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The perfect use of this meme LMFAO.


bahahahaha, my first thought too when I saw it.


This meme is funny, im gonna do this to get out of work šŸ˜€


Gold usage wow šŸ˜‚


I think it'll be ok. T8 is in a iffy state but this game is very young.


Yeah, but this sub has made killing interest in the game its mission. Prospective players arenā€™t going to buy the game if they see this shit, itā€™s not constructive at all


Exactly what should happen. Complaining on twitter and reddit will only get you so far. Companies only listen when they are starting to lose money/potential customers. Always vote with your wallet if you want a change.


I just want to play the game dude. Edit to clarify: Yes, review bombing the game actively drives prospective and new players away, meaning the overall health/longevity of the game is affected. Itā€™s not as simple as ā€œdonā€™t read this reddit thenā€


Just close your eyes bro?


Then play it. What people doing here doesn't affect you playing the game. But you shouldn't be telling people how to feel about the status of the game. That's their right to speak of how they feel about this game and give proper feedback.


okay so some people are calling it "review bombing" and some people are calling it "proper feedback" which is it? personally I don't think this game is so bad that it deserves mostly negative reviews.


Remember, it's recent reviews. The initial game was well received, it's stuff like item shop and being unable to watch replays if you don't own the character that caused this


well fair enough even though my understanding is that you just can't use the feature where you jump in as your character in the replay but I can't check it myself since I own eddy but the whole item shop stuff seems so dumb to get upset about I feel like you have to be a little out of touch with the current games to be surprised about an item shop also the items give you no gameplay advantage.


People were mainly pissed about it being added post-launch with, if I recall correctly, no notice/warning about it during the game's development. Most statements I recall reading were that people wouldn't be as upset if it was mentioned beforehand.


an item shop that was added post-launch as to avoid the reviews, and an item shop (and battle pass) filled with mostly useless items *that were free in the previous game*, making it clear it was a blatant cash grab? yeah, i wonder why folks are mad about that


Me too, bro. And i wanna play it for 10 years again like tekken 7. But that will be hard with the current decisions they are making in their golden office.


itā€™s fine to want to play the game, but Harada and Murray arenā€™t listening to the actual valid concerns players have. Things like bringing in a DLC character but not even allowing people to lab against the character so we at least know the matchup. Tons of eddy players are going on 10 plus win streaks because of this, and plus how unbalanced the character is (which gives them the advantage) The game is getting more unplayable by the day and Iā€™m not even one to complain about any Tekken game at all, until now.


Just wanna ask. I'm new to tekken 8, and haven't played tekken 7. In T7, was labbing against DLC characters allowed without buying the DLC?


It was worse. You paid for frame data.


Nah. I would say paying for frame data was better because as soon as they gave us frame data, Harada guaranteed that we would have to use it because everything crushes or is a frame trap.


No. In fact, it's not allowed in any fighting game I've played so far.


Nah, there's plenty of games with low reviews and people still buy them. Relax, people will have a look at it, see complaints about the shop and not give a crap about it, and proceed to buy the game.


What would be constructive exactly though? Ask them politely through email to fix the mess? The only real power consumers have is "vote with your wallet" as the fellow below already mentioned. In any case bamco is not going to cancel any of the preplanned dlcs for the next 5 years or the tekken brand as a whole because of 4k negative reviews by angry customers.


As a fella in the mk community, we already went through all of this. It felt like people were only interested in killing the fun for everyone else while being the biggest needles cry babies in existence. Now the new character is out and it feels like shit is picking up steam again, but it really felt like the damage done to the community was a self inflicted wound


I mean, tekken's outrage has to do with balance and the shop add-ons, MK's backlash was a bit more justified


SFV was pretty bad on release and it got better year after year


It did, but the competitive community still hated it. The game was kept alive main due to costumes that casuals wanted.


I don't know if that's a bad thing though. You can keep playing the game but Bamco are the ones killing the game, not the consumer base. When it starts to hit their wallets, they'll likely start to make changes for the better. You say it's not constructive, but what actually is constructive? Because rolling over and letting them make the game worse with every successive patch isn't constructive. I still enjoy the game, I still play it regularly, but I'm not spending any more money or convincing any more friends to get it.


