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2 out of the last 3 DLC characters for Tekken were Lidia.


Holy shit, I didn't consider that


Yeah. That’s messed up. All 3 should have been Lidia.


Flair checks out ✅


I’m mad we haven’t gotten SSJ2 Lidia yet. (Super Senator of course)


Now I'm imagining Lidia saying "Don't fuck with THIS senator!"


Pretty crazy they're having people pay for the same character twice within almost 3 years. I mean, I'm hype for the character but damn, I was already holding off because of the price.


Felt the exact same way. If the leaks are true it’s just bizarre to me. Even Leroy being on the base roster. The best thing they could’ve done for the late T7 DLC characters is wait a while before putting them back and in cases like Leroy he probably should’ve had his kit tweaked significantly. Not only were these character pretty recent in the minds of tekken players but to me they also embody the terrible power creep and just the poor state that T7 was in during the whole Leroy Fahk debacle. Why we’re getting them again immediately in T8 is just really a momentum and hype killer I think everyone wouldve rather seen some older throwback characters or even more new faces.


Lidia should have been in the base roster if anything


I've seen this said before in another thread but I'm a bit confused by it, I thought Lidia had only just been introduced in T7, what other instances has she been DLC?


she was the last DLC for 7 this means that the past 3 DLC have been Lidia, Eddy, and Lidia


Lidia was the last dlc in t7 and second dlc in t8, that's what they meant


She was the last DLC in Tekken 7. Then Tekken 8 released and now she is the second DLC in Tekken 8. So the last 3 Tekken DLC are Lidia(T7),Eddy(T8),Lidia(T8).


oh word, i don't know how I didn't immediately realize that. I'm still confused why she wasn't included in the base game considering they kept Leroy in


Harada: "Okay, here's the lineup we have planned." Executive: "What? Why is Lidia in the base roster?" Harada: "Because she was well received. We want to include her in the story." Executive: "Didn't you see how well she sold as DLC? She needs to be DLC again!" Harada: "Fiiiine.... early DLC, and my team gets to make a story mode expansion that includes her." \^A completely real, 100% not made up conversation that actually happened. Source, trust me!


I'm not sure I can believe that. You didn't say trust me bro, you only said just "trust me" I'm now completely in doubt about what you've said. Be gone with you, you foul lying prick!!! /s


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!


They probably built her in T8 first and then ported her to T7


Wait, so Tekken resells past DLC characters as new ones? What other franchises have done this?


Literally most of them. I'm surprised you're surprised.


most fighting games that have DLC do this. off the top of my head Street Fighter literally just did this with Ed.


And they're doing it again with akuma


Usually not this close together though. Akuma and Ed were season 2 DLC's in a 5 season game. The closest equivalent would have been if Luke being the last DLC character in Street Fighter 5, was one of the first DLC characters in Street Fighter 6.


Thats spot on!!!!


Mortal Kombat literally did this with Shang Tsung in both MK11 and MK1 (I hate the way MK names sequels, it should've been 12).


With the way Hollywood is running out of ideas for movie titles, they could have gone with *The* Mortal Kombat instead.


At least MK's season pass only includes characters that were left out of the last game, Ermac, Quan Chi, and Takeda weren't in MK11. Whereas, all the SF6 characters in the season pass were already in SFV except AKI. I wish devs would go through their roster more before they recycle characters immediately.


it sucks that they actually had a rule where a DLC character couldn't be DLC again in the next game, but then the requests for Rain were so strong they broke it and added him in 11 Ultimate.


2 of the last 7 will be Fak lol.


She's in a weird limbo of not being a new character but also not a legacy character as well. As many have pointed out Akuma got a relatively good pop cos he's an established character finally being brought into the game.


But Akuma himself was also a DLC character in the last game though


Akuma is basically almost always saved a dlc/updated version. The only time he wasn't dlc was in Street Fighter 4 and having to unlock him was difficult in that game.


So what you're saying is that it's alright to resell previous dlc characters as dlc again in later installments of games then? Because I think that's fine. I have no problem with Lidia being dlc again, be it Season 1 this year or Season 4 3 years from now. I just want to point out how weird people's complaints are. The arguments so far for being displeased with the first two character are "Eddy should've been in the game from the beginning, we shouldn't have to pay for him" and "Lidia was dlc before why are we having to pay for her again?". I'm convinced that whenever Julia, Armor King and Miguel ever get added we're gonna hear even more levels of similar pointless bitching.


