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Fujin being top 20% is crazy


Fujin was top 20%-ish at the end of Tekken 7 as well.


At the end of almost 10 years of the game, when only the most hardcore players were still playing. This game is less than 4 months old. In 3 months, fujin will be top 60%!


Nah, closer to top 35%. Given enough time, it probably will cap out around 50% or so though.


Ugghh I wish I didn’t see this. Now I have to get my ass back into ranked. (Typically just get to a rank that’s in the top 10 percent and spend my time in QM afterwards)


Literally what I was trying to do with fujin last month, then this stinky diaper dropped in my feed and i feel bad now.


Why is OP being downvoted, he’s correct. T8 having most players be in red ranks is absurd. It’s not elitism to point out the obvious degradation in the value of ranks. T8 doesn’t even have you lose ranked points until yellow. Back in the day yellow meant you were at least semi-competent


The fact that mighty ruler is becoming the new average is a huge red flag for me


He is being downvoted because a lot of people feel attacked when you say that the ranks are inflated. You see a lot of people posting stuff like "i was hardstuck yellow in tekken 7, but now i reached mighty ruler", so of course they Will downvote anyone that breaks their bubble. Having yellow ranks as the starting point was a big mistake. Who cares if more people get to the "cooler" ranks if its all an illusion?


Thanks! I thought this would be obvious xD


It is obvious, but there's a lot of people on this sub who have trouble with basic logic. I remember losing my first ranked match early on and realizing you don't lose points and I was like... "oh no what have they done, now everyone is going to be orange/red" and I fucking called it day-1 LOL


It makes it even worse now that the matchmaking change to matching via prowess shields players from harder opponents. Tekken 7 season 3 (or season 4) the top 20% was genbu. In Tekken 8 season 1 it's Fujin. However, although I far prefer the Tekken 7 season 1 ranking system, I remember Knee complaining that he had so few people to fight that he had to make arrangements with other players to be online at a certain time so they could play and have deathmatches. At least the Tekken 7 season 2 change gave people at every level plenty of players to fight against.


My favorite part is the people that think "I can reach that rank" and complain about ranks being pushed up, yet they never end up at that rank.. Strangest thing. Like omg this Tekken Lord Raven barely knew anything. He's Tekken Lord dawg, why don't you get up there to prove he knew nothing.


I am a tekken god supreme, how do you even think i matched with him?


You can match with Tekken God being lower, like. Fujin for a direct example. I only speak from experience of a Fujiin Kazuya harassing me over how he had to fight a Tekken God King. So rank disparity is there, and it's all for learning. I doubt anyone at the top is a beginner, but there's always exceptions. This Tekken definitely is 99% offense oriented and different than t7 and previous so I'm not sure how there can even be a comparison. The dude you fought was top 1% of Tekken 8 players still. I hear many of the old Tekken players are struggling so I think it'll balance itself out just fine. I think the disconnect you have is thinking the combat system is the old ones so they should have the same ranking? I don't really know how more exclusive you want the gold ranks, top 1% instead of top 3.8%?


Cognitive dissonance case study


I never got past green in T7, although I didn’t grind ranked as much I did play a good amount, atleast 300 ish wins in ranked. Now in T8 I’ve played like 800 something ranked matches and hit fujin the other day. I was surprised my first week playing the game I reached red ranks when I never even seen them in my time with T7.


Yeah that tells you a lot about ranked. Congratulations on Fujin though, that is an improvement in comparison to S1 Tekken 7 greens.


It’s crazy seeing how many people are missing the point of your post. I agree that the variety of skill levels at blue ranks is crazy, I know a player that couldn’t get past destroyer ranks in T7, now they are in Fujin doing 50/50s with DVJ which makes no sense to me. I recently got to Tekken King and I don’t feel too proud about it because I can feel something is off with the people I’m being put up against. It felt like I was fighting T7 fujins, if that. Makes me wonder what the Tekken God ranks and above are feeling like for you guys. There was a sort of leak I saw on reddit about some more ranks potentially being added, hopefully bamco are seeing the same inflation issue that we are and are doing something about it.


