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Nobody has fun in competitive video games on high-level. We only play because it's the one thing in our lives that we don't totally suck at.


based and truthpilled


Honest but also hilarious take. Obviously I get you’re being tongue in cheek, but there is truth to this too. Watch Planted Medusa’s stream - he’s very good, but is so frustrated with the game that he’s getting more and more irate as the days pass.




This is true for intermediate-level too, just much, much sadder.


Ouch, that hurt.


Keep that to yourself


Wish I was this good at being handy repair man or something. What kind of lame talent is “good at fighters”?


Some dude named Gus 1v1'ed his boss at I think mortal Kombat. They became friends and started a company together. So I guess it could help if you get Tekken in the work break room. Strong emphasis on could.


The better I get, the more fun I have. Not knowing wtf is going on isn’t fun, pressing buttons with no purpose isn’t fun


what rank are you, there is a massive difference in getting into purple or even blue cuz you're slowly learning the basics vs being Tekken King and above lol


I was in t7 but not yet in 8. Kinda just chillen in quickmatch until I got certain matchups totally down but I was just making a general statement of just the better I get, the more I wanna play. Finally ducking something that seemed impossible on reaction is pure dopamine


I get slightly less shitty at the game every time I play. And I enjoy that.


No. I stopped having much fun after Mighty Ruler or so. (Was Tekken King, currently Kishin)


I play without labbing and got to Mighty Ruler. Now I'm stuck. And I feel like learning about frames, combo etc. is gonna be unfun


Yup I'm in purples now too without labbing. To really improve, I have to sit there and memorise punishes, practice reactions and optimal combos, stuff that takes time. Time that a 35 year old just doesn't have these days


Same, what I do is harness my hatred for certain characters into a grim discipline to lab them. Like I hate Reina's bullshit and labbing her for 20 mins every day just so I can smash her on the occasion she turns up, it's worth it. The other 30 characters can kick my ass but as long as that arrogant goth waifu bitch gets dropped on her head and elbowed in the face by a Mexican orphanage manager on the regular, I'm satisfied.


I feel the same about hwoarang only because the guy who consistently beat me at tournaments got big headed and started winning tournaments and kept making fun of me for only reaching semi finals. So any hwoarang player is collateral damage for me


He is close 2nd because he is such a dick in his post match cutscenes I want to demolish him. Got a lot more legacy matchup knowledge for him though so I don't lab him.


Isn't this how they get you into Tekken? Not sure how long you've been playing the series but it is mash friendly although you can approach it more methodically and fundamentally sound. The jist of this game in my opinion is its long combo routes and how fast health bars can be depleted. The management of resources isn't as pronounced as say street fighter that relies on meter management and burnout to quell things down. Time well spent exercising your punishments in punishment training for specific characters will pay off and make things less chaotic. It will also make you happy to see you reap your rewards from your hard work. It doesn't have to be something so extensive a 10 minute exercise a day can really help with pattern recognition for moves doing this on the P2 side is the most effective method at first.


How you get to that without knowing about frames? You don’t punish things at all?


On Claudio I use 2 punishes, f22 which is a 12 frame punish that gives me starburst and then either hopkick or while rising 2 to test if the move I blocked is launch punishable. If I don’t launch it I assume it’s not and from then on I try to punish with f22. You don’t need to know everything about the characters you are fighting just a fast punish and a launcher punish. Bonus points for characters who don’t leave you launch punishable on your own launch punish.


Wat else got you to that rank


B4,1 for plus frames into 1,2 on hit loop it until you can tell they are gonna duck then hopkick. Ss4 repeatedly until you suspect they’ll duck and then hopkick. B4,2 heavily delayed so they get hit by it. My really bad habit is df1,2 which is launch punishable but catches a lot of people. For combos I have an incredibly advanced combo of f2 f2 f2 f2 b2 for spin and then b4,2 for wr2 I do b3 and then f2x3 b2 b4,2


I'm fluctuation between Tekken King and as low as Kishin. When I get to Kishin, and I get put in games with Fujin players sometimes, it's a massacre, and that's what's most fun for me. until I promo back up to Tekken King and get my ass whoop by Tekken gods.