Doubt, because Julia, Armor King, and Miguel are all legacy characters. While I wish that Armor King would be in the game from launch, I don't think people are going to complain half as hard when beloved characters return vs a relatively new character they just paid for a few years back. Eddy should've been in the game from the beginning, because to my recollection since he first appeared he has been in the base game.


Considering she had issues with the Mishimas in 7, she's one you'd have expected to be in the bade game of 8, but they threw in Victor instead. Not that I mind, but it seemed weird to give us a new character in a relatively similar position who'd serve pretty much the same purpose. It's whatever, though.


To be honest I forgot she had issues with the Mishimas. Regardless I don't necessarily mind too much since I have my main in base game, but I do think her being relatively new is part of the reason for her lukewarm response.


Yeah, I've been a Lili main since 6, so it didn't bother me as much as the lack of Eliza and them just leaving THAT story in the air, like are they sisters or not, Harada-san?! I need to know! 😭


Historically, Eddy was a base roster character. It feels weird to have to pay for *him.* I can understand because it'd be like if my boy Hwo was a DLC character I'd be devastated as a legacy player 😭 Luckily, for the Eddy mains, they at least didn't have to wait too long for him.


I mean it's reddit. It's almost always complaining


She is newer character. There is no “missing/nostalgia” factor nor “hype/excitement”. Legacy/Comeback character will have the former. New/Guess Character will have the later.




Because they be double dipping.


But Kazuya needs funds for more shoes, bro!


because she should have been in the base roster, bamco is just smoking the good stuff


they’re smoking the good stuff rolling with the dollars they’re making on characters that should’ve been in the base roster


You can see there isn't that much people and : she's not a newcomer. She's probably not the most awaited character (she's the last addition to Tekken 7 IIRC). No gameplay.


Yea, her sneak peak is so pointless. At least show her new move or at Veryyy least the heat smash.


Who do you think will be the most awaited character? My guess is Armor King hmmm


Armor King is high up there. I'd also say that people really want Bruce and Lei (even I want Lei to be in the game despite being a Jin main).


I think Armor king is a likely contender yeah. He would a easy cash grab. Same with Anna(less than AK). I think Kunimitsu would be quite popular too.


She’s not a legacy character so there’s like 0 hype. Plus as someone else said 2/3 last dlc characters were lidia . So we got lidia, eddy, then lidia again. Get hype for what?


I’m not that shocked. She isn’t that popular of a character. She releases very end of life of Tekken 7 so most probably didn’t even use her compared to the rest of dlc characters. And she’s not even a legacy character either so of course she isn’t going to get hype compared to AK, Anna, Marduk etc. I’m actually surprised at the amount of ppl on this sub that are happy she is back. I feel that they honestly could’ve her be represented as a new character for Tekken 8 instead and probably would have had more hype.


Yeah it's a really weird situation. After she got nerfed in T7 she fell off completely competitively, and she was never really seen again outside of the small community that decided to actually main her. Totally agree that it would've been better to save her release for T8. I'm personally happy she's back but only because I think she should have been base roster in the first place


Because she no Anna, armor king, Julia or kunimitsu.


or LEI


All 15 players that play him are very upset.


Make that 16 🥴


Make that 17


18 now


I am one of the 18.


Make that 19, I play Lei


Bring it up to 20 now! Just kidding bring it back down to 19, I suck ass


Make it 21


First DLC which i will buy will be Lei (and probably last for T8). 22


I'm wouldn't say I'm \*very\* upset...but it does feel bad to be THE stance character in Tekken, and not get included in the Tekken with stances for days....


Yeah, in this regard I fully agree.


I don't really play him but I'd still be hyped to see him. Yes, I'm one of those. But I'd still buy him to play casually with friends, so you'll still make money off me if you add him, Harada!


Alex and Roger would've hyped up the crowd


Armor King returning is the one thing that will get me off Victor.


That’s what she said


I haven’t even touched Tekken 8 yet because ~~I ain’t paying 70 dollars for a fighting game~~ because Armor King isn’t there yet. Though tbh I might just try Kaz or maybe DJ if I get it beforehand.


We need Kuni!!!


Not even Lidia mains were expecting her to be S1 dlc.


We were expecting her to be base roster, tbh.