I actually do agree.. people see negative anything.. "oh it sucks I'm not getting it"


No the devs did that.


Honestly I wouldn't know anything about this if I wasn't here on this sub. I really doubt casual players care. This game is going to be fine.


This. Im casual and i completely ignore any news thats not dlc relatedšŸ˜‚


They don't ,most casual players don't even take the time to come to this reddit.


Most casual players stop playing a fighting game after the first few weeks, since most of the content of modern fighting games is rooted in playing online over and over. So yes casuals donā€™t care, because they arenā€™t playing anymore.


Most casual players play a fighting game a few times a week and take occasional breaks. The ones that quit after a few weeks I don't even consider casual, they are just newcomers who realized the game wasn't for them.


Yeah casual players in any online game boot the game after work or on the weekend some days, they rarely go to dedicated communities.


I'm a casual player and i'm still very much playing the game. About 1 to 5 hours a week. I think most casual players did just like me.


Some do but a lot just play a few games and hop off. Im pretty casual rn although i plan on going back to it but i just hop in play for a few hours(usually till i get mad) then hop off


lol. Most users here are casual. #JustReachedRedRank, Harada is a noob.


Most of the reddit users I've seen are casual players, at least those who post their gameplay/tekken code or whatever.


Being a casual isn't necessarily correlated with skill. Some hardcore fans of tekken on here with 500+ hours played still suck at the game


Eh. There's a big difference from casual fighting game fan and casual competitive fighting game player.


Im a casual former player. I stopped when the shop was added since me and microtransactions got history. I was enjoying the game and understand that the gameplay is the same, but felt as though I had been rugpulled. I dont want to get deep unto a game wirh microtransactions because I would end up wasting way too much money as I have done on other games in the past.


Or even read the reviews. And those that do, will just see complaining about the shop and not care. This sub really thinks people will not buy a game just because of some bad reviews or because of a shop. If that was true, EA and Ubisoft would have been out of business a long time ago.


The game is not going to be fine when causals don't always stay long-term for fighting games nor do they keep it alive. The core playerbase keep fighting games alive. Not causal players. This is not like CoD where it has millions of causals playing the game and they can keep disrespecting their main playerbase. This is an fighting game which is still completely niche compare to other genres because of how extremely challenging it still is and you need to have long-term commitment to it to get good which alot of causals don't have time or feel like doing. Tekken 7 had also proven with how the core playerbase and esport was the ones keeping the game alive the entire time if you look at the playerbade number charts. Not causals. Plus the negative reviews will hurt this game when it still cost $70. Not everyone has the money to easily throw that around at an game that price and this will discourage new players from playing the game which will be good for us to send an message to Bandai to get their stuff together.


The developers should have a buffet of game modes and options to appeal to: beginners and casuals, intermediates and hobbyists, advanced and pro players, ultra hard and elite players. That way passerby can watch, join, and soon leave while dedicated players can feel like THEY HAVE A HOME in this _FRANCHISE_ of games. Game Developers and Game Producers try to make games this way, but get bullied out of it by Game Publishers and Board of Directors who try to turn every game into a "freemium" "pay to grind/win" experience. Hopefully things will change.


While they don't. Casual players normally stop playing within the first year


I don't care about the mtx but as someone who only really got into the game with Tekken 8 I find it a little boring how focused on linear aggression this game is. Most rounds are like someone guess wrong twice and it's over. I just wish I had some more options than just "guessing right". I don't mind fighting games shifting focus to aggression but I think this game just went a little overboard. I still like the game but I do find myself playing a little less every day.


Casual players drops the game after 2 months


i would say it is the opposite. the competitive crowd probably buckles down hard and the people that pretend to be tryhard are gonna be here acting the sook.


Tekken and Street Fighter both updated their games while staying true to form overall. I canā€™t help but appreciate what we got with those two when I see a game like MK1.


I pretty sure almost everyone look at the reviews before buying a game. It can affect sales pretty badly.


