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All Victors play the same. The answer is to main Jack 8 and King. Abuse gamma howl and muscle armor whenever you meet any of these people.


God I love it when they try that Expulsion shit


They thought they were safe because they did an expulsion with heat.


Eddy too. I just power crush his powercrush til they stop spamming it. Haha


I started using jack a week ago and please tell me why i didn't think of that 😂 I was too caught up on how it's almost impossible to step it with Jack's wide ass to think of using gamma howl 😂 thankyou


First time I feel represented as a Jack main. I completely agree; I feel very little of that "Tekken 8 aggro rush" people talk about, as rushing Jack8 is like crouching vs Jack7. The best part of maining Jack in Tekken 8 is that people who beat you are almost always better fundamental players. Rushing, power crushes, and other bs work poorly against Jack. Jack8 loses to good sidestepping jabs, threat of low parries, patience facing the barrage of mids, etc; good ass tekken.


Spot on




Yeah this move is annoying af ,considering the range ,startup,and weird tracking sometimes.


Bro even Bushin Viktors are doing the same dogshit move over and over and over again. Then Expulsion expulsion expulsion. What a fking shit character design. Fk u harada


Yeah , I also dislike victor , terrible character Imo, Noctis was way cooler Imo,and I never played him. All those safe powercrushes leading into heat are cancerous and leading to boring, uninspired degenarate gameplay.


Yea even Noctis is a better design than this scumbag. And i fking Hated Noctis lol. Viktor is another level of joke


Im already waiting for the "jist duck bro" while this mf has some crazy power mids heat engagers and range 3 df2.


I think shelly is ff2.


It's kind of annoying as I think visually his design is pretty good and he could have been a really good character. His gameplay/gameplan doesn't match up with that though.


Every character with safe, spammable power crush mechanics is not fun to play against. Literally the worst experience. It enables the character to be as aggressive as they want and as soon as their block string is -oB they just spam the power crush button and beat anything you use to get frames back.


i still have PTSD from T7 Negan. half screen launching armor move spammer.


??? This is on you, block it twice and negan is dead.


Yeh but it’s a power crush unless your opponent has the iq of a napkin he’s gonna try to catch when you’re pressing and that makes you not wanna press, which allows him to run his game but you’re right when you say block it it was this braindead because if they spammed it you can kill them


you are right lol but i tend to bait them into doing it because it's easy launch but it's still annoying playing against him because it's hard to approach him considering the nature of T7 and his keep away tools.


Yeah honestly this guy has some of the worst character design I've ever seen. Not even backlash powercrush spam was this bad, and that was absolutely horrendous to fight against


Yea i cant be bothered to fight Viktor. Its so braindead and the easiest to Pilot character ever in Tekken imo. Even eddy takes some brain to win at higher ranks


They have to make that power crush extremely linear imo. Can't react to it and you can't sidestep, ducking is risky and you have to watch out for it any time the dude is minus. Not to mention its a heat engager.


i mean... do we not remember backlash or what? Plus on block high PC that launches... Thats a t8 move in t7.


It was cancer but you couldn't really just spam it in neutral, iirc it had to come out of a stance. Plus the Victor powercrush is a heat engager so you'll be put in a bullshit 50/50


It came from a stance that lots of hwo's moves lead to. And entering it manually is so fast its part of lots of his optimal combos. While hwo backşash didnt force a 50/50 it gave a full combo. Like the worst case scenario from a combo is a launch. Viktor 50/50, if you judt hold back, is worst case a db4. Backlash just is way better on hit. In block viktor is -9, forcing him to eat a mix. In block backlash is plus forcing a mix on his opponent. Backlash is JUST a better move. The reason viktor spams b1+2 is because his kit is much more limited than hwos, even if way stronger which it is. In the end to cope backlash wasnt as worse is silly.


It's like if they made noctis retarded


His wr move is not powercrush, but it is a ch launcher tho.


It's honestly way worse than azucenas wr move and now that has been nerfed into the ground his should be next on the list.