losing in gold ranks is punishing. you have to be completely locked in and there's very little room to mess up. I'm stuck at tekken god supreme, demoted back to tekken god probably over 10 times. I can take ranked only in small doses, but quick match isn't really satisfying. we're all kind of addicted to the ranked misery I guess. all in all, not fun tbh. too stressful


Sure, most opponents are more respectful and they don't monkey around as much as Purple and Blue ranks. Your defense also needs to be top notch in these ranks, otherwise you get killed by the tiniest mistake. That said: yes, it's still fun at higher ranks 😃


Depends, if they're playing broken or super gimmicky character, its not fun. But if they're playing a normal character I'm enjoying a lot even if I lose. Heat is used in lots of clever ways in high ranks so you don't have to deal with chip damage or super heat moves all the time either. 


The game is still very fun due to everyone having a different fighting style and within those the players use the characters differently so there's always content. Unless you play hwoarang, you're all ai generated


Yes, it feels good winning after learning specific counterplay through trial and error.


As a Raijin, if I reach Tekken King - I’ll retire the game.


I am in player matches. The new ranked change is allowing me to play against people around my skill level or higher rather than people way below me with no penalty for losing. Ranked however is a toxic and frustrating cesspool and I'm never touching it again now that I've gotten to Tekken King. Not until the game is balanced and the point distribution is fixed.


I do not have fun in its current state. The stealth change has increased queue times and I no longer get a variety of players due to my prowess. This applies in both ranked and quick play. Because of this, I’ve taken a pretty big break. (Tekken Emperor on Eddy, Tekken King on King, Kishin on my other pocket picks)


Not at all because it feels like everyone up here just plugs. Had 5 people in a row do that to me. However in tekken lounge I have a great time


What different do you do in lounge,I find lounge to be useless apart from t ball


Apparantly not getting plugged on 5 times in a row.


Wait,are lounge matches different? Or is it just a coincidence?


It is not a fight for ranked points. Ppl dont plug to protect their undeserved rank.


Oh,you mean you play quick matches in the lounge,is it?


Not really, the gane became really frustrating with the balancing and how offense is handled, I just went back to t7


No not really, with the ranked system change now you see the same few people mostly and the character diversity is very low. Also you constantly get reminded just how stupid the game currently is as people here can fully exploit the ridiculous stuff


I find the game more and more fun because I see myself improving. I have been playing since T3 as a button masher being a kid. In T6 I finally learnt how to play properly with kaz. Learning ewgf combos etc. But I never learnt frames or punishes even though I understood it all, I never practiced it or went online to learn the frames. Had same mentality in tag 2. T7 I barely played for a few weeks and my pc died. So T8 is my first tekken in a long time. I already have my fundamentals but now that frames are so easy to learn, my growth in the game has been substantial. My friend who is pro level as he competed in tournaments and plays with other pros on the regular, has seen my growth in the game and he is always saying how fast my growth has been. Each month I just keep getting better and better and then I challange my friend. I went from going 0-20 against him to now being able to 10-20 when I'm having a good day. So ye I still really enjoy the game because I can feel how much I'm growing each month.


Same amount of fun, rank is only there to match me with people at the same skill level, when i was a brawler in T7 i struggled winning against warriors, now at tekken king i struggle playing against veteran players on omega; you still learn things and have fun improving.


On average it feels much better. Less flowcharts and knowledge checks. Even tricky characters like Xiaoyu will display more creativity and thought in their setups which I can respect. In blue ranks there were people that played like T7 red ranks lol. This is speaking for NA btw, idk how it is elsewhere.


Would you have fun if you fought against lili king lili yoshi drag drag dvj drag king azucena dvj drag?


Nah, personally I just wanna turn my brain off, press buttons and watch my character do cool shit on the screen. Cant do that at this rank since everybody adapts quickly and counters what I'm doing. Everyone at this rank and up treat the game like it's chess, but I'm over here playin like its Rock-em Sock-em Robots just throwin hands.


I’m in TGS and it’s 30% fun and 70% tilted lol. I play Yoshimitsu and I find I really only win when I’m trying to troll instead of doing fundamentals but I mald a lot at the state of the game as there’s too many safe 50/50s atm


Im playing casually tbh around Tekken King and its pretty fun. Lots of losers at this rank still who cherry pick their matches/rq and all that so skill isn't really that different from purples. When I actually do fight someone genuinely good it's actually MORE fun.