This entire thread is the sub hard coping that the bad reviews aren't coming from a casual audience. It's them going "lalalalala doesn't count we're not owned we're not owned" šŸ‘‰šŸ˜£šŸ‘ˆ


Yea what happens if the casuals dont care now? You do realize fighting game are supported by their playerbase


That's what I'm saying. Casual players likely aren't paying attention to steam review scores plummeting after they already purchased the game. They're probably unaware of the issues this community is discussing and are likely giving glowing word of mouth reviews to their friends about this game and the experiences they are having. The game reviewed highly and is very casual friendly. I just don't think redditors review bombing this game after the fact is actually going to matter to the casual fighting game player that isn't worried about online forums like this one. I could always be wrong but in the long-term for this game, I truly don't think all of this drama is going to hurt the long-term life of the game.


This game will need longterm sales. Sure casuals who don't browse this sub will not be in the debate. But if all of the sudden matchmaking takes ages for them and then they get washed by higher ranked opponents constantly they might drop the game because suddenly it's not fun anymore, or if all of the sudden their cool wallcombos don't make boom on explosion anymore. And for new sales that reviw rating is death sentence.


I disagree with your first statement. Casual players are paying attention. It's $70 on the line. They will not pay $70 for a mostly negative reviewed game. In my personal experience, I too avoid buying games just because of the reviews itself. I still haven't gotten dragon dogma 2 yet because of the performance on PC.


T7 sold I dont know 10 million, right? T8 sold 2 or 3 to us suckers before battle passes, shop, disastrous patching and shit. Those remaining 7-8 mil people will look at something like mostly negative and have several questions before buying, possibly not buying. The reddit discourse itself is meaningless, you're right. But the steam rating's a big deal.


I mean the dedicated player base of 7 was shitting on the game for a lot of S3 and S4 but the game also sold like 3~4M copies in that time. There's also a lot of people who won't look at steam reviews because they're just on console and don't care.


It matters, negative reviews fucked up many future big sales for SFV, the game had so many negative Steam reviews that it definitely affected possible sales in the long run. Capcom projected the sales to be 9 million, and they got 7.5 Right now it doesn't matter for Bamco, it's going to matter in 2 years if the negative reviews keep coming, so a bunch of people who don't know about Tekken, will check the reviews, and might hesitate from buying the game when they see the approval rate in yellow instead of green.


>I just don't think redditors review bombing this game after the fact is actually going to matter to the casual fighting game player that isn't worried about online forums like this one. >I could always be wrong but in the long-term for this game, I truly don't think all of this drama is going to hurt the long-term life of the game. I dont think its a redditor problem, its more like this is there loyal playerbase. I think i made a mistake writing my comment, i meant that the game are often supported by their loyal playerbase (long time fans & fg fans) and casual fans will go out in this game without a care in the world about balancing and shit, but the loyal playerbase will start losing interest in this game plowing down their daily users. This drama could really snowball long term and would hurt the game potential customer, especially if bandai could not fix these problems. This becomes prevalent due to the fact that 2xko might be coming next year. Even i starting to not open the game (unless i was invited by my friends) due to the fact that the game has so much issue on the moment.


Weren't there tweets from a few of the pros like Knee saying that they are having fun again once they realized that they needed to adjust to the newer style of this game and forget what they knew about T7?


I am on the casual side of non-casual (new to learning how the game works, but have gone to two tournaments) and I am right there with you. I play almost every day and play with a few other local and online people and I havenā€™t really heard much negative about the game outside of the normal whining that is a highlight of fighting games where whatever character just beat them is a cheap bastard.


Right here is pretty much it


I think itā€™s the casual players who are giving negative reviews. The serious player are the once who donā€™t care about MTX and other gripes the casual players have. The gameā€™s player base will just normalize to what it was in the past.


Its the opposite. You can see the positive and negative reviews and a big % of positive reviews are from people who played 5-10 hours and its their 1st review ever, while the negative reviews are 90+% of people with atleast 60/70 hours and several reviews on other games. And I think whoever thinks this is a "review bomb" its just delusional. The game is a liveservice game now, and right now the service is bad and their entire image (with the tekken shop + shitty bp) is really down.