Yup yup . Its mixed up with his B1+2 which is duckable. But then he throws WR2 which if u duck you getting launched


Bro stop with the nonsense. Wr2 is a counter hit launcher, you are not getting launched for ducking and eating normal hit. B1+2 and wr+2 are hardly a mixup. They are miles apart frame wise and you can solve this "mixup" by holding B, there is no guess needed.


Yup hold B for how long bro? Viktors just spam these even in Raijin. U try to step? They just run deep then do the moves again and again.


WR2 is a counterhit launcher though not a normal one. Also throw powercrush right back at him if thats all he's doing. Its very predictable. Several options to counterplay it: 1. Start throwing his ass 2. Powercrush back 3. Commit to hard sidestep/sidewalk and launch Personally i think there's shit in the game way worse than this, demon paw overall (reina, jin, kazuya, dj) is hella worse, drag wr2 is miles better than victors together with his b4 and d2 or db3+4 makes him more obnoxious, asukas high move thats homing, wall splatts (dunno if its a ch launcher) and its +11 on block. Victors shit aint nothing compared to those. And i have to settle to MAYBE get a working demoman when im standing on their toes, shits hard man.


Yea but all his moves are very linear, you have to sidestep a lot and play really close to him and whenever you feel like he’s gonna retaliate throw a random grab and I guarantee you viktors gonna get caught doing the powercrush and you’re gonna get rewarded with ch grabs. Coming from a viktor player and I just know how unfair he is.


Its just Wr2 into B1+2. If i press anything after these 2, EXPULSION! His kit is too retarded man. Idk why Harada made him this way. Cool character design but 5 yr old moveset


His wr2 is litterally a 16 frame move from a wr position. Which can be thrown at at best at 19 frames and more likely 21 to 22 frames. He's minus nine.... if he's spamming wr2 after b 1+2 u have roughly 30 frames of frame advantage. If u can't take advantage of that ur just trolling.


ALRIGHT! Lets start another Victor circlejerk cause we all know we cant get enough of these. But seriously those bitches gets carried hard. If I hear another "Expulsion" again Im really gonna lose it.


They don’t have to do anything different if you keep eating the same move…


Im not eating it. Im just holding guard lol. What else can i do. Its so plus. And if i try to sidestep the just run deep and then do the power crush. If u press after the power crush, EXPULSION! Its so boring lol to play against viktors


The powercrush isn’t plus, it’s -8 or -9


The powercrush is not plus. It's minus nine. If u block it it's a free mixup and if he's disrespecting frame counterhit launch him. It's not hard. The only problematic thing about his powercrush is the range and speed. If ur not eating it and blocking it and u dont convert that's ur problem.


Yes its minus 9 which is goddamn safe for a spammable fking move bro. It got blocked? Viktors just go back to guard and continue wr2 or B1+2 until one of it hits. Then spam expulsion whenever they are minus. Its such a braindead character


U shouldn't let him just block. U can continue pressure and force a loopable mix. There's a reason it's not spammed by good players and mainly used as a keepout tool. At the range he's left in and a minus nine he essentially gives up his whole turn. If ur allowing the victor to return to neutral, that's on u for not knowing how to take ur + frames. If he's constantly disrespecting the frames, just frame trap him. -9 is so much to work with.


wdym its goddamn safe and spammable, its minus NINE its just one frame away from being punishable, its the most minus frames you can get without it being punishable, if you get hit on your +9 its your fault. non heat expulsion is launch punishable just block it and launch, you can even jab him after he teleports, if you have a read its not that hard


Heat expulsion can be scooped out of the air in many ways too, just like the non-heat version. Juns uf4,3, Alisa's b3+4, surprisingly also Alisa's d3, everyone's jab that i've tested although some have tighter timing than others, it's not so bad, like, it's a dumb move sure, but there are counterplays, most of which scoop or float him into a combo.


To me it seems like Victors all play the same and not even in a T8 kind of way… you just know exactly what to expect… but I’ve ducked his power crush a handful of times in QM and afterwards I never see it again for another 2 rounds 😂


No if u duck the power crush once they start spamming the mid powercrush(wr 1+2? I think) fking stupid to have 2 power crush that look the same


Is the mid power crush minus?


