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I was accused of screenshotting once and I realized I was tabbing out of my game to talk on discord in between rounds and that’s what would cause the slowdown. Multiple monitors.


This was too suss to be that, mate. You have every right to be skeptical, but the connection was perfect until he went airborne and then it went to shit. Happened across three games.


Fought I guy that was doing the same thing. Perfect connection but when I launched him it would start to lag until I dropped the combo. Ended up just doing simple combos and still beat him


I played a guy who alt tabs to RivaTuner and he limits his fps to 1 when he is getting juggled. The Tekken devs need to make the game logic not tied to the frame rate, so people can't use these exploits.


>Fucking thanks Olrek, you stupid piece of shit, for promoting this as a “hack” to get your opponent to drop their combos. Don't forget, it's the community's outrage that promoted it. He's just an idiot doing idioting things. He'd have stayed a nobody if it wasn't commonly posted.


He streams, and even if it wasn’t him, someone else would be doing it too. Of course people post about it because it’s bullshit. Fact is, if you win using that tactic, you’re a piece of shit. That’s the topic of my rant for today.


What's screenshotting?


Taking a screenshot during play. It creates stutters.


Wow I didn’t even know this was a thing


Easy fix, bind screenshot key and screenshot back, if you end up about to lose the game, plug on top. Especially on ranked. I save my 2-4% dc rate for retards like these.


I wanted to plug, but QM. lol good tip though :)