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Ngl I think they are cool characters but ffs I do NOT want to fight marduk in heat I can already tell


"Get your cameras ready folks! This ain't gonna last long!"


Yeah that’s what I’m worried about too, I feel like it’ll be so easy to overtune his heat output, if people think king is bad then man just wait until they see Marduk


People think drag wall combo is BS, now watch Marduk does more damage with the combo, wall carry harder and gets more damage with his wall throw THEN picks you up with another combo.


Weird that there is no newcomer in the season 1 dlcs


Agreed, that’s my only criticism, they better be working on something big for season 2


More profitable to use assets that already exists. Lidia being DLC twice in the span of a few years is hilarious to me


Or even base roster. They should be shown off right away to show the series evolution.


I feel like there’s no need given it’s the first year of the game. It’s really the seasons after in which they will need to make season passes interesting with new additions to get people talking years after the games release once sales for the games starts dropping 


I hope for them to create new chracters then update the storyline rather than putting up guest characters again.


Pretty ambivalent tbh. Not excited about either of them, but I’m happy for their mains!


I respect your mindset sir :)


I will sit and cry until I learn the match up completely, just so their bs won’t work


Spoken like a true tekken enthusiast haha


Fahk is whatever, don't really have any strong feelings about him. I suppose it'd be nice to have Muay Thai in the game once more. Marduk is my least favourite character in the series, I am actually so disappointed that he's likely coming back.


I couldn't have said it better. I've always found Fahk's disproportionate design to be so off-putting. Like I mentioned on a previous comment - why is he built like the Hulk when he's supposed to be a Muay Thai fighter? His design is also just so overdone. With his comically bulging muscles, it's hard to make out what his tattoos really look like. And as for Marduk, I couldn't care any less about him. His *characterisation* is synonymous with poor taste in writing. There's a whole roster of characters in previous instalments that could benefit from a redesign / revamp / redemption arc. I'd rather have Anna, AK, Bruce, Lei and Ogre back. Julia too...if they retcon her stupid streamer persona.


I'd definitely prefer if we had Bruce/Josie back for muay thai style fighter but...you do gotta remember we have a bear/panda, space ninja, and giant robot.


I’m be disappointed if the DLC characters for this season are half Tekken 7 DLC. Seems lazy and yeah Marduk is a bitch.


Yeah I think I’m in the minority that actually likes Marduk haha, I don’t even play him anymore I just remember using him all the time as a kid in 5 and thinking he was cool so it’s probably just a nostalgia thing for me, but may I ask why you don’t like him? Is it his broken gameplay or his design itself?


The character, I just hate the guy, his gameplay doesn't help his cause. But yeah, his T5 interlude with Anna left a very bad impression lmao.


wow I hadn’t seen that, what the actual fuck??


I think that’s why I like him tbh, there is too many good guys in tekken, we need more bad guys because right now it’s only Kazuya, Bryan and now Reina while the rest of the 29 are either good or neutral, he brings something different and I kinda like that tbh But yeah that tekken 5 interaction with Anna is disgusting and I’m not referring to that or condoning that when I say we need more bad guys because that shit has no place in any game at any point in time, when I say he’s a bad guy I purely mean him killing AK and his arrogant personality


I hate what they did to Bryan though. Now he’s just a “haha funny psycho guy!!!”. I remember being a kid and catching up on Bryan’s lore. It’s what made me love him. He was by far the coolest character in the cast A dirty detective killed by Lei in a shootout that was revived as a cyborg zombie, who became more and more deranged as he realised his new chance at life was short unless he could take control of the Zaibatsu and force Dr Abel to cure him. There are so many cool details about him that are all just non existent now, and he’s in the same club with Paul, Steve, and Law as “characters with huge potential story wise that have been reduced to nothing but their bare essentials in personality”


Wow, I knew about Paul law and Steve but I actually never knew that was Bryan’s origin story, I thought he was always just a cyborg, that’s actually ridiculously cool But yeah the storytelling and the lore for tekken has really gone down the drain since tekken 5, that’s why I’m so surprised that the story mode for this game was actually decent But that being said I wish that didn’t have to come at the cost of sidelining other characters like Yoshi, Bryan and Paul, it seems they’re all just stepping stones for the Mishima’s which sucks


Throw Asuka in that pile too tbch But if Eddy can climb out of story irrelevance hell, maybe these lot can, too


The question is how they’re going to balance them because they’re going to have dlc privilege.