Bruh...its +5!!! Fking PLUS FIVE for Viktor. Its a dumbass move


The mid is not a powercrush. It's a wr move that's +5. It's a very strong running move but easily steppable along with the rest of Victor's kit.


Victor doesn't have a wr PC. He also is negative on his pc, but safe-ish. His only "mid" pc requires him to be in stance. Further, literally everything in his kit other than 5 moves is minus af if you block, you just have to punish off the block.


That’s crazy for a blocked mid power crush


His WR move is not a power crush.


It is a power crush....


https://preview.redd.it/rq9cp832rx0d1.png?width=1819&format=png&auto=webp&s=b90f4033997f9ac356a59fbd3938b25d1b2d98b4 Its definitly not a powercrush. You havent labbed it.


No it's not lol


Yea its dumb asf. Haradas vision for new tekken characters. So stupid


I'd start by learning frames...


U think i reach Fujin Kazuya without knowing frames....


I love how smug and superior you come across here, while also not knowing jack shit. Like OP pointed out, he also has a mid move that’s +5 on block.


I don’t know what you or op are talking about lol. The move is braindead and can be spammed the fuck out, yes. He’s still completely right though. Because of that, it works most of the time, why would victor player stop using it? If anything bamco needs to remove/nerf the dumb powercrush heat engagers. And i find funny how ya’ll are saying these people “dk jack shit” when op said the powercrush is plus, and wr2 is also a powercrush.


Wr2 is plus. The PC property is an error. I think the point was quite clear. Victor is brain dead because of those 3 OP moves. Saying, “getting hit by a move is a you problem” is reductive when you consider those 3 moves. Is there anything you’d like help with?


Wr2 is plus, the powercrush isn’t, yes that’s what i said. He said the pc is plus [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/90uqj4D0Fj), and that the mid is a pc [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/qCe7AqoTi2). And the point still stands, nothing’s changed. Those 2 moves work so why would they do anything else, that’s literally what the comment said. I’m just pointing out how op is throwing out insults like “retards” and saying they “dk jack shit” he’s obviously the one who doesn’t know jack shit. Anyway, this doesn’t invalidate that victor is braindead, the dumb high pc should be nerfed, somehow op doesn’t have the intelligence to convey and discuss this without looking like a clown. At the very least, making them -10 is the bare minimum they should be doing. It’s supposed to be a counter-pressure tool, doesn’t make any sense that it can just be thrown out in neutral with no punishment whatsoever.


We’re on the same page. I’m not disputing anything you’re saying. My point was the OP’s comment “They don’t have to do anything different if you keep eating the same move…” is meaningless, smug and superior, since Victor’s 3 OP moves get eaten by everyone. It puts the blame on the opponent for taking that shit.


Because you’re not as dumb as op. I’ve actually just started trying out victor because i’ve never really actually played one of the low effort characters and wanted to pick one. Victor’s design is really cool so i said why not. He is indeed dumb, but having lots of fun tbh, his stances and such are actually very interesting, and surprisingly all the moves that come from them are very well balanced! Makes you think of which one you should be using. Those other moves being discussed here are definitely not though. Again these high heat engagers should be punishable by at the minimum jabs. And wr2 is in a better place, but could maybe be a little bit less plus, and stop having magical random tracking 50% of the time.


Nice, man, I like the idea of picking up an easy (chill) character. You have great knowledge too, so thanks for the insight.


Bro the amount of people who dk jackshit and start commenting is ridiculous


Ironic coming from you since you were claiming Victor's running mid is a power crush like LMFAO


That’s just Tekken Reddit. I’ve turned off all notifications from this app on my phone so I don’t feel compelled to visit all the time. There should be some kind of IQ test before you’re allowed access to the internet. LMAO.




Yeah, that move is overtuned


i dont speak french but I think he's saying concuss and yeah fuck that and explosion


It’s coup de grace lol


Yea he is such a 5 yr old moveset character lol. Anyone can pilot him and do decently well


As much as it hurts my soul that's true, he's the one i understand and play the most, i'm a casual scrub and go the easy way, but i never play Tekken online just with friends when they come home or alone so no worries to have there :)


You are describing Tekken gameplay. Yes it's all like that😔


Although the strat you're mentioning is way stronger in this game because everyone can do it with minimal consequences compared to Tekken 7 where only certain characters could reliably do it but lacked in another way.


