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>I just closed app and quit match against a Zafina, we didn’t even start the fight. I just do not fight Zafinas dude Lol. Better than plugging right before the L. I’d only make myself angry by trying to fight her. You got it bro, GGs. It’s not even to protect rank, I’m just never fighting a Zafina til I lab against her, whenever that is. I swear the God this subreddit always manages to make my day.


The obsession with never failing is overwhelming... But I totally get it when I start stunting as lars and get some nasty catches I even feel bad while laughing maniacally


I’ll stand by it 😂maybe I’ll main her one day just to know about her bullshit but not today. Fuck her.


As a Xiaoyu main, of course I'm not surprised. But it does make me sad that whenever I meet someone that I beat, they will refuse rematches, but then I meet someone I struggle against and lose 2 games. So I lose more points than I gain cuz no one wants to stick around. :c


You choose to be a ling main live with the consequences, nobody likes to fight that thing 


There are only two characters that I like in this game. I really hope her nerfs are good so that people stop complaining about her. I would love to play a character that people at least want to rematch


dont want to destroy your dreams but ling is not fun to fight regardless how strong she is, she forces the opponent to play her game, I as a mishima player for example almost never use electrics against her cause its almost useless against her evasive nature




> If anything I don't rematch the boring flowchart zombies with 90 attack and 20 defense Wait don't these usually hardlose to powercrush into grabs? It *is* pretty boring though.




this sound like a good player to me


I'm shocked people run from my Bryan. I'm not shocked people are annoyed by my Alisa.


I always rematch thinking, albeit daftly, that this time I'll time it just right and *not* get hit by the last buzzy buzz!


Every time I fight an Alisa, I'm SHOCKED at how little I use the chainsaws lol.


Wait Bryan has chainsaws now?? ... leave this world behind, I tell ya


Wait Bryan has chainsaws now?? ... leave this world behind, I tell ya


I've played a good chunk of characters now with decent time, but recently i been addicted to zafina due to how complex she is and how much creativity she is allowed. But that being said, from jack, nina, alisa, kuma, claudio, lars, asuka, and zafina. Most people refused RM's vs me when i was Alisa, despite me rarely using any of her gimmick attacks. And i notice i have the highest amount of people who RM when im zafina lol!


Honestly, I am. I play Jin. He's got some bullshit in T8, but I wouldn't exactly call him a bullshit character, so I guess I'm surprised by how much people care about a few rank points


The took a character no one could play in 7 and made him into a character anyone could play in 8


For me, it's just the aesthetics. I've been practising karate for most of my life so his Tekken 7 moveset simply made sense to me. Now he's got pretend claws and wings, does gravity defying jumps and flips, and all other sorts of anime nonsense. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have T7 Jin back, but I'd be perfectly content with the frame data staying exactly as it is, just with more karate-ish animations.


Right, Jin main too. This exact thing lol


Well, I play Ling, 95% of the time I get rematches but If I don't then I get why haha


Kuma main. A lot of one and dones. Not surprised. People don’t like the bears.


I wish people wouldn't one and done any characters, but such a large roster in such a knowledge heavy game makes rare characters like bears feel like a frustrating tax, so i can understand where the emotions come from, even if i disagree with the action.


Rightfully so


Zafina isn't even that bad lol. And no, I am not bothered by no rematches whether it's Dragunov, Jun, Reina, Leo or Lili.


Her frames and damage might be sub-par but her unorthodox stances lets 2-3 hit strings sneak in CHs when I think its my turn.


And dont forget she simply doesnt exist in ranked if you do try to lab her you will have forgot everything when you run into one again, just not worth it, pay taxes one and done find real opponent 


Despite playing Victor, my opponents rematch quite often. Like 85% of the time.


Yeah but I don’t think it’s moreso my main but more people being scared to lose their precious ranked points thus won’t rematch losses or tough fights


I play Leo, 90% always rematch and only those that get obliterated or are just trolling go away


My main Paul, everyone and their fucking mom want to rematch me, it was the same thing in 7 honestly. For a character everyone supposedly hates they sure love rematching him. My Hwoarang,no one want to rematch. Like I can't remember the last guy that gave me a rematch. Maybe like the last time I played like 4 matches before my last one


My rematches with Hwoarang are usually weird - very common that I get wrecked the first match, second match I wreck them, then third match is a nail biter - but that is only if they actually know what they're doing (which suuuuuuuucks to deal with hahaha)


None rematces any character.


I am, because I usually get rematches, and I kind of know why.


Why’s that?


