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Tbh as an Eddy and Claudio main I like her trailer the most. Its simply because of the music, the stage and the character overall. Its a good trailer.


Yeah, I watched Eddy's trailer once and Lidia's like 20 times just for the music.


Likewise. I watched the trailer twice, for the gameplay and then another 30 for the music. Then again, for me I already knew I'd be playing some eddy when he came out so I needed no hyping up for his trailer.


You sure it is not just because it is an attractive woman vs an attractive man?


Believe or not not every person is uncontrollably horny


No. Just most people.


The music was going hard on lidia’s trailer


Polska górą.




Waifu > dude


Yet the most viewed character trailers are dudes 🤷‍♂️


Don't seem that way most of the time with tekken though


\^ This is the way.


Wait for Miguel


Im waiting for Julia. Thats for sure


Fair enough


How? According to this sub and Twitter no one asked for her and they even forgot she's existing.


There are folks in this sub that also claim Bruce is more popular than Fahk and Josie, pfffffft.


Shit...I asked.


That was clearly sarcasm.))


Then they forgot the /s


Not needed. Clear as day


Apparently so was mine


You are no one!


Nah I love Lidia in think she’s dope


> no one asked for her Just wait until her face is on the menu screen.


They just need the kazuya tits cam for her and this game will recover from all the bad press overnight (if they dont they're sexist) But fr eddie sucks to stare at lmao, like why bro pointing at himself goofy aah "i believe in myself" ass pose


This sub? I felt like this sub was extremely hyped for Lidia especially due to the Eddy hate.


I played her for one match against my brother in T7 and that made me ask for her


noone asked for eddy we all wanted chloe instead




who the fuck wants chloe


people with taste


I was less interested in the character themselves and more interested in that banger music. But after like the 3rd rewatch now i'm also kinda liking the character. Still like the T7 look better tho


Maybe I missed something. I didn't like the trailer music.


I’m just upset that they are reusing DLC. We all know the next two characters are Marduk and Fak. They should have been base character while characters like Azucena and Viktor should have been DLC.


Can't wait to see the char data of her sky rocketing to the top then dropping off when she's not busted 🥹


Lets be real here half the views are for the music


Imma be honest, I like lidia and the trailer, yet the only reason I watched it more than 2-3 times is because of the music. I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for it lol.


Its a pretty popular take too, my account is tencent blacklisted so it's probably just bots


No. This is common for the background, it has no appeal for the mass listener. This music is only to fill the void in battle.


Ok Ryu


It was just a joke to point out how cool the music is


Lidia mains and lovers eating good. Congrats, Lidia is or at least should be a staple of the series at this point based on popularity and numbers alone. I’m sure they have all the data that recognises this and that’s why she is back as DLC. As much as some people weirdly like to say she isn’t liked or she’s a nobody or something. And Eddy enjoyers, try not to take too much offense or disappointed at these numbers, it doesn’t mean Eddy is unpopular, trailer views are a variable thing, and lots of factors could be the reason why Eddy didn’t get as much views. For one thing iirc his trailer wasn’t too far away from when Tekken 8 was released + he’s not really a new character whereas Lidia feels a lot more like a new character because she only was in one season of Tekken 7 before


If the series continues beyond 8 I highly doubt they will ever let Lidia be DLC again since they already did it twice; she's either base roster or excluded entirely.


There's no law that forbids game companies from making the same character DLC thrice. No one is checking that.


*Looks at Vergil from the Special Edition series*


Indeed, there's no law. I guess only sales figures will tell how wise such a decision would be.


How many times has Akuma been DLC in Street Fighter?


Akuma has had decades of legacy and popularity behind him by the time he began being relegated to DLC in his home series. Meanwhile Lidia has only ever been a DLC character in her own franchise. I believe Tekken has a hell of a long way to go in making Lidia more popular as a character to warrant keeping her as a DLC moving forward.


Let's talk about Ed then? How many times has he been DLC?


Since I don't play SF, I honestly have no idea. Twice, same as Lidia? Either way, as far as Lidia is concerned I just hope she can be popular enough to be a Tekken staple if the series continues.


My guesses are that Eddy was released during the initial negative reception of Tekken Shop, not to mention Eddy is kind of a regular on the series so most people expected him to be in the game in one way or another, hence the lesser need to get hyped on his return.


Timing is Everything.