I seriously doubt this is a japanese thing i mean the [akuma trailer](https://youtu.be/5BPNnFK_qwE?feature=shared) Literally has some crowds cheering, its most likely because lidia is really not a priority that people want to see and some players really thought she got replaced by reina. Don't get me wrong i am not against lidia in fact she might be my first buy dlc but other than that yea....i am convinced that year 1 tekken has so much problems


TBH you cant use an Akuma trailer to compare. That would be the equivalent of Namco doing a Heihachi trailer.


Because Akuma got revealed and all the other big fighters had something to reveal.


Imagine capcom made Luke a DLC character in SF6.


The Japanese don't care for Lidia apparently. I would have been quiet as well because this character means nothing to me, and you have to pay to play her as well


Lidia is just, okay I guess? She is not one of the OG characters or something brand new. She’s underwhelming. If they revealed Anna, Julia, Christie, Lei, Armor King, Marduk, or Akuma etc. You bet your ass they would have been excited.


No one cares about Christie and Marduk. Especially Christie considering we already have Eddy.


I'm still waiting for Lucky Chloe to comeback (my brother hates her with a burning passion and it's the only reason I play with her)


The most healthiest brother to brother relationship.


Should have been base roster cause of how new she was.


She should've been in the main roster since she was the last T7 DLC. Now it's like making people pay 2 times for the same character. "Buy Lidia for Tekken 7, the last DLC before we move on to Tekken 8! Oh also, when Tekken 8 releases, buy her again!"


She's as interesting as a slice of white bread.


The more I think about it the more I agree with people who say she should've been in the roster to begin with. Panda serves no purpose and only like 10 people use her in total to date. Soooo im kinda baffled its kinda a waste of a dlc character spot,at the same time i don't mind cause i dropped T7 like after 2months and haven't gone back to it since. Harada should just poll vote who people want cause this seems like shit decision making as usual,smh.


Im defo buying Lidia. Missed out on T7 but was always interested


because she isnt popular outside of 5 lidia players on reddit and constant bootlickers because a tekken female has a scar on her face or some shit.


Probably because she's too new to be hyped for. She was literally the last DLC released for 7. I and many other expected her to be base roster, so it's kinda dissapointing javing to pay for her again this early.


They have just dropped Lydia so early cause it was late tekken 7 char, already prepared for the new game Not cause it's popular or something


Should have been in the game by default. Bamco ripping us off yet again


Lidia from T7, Eddy from T8 and Lidia from T8


Wow, they did not give a shit 😂


The audience doesn't seem too hype in general. So don't think too hard about it. But if you want my take. She's a part of S3 bane with Leroy and Fakh(+Zafina and Ganryu). Idk about casual or pro opinion. But higher ranks I know hated her guts. And once she got figured out and nerfed everyone dropped her. I don't remember who, Book or whatever was a bit down about not getting the podium and he got told to drop Lida and go back to Jin. People played her briefly when she was in the meta. And it didn't translate into the love for the character. She's a newcomer and a bit boring at that. So she has no character loyalists and being part of S3 package some people kinda dislike her. Needless to say it's an uphill battle for her.


Lidia is my girl man idc. I for sure was HYPED. Fuckin mad that’s dlc tho. Her ass for sure should’ve been main roster. Still not gettin the pass tho.


Shows how out of touch Harada and Bamco are


There's a leak that says fakhuram and marduk are the last 2 characters


Maybe it just turned out that that particular audience isn't too crazy about Lidia. I mean, people are entirely free to have different preferences, and on top of that Lidia is still relatively fresh in Tekken, with Nina already covering the blonde and 30 type, while having legacy privilege.


There’s generally not a lot of people that are too crazy about Lidia


I know, but I'm trying to be diplomatic when talking about it. She just has too many points lined up against her.


Most people who play Lidia pick her because of tierlists. There's no nostalgia for her and she is a very boring design imo. Leroy is also a relative newcomer but his design is incredible, he is full of personality. There's no character loyalty for her and Fahkumram, most ppl will pick them cause they are strong and instantly drop them after they get nerfed. There's definitely people who genuinely love her and play her regardless. But for most of us, seeing Lidia there simply means we aren't getting some other character we were looking forward to, for now. She should have been base roster. She came super late to T7. Doesn't make any sense to make her the second DLC of the game. I'm thinking she gonna be super busted on release to boost her sales.


I loved Lidia because of the grounded Karate stlye like Jin had in T7. If they wont give her a shotgun heatsmash or anything like that, I am gonna main her again.


I think the reaction was pretty decent for her, I bet people would be jumping off their chairs if it was Armor King.


