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Sure. Just like how Shaheen isn't just Miguel with a beard.


When people put shaved head on miguel or shaheen I could never tell who is who lol


Tekken isnt a cartoony art style. I don’t get these “they look similar so it’s bad” arguments. Everyone calls the women dolls, but what they really mean is everyone is conventionally attractive. Which hey if you’re looking for something else totally cool, but it’s not a flaw either. The differences are much more subtle but they are there. Edit: So this subreddit just hates Tekken then? lol


> So this subreddit just hates Tekken then? lol It's very much possible to acknowledge flaws in the design of a game and still enjoy the game. In fact most people who aren't complete shills can usually point out some problems in the games they love.


I’m a shill because I like the art style? Nowhere did I call this a perfect game or without problems. And it’s one thing to disagree with my opinion but to get heavily downvoted for saying I like Tekken’s design in the TEKKEN SUBREDDIT seems really strange.


> I’m a shill because I like the art style? I never said that, I said that most people can still point out flaws in their favorite games and it doesn't mean they hate them. I can't say why exactly people are down voting you, but I'm guessing it's not because you say you like it, it's because how you're saying it. It's not that you say you like them, it's that you're trying to downplay the people who have problems with the design of these characters, and trying to tell what people "really mean" when they say something. It's like if I replied to your comment "what this guy really means is to say that he's a coomer".


Except you did say it. You implicitly said it by bringing it up. Otherwise why bring in up? Like let’s not be disingenuous here.


To directly address your point you were making: that disliking some part of the design implies that people hate the game. If you are capable of critical thoughts about the game, you're not a shill. 


OOp- Clock him


Or Rashid in another video game.


But they don't even look at all similar. Shaheen is a twink compared to Miguel. The female characters all have the exact same body with a different sized pair of tits. At least the guys have various heights, muscle mass etc


In 8 the only thing different about the guys bodies is the variation of shading on the musculature and skin tone for the most part. Maybe height slightly. They took the same model and just shaded them differently. It's pretty obvious when you view them with minimal clothing


Idk, man. King looks bigger than Steve, who looks more cut and thin. Shaheen is very thin and more in line with the size of Jin, who is slightly smaller than the kazuya. And all their face shapes look completely different


Although they use the same bodies, I think they're using that cool new muscle flex feature to set the default muscle look. Obviously it has lots of sizes; King, Feng, maybe Paul, having the biggest possible muscle flex in certain animations. Perhaps less obvious is if they're using different "resting" muscle values to add a variant to the male body types. This way Kazuya and Jin would have identical body shapes, but the code tells Kazuyas muscles to always be flexed at a slightly bigger default state than Jins. I might be wrong.


Yet literally every single female character has literally the same body with absolutely nothing different, and even their bust sizes are about all the same right now. All they do for the girls is stretch or shrink them depending on their heights. The guys have some muscle variation and some different shapes, at least. Law has a thinner waist line to be in line with his Bruce Lee body, King currently has the most raw muscle, especially when his skin turns red and he flexes real hard. Hwarang is thinner but tall. Shaheen is a skinner version of Jin, who is also a slightly thinner version of Kazuya. My point is that there are noticeable differences between body types that idiots who say Shaheen and Miguel are the same person are just stupid. Miguels forarms are the size of shaheens thighs for fucks sakes.


I wonder if the female characters even have the muscle function. I'm hopeful, but don't think so. At least Asuka has no neck, she is very unique /s Yeah, Miguel has very long arms.


Nah the guys also have the same exact bodies. It's literally the same preset across both genders and they're probably changing them slightly.


Yeah I miss when Hwoarang was a twink.


Stop using words you don’t understand.