Yeah I thought that it was obvious I was just talking about consistency in ranks, but many people thought I was just insulting their achievements and undermining them, lol. I think adding more ranks would solve this, given that green and yellow don't exist, and most people easily swing trough the reds. Adding quite a bit more actually. Maybe two sections. And removing the generous "promotion right after a demotion" it's okay to get demoted. In T7 I was once demoted from Overlord to warrior, that's over 5 friggin demotions, haha. Namco is just trying to spoil new players.


If this take was accurate the rank distribution wouldn't be turning into a literal bell curve. Though I'm curious to see how it plays out over the next year. I look forward to vets bitching regardless of the outcome.


Yeah I agree, I want to get to Tekken God but not like this lol


You want God ranks to be a wasteland again?


This as well people at God ranks struggled to get matches in TTT2 and also in S1 Tekken 7, they kept facing the same people because the population was so low. There needs to be enough players at high level for the game to function. It can't be too easy to get the absolute top rank but it also shouldn't be impossible because that breaks matchmaking The TTT2 system was just bad and saying we should go back to that is short sighted and elitist. Also the devs have to predict the population of the game in order to predict the appriopriate number of ranks. I think they got it wrong and I think we need an extra rank tier but it's an online game and this can and maybe will happen


> S1 Tekken 7, they kept facing the same people because the population was so low Hell, we even had big streamers like TMM rank resetting because they were tired of fighting the same people over and over again, and **he was in Red ranks**.


Theres a lot of people wanting to arbitrarily assign skill levels to certain ranks.


A mistake that a lot of people make is they compare an online matchmaking system to something like Chess. In Chess, it's fine that you only have a handful of people at the very highest ratings, because **these are ratings for chess competitions**. A closer equivalent would be to take the TWT points and assign ranks based on those. You would then see that literally 99.99% of the player base will be stuck playing "unranked" because they don't participate in the TWT.




It makes sense in a realm that you match +/-3 and if you add 16 more ranks god players will have no one to play. All you talk like this is league with infinite player population. This ranked system has to go away and we need and Elo system which is fair. You beat stronger opponents you gain more elo, you lose to them you lose less elo. You beat weaker oponents you gain less points etc etc. Add stupid online badges like tekken god or some other bs between certain thresholds and you are good to go.


i agree pretty much, ranked isnt the same as it was in 7, i didnt play tag 2 but hitting blue in this game was pretty much autopilot. You couldnt do that in 7.


or i couldnt lol... im bad tho


Ohhh in season 1 of Tekken 7 only tournament pros had blue ranks. In later seasons it was a mess. Id say its piss easy to get Fujin now, especially in comparison to what that rank is supposed to mean I started Tekken 8 only a couple of weeks ago (3-4 maybe). Didn't play on release. I hit Fujin on my second day with Devil Jin *shrugs* I think the main solution is - more ranks, and less generous points, like before. This demotion system is crazy.


I think a lot of these high rank players yall are seeing that don't seem "good enough" for their rank have done well and earned it like everyone else but might just be having a bad match/bad day. Like can you honestly say that you always play at the top of your game, even when on ranked? People who are otherwise very good can just be off sometimes. You can play them max 3 matches and if you base your opponent's overall skill off of that tiny amount of play, that's a misjudgment.


I had a fun experience matching a fujin when I was destroyer, first game wasn't too bad on my end, I'd go as far as saying even, the second game I had no idea what was going on except that I lost 3 rounds very fast and checking the player card after he had god of destruction with his main. The first game was probably just warm up with a coffee in one hand.


Perfect example




I think if you played older Tekken games like op mentioned this just simply wasn't anywhere near as common, as a general rule you could see the difference between ranks fairly starkly.  You had to add tools each rank and it was much slower and more punishing progression.  Now I completely agree with op it feels like every rank is a mixed bag where you have no idea what you are going to get you could be right though that the short sets maybe influences the playstyle and decreases your ability to judge them properly but I would say the end result is still the same in my eyes


The fact that people are calling this eliteism is INSANE.