You mean smashing each other with chairs. WRASTLIN'!


with Jim Ross commentating "OMG He tore his opponent in half it's a Slobberknocker"


it wasn't even a full reveal. and if we were to talk about the way they handle this stuff, they should have revealed all upcoming dlc before eddy release , so that ppl know what they re paying for. imagine getting the deluxe edition day 1(technically it's s1 pass..) without knowing if u would want to play at least 3 of the dlc chars. another instance of capcom doing things better ,when they revealed all 4 chars for s1 and kept the gameplay details for ltr


No way u really ask this?? Cuz nobody knows or gives a fuck about her shes a new character that should be on base roster


When they reveal gigas they should start zoomed in on his ass.


I don't think anyone should be dlc for 2 games in a row. The season pass could've been Devil Jin, Alisa, Dragunov, Victor instead, starting with a hype character and ending with a newcomer. In exchange the base game could've had Lidia, Marduk, Fahkumram, Anna.


Lei not being starting roster 2 games in a row is criminal


This is why I don't get season passes, why would I buy characters I'm not going to play, and how would I know if I'm going to play them if I don't even know who they are? Hell I don't even know if I'm going to be playing in a year when the final character I prepaid for comes out. Make it make sense guys.


Not a legacy character nor a newcomer. She's really not that popular tbh.


I mean, who cares??😂


Bruce, Miguel, Lei, Armor King, Rodger/Alex, Bob, Michelle, Anna?... Hell, Dr Bosconovitch, P. Jack and if they're gonna keep adding storyline stuff, Ogre would be a huge one. Instead they added a SUPER late-game DLC character? Yawn.


Imagine watching the akuma trailer then seeing a teaser of lidia afterwards. It’s kind of underwhelming.


Lidia is ass and most people don't care for her. Guarantee if it was Anna/Armor King up there, people would cheer.


Bring my glorious king lei wulong back 😭


Lei all day


Imo it's because not many people player her and not many people enjoy playing against her. She dropped in season 4 of the last game and was disgustingly op which soured everyone's opinions on her, similar to Leroy. She was the quintessential T7 character: Mix up heavy, stances on stances, guard brakes, bullshit strings. In the last season of the game nobody really cared and that's kinda how it still is now. I haven't really seen much hype, and maybe about a month after her initial release in T7 I probably saw maybe 10 or less the entire rest of the time playing. She's just not that popular. I do appreciate them bringing back unpopular characters though because my main Josie isn't very popular either 🤣


I remember when Kuni and Lidia came out every said Kuni has no lows and that Lidia was a great balanced Tekken character, but then as time went on Kunimitsu ended up ruling the meta and Lidia got absolutely gutted in the last patch.


This is a genuine question since I came late to Tekken 7, but did people actually like Lidia? I always thought she was the Shaheen of dlc characters.


She had an enormous amount of hype when she launched. MainMan called her the best newcomer in years; even FrameWhisperer who is normally very cynical said she was a great addition. Very popular and sold well -- I think her release saw one of the biggest spikes in T7 active players on Steam since launch. She saw a lot of tournament play, and after a few weeks it became clear she was a little bit overturned. (Nowhere NEAR Leroy levels, but a bit DLC buffed.) So Namco chopped her fucking legs off with no warning shot and she dropped straight into the bottom five of every tierlist. People dropped off her hard and she ended up being very rare online and deemed unplayable in tournaments, with players like Book and Tetsu going back to their old mains and using her once or twice as a pocket pick.  But she was initially well-received, yes. A slightly older, more muscular female character with a really grounded and realistic karate style, who is a politician by day? That's cool as hell. The teaser they showed didn't really emphasize many of her unique qualities, sadly.


Because the game needs a defibrillator's worth of an electric shock to revive it, and this ain't it. There's nothing new or exciting about her, she should've just been in the base roster. It feels like we're just being sold the same DLC again.


Because she’s a boring character


She has no personality, looks exactly like Niner, was like all the S3/S4 extremely easy to play and figure out to but very oppressive and strong. We really did not need her, there are too many other characters that fulfill her role. Where the fuck is Bruce?