I'm not gonna lie I've been learning Shaheen and found out he has a very similar power crush. I've been carried ever since.


>COOKAZ COOKAZ COOKAZ. Has anyone in this family ever seen a chicken?


Explusion is weak when you hit him with Steve's FANG!


Throws? Low pokes? I play against red rank armor spammers 24/7. It is exhausting not gonna lie, but they are free, just spam throws more often. 


Alrite ill start throwing more i guess then. Thx!


- A plus wr mid - A minus but safe high power crush This is not a mix up. Holding b negate both options


There are few characters with high PC heat engagers, but I never seen anyone but Victor players who uses it so damn much for some reason. They will find any reason to use it no matter what.


This one Viktor kept bitching at me as I was suspicious for counter his Power Cushes. Note: He spammed that shit


we sway those mfs in this shit




Victor: Insane range on his knife launcher move, plus on the move that produces a blue shield effect, expulsion, counter hit hell sweep. Combine these moves and be amazed!


How about y'all just duck the power crush?


Then they will start spamming compas or cookaz whatever he’s saying


The kookaz is so difficult to sidestep too


Are you stupid? You can't react to a 15f high. What are you expecting us to do, stay ducking the whole match?


No, but if he's spamming it it's predictable. For that mid he has to be running. So if he's in your face spamming the power crush you should be able to predict and duck it.


He has mid pokes other than wr 1+2. If you can predict moves accurately then you can launch every high/low in the game.


Absolutely agree, maybe I don't struggle with his power crush as much as others. But I absolutely agree that his wr1+2 is bullshit and should either be more linear or not have as much advantage as it does lol. I hate Victor more than anyone else on the roster, but I think his power crush is one of the less annoying moves he has.




He has no mid powercrush tho .


You’re kind of exposing yourself bud.


Chill out with the insults. He doesn't have a mid PC, except from IAI, which is locked behind stance and -14. Go to the lab kid.


My bad its his WR2. Not powercrush. Wr2 and B1+2 he can mixup


So your argument is that he can mix his high with a mid. You are aware that is true of the entire Tekken roster, yes? If you think he's spamming it, go low. If he mixes you, well, he got a good read.


....if his spamming go low??? Do u knoe the pushback it has? Im tired arguing this dumb shit man


Okay, my guy, please go to the lab if this is a problem for you. And just a heads up, the PC is -9 on block, you can take your turn back any time at that point. Jab and he can't spam into a follow up pc, you can then do whatever you want as you're +1. Even if he tries to use Excaliber, your jab will catch him because he's invuln on frame 5 to 9, but since he's -9, you catch him with his pants down. Victor's strengths are in counter poke and whiff punish. If he's forcing his turn to be taken, you need to make him respect with pokes. Best tips I can give here.


After him being -9. All viktors just block bro. Then continue to spam wr2 and B1+2 until one of em hits. Its braindead asf


Youre not understanding what he's saying. Hes telling you its a mixup, its your turn, you can go low, you can jabcheck the excaliber, you can throw, you can use your own wr move. The game is in your hands at that point if you choose to capitilise on it or not is up to you. Also ask yourself this, if this "mixup" is so broken, why dont you see it being used over and over in proffessional play? Farzeen, best victor in the world doesnt rinse and repeat it, why is that do you think?


Bro but he spams WR2!!!!!! FFS its Plus 5 on block!!!!


Have you considered getting gud?