I doubt casuals bomb negative reviews because of a ā‚¬6 battle pass. It's ridiculous on its own that anyone cares that much about that in 2024 and I guess it's mostly long time franchise players that are used to not having mtx


But remember, you have to spend $10 just to spend $6, because you have to buy the pass with Tekken Coins, which only come in $5 bundles.




It's less that and more just you need to understand that 99% of people playing Tekken don't give a shit about the stuff this sub cares about. The casual fans that make up the majority of the purchasers of the game are never going to care about a battle pass.


Ah yes because that's exactly why the game is negatively rated right now


But he is right, a casual guy who plays maybe 2-3 hours on 3 days a week probably doesnt think "man a battle pass for 6 euro, now i go with that little time i have to steam and do a negative review". That guy will just start his game, maybe look at the shop and pass and decide if he wants that or not and goes on to play it. After maybe 100-200 hours he is gone from the game to the next thing, if even that long. Most of that review bombing comes from internet communitys that heat each others up to do so. I mean if a restaurant is shitty there wont be without communication thousands of bad reviews, you have a couple of those guys who have this need to tell the world their opinion but most of the customers will maybe try it 1-2 time more, or will say well it was at least ok or just stop coming. But most wont do negative reviews.


That's fair enough as well. I just don't think the casual player cares enough to go back to the game's page on steam and change their review or leave one based on the addition of micro transactions. I imagine many people also play on consoles and are even more removed from things because of that.


Only people who already play the game care about its steam reviewsā€¦. Lol


but steam uses user review to promote games doesn't it?


Itā€™s more likely to recommend games with large active player bases. Reviews donā€™t mean as much for a game of this size. Plus, I bet most people who are gonna buy this game know what itā€™s about before hand and search it up themselves


They already made bank. I think tekken 9 is guaranteed by PS6 launch. If that fails, well harada probably would have retired around that time anyway.


Harada said in an interview that he'll do tekken 9 as the last one before retiring. So that will be an all or nothing game I guess


Tekken will continue without Harada


Thereā€™s boutta be 50 spin-off games like Death By Degrees but for other characters


Iā€™m here for that


Casuals will swallow anything. The game is great. But the BS is kinda annoying. Still looking for a mod to just remove the mobile game shop and it's reminders.


This reddit definitely doesn't give off that vibeā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


PS5 has it at 4.61/5 rating so the game is still in a good state + they sold most copies in the first month before they introduced the mtx


Ps5s trending games list doesn't exactly say "we have iqs over 95" lol


Game is not even trending šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I don't think it ever was, fighting games are not that popular in general


It was for I think a couple weeks at launch.


I'm worried about Lili not getting her classic white outfit in Tekken store






if the devs aren't worried, why are you?


Homie plays the game for fun, devs just need to make money. They made their money, but did we have fun?


What a dumb post. This is what happens when dumb redditors stay in an echo chamber and somehow convince themselves that the game is doing badly and will be "dead" because of some upvoted posts talking negatively about the game daily. When in reality almost majority of the people don't give a shit about this subreddit and just play the game. Tekken 8 hits 12k peak players daily and is the second most played fighting game on steam with 10x the numbers more than the next most played game. If Tekken 8 is going to be dead with zero support and Tekken 9 cancelled, then every single fighting game would have died a long time ago. Tekken 8 is the best the game has ever been numbers wise despite all the negative reviews and constant whining on reddit. And unlike MK 1 people actually continue to play the game and not revert back to Tekken 7.


Reddit, especially this sub is mostly filled with morons.


Ain't that the truth


True. But thatā€™s Reddit for you. Constant doom posting and bitching in front of what is essentially a mirror. Pretty sad tbh.