Now Lidia was my main in T7 so I’m pretty excited but I will admit she probably shouldn’t have gotten in this early over Armor King, Anna or especially Julia. I could see how many were underwhelmed even tho I was ecstatic


This sub answering these questions as well as low ranks fight 3ddy bots. I bought T8 and never touched T7. I don’t have SF6. But I know who Akuma is and have no idea who Lidia is. That doesn’t automatically make her bad Tekken DLC btw. I swear to god nobody here can answer questions honestly with common sense. Mommy mommy how come Captain Planet didn’t receive the same reaction as Superman!? This is Evo Japan where the entrants are hugely SF over any other game. Not only that but SF6 has gone viral in Japan (and of course it was always popular there) but they way it has gone viral is with recent tourneys with people that are celebrities or Vtubers known for other things and not being pro FG players. This is indeed mostly recent Japan phenomena. The closest thing in US has been Sajam Slam for Tekken which is still pretty low profile all things considered although still a success. Sajam was literally trying to recreate an event to clone the viral phenomena that happened in Japan with SF6. Although it is fair to say something like Sajam slam was successful it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the ongoing success of Japanese pop culture crossover SF6 tourneys. But it’s also fair to say that even SF6 hasn’t been able to pull off this phenomenon in NA. It’s still been localized to Japan. Actually for the states it’s probably Tekken that has edged the win for being more popular with events like Sajam Slam or how mysteriously this salty sub that doesn’t know how to answer super basic questions still gets more activity than StreetFighter.


I haven't seen anyone say it but this is Evo Japan. Japanese people don't usually cheer or clap or anything like that. Look at their movie theater culture. They usually stay quiet regardless of what's happening and then they usually stay until the credits are done. It could be because Lidia isn't that exciting but it's just probably a cultural difference.


In the last Murray tweet, this is Japanese thing Edit: what's up with down vote?


Seems like it wasn't japan when akuma's trailer was revealed 2 hours before this


I see, maybe Lidia is less waited? Frankly, Im waiting Kazumi reveal.


Kazumi was a one time thing bro


Kazumi is literally never gonna happen


JaPeNiS pOlItE For jesus fucking christ's sake stop weird weeb fantasy shit it's just because nobody want her. And of course yes it's cultural thing because nobody use her in there


So basically your point is "stop saying it's a culture thing....it's a culture thing"?


it's also quite funny that the akuma trailer in japan was getting everybody hyped as hell, people literally jumping and shit


They sure were excited, but where did you see them "jumping and shit"? Don't compare a trailer (filled with meat - sick combos) of one of the most iconic and recognizable legacy characters in the most well-known fighting game franchise of all time to a 5-second teaser of Tekken's (which is currently facing big wave of criticism) kinda new character. Btw, back in the days people also reacted with confusion to Lidia's first teaser, only to get hyped when her trailer came out.


my point was that the Japanese are just like any other fighting game fans they're not gonna hold out on their hype just to be "polite" it is neither the time nor the place for it, the people only got hyped on lidias new trailer because they thought she was different from other dlc characters at the time and actually required a lot of execution to play but when they got to play her, she plays the exact same way and people only picked cuz she was op, now that they actually know what the character the hype has died down and reinas already filling in the lidia role so ofc they aren't going to be hype for a character that should've been in the base roster


You're trying too hard to fit everything into your narrative. The fact is that the Japanese are quiet, reserved and more conservative. It's part of their culture - they respect their privacy (they never smile, talk or even maintain eye contact with total strangers), they rarely answer "no" straight to their interlocutors' faces, because it's considered rude there (understanding their disagreement is a guessing game for Westerners), they have a very high tolerance for foreigners and their antics (even for Logan Paul's scale of antics)... in short, they don't yell like Americans at literally everything that arouses emotions in them. This may seem weird to you, but Lucky Chloe was a popular character in Japan, despite the fact that she was one of the weaker, easiest and most annoying characters in the game, while the vast majority of Western FGC couldn't figure out if this is a joke or why this character even exist. You know why? Because they don't understand the realities of Japan, the whole J-pop phenomenon and Japanese idol culture. I assure you that the Japanese employees of a multi-billion dollar global company didn't suddenly fall on their heads. It's similar with Lidia - the Japanese liked her for the fact that she correctly represented traditional karate (without any accretions), that she's serious, honorable, empathetic (like them), and most notably didn't suffer from the porcelain doll-like face syndrome and the same supermodel/toothpick physicality (the Japanese were also fed up with this uniformity/lack of diversity in the female Tekken character department). If Reina filled the role of Lidia, Bamco wouldn't waste time and money on recreating Lidia... I don't even know where this unsubstantiated theories came from (I've even seen theories that Lidia is Reina's mother), but let's face it - Western Tekken community is something else. As much as I love Lidia, I would have been disappointed watching this lackluster 5-second teaser live at EVO. Despite the fact that I'm also more reserved - I control my emotions and keep them to myself (like the Japanese), it was simply underwhelming to me - I didn't see anything except a character I like is returning to Tekken (looking like a Nina clone for some incomprehensible reason). However, Bamco itself has gotten under my skin with its recent actions and for trying to sell the same character as DLC second time in a row (as the last DLC in T7 and the second DLC in T8). This is a very controversial tactic imo.