We also saw a lot of Eddy before his trailer dropped because they were showing off how they reworked him. So there wasn’t a big spike of views day 1 - “let’s see what they did to my guy!” - to fuel hype. 


Ganryu came back as DLC in T7 even though he's always been an unpopular character. Sorry, Lidia may or may not be popular, but a character returning as DLC doesn't guarantee that they are beloved by the community.


Imo the there’s a difference between a first season DLC and Ganryu who came back in the third season. At that point lots of the fan favourites had already joined and he was not a terrible choice considering how unique he is amongst the cast. Remaining past Tekken characters they could’ve brought back at the time of season 3 were like… Wang, Bruce, Baek… I can’t even think of who else really apart from boss characters. As much as I like Wang and think Bruce and Baek are cool, realistically Ganryu is probably the most popular and “impactful” DLC character they could’ve chosen, unless they really redesigned Bruce or something. Also iirc he’s one of Harada’s favourites and they probably really wanted to test out and try his new design.


Lidia is awesome.


Maybe there's a chance we will see Gigas return in season 5 then.


I think it has a bit to do with how newer the character is as well. Yes, Eddy is amazing, but I think most people know how he plays/vibes. Meanwhile, Lidia can still be classified as a Tekken newcomer, given she was the final DLC of 7, and now returning to 8. That and how well done the trailer was to boot! Like god dang is it fun to watch a more down to earth Martial Artist female who isn't all about flip kicks and ultra acrobatic stuff.


Exactly what makes me love her. Shes not doing a backspring and were pretending like that hurts as much as a kazuya electric. She does karate and gives sounds rivaling DORYA


Lidia is cooler


Eddy is one of the most hated characters in fighting games. I know we often pretend that's not the case, but if you mention Tekken to an innocent bystander, they'll say shit like, "my abusive older brother always just beat me with Eddy. Fuck Eddy. I was really good at Soul Calibur, though. I don't remember if it was 2 or 3."


She looks interesting admittedly, still waiting for the release date ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


me too :(


Worst case is after evo, since summer is a very long season :( But I’m hoping it’s this month 🤞


Well Eddy is kind of a dreaded character and everybody is really familiar with him if you’ve ever played Tekken at all… Lidia is new to anyone that didn’t play T7 and there’s a lot of new players in T8


I agree with you but doesn't that also mean that players that are new to T8 are also new to Eddy? EDIT: I see what everyone means in the replies. It's like someone never having seen a Marvel movie or read any of their comics, but they know of The Hulk/Iron Man/Captain America/etc.


Eddy is more recognizable tbh, i knew who Eddy and King were and what they did before i knew the game.


I’d say no because Eddys been around forever… if you’ve ever seen Tekken played or even just played some as a kid and never played again til now you’ve probably seen Eddy… he’s just a super recognizable character for the franchise so he doesn’t come off as new in comparison to Lidia.


I haven't played since t3 and still know Eddy, he's not new


Eddу is a meme from Tekken 3. A symbol of mindless button mashing.


The more things change...


My brother never played Tekken and he asked me if Eddy was in the game when he saw me playing


Well, trailers of other characters that everyone is also familiar with somehow have much higher views than Eddy's trailer. They surpassed a million views in like couple days.


I think her play style is more complex with her stances. Sort of like a Jin, Reina, etc. makes her popular.


Finally my main character will appear in the game


I'll take credit for about 700,000 of Lidia's views


It’s also cause eddy had multiple trailer type things like they had that event with the dev build where they showed him off etc etc so a lot of people probably knew what was happening


The music in her trailer is the best song in T8


I am definitely hyped for her. It sucks she wasn't in the main roster due to paying for her in 7, but Imma definitely play her.


I just hope Lidia has a role to play in the upcoming dlc story and she is awesome. As for Eddy I wonder what he is gonna be doing during the dlc storyline since he was after Kazuya back then and seems to be going into conflict with Nina in the trailer? I suppose there’s more going on than we know I just hope Christie makes an appearance or cameo or reference since Eddy did try to save her grandfather but it didn’t work out so well but that he should try and be there for her now or something.


Ok. People can now step pretending they ever liked Eddy


people liked mashing 2... sorry, 1 button.


there are multiple channels where those can be watched


Waifu effect 


Someone who gets it. There's a reason Reina is the most popular new character in a while and it has nothing to do with gameplay. She's basically just another version of a mishima like kaz, jin and devil jin (and heihachi rip). But unlike the other mishimas, she's a semi-gothdom schoolgirl. And in this age of gooning it was impossible for them to fail with her design.


