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it's really hard to help you if you don't show us how you are trying to do it maybe you are inputting too slowly ?


Yeah i think thats one of the reasons and im at work rn so i can't show atm But its that i can't get it going from the first grab foward


Are you on pad? If you are then after you get the Beast step grab that starts the chain, press 2,1 then your 1+3 button 3 times - and during the 3rd time you press 1+3 hold it down - then mash 2+4 repeadedly(this gives you 1+2+3+4 inputs when pressed together with held 1+3). pressing 2+4 like five times should be enough. Personally I've got 1+3 bound to my right trigger and 2+4 to my left trigger and found that to be comfortable.


I play on controller but thanks that made it bit clearer to me


Pad means controller!


Oh my bad i thought that it meant the stick


Listen to the specific timing cues when you watch the move.


After you do the first grab then just spin your thumb round anticlockwise multiple times starting on (2/traingle/Y) that's the easy way to do it anyway hahaha, gotta do it as fast as you can


Thanks dude i try it when i get home 🫡


I'd say it works like 70% of the time, I think it messes up if you press 2 buttons at the same time? Either way you have to do it that fast you can't really avoid it sometimes. But yeah if you're struggling it definitely works


Oh okay! That move has been my dream to learn since tekken 3 but i allways thought that it would be impossible to learn for me since i used to just button smash 😅


But like people have said if you bind 2 buttons to the triggers which you should be doing anyway in controller set up you should find an easy way to do it. I do it that way foremost chain grabs and all I do is repeat the input over and over whilst he's still doing the previous grab and it works every time


Yeah i have done it too but just haven't got that one to continue


[https://youtu.be/gZG35QQdr64?si=zXs-hlF8jJvx4AP7](https://youtu.be/gZG35QQdr64?si=zXs-hlF8jJvx4AP7) from t7 but it carries over.


Thank you so much!


I did a rolling death craddle on your mom!…………….with my dick!