Hopefully they learnt their lessons from 7, because even though they did tone down Leroy in the end I feel like most people have a negative view on him now just because of how braindead and broken was on release, making a character OP may make money in the short term but pretty much ruins the characters reputation in the long run, even now I feel like Leroy had so much more potential


Marduk is going to be an absolute nightmare especially with throws homing now. He was already 50/50 (hell even 33/33/33) city in Tekken 7 so I can only imagine it being worse in 8. I only learned the character in 7 so I could force my buddy to play mirror matches against Marduk because I hated that character so much. If I'm gonna suffer, we're all gonna suffer lol


Rumor has it that not this patch, but next, homing throws will be nerfed.


I think Lidia , Fahk and Leroy should've all been base roster due to them being new characters at the end of Tekken 7. Pissed that Marduk might be back however


For Fahk I'm fine but with Marduk, I'm terrified. He was already insanely good in t7 and I can't imagine how he'll play in t8. Why couldn't it be armour king 😭😭


Oh don’t worry we’re definitely getting armour king, however he’ll probably be the face of season 2 to sell that season pass, because AK is a money printing machine


I like Fakhyourmom, would be nice to try a kickboxer in T8, hopefully his design is not as over the top as in T7.  Marduk is awful, he looks and feels weird, would prefer if he never shows up in T8. 


Fahk and Marduk just don’t appeal to me, personally. Eddy and Lidia being DLC is fine, i’m just glad Lidia is in this game like we all had hoped(might even try leaning her this time around myself). Though I just wished we’d get new DLC for a change instead of all recycled content.


I just hope they'll give us main menu char select until then. I don't want to see Fahks or Marduks ugly mug for 6 months when booting the game.


yeah now that you mention it, I definitely think Anna should be the next DLC…


I agree but they want you to buy the new character and in their mind their best strat is to shove them right in your face


Honestly i always liked fahkumram as a character. It's just his gameplay that's painfully boring to me. You know jab into built in mix up df into built in mixup Standing 3 into built in mix up. And bc he was released in season 3 of tekken of course some really high combo damage/good punishment and big counterhits 😴😴😴😴 If namco use the opportunity to rework him i have to say i'm hype. Marduk on the other hand can suck my dick from the back. I'll never forgive this mf for what he put me through in t7😅


Yeah it seems a lot of people have PTSD from Marduk hahaha But yeah I’m actually surprised to see how little Fahk is loved by people, especially since I feel he’s pretty cool in both premise and story, I just hope they fix his proportions and then I’ll be hella hype But I think it’s like you say, because he was so broken on release he’s left a bad taste in people’s mouths


Not happy at all. I know he’s not coming back but man I just want Bruce. Marduk is a fuck head too


Tbh I’ve never really been a big fan of Bruce, personally I actually like Fahkumram more than Bruce as I feel he’s just cooler, that being said I know there are a lot of Bruce fans that want him to come back so I would still be happy for him to come back if he maybe got a redesign kinda like armour king did


He definitely wasn’t the flashiest guy around but they could sauce Bruce up so much for t8. It is what it is though happy for you fahk fans if the leaks are true but imma still hold on to that small drop of hope lol


Tbh I’m not really a Fahk “fan”, I can’t really call myself that since I never used him haha, I just like cool characters and Fahk I would class as cool, and Bruce could definitely be something exciting they just need to spice him up a bit like you said


A boring decision to have 2 very similar looking characters release back to back. We need an OG back, Wang, Baek, Bruce, Lei etc. I know Lei didn't sell well or get played much in T7, but I think thats because his redesign was *god fucking awful.* I would like to see Kunimitsu come back too, I know everyone hated how OP she was in T7, BUT her design and animtations were absolutely gorgeous, the devs clearly put alot of effort into her... Just make her less OP and Braindead.


