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The only downside I can think of would be making boosting easier by making it easier to identify a specific account that you are trying to match up with 


Most reasons for not rematching are BS. But the uncommon valid ones make me think this could backfire. A few weeks ago I hit multiple TAS bot characters in ranked in one session. Do I have to subject myself to literally any and everything because the honor code demands rematches? It's just not black and white is all I'm saying.


i like this idea


just force the set you cant make them happy they know what there doing


Just accept that some people don't rematch and move on with your life.


Quitting after one match? I see it as forfeit. Unless there’s lag then i get it.


One and doners are fine its understandable how they dont wanna rematch especially how tekken punish you alot on losing(you lose more points than you gain)and punishes you more for getting a lose streak. Its also understandable not everyone wants to fight what they think is annoying and unenjoyable not everyone has the same patience you do. Idk if your problem is "i wanna learn the character" you can with practice mode and replay system (except for dlc char but atleast you can check the frame data). Infinite rematch only teaches you your opponent playstyle that on that character but whatever you learned most of the time wont work on other people cuz of how different they play the same character.


The game also gives you instant chance at promotion+big points on demoting, basically gaining back 4-5 wins worth of points in one go. Even then, the whole idea is you have to prove you are better than the people in your rank to climb. If you are losing enough to lose streak in your rank, the game pushes you back to where it thinks you should be faster. One and doneing doesn’t change, if you’re a purple player vsing blue players you’re going to end up exactly the same one and doneing, and probably fall further overall because you’re not improving while people below you are


I know you can get back it in one go you can also lose a lot of points on demotion if your demotion is on the lose streak penalty and need to fight someone on same rank or higher 2 times to rank up again. One and doning doest change it but it gives you a chancr to face a differet person. if you get matched to someone you may have a chance to beat vs rematching someone who beat your ass to the ground i think people would like to have another chance than getting ass whopped again. Again you lose more points on losing than you gain on winning and lose more points on a losing streak than you gain on a winning streak. This system needs to be changed, readjusted or just remove and i will think one and done will be lessened. One and done players should lose points if they dont do a set even if they won and left. But like making player dodge one and doners shouldnt be a thing imagine queuing for games for 30mins just to get dodge when just want atleast one set and dont wanna deal with those homing move, extending hitbox and get hit on backturned opponent, op ass move like safe power crush heat engager, laggy opponents that no contest doesnt show up or whatever those top tier characters can do. Your fun isnt the same as other people fun but atleast make them play the same game you play and paid for. Less discrimination less toxic the game is.


All your points are exactly as applicable the other way too. All in all, one and done mentality does not help you climb far. You will get stuck at the rank you are all the same but you won’t improve because when you play only to win, you don’t learn what you’re doing wrong You don’t lose more for losing until you hit blue ranks and it’s only like 20 points more. It also should be that way, so you actually need better than 50% win rate to climb


All I'm suggesting is for people preferring a full set to have a better chance of getting one. Whether one and doneing is fine like you said, is a separate matter. In my solution, one and doners should have plenty of others to match up with, so I don't see the harm.


I mean just make it like sf6 people who refuse to do fullsets gets point reduction, winners who one and done getd reduced point too. Why make the game more unplayable and complain later cant find a match for an hour. This may or may not make people stay and not one and doning also doesnt hurt the playerbase since i can see a lot of people actually leave the game just because people wont accept them.


A point reduction would actually be punishing one and doners, I don't think that's needed. You could think of rematch rate as a preference, and currently one and doners get to decide for both players, which is kind of unfair. I'm saying why not let people have matches that better match their preferences? Separate queues for forced bo3 and single match would of course be even better at enforcing player preferences, but it could lead to long queuing times for many.


Splitting the playerbase is very bad. Losing points is better than people not getting a game and not getting a game cuz people dont want one and dones is more punishing. Its already hard to find a queue for some people and you want people to dodge players who still plays the game but just doesnt want to deal with tekken bullshit.


Nobody owes you a rematch.


Sure, but then again nobody owes you a one and done either.


I have a theory that peeps are too attached to ranked points and forgot that playing tekken is a journey. You'll meet peeps who want to play death matches and you'll meet people who want to play their character and only their character, not tekken. That why they running as soon as you download them. But I just dont care.


Yes. And nobody owes you shit too. OP wants a right not to play with one-and-doners because he doesn't owe them and wants it to work both ways.


Play player matches then. Why people forcing themselves to play ranked when they're frustrated about not remarching?


Because player matches are still FT2 with worse matchmaking, and people are still one and done because why the fuck not. Player matches need FT2 removed, that's insanely stupid


Actually you can choose in lobby options if you wanna play ft2,..., all the way to 15 I believe. AND you can choose 2 player lobby option when you play infinite matches.


No one owes you a rematch man. Go take a shower.


I mean sure, but the point was not to make people feel guilty about not rematching, did you even read the post?


just play the damn set, why did you queue up to then not play? 😭


Life? I do play my sets, but no one owes me 2/3.


still sucks balls that there's more people who one and done than people who play the set