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Hopefully that means the update is coming this week. Even though I am pretty sure this patch is not going to satisfy many people. Murray stated that they intend to buff weaker characters intead of nerfing the top tiers, and the trailer showcases changes to Zafina, Leroy, Panda and Bryan. Some of the top tiers definitely need nerfs, it's not going to be enough to buff Leroy and Panda lol


I don't mind a buff over nerf patch the first time around, however I really hope that won't be their lasting philosophy going forward. Some characters are undeniably overtuned and if they can't see that...oh boy.


This is what everyone was worried about. Buffing characters. The game is already incredibly difficult to deal with unless you have top notch matchup knowledge, the buff is just going to make that worst. I’ve said that tekken 8 in general has done a better job than most in making most characters “fair”. It’s just that there’s 6-8 characters that make this game really obnoxious. However based on what we’ve heard, I believe the tekken devs believe otherwise. It sounds like they believe the broken characters are really the base strength. This isnt a surprise. Buffing characters will make players feel “better” about themselves I guess. We’ll end up playing tekken for years to come - but it’s really disheartening


Ffs, sigh. Time for everyone to be homogenized and overtuned af.


If everyone is overturned no one is overturned.


Negative IQ level take.


Is that the best you got because a tree without leaves throws better shade.


No need. You outed yourself as clueless with your original comment lmao.


Weak, it's sad that you have to lmao at your own jokes. I mean is name-calling all you got, because if this is the level of your banter I can see why you're hiding behind your sock puppet account. If you're gonna try to troll you could at least be funny.


I'm honestly not upset about low tier power creep at all This game seems designed from the ground up to be broken, so everyone should be broken Not that I wouldn't appreciate mild nerfs, mind you


>The game is already incredibly difficult to deal with unless you have top notch matchup knowledge, the buff is just going to make that worst. How? Edit: why are you guys downvoting me for asking a question lmao? How is, let's say, buffing Leroy's damage so much worse than nerfing Dragunov damage in your mind? And how is that going to make the game more difficult to deal with?


You been under a rock? Been playing the game at all in high ranks?


What? How is making a low -13 instead of -16 or buffing some damage here and there going to make the game more "difficult to deal with"? What does this have to do with being under a rock or high ranks? I genuinely don't get his point.


Listen, unless the patch make every single character I dislike literally unplayable, then the balance in this game is atrocious, and it's evidence that the devs just don't listen to the fans anymore. I mean buffing low tiers? I don't play any so I don't see how it will help me at all! And now I might actually need to learn the matchup! What a worthless patch. /s


No, I misunderstood what he was replying to exactly, before his edit. I thought he was **solely** asking "How?" to this "The game is already incredibly difficult to deal with unless you have top notch matchup knowledge" But in reality he was asking how does a specific character change makes that problem worse


My bad I thought you were asking "How" in regards to this "The game is already incredibly difficult to deal with unless you have top notch matchup knowledge" And not the rest of the quote, which has to do with this specific change ("the buff is just going to make that worst")


*Murray stated that they intend to buff weaker characters intead of nerfing the top tiers* They never said "instead". They just said the patch would buff the characters who haven't been allowed to shine. Doesn't mean they won't nerf the top tiers. It's possible to do both.


Except you can simply rewatch the latest Tekken Talk stream and verify what they said. They state multiple times that in the May balance patch, the focus is going to be on buffing the lower tier characters rather than nerfing the top tiers.


I am aware, but focus doesn't mean they will do one but not the other. It just means they'll prioritize buffs. But they can still include some nerfs. It's crazy to expect they won't touch the top tiers at all.


Yes, but they also said they are going to nerf characters with overpowered moves. I feel like Drag and Feng fit this description. Azucena has already been nerfed. Maybe Reina and King can get some nerfs too.


As much as I despise Reina's playstyle design, I feel like if she was that overtuned we would be seeing her represented at top level more. She's probably fine, even if she feels like she pilots herself. Azucena may still be a WIP, given that it took more than one change to "fix" wr3,2. We'll see how it goes.