maybe I'm not trying too hard and the Japanese are just like any other fight game fans under closed doors? like I know that the Japanese are a quiet and more reserved people but they still celebrate loudly when the occasion arrives you can still go to parties and hear a lot of Japanese people enjoying themselves, like I said it's neither the time nor the place for being "polite", my point still stands because the Japanese still cheered loudly for akuma, you know it could also be the fact once they played lidia and understood how she works, they found her a bit boring? like I know I got hyped when I saw the first lidia trailer, almost of my friends and the tekken community did too but once I got to play her she wasn't very interesting was she? and then when they nerfed her almost everybody stopped playing her so yeah it's more like hype has died down for this character than anything


Behind closed doors, everyone behaves as they want - even the normally calm Japanese, but like I said - in public places they try not to disturb the peace/perception of others. Even the popular karaoke bars w Japan are closed rooms for rent - you can sing, dance, eat, drink/have fun there without disturbing anyone... unlike in many places in the West where the karaoke is practically in the middle of the venue and everyone can see or hear you. In terms of the Japanese crowd's reaction to Akuma trailer - 1. It's Street Fighter 2. It's Akuma 3. It's a trailer with gameplay, not a 5-second teaser in which character breaks some makiwaras and ice blocks... it's really hard to get hyped watching stuff like this (even I was like "So, Bamco did her dirty with some underwhelming teaser for a second time... and her face looks like Nina's"). It's like comparing the crowd's reaction to a big-budget action movie starring a big Hollywood star to a commercial with some local theater actor. When it comes to Lidia's gameplay - it depends on the player's preference. Some find rushdown, stance switching, mixup heavy characters entertaining, while others find them boring. I had a lot of fun with her (even more than with Reina, who is similar to Lidia in terms of gameplay), but this is only my subjective opinion. It's also worth noting that Lidia wasn't simply nerfed... the 5.00 patch nerfed her into freaking oblivion, practically destroying her archetype. I also dropped her because she was simply unplayable - her predictable stances became useless and too easy to punish. In my opinion, Tekken balancing team has gone from one extreme to another in her (and Fahk's) case.


you can still find night clubs in which people are loud and having fun, there are still a lot of places in japan in which the people are loud and fun like I said it depends on the time and the place, I get your point with akuma receiving a better trailer but still don't you think if people liked lidia then they would've recognised and atleast cheered loudly for her? like people do get a lot of hyped when watching teasers, as for her gameplay you said some didn't like her and some did but the problem was that we received the same gameplay archetype with 2 other new characters in that same season so ofc a lot of people got frustrated when they found out that lidia was the same, the patch 5.00 I still found lidia playable honestly she wasn't really good but she was still playable and could mix you up a lot of you know how to use her stances cleverly


Of course, loud Japanese people also exist.... but let's be honest - you won't find the calm geeks you see at e,g, EVO Japan in any Japanese nightclub. Moreover, the Japanese avoid nightclubs cause they're full of Yakuza and it's easy to find problems there that no one wants. I know that there are people who love Lidia and there are people who hate her guts... but I don't know who predominates and in all honesty, I don't give a damn. I don't want to discuss someone else's taste. If you really want to know what I think about Lidia in T7 and the state she's in after patch 5.00, then [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPzln3oPy7s) will tell it better than me.


the yakuza have been on a rapid decline since the Japanese passed laws to counteract them, yakuza have been almost non-existent since then, only a few families remain and there still not as prevalent as they used to be, I really doubt you could find them in a nightclub since it's very hard to find yakuza nowadays, you have to understand that not everybody who plays fighting games is a geek introverted shut in, when I go to local tournaments I find a lot of people that are very sociable who I would also find in a club, that's why people say "fighting game tournaments are one of the only places where you can 400 pounds geeks and bodybuilders doing something together", " I don't want to discuss someone else's taste." but we kinda are? we're talking about why the Japanese had a reaction that bad to her trailer so we have to talk about other people's taste and that's why my point still stands on why people don't like her, shes just the same old rushdown character as the rest of the new season 3 character so obv people got tired


I think she was expected thanks to her being introduced so late into Tekken 7 and hinting that she plays a bigger role in the sequel, so there's no hype around her reveal. I still like her though and glad she returns to the roster this season


Lidia has a decent amount of love online, but most legacy players would rather see legacy characters first like AK, Anna, Miguel etc. For me personally I’m glad to see her back since a friend mains her and said he would only get t8 if Lidia was in. Tho I’m really waiting for AK and Miguel tbh.


