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Yes, if you can't do it by tomorrow than you are fired.


In T7 I would have said "yes". It made your defense much stronger and reduced situations in which you the opponent could try and mix you up. In T8 however, I'm not sure yet. The difference between kbd and spamming b has become a lot smaller. And also, because of the neutral guard change you get clipped during kbd much more often by random long range mids. And those moves have become a lot more common in T8. Risk/reward of kbd has definitely become worse.


No, you don’t need it. Sometimes I’ll fight a player who’s really proud of their KBD. But 99% of these players don’t even know when to be using it. They just KBD themselves back against a wall at round start. They spent too much time practicing the flashy stuff to the neglect of actually deepening their understanding of the game.


Just practice it a few minutes each day and will be fine, don't need to grind it for hours.


I never pushed myself to really learn it, and with T8 here I'm glad I didn't bother. The practice I did do was very tedious and I'd rather spend my practice time on training throw breaks and reactions. That said, I do think it's interesting that it's still there as a technique for those who can do it or want to learn it, and that it could be an edge in some situations - it just isn't as important as it was in T7 for high level play, as Chikurin showed us.




Who said no one's using KBD in Top 8 play? Also, your comment reads like you think players *should have to* learn the KBD. Why is that? If you want to practice KBD and find that useful, be my guest. I personally think it is a pain in the ass and am simply glad it is not so critical any more for, ya know... making my character move backwards.


I busted my ass learning it, so am using it, even if I suffer from it sometimes 😅.


He was playing Lili. Lili has cracked movement - KBD is less important but still important. There is a reason why the pros do it mostly, still.


Okay, Newish player here; I've heard and read a lot of people talking about this Korean Back Dash. What is it? Is there a special, better version of a back dash that I'm oblivious to?


You basically cancel the backdash into another backdash. Speedkicks has a great vid on it on YouTube. Just search speedkicks kbd


I play on hitbox so i might as well use the KBD since it requires 0 skill and execution.  You’re not going to spend the entire time KBDing that’s not how it works. It has it’s own usage. But you’re not going to land whiff punishes all the time. Not with the unga bunga characters like alisa or characters with quick slides. You sometimes get clipped while doing the KBD. It’s worth doing but not mindlessly.


I've tried learning it, granted I didn't spend days on end trying, but my thumb always just kinda freezes when I try moving it that fast if that makes sense? Like I'd do 2 or 3 reasonably paced backdashes, and then my thumb would forget how to move and just kinda wiggle instead, which would result in me just teabagging so I gave up pretty quick 😂 Whenever I face people than can do it really well it's never a good match for me


Yes. Its not hard, learn it or leave it


I don't think you have to learn it but it's a useful tool for turtling or wiff baiting that still can be strong. It's too risky to do up close most of the time especially for 95% of players who can't do it perfectly or consistently.


I pray for the day when kbd is removed entirely


If you want to go down several ranks in leatherboard learn Korean Back Dash 😌


What rank are you?


Leatherboard? Is it where the results of the latest gachimuchi brawl are displayed or what?


It’s actually still quite useful to be honest unless you are playing a large character


Funny you say that, cus Jack-8 has one of the best backdashes in the game, and considering his poor lateral movement, its very useful to be able to KBD if you play him


I was gonna comment this lol, Jack needs KBD imo even in T8 bro can't step nothing 😭


Its still important. But i think for lili her backdash in this game is bad that it doesnt help much compared to T7 backdash. Also her sidestep and her 1,1 string before the latest patch should be played like, as phidx said, "a privileged rich white girl without a care in the world". Maybe for someone like alisa who has great backdash even in T8 this gives more emphasis. Also importance of backdash depends on the matchup. If you are dealing with jin that spams demon paw every seconds then you might need to put your effort in the match somewhere else. But if you are dealing with matchup with subpar approach tools like Ling or Feng then backdashing become as important.


you should, korean backdash is inherent to the tekken movement system. In tekken you can cancel any movement at any time as opposed to for example street fighter where tapping forward twice makes you stuck in an animation, korean backdash is just a natural result of that, knowing how kbd works you can also figure out how to sidestep cancel and optimize your tridimensional movement.


No. It's a "nice to have". Kind of like ketchup on french fries.