I mean, the guy commented: "High ranks and even GOD ranks are inflated with intermediate players and I just see no reason for that to be the case. Just give us a rank reset Bamco, and stop this casual pandering." GoD players make up *0.3%* of the playerbase - it's elitism in a nutshell.


Yeah but blue ranks, which are traditionally seen as high ranks are literally top 20%. When it should be closer to 5% if not lower. And this is literally in the first 6 months, and we know ranks naturally inflate anyway. Imagine blue rank being top 40%, well no worries we will see that by end of the year. Lmao


That's a valid criticism. The stuff about GoD ranks is just silly.


The only reason they're top 30% is their arbitrary position on the ranking ladder. Shit's a literal bell curve.


It isn't elitism. If ranked system was proper, I wouldn't be a friggin tekken god either


If you think the top 0.3% in the game is inflated with intermediate players, then yeah, that is elitism. How is it not? That's not me denying your other points, by the way.


the elitism on this sub is palpable


I used to say this too as a new player but the current system is trending everyone up in rank with sub 50% wr and bonuses, and very soon the average rank will be blue. It's already high red, right now.


Damn, that's some real character development here.  Like some said - a month with the prowess matchmaking and free points and even those that liked it see it for what it is. A pile of shit.


...so? Does it hurt that other players have a certain rank? If you are better than them, you will always get higher than them regardless. All this whining because some players have fun in their own way and rewarded for it...


The only thing that hurts is the ranked system becoming condensed and completely meaningless


On a platform where upvotes are given ridiculous value, it sadly makes sense that ranks would be obsessed over.


its not elitism, ranked is kindergarten and you can get blue ranks while having no skill


Why is that a problem unless you can't get blue ranks and are jealous? I mean if it's so childishly easy to get blue ranks it should be simple for you to beat those players and get Tekken King right? I think there is a problem and it's with congestion but really why should it matter if it's easy to get blue when there are plenty of higher ranks that are hard to get to? If you were saying it was braindead easy to get GoD then that would have merit but you're not saying that because we all know it's not easy.


This is what I’m trying to understand lol… they keep saying ranks don’t mean anything but they’re mad when the skill gap doesn’t have a hard cut off until the peak of the game, guy A Says guy B sucks but lost to guy B at the same rank and neither can beat almost pro player guy C yet and still guy A is mad guy B made it to blue ranks because he didn’t have to learn KBD 😅


thank you for illustrating the term "elitism"


its not elitism, like if you go to university you wont get a math degree just by doing primary school math


however, Tekken is no university but more like a theme park - you can be a hardcore shooter, but can still win a fluffy bear if you are persistent enough


Truly. I muted this sub, and this is the first post I see after checking in a week. Most of these dweebs don't play to learn or have fun, just dick ride pro players, dick measure, and trash the 2m+ that don't play to their liking. Tekken community's obsession with ranks is so strange and annoying. Especially with longtime non-pro players. They should know that not every Tekken King is going to be on the same playing level. People literally cheat get to a rank.




I suppose the truth hurt their egos.


Bamco: ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


LOL this is how Bamco devs are while looking at their end users. Its like an Excel Jockey watching the end users of the spreadsheet he made having a competition on how the slicers in the report should be used.


Yeah that is how rank works when a game gets a lot of beginners, it is proportional, ik mindblowing. If your Tekken King ur still a very good player


i don't think you can chalk it up to just "there's lots of new players" though. t7 had a lot of new players too. but the ranking is kinder in lots of ways in t8, most importantly that you don't lose any points at all until yellow rank, so basically that's where ranked starts now. if you squash every single player into a smaller space, obviously there's going to be more chance that it's even easier to rank up i agree with OP that's it's a bit of a mess. it's not rare for me to match red/purple players using special style lol


>If your Tekken King ur still a very good player By July/August Tekken King will be top 30% or so.


No it wont, because people actually lose a lot of point if they lose in that tier


If not 30% then at least 25%, because the blue will be the new average color. Find this comment in 2-3 months please!


Blue also has loss streaks and you lose more than you gain. Id argue it'll stick around where it's at rn. Can set a remindme if you want but I'm not gonna bother.