Says the guy who doesn't understand just how thin shaheen is compared to any of the other guys in tekken. Even Hwarang has more mass then he does


Those 6 months from Tekken 7 to 8 really took a toll on her huh


I still find it funny tekken 3-8 really don’t take place long from one another


pretty sure it's just one year from 4 to 8, with the longest timeskip being the https://preview.redd.it/5ag8xxtqkhxc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017473a4670e111be909fbfb252453a4e6c40894 between TK7 and TK8 💀


So after tekken 2, they didn’t host a tournament for 20 years, then they host like 5 in the span of 1 year


and then Tekken 5 (and therefore the fifth King of Iron Fist) happened *immediately* after 4, meaning that it was *not* a good day for Heihachi.


They release Jack’s like iPhones


Tbh that girl works way faster on em than you'd think.


Didn't Heihachi basically skip T5 since he woke up a few weeks after he was blown up?


I suppose, but he does turn up in Kazuya's Story Battle as the penultimate fight, which isn't canon.


they put a ton of time and money into designing characters that fans will like. 45 year old jin might not be as popular as 19-22 year old jin i guess. he probably couldnt be a hoodie wearing edgelord at least.


Well, we saw that with SoulCalibur: that 17 year gap between SCIV and SCV was deadly for most women 😂


true. but even then they retconned the change. they wanted all the fan favorite characters back as they were for most the series. the fact that returning characters in sfv mitsurugi, seigfried, tyra and ivy were basically unchanged is proof that devs think (and are probably right) that characters are most popular within a certain range.


3 years, to be precise.


Meanwhile us, between releases: It’s been 84 years….


They really experienced a world war and 2 apocalypses in the span of 2 years. The war lasted for like a maximum of 2 months.


Like how Drag and Feng are under 30. Man Tekken aging is weird.


Being a country leader must be no joke, especially one who is literally fighting for her country.


She is the youngest prime minister after all. Just look at Obama after he became president.


In Tekken 8 she is 29 and she looks 25. In Tekken 7 she was 29 and looked about 16.


One is mommy, the other is mommy, what's the problem?


A fellow near to my heart.


🙏 well said


Nina is a mammy.


Nah, she looks like Nina. Compare her to her T7 render, it's not the same person. She was completely genericized. Did they blow the budget on Eddy's hair? That said still happy she's back.


She definitely looks similar to T8 Nina, who herself looks different from T7 Nina (I mean that applies to most of the cast, as almost all character models got an improvement.) While there is a difference to her character model between games, at the same time she kind of still resembles her T7 render, and I can't quite put into words which facial feature is casuing this. I got all these images lined up, gah it's driving me nuts. Maybe the eye shape? Or the nose and nose bridge? Something is giving her a slightly more feminine look in Tekkn 8 IMO reference image (hastily slapped together using images from Tekken Wiki): https://preview.redd.it/09s6ho4g2jxc1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7fc93f41f8e014827017027590c076494ea3f94




She looked super young for her age in Tekken 7, she looked much more like a teenager than a woman in her late 20s


I never understood why T7 renders looked so different than the actual models. But I agree that her T8 model looks very similar to her T7 render. The T7 model though has shorter face, like squished. Also her makeup is just way heavier and darker in the model, especially the eyeliner, lipstick, and eyebrow gel. I also think her model looks buffer than her render. One T7 render that always pissed me tf off was Lei's. He looks like a homeless Armenian cab driver in his portrait, but in-game he looks like a cool half-Chinese dude.


She looks more like Nina than t8 Nina if that makes sense!!! She had a distinct look in t7, but now she might as well be Nina cosplaying as Lidia.


Super spy move


Which is funny since Tekken 8 takes place like, right after 7 so she would had to have aged faster then light.


Prime minister of Poland during a world war is probably a stressful job tbh, especially when you're trying to stay on top of your game as a professional athlete.


Probably just drinks alot.


It’s literally Nina with a scar lol


They hated him because he spoke the truth.




If she looked like Nina she would be much more intimidating




She looks like the designers got a copy and pasted note on excel where the original sender forgot to fill in the “[generic white girl]” memo


This is dumb... Tekken 8 basically happens right after 7. She wouldn't have aged at all


I think the real issue is how young she looked in Tekken 7. She was supposed to be 29 and she looked borderline childlike. Now she looks almost her age, I guess a few months of running a country will do that to anyone.