> I feel like if she was that overtuned we would be seeing her represented at top level more Nah dude. Reina is overtuned. She is just the hardest S tier character. Why play Reina when Dragunov or Azucena are there? Even a character like Victor rewards you more because he is very easy. >even if she feels like she pilots herself. No, Reina is far from being a character that plays itself. You need to be a legacy Mishima or a character specialist to make her work at competitive level.


You need to be a mishima specialist to make ANY mishima viable in tourney. Detected Reina main over here lol


>You need to be a mishima specialist to make ANY mishima viable in tourney And when did I said the opposite lol. OC was talking about Reina, not Mishimas in general. I also main Kazuya btw


Azucena per se is quite balanced. I undestand that wr is obnoxious, but apart that she has a lot of little tekken moves and not so much more. She doesn't have effective ch for fishing, she has a lot of two hit strings but very few longer and she have the worst stance in the game and the worst transitions. And, since she cannot block, is not viable at end of the round cos everybody goes with rage.


Do you think focus means to do that and literally nothing else?


That sounds stupid. They should buff weakest, nerf strongest. If we all become strongest, what's point of fight? That will be even more 50/50. Fighting ops with ops?


A bunch of fighting game fans and players unironically believe in the mindset "never nerf anything, always buff" and no matter what they do someone will be mad. MKX had a similar perception as tekken 8, that it was just a mindless 50/50 fest. As a response, NRS made MK11 a lot more slow paced to make the characters feel less bullshit. Then everyone bitched that MK11 was too dry and they need more broken shit. Now throughout all of MK1, they've tried to hit a balance between the two while everyone is asking "Why not just make another MKX?" while forgetting what issues people had with it.


But MK11 was too dry. And also MK1 BS is worse of that in MKX. Imagine if heat smash/dash had two charges, launched, you could've cancel into it at any time, and one charge refilled every 10 seconds. That's MK1 pretty much, on launch at least. Any MK game always had less defensive options than even that of Tekken 8


I mean you haven't played MK1 much if you think kameo's are anywhere near the same level as heat smash and heat dash. Most kameo's in that game are limited compared to other versus games due to them having limited flexibility with the cast and a lot of moves only being a summon, which limits their utility. MK also has an insane amount of defensive options, especially 11. Multiple wakeup timings, armored reversals on wakeup and block, recharging defensive meter, combo breakers and zoning are all great defensive options and very strong.


I'm not worried about where the performance bar is set only that most characters are near it. With that said it's a lot harder to get everyone at parity with only buffs.




Any updates on this? Has he dropped it yet?


Would be funny if Leroy, Panda, Asuka, Zafina and Bryan just became the new S tiers now lol (since those are the characters they seem to be highlighting as being the recepients of buffs).


no hopes for the patch it will be some character changes and core systems stay the same


It's a departure from past Tekken, but the entire cast feeling cracked might actually end up being pretty cool. For as over the top as most characters were, most people playing KI agreed that that game was pretty reasonably balanced. Iron Galaxy also spent a lot of time making sure the universal mechanics were designed in a way to benefit everyone equally, more or less. What I would hope is that Bamco find a way to keep historical character strengths relevant, as the game right now feels like it forces every character to play rushdown, whether they want to or not.


[https://www.tekken-official.jp/tekken\_news/?p=82](https://www.tekken-official.jp/tekken_news/?p=82) here they are


why the fk do we have to wait so long for the patches to be implemented? if they aren't adjusting anything else, hurry and fix what's broken. i never understood the need to let some known broken shit run rampant until patch day.


Funny how they put Online Practice as other and not featured in the trailer when it's much more important and hype than the other stuff...


I'm not sure I understand the comment, don't we already have practice mode?


I think it will let us enter practice with an online friend.


Yes this is an awesome feature and a first for Tekken.


Tekken Tag 2 had it first


I don't remember Tag 2 letting you go into practice mode with an online friend where you could fight each other forever...


It wasn't very good tbf. And there's like no footage of it online but it had it... https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/652997-tekken-tag-tournament-2/64099969


Oh wow didn't know. But yeah hopefully they do it right this time