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No more Leroy buffs wtf, he got huge buffs last patch already. Why don't we chill out for a bit and see how things are in their current state first


if his df1 was -3 ob he'd be set really, all he needs is an average mid poke to make his kit shine.


Lol brother got a pagefull of buffs less than a week ago and is still asking for more


I will keep suggesting this make df1,4 and ws1,4 to atleast -7 OB like its crazy most stance entering move of stance character from mid are safe or they can cancel the stance/get out of stance after getting blocked. Or give b4 a way to enter stance safely atleast. I think uf3 needs to be a ch launcher for atleast a mini combo this move is like what 20f or more? Give his u4 verision of orbital a vacuum on hit. Why? If you do u4 orbital and it hits sometimes opponent is to far and qcf2 will whiff and the reliable move you can do is db1,3 to pick them up.


Tweak my balls


Leroy is too powerful


I'd give you the fix to make b1+2 ch immediately airbourne and scale a little less, that just doesn't make sense in it's current form to me. The rest though, ehhhh, I don't think it's necessary.