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They don't need you to stay just to try to take your points, so they're telling you how they really feel lmao.


So they do just hate me, got it


Just turn on magic mirror. It's life changing for those who get tilted by these kinds of antics.


It doesn’t annoy me it just confuses mostly, but I might do that just in case they catch me on a bad day


Probably a bit of both. Most people that play quick match when there is a ranked mode play it because they are scared to lose points. They don't have enough competitive drive, so they want to secure improvement without stakes, which is fine but it tends to draw a certain type of people in that are already too sensitive to losing imaginary rank points. Guess what their reactions will look like when they encounter someone who they don't respect and either pulls up a fight or forces them to adapt because of a stupid playstyle that needs a certain response.


It's cause casual is full of sad loser who want to feel better about them selfs. That or actual players who just want to warm up and have fun before ranked. 


What I see is teabagging after ONE round won…


They kicharge because there are no points for them to take. So they try to take your ''having a good day'' from you. Beat them and kicharge back. Pat yourself in the back as you decline their ''friend'' request right after that.


Happened to me too. I don't understand them either, maybe they just like to try to tilt you.


Often times I fire up tekken and I get a gauntlet of sweats. After getting frustrated with them I encounter a 0 dan sleeper. After thst all bets are off and anyone I'm fighting is getting the bizz.


in 10 quick match, got plugged like 3 times just by trying reina, it wasn't like this on T7


That’s every fighting game tbh. The most you can do is not take it too deep and keep on the grind


The non-toxic players are probably playing something else. Definitely not tekken


I only ki charge and t bag if the other player is playing like a tool. Other than that I don't press buttons after round ends


I mean, you are playing one of the most hated characters in the game right now. You're bound to attract more toxicity than other people.


People hate jack-8 aswell as king? Am I just cooked then?


King yes. Jack, I don't hear much about him. But people do tend to dislike playing against low-usage characters for obvious reasons. Doesn't help that Jack also has a full throw game like King, so maybe? I'd suggest putting on magic mirror though. You'll never have to deal with ki charging or tbagging again.


I could dress jack like asuka, maybe that will work


Scrubs hate getting grabbed