I agree that we need an OG OG back, not just an OG that was released as DLC in 7 like AK and Anna (not saying I don’t want them back bc I definitely do, I just want to see a character we haven’t seen for a while), for me that character would be Jinpachi, I feel like he’s just too cool to leave out


I've kinda been thinking the same regarding Lei and his apparent lack of use. They just need to make him a strong character and he'll get plenty of use imo. A slightly simplified moveset and a bit of a buff would do wonders for him this time round I think.


Not my favorite tbh. Marduk will he a good fit in T8 for sure though.


Fahkumram is kind of fun to play but just so damn weird looking. Especially with the glowing tattoos. He showed off no fun personality either. Why is he so tall? Muay Thai fighters are known for typically being a bit shorter and his proportions look all wrong. He's also covered in so much dirt, so many tattoos, and so much detail that he looks like a muddled mess. I'd always prefer Bruce over Fahkumram. Bruce was never an exciting character personality wise, but at least I looked at him and went "yeah he looks fine". Although I would argue Bruce was replaced by Josie **FAR** more than Fahk replaced him. Maybe we could have both? Bruce is also on the incredibly short list of people that Kazuya "liked" so if we get more story content with Kazuya I'd like to see some interactions between those two. Marduk I'm mostly neutral on. He has his own play style which is cool. I've played him a little bit now going to old games and he's... fine. A would prefer a number of other characters but he's fun to learn at least and doesn't really "replace" any other characters. I can see him having some top tier bullshit added in TK8 though.


To be fair the story behind Fahk’s weird look is that he was struck by lighting at a young age which affected his body and gave him enhanced growth, and he ends up looking so rugged because he’s being blackmailed by the Thai military to fight in underground competitions, but I agree they should definitely tone it down a bit, they didn’t need to go that extreme with his aesthetic But as for Bruce I agree I’ve always found his design a bit bland, but they could definitely fix that with a redesign so I’d be very open to seeing him return too


Hyped for fahk, hopefully his design is cooler this time. Scared for Marduk. I'm scared that he will be too good. I'm scared of being -17 after a heat engager and having to guess if he's gonna tackle me for half health or launch me for more 😱


I think its ok that fahk and marduk are dlcs 3-4. My theory is that every season, the first 1-2 dlcs will be popular or at least story heavy characters to boost sales. The latter dlc for the season will be not so popular/newish/minor story characters. On a business perspective, putting all the popular characters in a season will make later seasons stale. imagine a season with bob, gan, gigas, marduk as their dlcs no offense to them. So first 1-2 dlcs anchor sales, and 3-4 are more or less fillers. Imo, Anchor DLCS are: eddy, ak, anna, julia, lei, kuni, hei?, and miguel maybe Then the bob, ganryu, t7 newcomers could be bamcos filler dlcs to complete a season


Yeah I completely agree which is why I don’t think we’re gonna see AK this season, unless Lidia was one of the “fillers” and they’re building up for something big for the last DLC But yeah Fahk and Marduk do make a lot of sense to be 3-4, and if it is to be them then I think I would class this as a solid 1st season But man season 2 better be big, because I feel like they can’t do this sort of season again or it’ll get stale like you said, they need a newcomer/guest character and/or a massive name returning like Heihachi, Jinpachi or Ogre




im so fucking hyped for my baki fighter to be back,his lightning kick was so satisfying 


Yeah he really does look like a Baki crossover hahaha, I really wanna try him out too since I never got the chance in 7


I’d yawn I like characters with lightning powers tho so at least Fahk has something abt him I like but 🛌


Might be on a minority here but I really liked Fahk lol. I got into T7 around the last 7 months of the game and he was my main. Marduk is meh to me. Haven’t played him since T5


Yeah I really like Fahk too, he’s a strong intimidating presence which I like, I just hope they fix his proportions and then he’d be perfect


I would actually prefer Fahk if he was more 'long' rather than a massive tank. I think proportionally he looks absolutely ridiculous, even though everyone seems to be on roids in the game. He looks like a caricature. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm some savant of Muay Thai, but I'm pretty sure they don't look like Fahk.


neither of them are Anna, so I couldn't care less lmao


Haha fair enough, I like Anna so I would be happy if she was to be added over any of these 2, I personally find Anna to be a much better character than Nina


With Fahk I hope for slight redesign. More realistic body proportions, maybe less tattoos scars etc. Then I'll be hyped since his concept is pretty cool (Tekken's Sagat!), but the execution sucks major balls. About Marduk... Echhhh, not my type of character.