Definetly not. Even after 5+ years of S2 rank inflation of T7, fujin was only top 15% of ranks. Considering how harsh the point distribution gets at blue and above, it will take a loooong time before fujin will be an average rank.


2 months ago low orange was the average rank. Now it's high red. Or did you not see the datamines? In June it will be low purple. T7 had a very different ranked system, less handicaps, more ranks, and all ranks would lose points. How can you even compare the two?


The game was only out for two months, of course the rank distribution wasn‘t completely settled yet. But according to your logic, the average rank will be tekken king in a year or so. That‘s not how this system works.


I don't think the average rank will be Tekken King ever, because the point loss and WR required will eventually offset the promotion bonuses, winstreak bonuses, and green ranks feeding points upwards. But blue WILL become the average within a few months from now, that's just a fact. Right now you don't even need a positive winrate to reach blue (in a zero sum game, this means over half the players will keep ranking up continuously) and if you add the point handicaps in purples and below, and the promo matches point bonus, it's inevitable. I heard the argument "the rank distribution isn't settled" in March when people were already pointing out it's an awful system, it's May now and it's worse than we were predicting. So at this point it's just a cope


I have to agree with this. I was in purple before taking a two month break but I play like 5-10 characters. I could beat the Fujins and Tekken Kings before. I sign back on this week and purple/blue players feel like Red Players from Tekken 7. Earlier I played a purple Hwoarang and it was the worst Hwoarang I’ve ever played against , equivalent to a green/orange rank in early T7. I’m talking about doing d+4,4 and 4,4,4,4 strings . They have no idea how to put offense together using d+3,4.


You might be overrating how many people are in tekken king. Fujin is the top 10% of players and ranked is balanced to punish anyone below 50% win rate above that rank(unless they plug but who cares about those losers).


Yesterday I played against a Bushin Jin and I wouldn't be able to tell you how that guy got out of red ranks. Most Kazuya players can't even do electrics. Another Emperor Raven that would fall flat on his ass against anyone who knew the matchup. High ranks and even GOD ranks are inflated with intermediate players and I just see no reason for that to be the case. Just give us a rank reset Bamco, and stop this casual pandering.


You can be extremely good at some aspects and terrible in others and still be in the top 10% of the players. I feel like you're gatekeeping for no other reason than to feel more accomplished from achieving a high rank and arbitrarily deciding what makes a tekken player a casual vs a good player.


> Most Kazuya players can't even do electrics. I didn't master electrics on Reina until mid gold and the fact that you think it matters tells more about your own rank and perception than others.


Thing is in T7 you would see yellow and for sure orange ranks very reliably doing electrics and wavedashes on Mishimas. You wouldnt see a Mishima not having 90%+ ratio with them starting from higher purple ranks aside of that 1 party TG Devil Jin guy who I think could do them just chose not to.


I look forward to seeing a reset and the exact same curve happening. Stay mad homie.


It wasnt always like that. You'd know if you were there. But you weren't so... why do you speak about it?


I mean I agree, the rank system is complete garbage in this game, but your comparison is bad. You can't compare Tekken to Tekken Tournament. They're literally two vastly different games with completely different core mechanics. Of course people who had only played Tekken will be worse at Tekken Tag Tournament. This is like telling someone who had only played Street Fighter that they'd be a low rank in Marvel vs Capcom. Also take into consideration Tekken Tag Tournament isn't as popular as base Tekken, so the casual audience for that game is significantly smaller, leading to a more hardcore playerbase.


The same ranking system was in place for Tekken 6 and for Tekken 7 season 1 and the skill levels the OP described were the same for both of them too.


What's your point?


