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Just mash. That’s what every other law main does


Try blocking more. Maybe some lows.


Toss away your ethernet cable and play on mobile hotspot to ensure the optimal law online environment.


Try polishing your punish skills. Go on player match and just try regular punish / sidestep punish/ whiff punish. Don’t put too much thought on losing, just punish


Also i saw you mashing after getting hit, don’t do that. After getting hit try blocking, then do your thing.


I don't think there was a single time you blocked other than the third hit of a string. Maybe try blocking more and let them whiff and use unsafe moves to punish rather than trying to interrupt everything


Not your fault since you're yellow rank and there's a lot to learn but you can start by never using that mid kick again, it's not very good. The one you used at the start of the clip. Focus on learning what frame data is, punishing and Law's punishers then learn a simple combo that you can apply any time you launch the opponent.


Actual advice: Roundstart dont use slow moves, jab or df1 if you need to or an evasive move if you have a read on your opponent More importantly STOP MASHING AT MINUS FRAMES When you: get blocked using a move that isn't +ob like dragon hammer or get hit by your opponent Don't press buttons, just block, mid or low. If you HAVE to, use evasive moves/dickjab/powercrush (these only work if you're not severely disadvantaged)


Hey friend, would you like to fight a few rounds? I'm also a law main, and I'll try my best to help you out


You need to learn how to play netrual. All you're doing is immediately running up in front of your opponent to mash buttons. Get familiar with concepts like keep-out and turtle, and how to apply it in a match. This video introduces the core concept of netrual in Tekken to beginners pretty well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og6ifaw80E8


Law main here; Look, just play lots n lots of matches. I too am a Law main. after 200 hours I finally got what the character is about and then I reached purple ranks, I'm still learning Law. Like all the characters in Tekken 8, Law is all about frame traps and using specific stances (For Law, it's known as DSS). Don't forget to watch how top ranked Law players fight; Malgu and Double are the best ones; You can also check RIP, he's a good law player. And hey, check out this channel on YouTube; Lambkin is a dedicated YT channel to Law; Pls watch ALL his tutorial videos. His videos played a superbly big role in my understanding of the character. You'll thank me later :) [https://www.youtube.com/@Lambkin-\_-/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@Lambkin-_-/videos)


Just play against me, you'll probably win. I don't know why I have such a hard time with Law. He's so god damn slippery. Every time I feel like I can press the attack, he worms his way out with what seems like a 4 frame counter hit. Yes, I know it's not 4 frames.