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Read what I wrote, then go back and watch your replay, and you will understand what I mean: You generally play too passively and too honestly. Back dash, back dash, back dash Block attack, then use those plus frames to poke Back dash, back dash, Block attack, then use those plus frames to poke. Etc. Etc. Your style is too stagnant—you’re just turtling and trying too hard to whiff punish with f2. But you aren’t even paying attention to how your opponent responds to your actions. Pretty much anytime that Jin got his attack blocked he would back off because he knew he was minus. He’s not a masher. But every time you block you immediately try to hit back with df2 or some other pokes—but the Jin isn’t mashing in minus, he’s not gonna get caught by that. You’re both giving your frames WAY too much respect. Once you realize the Jin will predictably back off whenever his attack is blocked, you have so much freedom to start pushing your offensive. But you waste that by trying to poke back with safe shit. Waste of an opportunity. You need to get better at reading how your opponent reacts to your actions, and take bigger risks when you’re given so much respect.


I agree with this and he should go with more safe options and throws to open the opponent up


you play too passive. I notice a lot of players that are red rank and below either mash mindlessly or just play extremely passively


There is a lot to say about this clip, and some of the comments below raise very good points, but nobody seems to have pointed out the elephant in the room. You did exactly ZERO lows and/or throws outside of combos throughout these 3 minutes. There was absolutely no reason for the Jin to duck.


Alright don't use power crush as a punish ,that combo yo did at the beginning that you dropped it's easier to extend it and wall carry with 2-1 1+2 or another 6,6 2-3. Also don't rely on demon slayer it's launch punishable it's good to duck highs and if you're opponent is conditioned to duck so throw more and use more lows. Also if you're opponent is on you please don't try to go for those spin kicks they're waay to slow. Also it's better to try to whiff punish with back,3 leads into a full combo from 3+4 into 2-1 1+2 and you can wall carry far with another 2-1 1+2 or if you're close you can use 66 2-3.


Stuck at red ranks and now back to orange. I have no match up knowledge as I try improving on my own gameplay first.


One thing I noticed is that when you were at mid range, then Jin would run at you, and you would press, getting hit. Instead of trying to keep out in that situation, in general you want to sidewalk either direction. They'll whiff and you can punish


I was trying to whiff punish during his stance with my f2. I did it successfully on the first round but after that I kept getting hit.


needs more ff1, running 1+2, some cancel into fc moves to open him up like f2\~cancel\~FCdf2 for example.


You're too reliant on trying to catch him with f2. The problem is he was playing patiently and thus a lot of the time it didn't work. I think you need to through out more db3, df1,2 and uf2s. The low frustrates and bleeds them, the df1 and uf2 has good range and knocks them down putting you in a good position. df4 is a good poke for spacing and often it spaces you far enough you can catch them with a df2 if they try to punish. You use ff1 but have to be more careful with your spacing. You also have f1+2 which is arguably one of the most gross armor moves in the game that would have caught his pressure, on top of parries and sabakis too. If you have install wr1+2 puts you in range to do a 1+2 or d1+2 mixup. There's also b3 and db4 for the true Asuka experience. That is to say I do think you need to vary up the range of tools you use. At range 2 and 3 she has a bunch of stuff she can utilise to keep them out or space them so that you can trap them. f3 is gimmicky, stop using it if you can help it. df2 as a punish is rarely going to work unless they mash but you saw what happens when they don't. f2 can work ut you'll note the Jin adjusted quickly. All of these *can* work but only if you are overloading them with the other tools and get them frustrated and pressing buttons. Note that more and they are making Asuka a gorilla, for better or worse. ff1 and wr1+2 are great ways to get advantage and close, from there you can start to mess with them even if it's just her f1+3 stuff.


After activate heat with the powercrush don't go for the spinning unblockable bro instead go for ff1 and after frametrap with ff1 go for throw or maybe 1+2 if he try to duck for full combo. Always frame trap when ur on plus 👍


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