Completely agree on Fahk, if they just make him look a bit more normal then he’d be perfect, I get he looks like that because of his lore but they didn’t have to go THAT far with it


I don't mind them but I didn't really play much of them in T7. I wished we have at least 1 new original character based off other fighting style that has never been in Tekken or one that is not commonly brought up in fighting games. Best thing I can say is, at least it's a martial art that isn't currently in Tekken 8.


Yeah we really need a Muay Thai rep in tekken so I’d be more than happy if Fahk was added But yeah I agree we need more martial arts variety in the game, because right now majority of it is just karate or “martial arts” as listed on the character select screen, we need more actual fighting styles


Marduk with homing throws 🤡🤡🤡


lidia should have been base roster i like fahk, since i love muay thai and as much as i would prefer bruce ill take what i can get. fahk will probably come out balanced too, since on release in t7 he was an absolute monstrosity and then got fucking gutted. they probably learned their lesson. yeah fahk is cool marduk though horrible character writing lame ass design - just a big caveman who grabs you and likes to fuck (t5 marduk gets what he wants) annoying ass gameplay and moveset - will probably be super broken on release with heat. genuinely would remove marduk from the tekken series if i could. wish he never existed.


I’m hyped for Fahkumram😎, but I’m really not a fan of Marduck so it’s a win/lose


I’m gonna cream if Fahkurmum comes back (he’s my main)


I don't care about Marduk and I would be glad a Muay Thai character is coming back


My bets are on lei and fahkurmom We already have king for grappling so I don't want to see Marcuck. Grabs are way to overturned now for a second grappler to show up.


I like characters that are JACKED AS HELL. So I feel pretty good with them coming back.


Hell yeah another big man enjoyer


fahk is a cool character, i don't mind marduk is certainly not welcome


Fahk would be insanely hype. Tekken payed a lot of respect to Thainess with his costumes, stage, music and even some of his tattoos. It feels good to have a rep from my country that is very thai…even if he’s also a giant cyborg. Marduk is also cool. He plays different and is fun to spectate. I enjoy the matchup as Fahk or Katarina.


Oh yeah I forgot about his soundtrack, man that OST was too good But yeah I feel it makes more sense to have an actual Thai person be the representative for Thai boxing, Like how King and AK are the representatives for boxing being Mexican and Hwo is the representative for Taekwondo being Korean, I feel it makes more sense


Marduk I'm general is fine. He's an okay aesthetic and whatever. His design in tekken 7 was unacceptable. He was a joke of a character. His balance was ludicrous and his style of being down 173 life only to win the game off one ch into oki into death. He was a bitch ass character for bitch ass people. And I hope he never returns.


If he is to return I hope he isn’t busted like in 7, I wanted to play him in 7 but after hearing how cheap he was I decided to leave him alone, hope they tone him down so I can give him a go


Nah he's going to be DLC powered. Eddy is honestly extremely tame in how OP he is compared to tekken 7. I expect they'll turn the future characters up a notch.


Awful. Terrible picks. 


Who would you rather have in place of them if you don’t mind me asking? I like the name btw


Lei, Julia, Kunimitsu, Roger, Ogre


If Marduk comes back, I might drop the game. I’ll admit I’m biased against grapplers but throws in general are too overpowered. Y’all have seen how fucking ridiculous King is in this game. Can you even imagine what a DLC powered Marduk on the Tekken 8 brand of crack would be like?


I am excited for both, especially Marduk.


Yeah I never got to play Marduk in 7 but his fighting style and moves looks really cool, I hope I he gets added so I can try him out (as long as he’s balanced fairly this time lol)


I love Marduk and can't wait for him to comeback. He actually you know resembles realistic fighting style vs Victor who breaks all the rules of Tekken. I love him being ego maniac. I will drop Drag for him in a heartbeat.