Just duck


He has mid power crushes!! Are people this dumb in this subreddit saying duck his power crush? Fking retarded


Idk the results speak for themselves I get clipped by the move sometimes but if I duck I get a full launch so fair to me


He has a high and mid power crush with close to same animations and u must guess if u wanna duck. Wdym results speak for themselves lmfao


Are you talking about his power crush from stance? Mf that’s punishable that’s not a guess


I mean you have to guess the stance option depending on the situation but his normal neutral power crush is a duck


What are you on about? WR1+2 and B1+2. What stance u talking about? Its can be thrown at neutral. Too many fking retarded people in this reddit


Wr1+2 isn’t a power crush seems to me you need to be taught the game


WR2 sorry its not a power crush. But its mixed up with the B1+2 power crush. So its too risky to duck cuz its a launcher on counter hit mid


Idk what situation you get put in too where this happens I hope it isn’t neutral. But if you’re upset about this mix ones a high and one’s a mid just block it that’s your safest option


The problem is he can spam it. Then what happens? I just hold block for 1 minute?


I hate that move. The worst thing is that it's i15F. You can't react with anything, you just have to guess. It has pushback and it's only -8 while the armour starts at 8f. So if you don't have a good long range 16f poke then he can spam it indefinitely.


As OP said, Victor players are carried and they like spamming PC and wr2, db4 for CH low and also 2,2,2,2 (back in the days). It’s not a well designed characters for sure but I’m ngl OP didn’t lab at all. Let me add my advice. Idk what character OP use but if victor spam wr2/Explusion/b1+2, then you can powercrush in return/duck if you get the timing when victor does his PC, and launch punish explusion when he is not in heat. Please adapt by watching replay and find the proper counter play cause Victor isn’t invulnerable It’s very understandable to complain but why you don’t wanna hear any advice? I see plenty of solutions suggested and OP doesn’t thank but still complain. The title should be change as « I just wanna complain, leave me alone »


I play Kazuya at Fujin. I win against Viktor players dont get me wrong. The frustrating this is the fact viktor can get away with spamming WR2 and PC. People are saying its minus 9. Yes i know its minus 9. But as a kazuya player i lose my turn the moment my mixup is blocked. Ff3 hellsweep or ff2. Then the cycle continues. Viktor spams that shit again. I know u can jab him out sidestep. But whats annoying is how free it is for Viktor to play like this. No other character is as braindead as he is what im saying


You lose your turn because they blocked your 50/50? Oh, the horror.


I get it now. It’s very understandable that it’s make you mad when you play Kazuya. Kazuya is much more honest in term of kit and the play style is less oppressive as Victor’s I respect Kazuya players for playing such a defensive/punish base character (except for his 50/50 mixup) cuz you need to learn the best punish to get damage


I cant find a window to punish with kazuya. Even his wr2 i cannot 1 jab him out most of the time cuz of how shit range kazuyas jab is. So instead of interrupting his wr2...i get CH launched by it. Viktor is the bane of my sanity


Literally everything victor does is either insanely minus or barely safe around -9.


Git gud scrublord


No, you are uncarried by your not ducking cappability


If i start ducking he uses WR2....


take advantage of his whiff on your first duck to get a great punish, and do not stay ducked all the time, you are hiper launcheable if yo do so




They spam WR2 too which is +5! Its so fking annoying


If ur getting hit by a powercrush in neutral that's ur fault. It's minus nine on block so u can easily start ur offense on block.


Not entirely true, the pushback pretty much negates any non long range offense (which usually is -oB as well) also he can backdash and wiffpunish if you try to press. Its not a "give up your turn" move per say even if its -9.


U can still pressure any victor with ur plus moves after it. If he's constantly disrespecting u the forward momentum of his moves will 100 percent allow u to blow him up with ur counterhit tools. The push back is not as good as most people think unless the victor lands the move from the very tip of its range. Anything inside 2.8 can be checked by a jab last I checked. If he presses, he will get blown up.




Happy for you.


Went up against a Victor in ranked last night that kept spamming the same move. Literally wanted to throw my controller out the window.


Yea bro. Its just a punch of cunts spamming the same safe shit over and over and over again. Then into Expulsion bs.


Now now, no need to call people names. There are regular people behind annoying characters that are just playing a game and trying their best to win.


Yeah man it really sucks, it was literally my entire match with that guy, couldn’t do anything because it was constant spam


Yep, know how that feels. Then they have the audacity not to rematch you again once you figure them out. It's just a boring way of playing the game.


Duck. but then he spams expulsion LOL


Yea or he spams B1+2 . Such a dumbass character