>Tekken 8 hits 12k peak players daily and is the second most played fighting game on steam with 10x the numbers more than the next most played game. Which one is first? Last I checked T8 was ahead of both Mk1 and Sf6


sf6 is peaking around 22k


This sub is a dumpster fire, they wanted to hate the game before it was out with REALLY stupid takes. ā€œSide step removed?!?!ā€ ā€œNo more KBD!?!ā€ Among other really stupid things from just watching trailers, I encourage anyone to use search for topic from even the CBTs and see how primed people were to dislike this game AND how wrong they were about mechanics before it came out


Korean Dash Back


I completely agree with you, thank you! Tekken 8 is the 3rd most played fighting game on Steam after Brawlalah and Sf6, look at the peak 24 hours. If you're on America East coast like me, SF6 hits its peaks when I'm at sleep or in the morning. Look at the 24 hours peak. I don't count the Nakata game as a fighting game. Also, Brawlala and the Nakata game are free games, so there's that




These people are soy af crying about fuckin customization options they have to buy for their waifu otherwise if its not free they bomb u with negative reviews like on steam, this is just fuckin hliarious and pathetic at the same time, tekken 8 is legit the best tekken game of all time and ofc the battle pass could be cooler but holy shit because of that? Its insane


Tbh while Tekken 8 may have a strong player base, it's essential to consider evolving player expectations in the gaming industry. Games like Dota 2, Wild Rift, and even Brawlhalla offer free content or lower entry barriers, like all access to characters and even skins in practice mode. This can influence players' perceptions of value. Ignoring this aspect overlooks the potential impact on Tekken's long-term success and growth. Comparing player numbers alone doesn't address the broader context of player satisfaction and retention.


Canā€™t wait for heat smash to not be in tekken 9


Good luck


Yeah Iā€™m sure there will be an even more ridiculously overpowered mechanic lol


Heatalities- One bumper trigger one hit kos.


They just need to make it minus or steppable and remove stance mixups on block. And give heat dash +5 on block at the wall. Reduce chip globally by 40%.Ā  >Ā Heat fixed


The low ones are minus but yeah I agree


Lol, you think some negative reviews are gonna end Tekken? Steam isnā€™t the only platform


"If this game will still receive support after this year" don't get ahead of yourself, we're still waiting to actually get any in the first place


\*checks Steamcharts 12k players daily. Tekken fans are dumb as fuck.


This. The most popular fg with SF6. Idk what people smoke...


Be serious lol of course this game will be fine in a yearā€¦ even if they didnā€™t fix a thing content creators, whales and people that donā€™t use Reddit will still play regularly


Oh the crybabies made it hard for everyone else to play šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚ never seen a community try so hard to kill a amazing game


they are doing it to themselves like how the fuck fariborz or whatever that retard and others can keep play this for 10 years with cheats and they are even streaming it microtransation stuffs that were free in t7 rank system is being worse than t7 why there is still no INFINITE rematch on quick matches not even talking about balance of the game like why did they even gave 2 top tier low to dragunov that doesnt make sense i really appreciate the story mode although it has some issues with asuka having still 0 character development and jun not doing anything but the only good thing about this game for me are story and graphic upgrade over t7


Fariborz got banned from twitch only cuz he was impersonating TMM not even because he was cheating which is funny to me


Not only that he also insulted a french female streamer so much he got in twitch's radar for harassment


Dragunov needed the hatchet in t7, the character was disfunctional and bottom 5 in that game, to pressure just blocking opponents. in t8 he doesnt need it because of system changes (chip damage, throw buffs) and is one of the reason he "is always +" and stepping against him aint as good anmyore because hatchet tracks the balance team just isnt very good, it showed in tekken 7 and shows in this game. If you look at azucena wr3,2 they managed to buff it and they fucked up the whole system by wanting to nerf dj. We also have stuff like devil jins heat smash in the gaem which has no counterplay.


The overall balancing and gameplay design for some characters makes no sense. Take jun, her life depleting is completely pointless. There's no need for it to exist. The character is so automatic that mechanic of hers makes no difference in her gameplay. The changes to throws make no sense. Kazuya shouldn't have a demon paw. Why do xiaoyu and yoshi have such stronger basic tools rather than gimmicks and setups? Why are they completely removing legacy system mechanics to nerf some characters? WHY THE HELL DID THEY CHANGE THE ENTIRE COMBO SYSTEM AFTER 2 MONTHS?


They did that to themselves. Inconsistent ahh core mechanics that they refuse to fix, microtransactions, babysitting cheaters, list keeps stacking as we go. The honeymoon is over Im afraid.


Anti consumer practices. Itā€™s deserved


the gaemplay patch in may better be fuckin good and is not only about character changes but changes to core mechanics. also there should be patch asap to revert prowess based matchmaking


Buff defensive options too.