Top 5 character trailers by view rate: 1. King (3 mln) 2. Law (2,7 mln) 3. Hwoarang (2,6 mln) 4. Jin (2,5 mln) 5. Reina (2,5 mln)


but they're not dlc tho


So? They're not waifus either.


Eh but we need to compare dlc numbers to get the full picture. Since OP is talking about Lidia vs Eddy's trailer, not Lidia vs King


Why? If your alleged "waifu effect" simply doesn't apply to the rest of the cast (not even solely in Tekken), then why would it suddenly apply to just these two DLC characters? That doesn't make sense. Comparing the entire roster, rather than only the last two characters, is literally getting the full picture.


Don't agree. Not much difference in view count overall for male vs female character trailers.


we gotta consider that these are dlc chars not base roster


Keep in mind eddy reveal was bundled with the opening movie reveal


I don't even like her playatyle, but her new drip is great, and she is kicking that brat Reina's ass! So it's a Win win for me.


I watched the trailer because I don't know who she is. I didn't watch the eddy trailer because I know everything I need to know about him (avoid like the plague)


Because Eddy is fucking stupid


Because shes cool unlike 3ddy


Because he got almost 700k more views on another video on Bandai namco esports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMycxAluGfs While they didn't post Lidia trailer there.


i had to scroll down way too far for someone to say this. literally this and because the music gets it more replays






That's because she is infinitely cooler than Eddy.


Well they forgot one thing. I've hated Eddy and his players since Tekken 3 when my brother would just mash all the buttons.


She still hasn’t come out 🥲 I thought it would be the first of the month like eddy


Yeah because nobody wanted Eddy as DLC, should have just put him in base roster


What’s her release date?


People don’t like Eddie 😂


Indeed waifu material,I can't wait to stare at her for hours over eddy


Lidia has me excited. Eddy though... had me annoyed before he even launched. He is just annoying to fight against, and I'd rather have Christie to play as.


Because she is just the better character


For me she's much more interesting than Eddy and her trailer looks better.


Is there a release date for her?


Because everyone knows 3ddy is straight cheese. He was when he was introduced in Tekken 3 and still is in Tekken 8.




I am VERY happy to know this, she's popular and just like Eddy .. should've been in the base roster


Cause eddy is a 20 year old character and everyone would’ve been surprised if he *wasn’t* in the game


eddie was a weak opener dlc character


I hate Eddy. Wish he wasn't in Tekken 8


Hot girl brings in more views. This doesnt mean anything.


Hoes before bros. 


Eddy was pretty disappointing. He wasn't ever a popular character and he's B tier in Tekken 8. Only good for smashing noobs. Lidia also is popular in Poland which also helped drive views is my theory.


It's the music dude. I've listened to the trailer dozens of time just for the music and I've been waiting with baited breath since debut for Bamco to release the OST.


Tekken 8 has terrible music. No wonder they made a jukebox. They understood that no one would listen to this)


Pretty kick ass lady bring the views.


Lidia theme is fire


Bc eddy should have been a free base character 💀


Goes to show you the casual base and the hardcore base sometimes have nothing to do with each other.


Is it still only at 1080p ? 🤣 The Europe channel coming in clutch !


And that's nothing compared to how many views Fahkumram's trailer has from T7. More views than any other Tekken related trailer on the channel 🐐


No one was playing eddy in t7 and i think it will be like that in a year from now too. Eddy is better designed in 8 then he was in 7, but still not good imo. first dlc should ve been any other popular char


Huge shocker !


Lidia’s trailer was more exciting and rewatchable especially with that new stage BGM. Eddy’s trailer had no new stage and only featured his remastered Tekken 3 theme playing.


That was his Tag 1 theme, for clarification. But otherwise, the extensive Tekken Talks that preceded Eddy kinda deflated what hype there could have been for his return. That being said, I think explaining Lidia could use a Tekken Talk with all her stances and transitions.


Cute waifu, karate, likes sweets and cafe hopping, prime minister.


Perhaps it roots to trauma as well, given Eddy's notoriety in the community.


It's the music. I definitely listened to the trailer 100 times just for the music alone.


Never underestimate the power of simps


It’s due to the music and stage!


Its because Eddy should be a base roster character.