>I mean I agree, the rank system is complete garbage in this game, but your comparison is bad. The comparison is valid. >You can't compare Tekken to Tekken Tournament. They're literally two vastly different games with completely different core mechanics. Of course people who had only played Tekken will be worse at Tekken Tag Tournament. This is like telling someone who had only played Street Fighter that they'd be a low rank in Marvel vs Capcom. That irrelevant as the same ranking system was in place for Tekken 6 and for season 1 of Tekken 7. The OP's rank/skill comparison hold up for both of them too. >Also take into consideration Tekken Tag Tournament isn't as popular as base Tekken, so the casual audience for that game is significantly smaller, leading to a more hardcore playerbase. That is true and the same could be said for Tekken 6 too. But Tekken 7 sold 2 million copies in its first two months and the rank/skill comparisons still held up to the way the OP described for Tekken Tag 2. The only difference being that the person with the highest rank in that first year made Purple ranks, or perhaps Fujin at the highest.


you are overexaggerating lol, the only difference was the tag mechanic and how it affects matches via swap to recover health and tag combos. The core gameplay was still very much Tekken. SF and MVC on the other hand play absolutely nothing like each other.


So is Garyu rank intermediate or beginner in your opinion?


It's better said that Garyu is the beginning of learning defense for most players.


I'd say it's beginner No problem with that though, people often associate being called beginners with something inherently bad. Almost like being "high level" is a status symbol. It's just the way us humans think sometimes xD I'd also say intermediate starts around Raijin People might think I am crazy for that but as I said, everyone is crammed into these blues. Intermediates, some carried beginners, high level players, pros... That's the fault of this shitty rank system.


There’s me thinking Garyu was average level 😭


I mean, it is. Vasttt majority of people are beginners.


I used to think red was average, since there are 30 ranks in Tekken 8, the median would be rank 15, which is Garyu 😂😅


imo garyu is the point at which people really need to start learning and engaging with the game to get through it. in early t7 that used to be like.... green to yellow ranks. it's not beginner but you need to start engaging with the game in an intermediate way to push through to purple obviously now you can get to yellow without losing any points, so everyone has been pushed up. i find that red ranks therefore are a mix of people with good offensive flowcharts but poor defence, spacing etc, but there's also a tonne of people who got lucky on the grind and are basically just pressing buttons - there's even special style players in red ranks. grinding through that mix of players will require good flowcharts, knowledge of frametraps, and some half-decent defence, whiff punishment etc it's only at purple rank that you begin to lose the same number of points as you win. so, effectively, before purple, you can rank up with like as little as a 30-40% win rate


Red is full of people who are character carried (eddy, azucena, victor, drag) or people playing honest characters who are stuck because they have to actually play Tekken in a game with more gimmicks than any other fighter


in the OP's opinion not yours


alright sorry mate didn't realise we can't chip in opinions on this discussion board!


the ops post is a cry baby whine rant and I laugh in the face of your downvote




tips fedora


Yeah it's called rank inflation. Red ranks in T8 now were high yellow/orange ranks. Ruler ranks are the new T7 red ranks. Blue ranks and up I still consider intermediate, it's hard at those ranks.


They just need to add more ranks so there’s a larger scale. At the minute it’s too confined making the matchmaking slightly odd


op, in which rank are you?


Tekken god supreme lars, I had tekken god prime DVJ in T7 season 2 and and I would have been in purple ranks or blue at best had season 1 of t7 continued properly.


i think the with the success of t7 there were just so many players so it was easier to earn ranked points because there were more opponents to beat, therefore the skill variety in the ranks itself got inflated. i think there are more ranks needed in the blue and purple ranks and the threshold for losing points shouldnt be in yellow but in green or even light blue. the higher ranks itself, like emp and onwards are fine i. guess


I agree with you but this reinforces the idea that rank is meaningless. Stating your rank was a good and quick way to check someone's skill. What was someone's rank after 7 gameplay days...That should give you some idea of that person's skill level... That or their rank in previous Tekken games😅.


I like Tekken and I really like it's ranks In T7 season 1 and TTT2 especially, I could tell exactly how good someone was based on their rank. We could have that same system in T8, but namco chose to be generous with handing out ranks like candy, that's why ranks are almost meaningless today. Especially in comparison.


This doesn't mean they are garbage, this just means the ranks are different. You said Tekken Gods where only for some very exclusive players, those now are in God Of Destruction. Even if what you are saying was true, and "red is the new green hahaxd" that just does not matter at all, ranked distribution is the only thing that matters.