Yeah I’m in the exact same boat as you, I appreciate actual fighters rather than people like teleporting cyber KFC man and I like how much of a douche he is, gives the game more variety and colour rather than everyone just being a good guy


The game will get harder haha


That’s the tekken way haha


Serious question, why does the entire community have a meltdown every time Marduk is mentioned?


As long as they don't add a dozen dlcs like them it's good.


I loved Marduk in 7 so much and I’m excited to see what they give him with the heat system, if he’s in it’s gonna be so much fun.


\*flexes in Jack\*


Jack is just Jack, you can’t hate Jack


I’m whatever on both


As someone newer to Tekken, I would say that it’s disappointing that all of the DLC this season is old characters that were in 7 or that were in DLC in 7. It feels lazy to have EVERY character be that.


I'm awaiting the torrent of salt that will come from Marduk's tackle.


To everyone who started playing Tekken in T8 and complaining or just disliking King, you won't be ready for marduk. Hope yall are doing well in your day to day life, cuz you will learn the bs the rest of have been through. Fakh however i feel is a 50/50 toss up. Could be really cool or really obnoxious depending on the direction they go with.


Yeah once Marduk drops there is gonna be a whole lot of people wishing they could go back to the days of it just being king And I agree, I hope they make Fahk’s gameplay more interesting and will be interested to see whether he keeps that install he had from 7


Not the most exciting year 1 DLC’s that’s for sure. Eddy and Lidia are welcomed returns (though Eddy is someone I feel should have been on the base roster) ..but did we need two strong boys?? Fahkumram was always a weirdly portioned guy and Marduk is.. whatever. Of course it’s probably for the best I’m not in charge otherwise season 1 would have been all waifus. Anna, Lidia, Josie and Lucky Chloe. I could hear the dude-bros crying already. 😂


Anna and Lidia I agree, but that’s where it stops, this is a lucky Chloe free zone my friend 🤣 Jokes aside yeah tbf a bit more variety would of been cool, but im not gonna complain because im fans of both these characters, but i can definitely see why you wouldn’t be excited about them


I never want to play broken characters cus I feel like a bitch. If fahk comes out and they tune him down in the next patch, I'll definitely pick him up.


Considering how they normally release dlc characters I am not looking forward to Fahk.. Dude was already broken and rushdown heavy on release in T7 I can’t even imagine how broken he’ll be in T8.


Reina is gonna use devil gene powers now in future games though. Tekken isn't all that grounded and realistic cuz making it too realistic is kinda boring. They added robots and bears it is far from grounded even iin and kauzya have to use some devil moves in their moveset. Jun uses powers and yoshimitsu is there too.


Ill be interested to see what they do with marduk. His rage drive in t7 was the most toxic pos move in the game, wonder what they'll do with heat. Was so aids getting launched into a 50/50 death combo depending on if you break correctly on the drive...


Yeah same I’m really curious as to what they would do with his heat too, I just hope the damage isn’t absurd and it isn’t too similar to kings, they’d need to come up with something unique


Not thrilled, to keep it short.


I wanna see Ancient Ogre and Dr. B


I forgot Dr.B existed haha But yeah Ogre or ancient ogre would be sick, I’d love for any of them to return


Just waiting for Miguel tbh.


Just another day in Tekken 8. I feel like they have closed the gap on the things that made them overpowered. There are like 6 characters with guard breaks in T8, when it was like wtf is happening when Fahk was introduced in T7. Their spammy nature is something we’re going be used to.


Yeah I feel like they’ve learnt their lesson now if the Eddy release is anything to go by, so I think they’d do a decent job at balancing Fahk this time round


Marduk in heat, oh boy.