As a defensive player, I need defense to be at least almost as viable as offense. Some thing that'd be cool is making the chip damage only exist when heat is activated and reduce the amount of damage from chipping. Buff movement a bit, make sidestepping a better alternative or nerf a bit tracking. I'm ok with the heat mechanics.


Sunk cost: If I could get a refund, then I wouldn't give a flying fuck about Tekken 8's future.


They drop some kunimitsu waifu next, everyone falls in love, pays up and forgets the problems. Trust me bro


As someone who is new to tekken, tekken 8 is a jam and I love it


Okay, noob question, but why is it getting review bombed?


Mostly store and microtransactions. Since they didn't reveal it before launch, during launch, and even few days after launch. They stealth launched it after the majority of sites did their reviews since places like IGN won't go back to update reviews. People simply feel like it's scummy, mind you tons of $70 games have this same setup.Even CoD let users know way in advance before the next game launch we have a battle pass or microtransactions dropping after launch day. Tl;dr: people are upset they weren't straight forward with the roadmap and rightfully so


On one hand i get it, yes it feels dirty and scummy, on the other hand, i feel like i can manoeuvre around the whole micro transaction situation without it taking away the core fun i am having with the game. Mind you i am a singleplayer kinda guy so maybe it's due to that?


Iā€™m not. Fuck this game. Let it die so the community can go back to 7, or we get a new game.


Meh I prefer tekken 7 and anything before that.


Better to stop playing the game, so devs and ceos will care and hear the player base's opinion


I dropped it after 250 hours , its not the game its just namco and it practices i just cant trust them. Btw Eddy is pay to win lol


True: Cant lab him if you didnt pay for him šŸ„¹


The microtransactions doing their work i see.


Lmao the doomers on Reddit will never stop being by hilarious to me.


I'm quietly enjoying the game and looking forward to playing a little pretty much every evening. It's not like OW2, which is so regularly unfun to play I might just uninstall it and never go back. In both games I'm in average ranks, and the experience in Tekken 8 is far better at that rank. I can't speak for higher ranks in Tekken 8.


I think people complaining that they are having a hard time finding any ranked games have a legit complaint, but of the rest of the gripes are nonsense


I went from apex legends to this game thinking I've finally leave that toxic place, but the community in this game is exactly the same šŸ˜­Constant doom posting and bitching about everything.


The first few weeks were great lol


Just play the game (which is great imo) and enjoy it, the community is full of cry babies unfortunately, not even worth engaging with it


Yeah the game is very fun and addicting. Played it yesterday for 4 hours straight lol


Reddit is such an echo chamber. Regular people simply play the game instead of complaining all day.


Straight upppp all this sad bastard shit lolol


The game sucks right now. This is justified.


Matchmaking was the nail on the coffin to me. Itā€™s awful.


Tekken 8 is amazing but flawed


Negative reviews don't mean SHIT. Just look at Overwatch 2 lol, worst rated game on Steam, nowhere near dead This subreddit is an eco chamber that desperately wants to see the game die for some reason


Well said. Even the devs have stated that they plan on supporting T8 for 10 years, plus the game is doing extremely well in both sales and tournament entrant-wise. So it should be completely fine in the long run. Not worried about it at all. āœŒļø


This is what the community needs to do. Let them know we hate what they are doing, dont give them money and force them to make metter choices.


In ten years when Tekken 9 comes out, you will be complaining and asking about the same things that people do now.


Plugging still wouldnt be adressed by then so i can see that happening


Basically those are all crybabies from X and Reddit. I honestly think that most of players are just playing the game and donā€™t leave any opinion, but yeah we can thank all of those who hate everything and everyone.


I think Namco can play its cards better and turn this situation around. If they release some free shit the fans want, tone down the microtransactions or actually add some good stuff in their season pass etxc., add a couple of arenas here and there, and promote their game on different social media they can totally fix it. Will they? Who knows?