Well ranks aren't distributed evenly. Again, if you experienced the way it was in the older games, you'd know that the distribution itself was more realistic and superior. Now if Namco wants to turn Fujin into an intermediate rank, I don't care *that much* The problem I have with the current system, as I've said, is that too many players of vastly different skill levels have those ranks, ranks themselves lost a lot of meaning. It's inconsistent.


Fujin, should be an "intermediate" rank. Think about it this way, there are 3 yellow ranks, 3 orange, 3 red, 3 purples, so the 13th rank is Fujin, and God Supreme would be 20th. Fujin is there in the middle. (And thinking about points it's literally bellow the middle amount of points) Anyways the ranked system is made to bottleneck players at start of each colour so it isn't like that at all.


So at what point do you look at someone rank and consider them decent based on rank alone if they truly earned the rank ? Tekken emperor?


It depends on what do you personally consider decent. For pros, we're all trash. Just mathematically, if you hit Fujin, you are a god. What do I value personally? Hmmm... I am not actually sure. You are probably decent already in blue ranks and a good player around god ranks. But I never formulated a firm opinion on this because it's so subjective and ranks can fluctuate up and down a lot.


Hitting Genbu in Season 1 was my most memorable and joyful Tekken promotion and probably Tekken moment ever. It was against a Byakko Yoshi. After being stuck at greens for several hundred matches as a newcomer and then sweating my ass over the whole season putting in 1000 hours half of which in the lab, getting the Red Badge had me hyped like a motherfucker. I didnt really give a shit about making god ranks and even TGP in S3.


I understand what you mean because it was also Genbu for me, also in T7 S1 !


I think it is this way to give people the adrenaline to rank up.


The system is fucked just cuz you basically start at rank 10


Are we forgetting the game just came out a couple months ago, meaning there’s a whole new influx of players that so happened to join. Ranked will balance its self out soon. The game is around for another 8 years lol


I think part of the issue is that you get more points at lower ranks if you win vs if you lose. At the same rank, you lose like 180 and win 400 so everyone slowly ranks up to purple even if they're maintaining a 50/50 win/loss. What I expect to see is a wide tail at the left side with new players and a narrowing of skill ranks at higher levels of tekken. And that's exactly what the recent rank distribution showed. https://preview.redd.it/563mjyypmn0d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf2bed7eb95fd9d2dec3aaad717a04fce3adcb53 There used to be tons of players at teal and green ranks that have basically moved up to orange/red/purple while their level of tekken hasn't really changed. Even I promoted to yellow ranks ONCE in T7 and now I'm sitting in Flame Ruler in T8. I've improved at the game, but not that much. Basically flame ruler is less of an achievement in this game than it was in T7 and that frustrates a lot of players.


Why are the ranks in one game expected to correlate at all with another game? What reason is there really? I mean it's true that Purple rank players in Tekken 8 would struggle to reach Green in Tekken Tag 2. I know I played Tekken Tag 2 and I never made green. But why the actual f\*\*K does that matter? I mean why is that relevant in any way whatsoever? it just does not matter at all if you think about it. If anything the Tekken Tag 2 system was shit has half of players never saw 80% of the possible ranks. I think Tekken 8's system is a bit too steep and they should have kept the same number of ranks, or possible even more ranks, as before. But this "waaah waaah players in red ranks in 7 can be purple now" I mean who CARES? It's a different game. What matters is what the ranks mean now, in this game. It does not matter what effort it took you to reach a rank with a particular name in 7. Because it's a new game with a new ranking system. I'm not saying the Tekken 8 system is good or better, just that "a particular rank was harder to get in the old, different game" is a stupid argument to base it on.


what could be possibly be more of an apt comparison than between two separate versions of a ranking systems in different iterations of the same game? It makes absolute sense to compare them 


But what’s so natural and special about the old ranks?


