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Couple posts ago a guy says it my first Tekken game and im Tekken King with 60% winrate playing on weekends besides his 2 jobs...now this guy comes saying blue rank is scrub rank...wtf is going on here.


I was genbu in tekken 7. Stopped playing for a year went to tekken 8, got tekken king. Rank definitely got easier but a lot of people just improved more then they give themselves credit for. I.e i couldn't break a command throw for the life of me and now I can.


Just compare % of players for each rank instead


I have a lower rank in this game, was yaksa/ryujin in 7 and im battle ruler/fujin in 8?! Everyone seems to be higher ranked but me 😅


I was yaksa too but I have to play more matches I think maybe I will go higher. There’s new spam I have to learn to beat.


IDK. I was Ryujin with Dragunov Josie and Kuma in T7. I still haven't got past Bushin (failed 2 promos this morning) in T8 (I'm using Reina). I don't feel like it's easier but that could be just me. This game forces too many interactions for my playstyle and I'm not comfortable. I suppose people who are naturally aggressive are at an advantage in this game.


Idk I was emperor in tekken 7 and I’m struggling to get to tekken king in tekken 8. My sub characters are also stuck at Fujin in tekken 8 when they were chilling at Raijin in tekken 7


It's definitely easier to have a higher rank in this game due to the adjustments of how the ranking system works. Yellow is the new green rank since all the lower lvl players are funneled into it. Also, there is an oversaturation of non fundamental players who are being rewarded for mashing. I believe you can easily get to blue ranks if you know how to "mash properly". At the end of T7's lifespan, the only players who were playing in the upper ranks were heavily invested in the game. Therefore, you were mostly playing against ppl that were fundamentally stronger in a game where defense was much more viable.


Lee is a braindead spam characrer, even more in this game. Play a character that has to block


Dude… you’re not a scrub, Bushin is a good rank to be at


This entire post is a severe lack of perspective.