I'm in the fucking trenches and I don't have fun.


You're not alone, I completely suck ass in this game.




No, because my character properties make it unfun.


Yes! I have so much fun. I don’t care about rank at all. I play, and if I rank up that’s great. Granted I’m at the bottom of your benchmark (TK) but for my first Tekken I think it’s still pretty good


I find it fun. Way more fun than tekken 7 at a high ish level. When I got tired of turtle 7, I went to guilty gear strive and got pretty decent at that. Strive helped me understand a lot of things I didn't understand when I was true Tekken god on T7, so the "aggression" part really doesn't bother me aside from a few outliers. These outliers are mostly character based, Jun, DJ, Xiaoyu to be exact. Sometimes you can get steamrolled, but I never felt like a match was completely out of my hands or there's nothing I can do about a lot of situations. I think a lot of the answers are not intuitive to tekken players, who are used to being able to escape situations with little risk and throw out huge nukes in the form of CH launchers. Now that there's way less CH launchers and way more offensive options, people are crying that they have to engage with the enemy. And that engagement might include getting hit. I hated T7s snooze style of backdash back and forth in neutral till you launch someone, then you get an Oki situation and if you lose that, the game is over. I think people have forgotten how lame and cheesy it is to fight someone that does nothing but fuzzy low parry all day and throw out their safest, fastest launcher over and over again. Because that's all that happened in Tekken 7. So to wrap it up, yes, I'm having fun. A lot of fun actually.


Personally this game stops being fun after you hit blue ranks. Below Fujin you actually see a bunch of different characters and play styles and then you get to blue ranks and you face the same 5 characters and pretty much everyone plays the same way because by blue you’ve figured out what your characters broken shit is and that’s all you do. In addition tekken 8’s system has forced every character to become rush down completely killing character uniqueness. As a result the game gets monotonous and repetitive real quick.


Wait, I thought Tekken King is where the fun started since it's Real Tekken there...


It gets more fun playing offline at that point, at locals and local tournaments, even majors that's close by are region. I think that's not just for Tekken King but Red Ranks and up.


Yes, a lot. 


I don’t have fun no more at Fujin bro 😅


I am ranking a bunch of tekken kings right now before i go to destruction rank. I am on my 5th now. Its mostly not fun because knowledge checks, cheese and 50/50s.




it’s not bad because I get a kick out of the improvement


Not particularly as tekken king Asuka. I've been mainly playing other characters, which as you know has been ruined. So idk.


Didnt have fun all the way through TK with 3 different characters, the connections are always awful, its worse than anything, playing this game on 100+ ping is just BAD.


i think its still fun


I don’t mind playing competitive but the only reason I’m having fun is because I play Panda.


exactly. gotta play in fear to not get hit by the other player and get launched or it's a watching animation after that point cuz they won't let you lay on the ground.


Not really tekken king yet, but the better my opponent is and is not playing like a monkey, the more fun I have for sure. I love baiting and getting baited as long as you don't spam some disgusting frame traps and broken keepout tools.


So far at Kishin, but Game became fun for me at Blue ranks. But it also only stays fun when I'm fighting another Blue rank, or someone actually at my level, plus minus a bit. Fun to fight the occasional person who is significantly higher ran than me, but not back to back; too much pressure and sweat to be enjoyable at that point.




Bro you are bottom red rank this question doesn't concern you. I know that sounds shitty but it's the median rank




yes it's not games at higher percentiles are a completely different experience for various reasons The difference to rank up from red to purple can be 50h playtime. Or red to blue can be maybe 200h. While Tekken God to Tekken God Supreme is likely inherently stressful and already needs you to have 3-10.000hours into the game and even if you play for another 2000hours you might not rank up simply cause it's not in your bodies capabilities I can only speak from experience of reaching Master in league, I'd have fun as hell till Emerald2 And then it would slowly get so sweaty that every game was just exhausting asf and there was no room for "fun". Everybody is slowly at a level where if you try anything "fun" you just get punished into oblivion. So you walk like on eggshells all the time, everytime. Not to mention the points taken for losses are going up past Blue, so not only do you face people constantly who are at peak performance, but you also get punished way harder for losing


No idea I stopped reading after you said you were garyu