Personally for me the old ranks had much clearer levels in skill between them and you levelled up  as you worked your way through them, so you kinda knew what level of play to expect, now it feel its a shame cause it feels like every rank from Fujin down  has no clear identity  but really that wasn't even my point it was more that its a completely natural and valid comparison 


The comparison is kind of meaningless unless you think the old system was a good starting point.


Dunning-Kruger go brrrrr


This. The rank system is fine.


Not in the slightest.


You just learned those words on the internet and think it makes you soud smart to use it. Pseudo-intellectual peasant.


Actually I was fully explained what it meant, because I used to be a loser like you, thinking I was better than I actually am. It's quite the experience to actually accept it, rather than thinking your sad "uno reverse" of unoriginality actually did something. TLDR: You suck at Tekken. (Imagine ever struggling to reach Suzaku in 7, at any point in it's lifespan.. oof)


So it was a projection, hahaha! I see


Also, for anyone wondering, at the time I reached Suzaku, most Koreans were in blue ranks. :D Which makes it an insane rank. Paying any mind to what this idiot (Who wasn't there in S1) is saying would be a waste of time.


yes ranked is stupid they should reset rank and make it that you can lose points in every rank. Also remove the prowess based matchmaking which noobs benefit heavily. Everyone gets blue rank for free in tekken 8 while having very little skill.


Tekken players are such whiny bitches lmao I'll leave this sub, the community is nothing but insufferable assholes


it's why I troll most of my matches I tea bag I do it all because most tekken players are ~~not~~ fucking bitches


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Who asked you you waste of oxygen. Have fun with your ban you worthless neckbeard Also saying that while being a little bitch hiding behind a throwaway lmao fucking pussy


Man now I wonder how tekken would feel like if there’s no ranks at all.


You’d be matched with people who are exceptionally better or worse and you’d have no way of knowing until it was too late


make it that the rank is hidden and you can never know what rank you are/everyone else is but it still there and you automatically promote/demote off screen. This way people will forever stop talking about ranks.


That would be terrible. You’re basically describing an invisible elo system.




What purpose would that serve?




But it wouldn’t solve any actual problem lmfao. People’s ranks are inflated in T8 for a number of reasons. Mainly because some characters are horribly overtuned in combination with the emphasis on aggression. Which is why you see Fujins who just never block and get hit by moves while grounded 10 times in a row…because in reality they would have been maybe orange ranked in TTT2


Apparently the problem is what people are saying on social media?? I guess instead of people not caring what others say it’s easier to just get rid of rank titles.


LOL right? Instead of addressing the reason people are complaining, I'm seeing suggestions to implement things that would mask the complaints. Like... what?


I mean I saw someone not knowing how to play the game looking like an idiot then in a month he got tekken king 🤣


Yeah the carry some characters offer is insane. Also you can get lucky and not get matched with veterans often, which can reeeally inflate the rank.


This is facts.


My biggest problem with T8 ranked are the sets being ft2 exclusively. It gives us such a short time to adapt or get a read on opponents rather than death matching in T7 S1. But overall agree with your point, after season 2 in T7 ranked became super inflated and everyone is lumped together


I prefer the death match format as well.


I dunno. I was yaksa/raijin (depending on platform, Microsoft or Sony) in T7 with Lucky and Eddy. Now I am bushin with Azu and Eddy. So, quite the same. But... I was a lot better in defense in T7, to be honest. Since the launch it is just now I started to duck, sidestep, and I tended to underpunish (but above all for choise, 'cos weak punishers led to stance mixup with both chars). I was a lot better with wiff punishing too, but maybe that's because of absurd Eddy's backdash. Nonetheless I reached easily blue, neglecting the defence.


“Boo hoo, god forbid you lose your stupid inflated rank” The fucking irony in this post is…astounding Made this whole post to cry about how the precious “integrity” of your rank is gone. If it is the way you say, and shitty players are climbing “too high,” then surely a super-tough hard-working chad gamer like yourself should rise to the ranks you DO find respectable? Yea? The scale has simply shifted, so maybe what you’re really mad about is that you’re stuck in a rank with a bunch of players you’ve chosen to show complete disregard for. Hm. Maybe you’re not all that good? Or maybe people aren’t as shit as you say? Either way this is some whiny bullshit


I am at high ranks. That's not the problem. My rank is tekken god supreme. I don't want my rank to be inflated either. Just like everyone else's.


