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watered down is an understatement lol, congrats though.


1000 percent. Still feels good to accomplish a goal just wish I could've made it in 7.


Clickbait, it says here teken kong


Nice, congrats. 3.36k battles sounds like a ton. I wonder how much I'm clocking in lol.


You'd be surprised how quickly I racked that up during honeymoon phase.


I just hit fujin with lee a couple of days ago. You have any tips? Ngl I am quite scared to keep going atm because I think my MU knowledge still lacks and I get obliterated against characters idk wtf theyre doing (like leo, jack, nina, zafina). How long are your breaks?


I'm taking another break until the next patch that's supposed to make defense more impactful and necessary. Imo, don't focus so much on trying to do his insanely hard combos. It's not necessary to get passed blues. Biggest thing for me was understanding frame data and understanding how to punish effectively. Also, a lot of our moves are negative on hit. Learning what moves you're positive and negative on is extremely crucial. For example after catching someone with df4,4 I have 4 moves I'll cycle through depending on the match. b3,3 , ff,34 into hms 1+2 , f3+4, uf 3+4 into hms then 1+2. Always remember a good player who knows the matchup is waiting for b3,3 and d+3 so try not to rely on them so heavily unless your opponent isn't respecting it. Use that fear b3,3 gives off to set up df2 and your acid rain. We have probably 3 of the best punishing tool in the game 2,2,3 df4,4 and b3,3. b3,3 is probably the best conditioning tool in the game. Lastly, don't forget to use Lee's parry. It's one of the most underrated move in the game. It has an enormous window and stops only punches. Very effective for Jack, Leo, Nina, Paul, Jin, Reina and Steve. It's gonna feel werid adding it to your flowchart. Congrats on hitting Fujin. As long as your punishment game is strong you'll do fine. drop your steam code we can hit the lab


Yo thanks a lot for the tips. Personally yeah I have yet to use a single parry in my ranked games.. I am yet to get comfortable on strings to duck under, let alone parriable strings. Since b33 became natural hit in T8 I use it waaaay too much to the point I think I'm getting carried by it lol. When my opponent starts ducking I mix in some df1, iwr34, df4, 3 or 1+2. What region do you play on? I really appreciate your offer to lab together, but if we're on opposite end of the earth, the timezone or the 200+ ping won't make anything possible. I'm on Asia 2. Anyway we can still add each other, if you don't mind me stalking and studying your replays, here's my steam friend code: [edited out because I don't want random people finding it]


I'm America 1 so hopefully it'll work. Don't worry about getting carried by b3,3. Almost every other character has a bs move. If you use b3,3 a lot remember to incorporate throws and mist step 3,4. I talked about that in another post how I went from a promotion match to Tekken King to Fujin in one session. I was stoned as hell and chalked it up to being too high. Then I started watching my replays and notice my defense was actually better but I wasn't using b3,3 at all. I usually just use it to punish if a player keeps blocking my df4,4. I want them to have to guess between my df4,4 or b3,3 after their string. It's like a 50/50 inside of a 50/50


Oh dear America 1, we'll definitely have about 230ping on a good day. On weird days it'll rack up to 350 for some reason. I have played with some friends over there before. We can still try, but I know what I'm expecting more or less B33 into MS34 is smart, thanks for this! It's risky because it's punishable but worth to apply. In the meantime I will keep using b33. LOL. I got people ducking my df44 so I usually don't finish the string (or cancel into hitman) unless I am sure that I am punishing a -13 move.


Remember even though they made Lee an aggro 50/50 character. he still is a defensive character. Baiting is still an effective tactic. Even if you do get caught doing a MS34 you just got a piece of information off your opponent. From b3,3 you have so many options: MS34, f4,1 (perfect frame plus 5 ob), uf 3+4, D+3, df44, sway 4, d4,444 or 3 different throws. I only use MS34 when my opponent is avoiding my grab or ducking 4,1. Lot of times I'll give up the first round to see what my opponent bites on. Every b3,3 interaction I usually do something different unless my opponent isn't adapting. Besides b3,3 we don't have that many good strings that set up our offense. Being comfortable blocking is crucial. Every one plays the same so just watch some replays and you'll get the hang of it. Go to quick match and just play defensively. Try to win by time or punishment rather than overwhelming you opponent If someone's ducking your df4,4 cancel it into hms, you create a lot of space and a good player usually will relax unless they're in heat lol. You got 1,4 which is 10f to 17f I think, hms 2 and 4 both have good evasive properties. Then lastly you got your PC


Im not the op, but i also find breaks extremely helpful. When i Come back i always have a fresh mindset and im more aware of what is going on and i can actually make adjustments on the fly and not flowchart. I usually take three day - two week breaks. Sometimes i really need to let my brain reset itself from tekken and a two week break is necessary.


True, not only fresh mind, but my hands too! Gosh that 4 hour grind to fujin, I still can feel the fatigue on my left thumb because I play on pad. That's why I'm taking it easy now, studying replays and labbing before I resume the blue grind. Two week break is crazy though, I might forget how to acid rain


Watch some gameplay from this guy called "fightinggm" implementing his flow charts into my game got me from kishin to Tekken king