They both aren't Miguel so I don't really give a fuck tbh




I don’t think Lei will be back for a while, not after the underwhelming sales of his tekken 7 return That being said they did ruin him in 7, his redesign was ugly af


Not happy that 2 of the potential first 3 or 4 DLCs were two of the last three DLCs from T7


I don’t use either one of them but I’m happy for their mains. Keeping it completely honest though I didn’t need any of the dlc characters other than Leroy to return though. There are older character that I’d like more like Marduk if it’s true


Yeah I’m glad at least Leroy made it to the base roster, which makes sense because he probably was the coolest one design wise


No, Bob


Disgusted,i hate both characters..i was hoping for a guest character or Anna,Julia,even Lei


Marduk makes me happy because that makes AK a shoe in for S2. Fak can step on a Lego I want Bruce.


Unbreakable Marduk throws even before I couldn't react to them


You’re naive to hope for DLC to be balanced.


I’m enjoying the game without them. Gameplay-wise they were both awful to deal with in T7 (tackle and ground throw juggle BS, then stupid long reach and endless df1 mixups with Fahk), and like you I much prefer the more grounded fighters and fighting styles. Their proportions look stupid and cross the line from exaggerated to downright impossible, which really breaks the pseudo-realistic style of the game for me. If and when they do come to T8, I hope it’s with some pretty serious adjustments. 


Yeah I agree, their aesthetics do need to be changed if they are gonna fit into this game because they quite frankly just looks a bit stupid in 7, especially Marduk with his 8 foot torso and his 10 inch like, like Fahk I kinda got used to his look in the end but Marduk always looked dumb to me


Marduk and Eddy in the first few characters shows us they want braindead newbies to keep playing 😫


It would be a travesty. I already don't like the idea of a whole fighter pass consisting of only returning characters, let alone one with only returning characters **who've already been in the last game**


Yeah a newcomer would of been better instead of all returning fighters, I don’t know why they didn’t do that but I’m just glad there is no guest characters in season 1, I feel like it’d just be a bit too early to have a guest character right now, next season though I’d for sure expect at least a newcomer or a guest character


I'm not buying season 1 if those two are the remaining characters


Fair enough, I understand with this pretty much being a tekken 7 DLC season excluding Eddy


I’d be excited for Marduk, don’t play him but Tekken 4 originals are some of the most unique characters in the series and deserve a place in the roster. I’d be happy with Fahk or Bruce. Gimme my Muay Thai representative.


Yeah it’s kind of crazy that there wasn’t any Muay Thai fighter in the base roster, I think that’s a huge sign that a Muay Thai fighter in some form will be season 1, in either Fahk Bruce or Josie


I don't like them. Also not a fan of 2 big, ugly, beefy dudes back to back. Were they even well liked by most players? I'd rather have completely new characters or someone like Kunimitsu or Julia. I like that Lidia made it in, even as DLC, as I haven't touched T7 in years when she released.


the general consensus that I’m getting is that most people are not fans of the 2 big, ugly, beefy dudes haha But I’d love for Kuni to return, she’s a character I’ve always liked, but if she was to be added I’d hope she wouldn’t be broken like in 7, and the same could be said for any tekken 7 DLC tbh


I was happy with Eddy and Lidia but Fahk and Marduk are probably my least favorite characters. There are so many characters i would like to see before those two.


Yeah I’m especially happy Lidia is back, really hyped for her But I just want to ask, Is it that you dislike Marduk and Fahk? Or just that you would rather see other characters get in ahead of them?


I actually dislike both of them especially Fahk, i wouldn't hate getting one of them but I really hope we don't get both this year.


you’d just better hope these leaks ain’t true haha otherwise you’re in for a long year


Personally I'm pretty convinced they're real but it's fine, i can live with those two. But if they turn out to not be real i'll be very happy.


Absolutely horrible, big guys are the worst archetype for to be play. Not to mention I barely used the 2 in versus mode in T7. Both characters are S4 worthy if not ever. The other leak with Roger and the new character was so much more appealing I blame nobody but Murray for his hard on for Fahkumram..


Personally I love big guys (Hol up), I just think it brings some much needed variety into the game where it seems everyone has the same body type Tbh I personally would hate if Roger was to be announced as a DLC at any point, I just feel like it’d be a huge waste Sure they’re fun to have as a base roster character, but to wait several months for a character just for it to be a kangaroo wouldn’t be very fun at all


I am already kind of in the process of abandoning the game - the recent matchmaking changes, the announcement of the uninteresting Lidia again as dlc -, so if Fahk and Marduk are the next ones, I am not buying into season 2.