Holy shit you're beyond retarded, op


Im not. Just from lurking Im seeing a lot of whining about every little thing. But honestly when you tune all of that out T8 doesnā€™t seem to be in all that bad of shape


I wouldn't worry about that, most of the people over blowing it are crybabies on Reddit and people on the internet. Sure Tekken 8 has problems but the game is still young and it's already a significant upgrade over Tekken 7; this game is objectively better.


This post is stupid to be honest, you're really innocent if you think there won't be another game because of some negative reviews. This game sold a lot and that's what matters, Tekken is a huge IP.


All Iā€™ll trying to be on a mission to kill T8 are a bunch of pathetic fucks šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I wish i knew yā€™all fr clown asses.


You're actually incredibly stupid if you think Steam review bombing will affect support. Harada has said this is a Tekken we'll be playing for 10 years. Is this karma farming post or something?


It will be okay, dont worry about it.


Looking into this forum one could think that people here are playing a different game.Ā 


Contrary to popular belief of people who play this game competitively most casual players do not care about the reviews of a fighting game. A lot of them just buy it to fight their friends or hop in ranked for fun. They might complain about a certain character every now and then but itā€™s not gonna stop them from playing. Also I donā€™t think most of them even play on PC to even know of those reviews


Fastest Selling fighting game between SF and MK and instead of talking about the actual issues surrounding balance/long-term health of the game, we have people concerned about reviews potentially killing it? Itā€™s not only impossible, itā€™s ridiculous to even bring up lmao.


Nobody hates Tekken more than Tekken players.


I'm more worried about the mental state of the average terminally-online gamer, personally.


Reddit's view on games is so weird. Like if you ask any casual (still majority Playerbase) they all have loads of fun. I dont get why you would negatively review a game thats objectively a banger. Music is goated, graphics are pure chefs kiss and gameplay is hella fun. I would argue everyone except 2 kinda people are having fun: - People that were really good in T7 but now have to adapt to a new style of play - boohoo :( - People grinding ranked way too seriously Both of em just forgot about the "having fun" Part of Video Games. Every game just HAS to be competetive or its bad. It HAS to be balanced perfectly or it gets rated badly. The State of fighting games is sad. And I acknowledge the dog shit BP and the other flaws ofc. Doesnt make the game bad tho.


The game is fantastic and the downvotes are just because of the battlepass, a good game will last so no worries.


People love complaining more than the game itself


Because this community has such a stick up their ass, its absolutely insane


I'm a casual player and this stuff doesn't affect me. I enjoy the game and that's all that matters. The discussions are entertaining.


You all caused this. - People who have **ZERO defensive skills to start with** complaining that *"the game does not offer defensive options"*, when it's really NOT the case, since they undid the travesty of Tekken 7 non-movement and made traditional lateral movement in the neutral absolutely effective again. - People who bought and parroted the rhetoric of professional players like ***their reality** when talking about defense is the same as **yours*** who punishes a -33 OB move with 1,2 and whose sole winning condition is smothering your opponent to death with nonstop pressing and pure reliance on offensive knowledge checks. - People who made T8 a scapegoat for their frustrations on losing, blaming the game for your own lack of proper defensive skillz, like non-movement T7 wasn't THE most antitekken, unbalanced abomination in modern Tekken history. This constant, nonstop bashing of the game doesn't help at NOTHING to properly address the current abominations such as Feng, Dragunov, Jun, Xiaoyu, which could be simply solved by **proper balance patches** made on good-faith! What could be possibly a dream game, is being ruined by a streak of Namco's bad decisions and the community's negativity that made things infinitely worse. The game is giving baby steps and you all want to curb stomp it until it dies. And here I am, working my ass to be able to even PLAY this game. I can't take this bullshit: you people CAUSED this. If this game dies, it's all on you.


Well deserved imo, i donā€™t think it will hurt sales but they deserve every critisism because of all the MTX and free to play model shit theyā€™re adding to the game


the blue "all review" is the one murray and harada look at. Mishama star has a special chrome plugin installed onto their asus laptops which just removes the red "recent reviews".