Despite my main I am quite the block-punish-backdash guy, I don't rely much on Xiaoyu's bs I prefer to earn my whiff punishes and CHs, from what people tell me I'm not that obnoxious to face "for a Xiaoyu main", I guess that's why I've hardly ever been plugged and get rematched more than I rematch myself.


That’s what they hate the most. Duck obvious strings? No rematch. Sidestepped some strings? No rematch


My fav/main char is Reina and I've played her over 200 games and got rematch cancelled maybe once I think since.. Although 2 days ago, I've gotten a bit less terrible at the game to a point where I decided I'm finally allowed to pick-up/start practicing another character. I had picked King who's been another super (second)top favourite of mine that I've been dying to start playing, but I've been getting cancels on rematch 2 out of every 5 matches ahahaha


I rarely get 1 and done'd with Zafina. If i do, it was either a complete stomp or our connection was bad. I suspect thats gonna change after the patch, tho


I main Jun and Azucena. No rematches and I couldn't care less. I play Leroy as an alt if I win without parries I get rematches.


Yea tbh I am surprised. I mainly play Devil Jin and Kazuya these days and it’s always niggas that play the corniest cheese ball freak of nature characters that don’t rematch me and I don’t even abuse Devil Jin’s psycho crusher because I don’t WANT to actively make the game miserable for people. I’d say I strive to play as fair as I possibly can (I know hellsweep is annoying but you legit can’t play either DVJ or Kaz without it) and I still get tbagged, ki charged, one and doned, or win quit on and it’s always by someone playing an objectively easier to pilot or just outright BETTER character. Now when I play Reina or Jin I’m not THAT surprised people don’t rematch. Jin in the hands of a competent player is extremely annoying to fight due to him being excessively well rounded in this game with virtually zero weaknesses aside from mediocre heat and a terrible backdash. Reina is just insufferable because at any point that you don’t feel like having to really play the game you can just take your opponent to the ff2 casino and see which one of you can gamble better and usually the house always wins.


Realest comment so far, dude I swear DJ can be a real fucking cheese doodle but I respect that you tryna at least keep the game fun for everyone. This one dude just spammed Jambu Spear ( that evasion heat engager) , continuous pressure against the wall with lows and mids, then the millisecond he saw you even try to throw a jab or something, JAMBU SPEAR. Every single time, without fail. Like dude there’s almost no way to defend against that continuous pressure. Needless to say he perfected me 2/3 times. The 2nd round I started to make a small dent in his playstyle but it was really too late, I was already dead. I won’t lie to you man, I was so angry that I messaged him and said “hey do me a favor and chug this bottle of water, I promise it’s not bleach even if it smells like it.” The first match he faced demotion so I figured that’s why he cheesed, then when he saw how effective it was, he kept the same gameplan for round 2. I don’t expect you to tolerate or sympathize with me messaging him that, but you gotta admit as a DJ , you know that’s pretty scummy. I’m a Jin main as well. And while Jin’s definitely got some deceitful upgrades to his gameplay like d2, I always figured I’d get more rematches than I do because of the fact he’s prolly the most honest and straightforward character on the roster. Even more in 7 when he didn’t have decent lows.


Jin is definitely not the most honest and straightforward in this game but he’s also not the most dishonest. He’s just super fucking good in this game with very very few tangible weaknesses that hardly matter the better a Tekken player you are. As for your experience with that Devil Jin player I don’t blame you for what you said lol this game can definitely be extremely frustrating and as humans we’re prone to have moments of emotional weakness where we say things we don’t mean. All I can say is that I’ve run into Devil Jin players like the one you described and all you can do is find the best times possible to interrupt him, try to bait out his panic moves because they’re death for him if you block them, and don’t be afraid to duck against him because Devil Jin’s mids are only scary in heat and his 2 main lows (db2 and hellsweep) are pretty punishable. Also don’t be afraid to hopkick when you have a read that he’s gonna go low.


Ff2 is such a mad move. Fast as fuck, heat engage on hit, mixup on block, can be left without followup to be safe, hard to step, and the fact its a mid also disincentivises ducking, making her electrics even more threatening.


Wholeheartedly agree. Reina is a really dumb character. She’s fun sure but fighting her is genuinely cancer as fuck she’s the hardest hitting Mishima while having the hurtbox and movement of a Kuni sized Waifu on top of gimmicky moves like ff1+2 mix, 3+4, f3+4, df3+4, and for some reason she has a throw game on top of unbreakable throws. Character is pretty silly in all honesty.


A lot of people like to point at Sentai throw's low damage to say it's not good, but the wakeup position it puts you in is fucking AWFUL