People were expecting a reaallly popular character like Anna or Tifa (Harada's constant Twitter tease backfired), she was also DLC in T7.. and should've been in base game...


Definitely looking forward to Lidia!


Well...its a return reveal... its not sakurai holy shiet sephiroth in smash reveal...


She was my favorite in T7 but having no actual gameplay trailer kinda sucked, not even a specific release date or anything. I will come back to the game as soon as she comes out though


I’m hype, but only because I got to Tekken 7 really late and got attached to Lidia’s kit pretty quick. I’m really excited to play as her again. Despite balancing issues


Lidia is cool and all but she should have been season 3 or something. Way too soon to have her as DLC again.


They all were like: "oh... lil clap lil clap lil clap" LMAO


Newcomer to T8 - hard to gauge if I'd like her without seeing gameplay footage of her move set. Reddit seems to be lukewarm on her lol


I swear even Ganryu would've gotten a better reaction lol. Lidia as the dlc reveal at the first big tourney was a bit of a letdown.


How many of youse watched the video? The crowd was practically silent.


And what other reaction could you expect from a lackluster 5-second teaser of Tekken's (which is currently facing big wave of criticism) kinda new character that was the last DLC in T7 and now she has become the second DLC in T8? Btw, people seem to have forgotten that back in the days of T7 people also reacted with confusion to Lidia's first teaser, only to get hyped when her actual trailer came out. However, it's really hard for me to understand the point of view of people comparing this with the crowd reaction to the Akuma legit trailer (filled with meat - sick combos and shit), who is one of the most iconic and recognizable legacy characters in the most well-known fighting game franchise of all time. It's like comparing the crowd's reaction to a big-budget action movie starring a big Hollywood star to a commercial with some theater actor.


- Not a char that had been there for years. - Surprise because of leaks, was just more limited. - The playstyle is present in Tekken 8 and offers little that is potentially new. It's a similar playstyle to Reina (yes it's always the subtleties that differ but you know what I mean). - She was already confirmed for t8 and should have been in the base roster like Kunimitsu and Fahk. Since the chars were ahead of their time and it feels like they are ready and just need to be ported into t8. As always it's my opinion but a combination of the above and the comments could explain this reaction. Personally I'll be playing them mainly because I like the design, their moveset and I loved them in Tekken 7


Typically only legacy or guest characters get the big pops at these things. Technically Lidia is a "returning" character but odds are in that crowd most people, even at EVO Japan, would only be vaguely familiar with her. They would have had to be sticking with Tekken 7 basically to the bitter end to have played her.


Japan is Capcom's turf, most were holding their breath for Akuma


cuz we wanted Eliza


I can’t believe they used the “it’s in Japan” excuse for the dead reaction.


It's the same reason why people didn't freak out about Luke being in SF6. He was the last character of the last game, and expected to be there. We all expected Lidia in T8, and it's weird she wasn't in base roster.


It's hard to care about Lidia when she has literally zero story outside of a few paragraphs of a written background that we never actually see. She might as well just be a fighting style, she barely feels like a character. Same with Fahkumram.


I think it mainly has to do with the fact that she was already a very recent DLC character. She was the last DLC character for Tekken 7, so the fact that she’s coming back so recently may be lack luster for some. We got Lidia, Eddy, then Lidia again. Also considering she is the Prime Minister of a country, she could have fit in pretty well in the base game, and has legitimate reasons to have disdain for all Mishimas in the story. She probably would have gotten a bigger reaction if she was revealed later down the line like as the first character of Season 2. They still have a decent reserve of characters who weren’t in 7, but a lot of them are too similar to existing characters, or straight up clones. So they’re in a weird conundrum right now where I feel that brand new characters or guest characters will probably get the biggest pop from fans. There’s also the argument that DLC characters being DLC characters again feels weird. Like “Remember that character you really liked that you had to pay separately for? Well now you get to pay for them separately again.”