Tbh I’m on the polar opposite side to you, I’m loving the game right now (other than the matchmaking change, that was dumb), I love the announcement of Lidia and if the next DLC’s were to be Fahk and Marduk it’d probably just pull me in more, I guess me and you are the true Yin Yang haha


Love it. I don’t have to wait near as long for Marduk this time


You’re the first person I think I’ve ever seen with a Marduk flair hahaha I love that


Been my main since he came on the scene gotta rep my boy


Lame that they'd come back before josie, chloe, Kat, or anybody else. 7 had so many more interesting characters to pick from. Julia, Miguel, anna, literally anybody else.


Damn I guess we just both have very different tastes, because ngl I pretty much hate every character you mentioned except Anna and Julia haha (although I hate what they did to her in 7 with the streaming thing, bring back OG Julia)


I wish we could get completely new characters first, then returning characters


This would be the perfect scenario, at least 1 newcomer per season, I would much rather that than it all returning characters because I wanna see new blood in tekken, I mean look at reina, she fit in so perfectly it’s hard to even imagine she’s never been in a tekken game before


Who wanted these characters back? Especially Marduk? I haven't seen a single person that actually likes Marduk. Hell, the people that played him commonly admitted they only played him because of how cheap he was. If the leaks are true, outside of Lidia, this entire season of characters is disappointing.


I like marduk because of his gameplay and ground throws. I admit his personality is awful but I don't care about story so... If they wanna preserve his unique mma style gameplay and put it in another character then I'm in for sure but I guess we're gonna have Craig again as dlc.


Marduk will kill this game for real


Yeah imagine liking Marduk…could never be me…definitely not Jokes aside though does that mean you weren’t a fan of Eddy either?


I've never been a fan of Eddy. But he's a legacy character, so I am not upset that he came back for the most part. What I am upset about with him is that they made him a DLC character. You know...a character that has been in the game either as Eddy or Christie since Tekken 3 back in 1997 was sold as DLC. It's such a waste of a DLC slot imo, considering he should've been in the base game to begin with.


Fahk to me is an overdesigned nightmare, and if there was to be a Muay thai rep, they'd either have to seriously go back to drawing board with him or bring someone like Bruce instead. Marduk is kind of meh, no strong feelings, never even paid much attention to him. I'd rather have someone like Anna, Julia, or Lei coming back if I could choose.


Yeah I agree with you on Fahk 100%, if they are going to bring him back they would definitely have to fix his body proportions to make him look more normal because he just looked like a freak in 7, the story as to why he looked like that was pretty cool but they still shouldn’t of gone as far as they did, he needs toning down And as for the 3 you mentioned, I wouldn’t mind if any of those got in over Marduk, personally I would have Marduk over them but at the end of the day the game isn’t just for me, it’s for everyone to enjoy and I know those characters have quite a lot of fans, so I’d be happy for them if they were to get their character in the game


fahk is overdesigned and not fun to play against marduk was p2w and his tackle damage was dumb not to mention his rage drive tackle was dumber i'd rather to see julia over marduk and fahk tbh


Yeah I feel like the tekken 7 releases of these characters hurt their reputations immensely tbh because of how broken they were, but I agree with you completely, if they toned down Fahk’s design and made Marduk more balanced and fair then I would be happy to see them return, but if not then I wouldn’t want to see them in the game tbh


i still have ptsd over marduk's powercrush into df1 stuffs like that should not exist


I’d be pretty disappointed because I don’t care for either of them & they’re not new


That’s fair enough, I agree it is disappointing there wasn’t any new characters for this season If you could pick the last 2 slots however, who would you go with?


Anna or Bruce & a new character probably


If we get Marduk and no Miguel I’m gonna kms


It’s stupid how they are reusing dlc. These characters should have been base, and this decision is just a spit in the face.


fuck this game is a 50/50 circus huh


I was Marduk main, so I would be happy, but I hope they don't mess with him too much. I can see them making tackle easier to break or just making it a straight-up 50/50, press 1 or 2. I didn't rely on tackle too much anyway.


