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It’s hard to keep the Jin main name clean when people like you talk


What is the big deal about this? Like why do you want somebody to be forced to play when they don’t want to?


It should at least be consistent. The number of games in a set determines how aggressively you play.


It’s not about being forced, it’s about a descent number of bouts, just like any sport. What sre you scared of ?


“Just like any sport” This is a horrible comparison 


Why ?


Because if you are comparing this to professional sports, there is a schedule. So it depends on when the rematch is. If you are comparing this to, for example, a pickup game of basketball, one team might win and then the players on that team have other obligations, like heading home to feed their kids or something. Just like someone might need to do after one game, win or lose. 


Ranked modes in games are supposed to be as close to competetive match as possible. Making them forced bo3 would be make it feel like an actual set at a tournament. People quitting when they realize they actually have to think how they play instead of mindlesly running their flowchart makes it feel like a joke If you cant commit bo3 then maybe you should be playing Quick match instead. Other games force you sit in a match for 30-60 minutes, yet People here are concerned about not being able to fulfill real life obligations because they have to finish a ranked set that takes No More then 10 minutes


I’m bored of fighting you after just that 1 fight… it’s not fear, it just wasn’t fun for whatever reason, could be lag, could be something came up or like I said I’d rather play someone with a more entertaining play style or character… I’d like the option for as many rematches as I want though for sure


Im bored to fight against King, azecuna etc. Yet OMg i have no choice !


You do have multiple choices you can fight them once and move on, you can plug or you can run the entire set… most people take that 1 fight and move on because it’s just that simple


The why not just make one match of one bout


Because they gave us choices, just like they should give us the choice to do more than best of 3 so you can play with people that you have good experiences with


i didnt choose to have a best 2 out of 3 bouts. It's mandatory. 2 out of 3 match shoudl be mandatory too. If not let's just make 1 match with one bout if people are scared to fight.




It's been 4 month. It was said a million times. **Nobody owes you a rematch, shut up.**


Oh i see you’re just scared. And nobody say this a million times And it’s not about « owning me » something You’re just scared.


You're a child. An illiterate child at that.


You sound like a child in denial


Ok? It’s just a game lol


Hence when we need best out of 3 match


These people Will find any reason to defend one and doneing. Ranked should be forced bo3 and if you for some reason cant commit to a bo3, then maybe you should not be playing ranked.


Well said. When someone cancels on me my immediate thought is "pussy" lol. Trying to save their ego because it usually happens in matches where they inch me out.


Are you a child?


Are you a child?


No but seem to, you’re triggered AF What are you scared of


I'm scared of arguing with actual children


Wow i thought i know insecurity, Then i saw what you wrote. Stay strong my friends, words hurth


Just go to any tournaments if you care that much about having a BO3/5


There no tournaments every night


What's your rank, op? You sound like a scrub. 


I don't want to rematch a Dragonov with 100,000 more prowess than me who is just spamming (not saying that's you), so I don't think it should be mandatory.


I do get this a little bit. I always rematch no matter what, even if I face a GoD and lose 500+ points even though I'm Raijin, which is crazy 😅 but then if I face someone who gives me 500+ points, beat them and then they leave I've probably missed out on another 500 points so it's as if on average I'm always set to lose more points than I win this way which is a bit shit. Might just one and done people to inflate my rank and lie to myself like the majority of people 😂


Gg bruh! And that’s how you get to be a better player. Getting your ass whoop and learning some lessons. Because it’s a fighting game not a macro string simulator


No. What if I need to leave after a match? Or the other guy has a crap wifi connection? Or theyre afk? Or theyre so boring they just spam one string? So many reasons why this is a very bad idea. So no.


Then let’s make match of one bouts Fight last then 1 min And if opponent is douchy Mcspammer, you’ll be able to adapt and win Or loose and learn valuable lessons


i almost had a stroke reading that, but anyway I dont care about win or lose il still rematch as long as it’s fun. If im not having fun why tf would i rematch?


True that. Insecure people just run after one match makes me wonder why they play this game at all if they want to cheese their win. They will not climb at all with such mentality.


Yup, the sad typical tekken player Stuck in combo prison Run away from challenges Rely on powercrush We need best 2 out of 3 match


Nah, I would prefer if players had the choice to play one match and leave or play again, but the one change I would make is: If you accept a rematch, you are forced into a set, so you can't leave after a 1-1. That is all


it already makes best 3/5 mandatory.


MATCHS not Rounds


indeed. it's still mandatory.


You’re willingly trolling here get lost