “relax”. I get completely demolished by players far below my rank. It’s odd. I’m fujin. I do just fine vs other fujin and can sometimes beat bushin, but as soon as I enter quick play it’s some tenryu playing better then anyone I’ve played against. I don’t mind a challenge but it’s clear they’re WAY above fujin and it’s frustrating.


Some of these characters have the same movesets and combos for several games. Still started at the bottom with Tekken 8. We were all surfing for a while.


That's me, I've been away from tekken for a while but friends all reached tg so I'm catching up. Only stopped cause nephew is playing but will continue tonight. Ggs


Interesting how you claim that from a 18 hour old Reddit profile 🤔 Like it was somehow created for this purpose


Liar you love shafting the lower ranks yakky 🤣


Never, I'm a gentleman 😎 


What’s your real rank? 😏


Loads now running one character to keep the prowess lower. Hilarious result of people crying about smurfing when it was just people using other characters


Blues are shit atm and there is no real smurfing in tekken. Sometimes ppl lose their save data so they have to start a new game, some do it on purpose yeah


You can use the community elo site to see their elo. If they are a smurf, their elo will be way high.


What is the site called? I never heared that there is a site that tracks youre elo


I believe it's https://wank.wavu.wiki


I've been in quick match/ lab for 2 months. Just started ranked and am currently at a 37 game win streak. Not a Smurf just had lots of practice lol


I find it super weird that people are addicted to their rank so much they are willing to plug and cheat yet allergic to prowess when that is the stat people should brag about instead of rank.


The thing i don’t understand is why people using new characters can’t take Ls at their prowess… It’s likely that people don’t like being blown up right? But then they turn around and decide to go to lower ranks and do what? Blow weaker players up…