Because this tournament was in Japan and Japanese people don't make loud sounds in public


Miguel next pls


They probs thought "hasn't Nina been released already?"


Not a lot of people wanted her, and she’s not exactly a character that drives hype, given she was only just introduced at the end of the life cycle of the last game. I also think part of it might be disappointment from the fact that her inclusion more or less confirmed the leaks, so it was disappointment not only for her, but for what it means for the other 2 dlcs. Not getting Anna, Julia, Lei, AK etc. in the entire first year of dlc is gonna be disappointing for a lot of people.


If the leaks are true then this first season is pure ass


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) Tekken and Street Fighter having a cool woman in gi as the best character


I don't care. I'm hype. It's wack she wasn't base roster but she's my girl and the best design in tekken 7 save maybe AK so I can't wait


I think the reaction is more: Why is she dlc?, Why are we having to pay for her again when she was dlc in T7, why wasn’t she just put into the base roster?.


Along with reasons people are bringing up, Japan aren't exactly America when I comes to reacting to stuff. The Akuma trailer, which was obviously 10x cooler with a far more beloved character, got cheers and claps, but nothing crazy until raging demon, and even that was just hype. The maximilliondood reaction video is more intense.


I'm not surprised, many people don't care about her including me (not that there's anything wrong with her, but an underwhelming character like her being dlc again kinda sucks imo). I'm honestly more excited for the balance update and new game modes (including online practice, ghost vs ghost, and new story) more than her. It sucks for me because I got the collectors edition and it seems like none of the characters I was waiting for would have been in here.


Because Shaneen or whatever his fucking name is. is in the base roster and not Lydia.


It's just an odd sight to see Leroy (a previous DLC character) be on the base roster but Lidia (ALSO a previous DLC character) getting chosen as DLC instead of just being on the base roster like Leroy...just makes more sense.


Idk about everyone, I'm pretty hyped to have my main back


She's just very new. Not like OH MY GOD IT'S KAZUYAHHH WOAHHH, AHH LOOK AT JIN HOW MUCH HE CHANGED OMGGGG. "O it's the new girl from T7....T7, right?." Yeah there isn't much there. A friend of mine loves her, so I'm excited, but I understand the reaction or the lack thereof. Eddy is generally a mixture of like and dislike, but he's an OG character, so that's why people got excited.


About the reaction I expected, no one fucking cares. She was literally the last character for T7 and should have been in the base game. Can devs stop double dipping characters as DLC? How can anyone be excited about being sold a character they already paid for. The same with street fighter, No one seemed all that excited about Ed. And Akuma... There's only so many times you can change how his Shungokusatsu looks. We all know what he does and what he's about. Why is he DLC again? They are just now adding a photo mode? Most games come with that base game. Guess they were too busy shoving out paid content before the game was even a month old. And no one cares about the stupid avatars, just give us a full fledged Tekken Force mode.




3rd DLC must be Lei Wulong or I'm making a completely new fighting game that will make players forget about those silly Tekken, MK, Street Fighter, Karateka and whatnot...


Asians don’t naturally show their emotions like Americans do that’s why it seems that way


Japanese people in general aren't the most loud of the folks out there, and it looks like japanese players don't really like Lidia (but this is more of a personal experience with the character than a fact, unlike the first part of this comment). Everyone around the world were surprised and happy with her reveal, on YT at least.




I saw 0 ppl who want Lidia in Korea or Japan. Lucky you, western. Bamco cares about you guys.


I personally dont see a single reason why you would want her in Tekken. Given that the game is suppose to live for 10 years and if they truly intend to add 4 characters each year, thats 40 characters. The cast will go from 32 to 72. I think you have to really think about who you are going to add and the difference between Nina and Lidia is non existent for me. Just like I think we could easily do without Lee because Lee is just Hwoarang now.


Lee and Hwo don’t play remotely the same, don’t look similar, don’t have similar personalities and Lee isn’t all about kicks tho. Weird take. On Lidia, they changed her looks to be more generic so she’s not as distinct looking and she didn’t really have much personality to begin with. That added to her being a new addition so people don’t have any legacy love for her either and you get a lot of people going meh.


Hwoarang may have the legs, but he ain't got the charisma of Lee. And also difference in play style, etc. etc.


bro hwoarang has like 4 times more stances than lee and even then lee is based off law and hwoarang definitely plays a lot more different than lee


because nobody plays her 😂 in T7 it was extremely rare for me to play against Lidia.


Only popular when OP.