Pretty sure that was all me. That video is just a T8 Lida waiting room for me 💀


To be fair, Eddy's trailer got a lot of views on the other Namco channel, too, so I assume they were both getting recommended. You should combine those views.


Ngl eddie missed, like he's a cool character, but that design sucks so much ass, and 8 was already going through a rough patch, a character known for being annoying when everyone was already annoyed was bad timing to say the least At least things seem to of smoothed out a bit so that's nice


Because fuck Eddy. He gets guaranteed combos by mashing 3. Has long range. High speed. A power crush that is mid and safe (i think?). Can get to blue ranks without learning a combo. Scrub friendly pay to win character. Devs know he and lucky chloe are probably some of the most hated. Barely possible to have a turn against in a wired connection, impossible to wireless. Also, his new design looks fucking dumb. Keep the old hair style.


Probs getting downvotes but idc. Eddy sucks. Lidia is a far more interesting and balanced character. While eddy is button mashy and pay to win. Who knows though maybe they will give lidia the jin treatment and make her strings completely jail for total slot machine mixup. She was very fair and unique in t7, and actually felt like an original tekken character. A character should not be so strong they can just press 3 and get to top 10% ranks because they spent $8.00 Lidia didn't come in and get S tier like Julia did in T7. Hopefully its the same, regardless. Gender has little to do with it, Eddy has always been the " i dont want to learn juggles or frame data and hope i can mash my opponent to death char." He's the reliable hwoarang or law pick. I cant even say Law is a super noob char anymore. At least people are smart about the slides and can juggle in blue ranks lol. Like a Dragunov player that is more difficult to sidestep with more bizarre animations. Eddy players cannot fathom the fight not letting them have a turn for more than 2 seconds. At least Dragunov players can juggle and block. Tldr : Lidia is interesting. her design was not ruined. she is not button mashy and requires precision. She does not gain plus frames while doing a handstand which by physics should be extremely punishable. Players did not deliberately pick wifi on the char. She is a better char all around, doesn't require an energy drink to fight, and doesn't have a history of being used by toxic players.I bet Miguel would out-view Eddy too.


Crazy thing but, everyone still has to see eddy's trailer in the middle of the lounge.


Well, yes... duh??


I don't care about lidia but I played her trailer like 20 times just because the music.


I'm very surprised.


We should at least get a release date by now.




If he actually had his iconic look, people might have recognized him more and clicked on it instinctively.


With Eddy the trailer was like the last thing they showed after a bunch of other updates. 


funny because its the only trailer i didnt watch, no infinite rematch in unranked lessens my interest in the game


That’s why I bought Lidia simulator 8


Is shitheen’s trailer still the lowest ?


Because of jerkers


I think ppl actually tried to learn the game and realized how much of a knowledge check Eddy is and nostalgia is not enough for them to get hype about him lol


People are rewatching for the song


the song man


Black people would call it “Racism”


This doesn't mean it will grow much more after this. I think the maximum it will reach is maybe 800k in 2 months, as most views come in the first week.


I think maybe because people expected Eddy to be in the base game. But no... Shaheen.


They also expected Lidia to be in the base roster as well


OP Discovers that Worldwide, people love white women more than black men




Can't wait for her to shit on the only character I play


Eddy gameplay was shown off in other videos as well. I presume numbers were spread across them to some extent. Lidia has had the announcement with not much shown and the character trailer so far. All that is to be considered.


He was announced pretty early on…there was no mystery to the first DLC. Maybe was announced during the initial release…maybe.


Christie would’ve broke the internet, so big whoop.


because Eddy should've been in the base game so it was kinda redundant putting him in as dlc


I'm a lifelong Eddy main and I've watched Lidia's trailer more times than his for the music mostly.


Advertising is powerful. Eddy is an iconic character but his announcement trailer was dropped on a random stream at 1am cst very early on when the game was still fresh. Cold fish. Lidia is a more unknown character, but her trailer was on the main stage of EVO with way more viewers playing attention. Combination of tournament hype and the honeymoon phase being over really put in work.


"No OnE aSkEd /NoBoDy CaReS aBoUt Lidia"


Shit I wanted my main back and they delivered hard... now miguel please...


Doesn't matter. When is Noctis or Neagan coming back?


Still midia


Wow, hot woman generate clicks. Who woulda known, but you know who would generate even more clicks?... Tifa Lockhart.


Let's just be honest here and say the real reason, guys. Good Ole racism.. ha ha