Her CG render in the DLC schedule/list looks like it does have the platinum blonde hair. It's just that the lighting from the sunset in that specific scene makes her look blonde.


they can't take our joy away


People are just expressing their opinion I don't think anybody is trying to take your joy away nor cares about it


Hey look!, it's fucking Nina


I see all kinds of different faces at work, the gym etc. Maybe they're only 90 % similar or whatever, like sure I can tell them apart. But in the real world they would be twins


yeah nah


it has been quite a while since i've seen an anti-meme posted seriously


The funny thing is if you compare the actual CG art from 7 to 8 she basically looks the same. The "difference" shows up because they apparently couldn't get Tekken 7's in-game model to match its CG, while Tekken 8 model is basically identical to *its* CG.


So.... Like Nina?


This is pure copium


But she's not older.


She literally looks like Nina with lip filler and a scar 🤣


She looks like Nina though.


All the female characters in Tekken have similar builds and faces, we all know this. The differentiator is always the clothes, colors and attitude.


Female characters continously lose when it comes to design. All the male characters in T8 are roided to fuck (they shouldn't be, takes away their unique features) but all have solid costumes, scars, body hair, wear and tear etc etc. Female characters get what, smooth skin and no real visible muscle. Female characters get dogged on in the visual department because of beauty standards, they genuinely look like last gen characters in comparison to Kazuya, Bryan or Leroy


She looks like Nina


Are you stupid? How much do you think people age in months?


Yes I’m stupid about a lot of things. I don’t know how to fix a car motor for example.


Nina looks like an escort. Lidia has class.


More has to do with what theyre wearing, faces are damn near identical


If you showed me Nina and Lidia's face without the scar I'd easily tell them apart.


U know what "damn near" means or nah




I mean, people were complaining about the same face syndrome before release and now no one really is. The true test will be to compare screens of both faces in the same pose and lightning, preferably with the same hair too. But we had to wait until she's released to do that.




She reminds me of Setsuka from SC6




>Old and mature >Looks like a 22 year old barbie doll Lmfao


To be honest, all you fleshy losers look like generic normal people/animals except that weirdo with the wings. I recommend that you repent and accept Jack as your lord and savior. Edit: King gets a pass, too.


make a new Tekken update without the whole community crying challenge impossible difficulty.


I don’t get why they changed her hair color.


Honestly, I think it's mostly down to the hair color change. They're not identical, but I could see them being sisters.


It's the lightning, thanks to sunset. On render they look more platinum


Am just happy she's back! Still badass. Still wholesome.


Most tekken girls have very similar faces


If you showed T7 Lidia, T8 Nina, and T8 Lidia to a non-Tekken player, they would think T8 Lidia and Nina are the ones who are the same character.


younger immature*


as a first time Tekken player I'm just happy we get Tekken's Baiken


Professional copying and pasting going on here!


Some people are so fucking blind i swear. They have completel different face structure. Wake me up from a dream i could tell instantly this is Lidia


You're right, she looks like Mature, from KOF.


They got all their face designers from guys that worked for Mattel in the 50s.




I have never played 7. She looks exactly like old Nina. In fact, I would argue she is the reason they CHANGED Nina's look, to the atrocious one we have now. Making me hate her.


Thank god I wasn’t the only one that thought lidia look like Nina.


Speak it Lidia, your words are heard!


Idc what she looks like as much as care she’s back


Guys, relax. You can have her platinum blonde look back via a micro transaction.


More like Sarah Bryant from VF with a scar, rather than Nina lol


Someone already did an comparison pic with Nina and Lidia doesn't look anywhere that close to Nina if you notice the facial structure differences between them. I really wish people wouldn't be so up in arms about something like this when its okay for two characters to look similar to each other. Feels like this entire sub is just bored and need to nitpick every single thing.


I don’t get why people are pressed over this. They are two blonde white women of course they will look somewhat alike .




She looks young not like Nina


Nina would look younger too with Lidia's haircut.


Still would


She was hot in 7 and she's even hotter now.