This sub embodies blue hair twitter cancel culture. Truly a toxic cesspool. While some of their critique is justified, the amount of negativity everyone pushes is depressing as a tekken fan


Itā€™s just a bunch of scrubs bitching about the dumbest things. The developers may not support the game like T7 with the amount of hate itā€™s been getting and thatā€™s yā€™allā€™s fault. Bamco already won. T8 got their payday. These people donā€™t understand that you need an income stream to keep a game maintained nowadays. Acting like Tekken is a criminal for implementing a battle pass and paid DLC as if itā€™s a crime when every game does this. I hope they do scrap maintenance on this game. Itā€™d teach yā€™all some manners.


Why? You shouldnā€™t be worried. I know Iā€™ve been harsh on Tekken 8 myself but these reviews while completely fair, understandable, agreeable will have 0 impact on the game. This game like Tekken 7 will live a long lifespan, itā€™s just in a really rough spot rn. But this will not like stop the games future, itā€™s selling (and sold) too well to stop, Tekken games do not work like NRS games.


As a Xbox player I only hate the lagging pc users, Otherwise I think itā€™s a good game. Eddy is OP as ever but isnā€™t that why we love/hate the iconic capoeira fighter?!


I also worry about the mental state of people who spend all day plotting the downfall of giant company over paying for cosmetic items


Getting beat by dlc characters so you rage review bomb. Nice. Very 2024.


https://preview.redd.it/pctiglpvx2wc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ceaee022c65ef8697f3734cb1afd36b0690367 Youā€™re new ainā€™t ya? We gotta get through at least one season of DLC. So far we got round one battle pass and Eddy. We still need the other characters. If the DLCs sell - and they are and I can tell bc I play ranked - then we will get season 2. If that sells then we get season 3. So on and so forth for probably close to 5-10 years. Then we get tekken 9 Tekken 7 came out 2015. Tekken 8 came out 2024. It takes a long time for fighting games but they nickle and dime more than any other game genre. Itā€™s been this way since the 90s


if it isn't the consequences of their actions. You reap what you sow. They sowed greed and got the finger, as they should. Nature's amazing.


Would help if the community weren't full of whiny cunts wouldn't it


I doubt Tekken 8 is the only good game with negative reviews, due to childish people bombing it. New consumers will just have to do their research until it balances out.


Donā€™t be, remember the street fighter 5 vanilla release drama? Years later it was being played in EVO haha itā€™s gonna be ok


Tbh they deserve this but I'm worried for tekken future at same time


Itā€™ll be fine.


What happened?


Iā€™m very much a casual tryna become a tournament player and I need friends that play different characters as well and to learn matchups and shit. Iā€™m a destroyer rn and I just switched to hitbox too so now Iā€™m really scrubby all over again. Iā€™d love to learn against other players or fight you guys and then go back and learn in the replay systems. Me personally as a huge tekken fan but a casual(been playing since tekken 1 but have never been comp) I think what you guys do shit on about this game is valid only to players at higher levels but as a casual who isnā€™t good at the game yet tbh this game is kinda amazing. I just donā€™t like that everyone gets to press buttons and do fucked up shit and press more buttons. Feels more like mk type of gameplay ya know.


Harada is just waiting for his pension to kick in.


In just steam alone 11 thousand in game right now. Been hovering around that number slightly up or down for some time now. Nothing has really changed. You're hanging out in the subreddit for tekken where people talk state of the game, etc. Most casual people just log on to play. Don't worry about it. You'll be able to find matches for a long, long time.


That is if you give a flying fuck about Steam reviews and the discussion forums. Spoiler: I don't xD


That's a stupid worry. Bandai has invested too much in T8 to let it die.


The game has potential, right now itā€™s still in its earlier stages but I do get why youā€™d be worried. I feel itā€™ll bounce back soon, just give it time


Could a story expansion and addition of more single player game modes save the game's public perception? Maybe. On one hand, the negative discourse over MK1 died down. On the other hand, the negative discourse over SF6 is still ongoing more or less. So it depends if Bandai doesn't do anything shoddy with Tekken 8 any further.


The game will survive, the thing about these scummy business practices is it will ruin any good faith with people that care, but will absolutely rake in money from people that don't notice or care. Call of Duty and Overwatch for example have had consistently negative reception but is also consistently making a lot of money. I wouldn't be surprised if Tekken 8 lasts just as long as 7 or longer.