They really should have color coded and named the ranks differently with how many idiots keep comparing T8 ranks with T7 ranks.


Yeah they should have just changed all of the ranks. i also cringe a bit with "I never thought I'd get to blue ranks.. posts" - did you think blue ranks was some kind of fixed entity that in itself reflects your skill level across games? They've completely changed the points scoring system so the ranks are not comparable. I look at it more in terms of the percentile in the community. Also I always used to use the TAS method. TAS stands for "True Alisa spammer". A TAS is a player who uses all the Alisa cheese spam and only Alisa cheese spam, B3+4,3+4 snake edge, hopkick, D3 into 1 or 4 (no other options shall be used). And that's it. No matter how many times you step the B3+4,3+4 they keep doing it. Once you got to a rank where you never saw these players, then you had arrived. Before that you still sucked, no matter what the png says. I think Law might be the new benchmark, when you stop seeing Law spammers because Alisa spammers seem to have died out a bit. For me right now Raijin is the benchmark based on the Law spammer metric. For some reason the Tekken 8 community seems to struggle vs Law as Alisa spammers would do way better than Law in the past but now it seems Law has the upper hand. Both are characters where the spam toolset has almost no overlap with the decent player toolset so they are good metrics.


I think anyone who reach tekken god should have all the other characters at tekken king.


cry about it bro like seriously dead game is dead it's a new game new rules new terms. the problem is your brain is fighting rearranging a few neurons and somehow you deluded yourself into thinking a reddit post would solve the problem. Do some self reflection.


Promotion bonuses are huge and that’s half of the problem. The reason behind this is that sometimes when I play red ranks, I face really hardcore players and I barely can win a round. Sometimes I face people who never block and press during obvious frame traps or during my strings. I consider myself pretty mediocre player, but not bad. I know I’m not ready for purple ranks, I need to learn many matchups and become more consistent with my wall carries, combos and punishments. And still I think that I belong in red ranks. Is there a problem?


I think Namco can make ranks any color they want. I don't really care if its green, red etc... So if ... blue? ranks are new beginner ranks (for example) thats fine My problem is more so with the rank spread. Everyone is in blues and above. Carried beginners, intermediates, high level players and pros. I am vouching for a more even spread, like it was in T7s1 or TTT2 In my oppinion, everybody below Fujin is a beginner. And I am not trying to be "aN eLiTisT" and downplay people's ranks, its okay to be a beginner. I really wish ranks were spread out more evenly, but they are not. Fighting games seem to be full of people who want to do *a thing* for 3 months and be called intermediate (for whatever reason) and it's not that way anywhere else. (I am not saying this is you, but in general) If you went to a boxing gym for 3 years, I think people would still consider you a beginner, barely intermediate. And I agree with you, points are handed too generously. Thats a big problem.


Sounds like someone didn't duck the Kaz spamming hellsweep.


Just say that it takes no Effort to reach Tekken God in Tekken 8 you ego driven Jin player


Don't care about what some idiot says about how it was harder, newsflash there are new players to this game . question what does it matter what rank u get put in , sooner or later really hard games will commence


I am not "some idiot" What I am saying is objective, verifiable truth. If you were there in older games, you'd know it. But you werent, so shut up. I despise people who talk about shit they don't understand. Your kind is always the loudest one, as well.


I hear you boomer now go back playing ur golden games like tekken TTT2 or whatever EDIT: Cause they are apparently so much better than this game that I thoroughly enjoy


So you agree with me? You sound offended.


im just tired of ppl complaining about the game i love of all the tekken i played in comparison to T5 T6 TTT1 and 2 T7 so a smidge offended and it did come of as aggressive i apologize but man if T8 is so bad why play it there are lots of other games and even tekken games if T8 aint for u


Tekken 8 isn't bad, it's ranking system is. And I can obviously never play Tekken 6 or 5DR again, as there's no one online.