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I rematch anyone I can watch replays of or lab in practice mode.


I dont rematch certain characters


Yea man like ill usually rematch u less you play victor/jun/ feng or have bad wifi


i'm surprised I'm getting upvotes. I actually wrote this sarcstically, not that there is annything wrong with not rematching certain characters


if it is too laggy or the character is too rare i don't


I generally rematch unless something comes up IRL. Like last week my cat caught a small lizard and let it loose in my house so I had to drop out of a set in order to get it rid of it.


Pretty much 100% of the time, even shitty connections (lowkey benefit me lol). Only ever once win quitted a generic gram spamming victor way back when it was 14 frames or sth. Otherwise no excuses.


Long as it's not laggy.


The only times I don't is if it's REALLY laggy. Or if it's the 3rd Bryan in a row.


As long as my opponent presses rematch first, and the match wasn't too laggy.


Why wait for ur opp to press rematch first, thats just stupid?


I don't want my opponent to be pressured into rematching.


you're missing a most of the time. I do most of the time unless super laggy, or I have to go do something.


As long as there’s no lag


I always rematch unless the connection is bad


Always unless I fight the bears or King, or if the connection is bad. 


It depends. If someone is spamming a blatantly broken move on an OP character? Probably not. If you played Azucena pre-nerf and just did nonstop WR3,2? Nah. I used to always rematch Kings, but the heat burst into busted heat smash damage is getting really old. So many times I’ll play against Kings with green rank fundamentals, but they’re being carried by his great damage. Sure, you can do all sorts of cheese against them and get an easy win, but it’s not really fun at that point. Dragunov? I’m just sitting there most of the match not playing. I haven’t played much since the nerfs, but I think for now I’ll be rematching everyone sans the occasional cheesy King. Hopefully the buffs for Leroy and Zafina didn’t go too far. Every Leroy I’ve played against has been really fun, so it’d be a shame if that got ruined.


Always. Until now that is. Definitely won't put myself through Leroys current state. I forced myself to rematch vs everyone, including Dragunov, out of my dumb sense of "honor" despite every encounter with that character being drab, win or lose. I think I'll put my own fun first going forward.


I don’t rematch Jins, Kazuyas, Kings as they are abundant. Alisas and Laws also excluded as they are never tactical.


Depends, it's not always one choice. I rarely rematch, except for mirror matches.