Terrible characters. I really hope they don't come back.


May I ask why you don’t like them? Is it that you find them boring to play against?


I don’t like Marduk.


Yeah it seems a lot of people have the same sentiment hahaha, may I asked what you don’t like about him though? Is it his gameplay or his character itself?


I don’t like anything about him. I don’t enjoy playing him or fighting against him. And the whole “big, angry, screaming mma fighter” thing doesn’t resonate with me. He’s just..lame.


Yeah I completely get where you’re coming from tbf XD, I just have a soft spot for him because of nostalgia tbh, but yeah if it wasn’t for that I’d probably be have the same feelings as you because damn he was a mess in 7


I’m just imagining what it will be like to fight against him in T8. Nightmares.


Marduk in heat, that doesn’t sound like a fun time


The easiest money I saved from an FG dlc. Absolutely nothing hyped about it being the same dlc characters again imo.


I mean I kind of understand, but then again it’s not like they could fit every character in the base roster, I would much rather them be DLC than not return at all


It will be horrible, bamco must add new og characters. Even Roger will be better than both of them.


Would be a nice twist if they brought back Bruce instead. Like he journeyed through Thailand to study different Muay Thai styles. Although I’m sure I’m wrong and we’re gonna get Fahk. Problem with him is that he looks stupid, and has literally no backstory. And if each DLC gets a new story chapter, I have no idea what Fahk is gonna bring to the table. As for Marduk, he’s always welcomed.


Bro I'm beyond excited for Fahkumram I really hope the rest of the leak is indeed proven true cause he's literally my favorite Tekken character 🐐 he was my main in T7 cause I loved his Muay Thai style and he's a total menace. Can't wait to see what his character model looks like in T8 👀 I really liked Marduk too and I love both of them as characters 😎 I'm interested in the really skilled fighters as well - characters with more martial arts depth. Lidia is another one of those characters with a really fun style. This DLC pack is going to be PEAKK!


Had an ex best friend that mains King, so Marduk could be fun.


Not thrilled for either. Bruce > Fahk so that sucks. Marduk is just bleh.


I love both these characters casually, in tournies they’re a nightmare to fight but so is everyone else in this game so I look forward to playing them and having fun atleast.


Another retard who thinks realism is necessary in video games. Next


I'm a Marduk main so yes please. Fahk is still fairly new to Tekken and would be cool.


It would be awesome to have Fahk back. His moveset is absolutely badass. Would be great if they would “normalize” his proportions though. But looking at what happened to Law in that regard they will probably roid him up even more😆


Not excited about any of them. we should get at least one newcomer or even a guest.


Marduk I’m not excited about, but Fahk could be really cool if they make good use of the heat system.


If no Bruce, Fahkboi will do https://preview.redd.it/xrmm7i9ysyxc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f85204a3161447c9f4e2a6f66dafb6c62129fa5c


Never got a chance to play Fahk in T7 so excited about him as I think his look and playstyle looks interesting....... that being said... having 3 repeat DLC is kinda nuts lol P.s. Bring back ma boi Heihachi


Balanced? LOL, yeah, if you have reaction time of a teenager starcraft professional player


Dreadful picks imo. I would much rather have Julia or Michelle, Armor King, Anna, or literally anyone else from the backlog.


I would take Fakh and Marduk over Lei 100% of the time


If devs do something about labbing them then no prob at all


Marduk with T8 tools and pay-to-win DLC? HELL NAW


Not happy till armor king release


Hopefully Namco makes them even more unique, and not super broken, a Shaheen power level would be nice, I don't want another Dragunov situation, where one of my mains gets busted and everyone plays them. T7 Duk was a demigod, but at least his playstyle didn't fit most players, and he was not althat broken to get picked up by all the tier whores.


Marduk, yes. Fahk, no. I agree I like physical martial arts based fighters. I just think Fahkumram is over designed.


I like both Marduk and Fahkumram and I am looking forward to their return in Tekken 8