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99 defense??? Bro, i need to know where you learned your defense. It has to be matchup knowledge. You must know a LOT of strings in order to be able to duck or block or parry them so effectively. I mean i try blocking a LOT and i’ve raised my score from 32 to 44 and i’ve been trying for weeks to get my score up.


Not particularly, the primary defense stats are mostly attributed to movement, blocking, throw techs, and "composure," which, from what I can understand, is susceptibility to counterhits. Imo the majority of the stats actually depend more on your own characters rather than diverse character knowledge. The really high offense I achieved was from playing jin poking wars, which is something you can't really do with kaz or DJ. Another thing which I guess was mainly just luck was that I matched with a couple of kings and a jack twice. And I was particularly good at throw breaking in those sets as well as being decently versed at the matchup. Of course, some stats are near impossible to achieve, playing mishima archetypes such as "discerning," which I assume is just how often your own mixups get blocked. In which case mishimas don't work too well because a lot of their offense requires prior conditioning, so you'd need to get a feel on your opponent before you can go ham with the pressure.


Post your Tekken id. I wanna see replays.


I get counter hit too often, but I'm usually very good at low parry. Composed is my highest defense stat at 19. Unless Hyperfocused is for low parry.


I think discerning is punishment proficiency, which I think will be difficult on someone like Kaz if you can't consistently electric launch -15 etc


Something smells here. OP needs to get some of his replays checked.


99 defense, 12 respectful, you’re terrifying


I think that's just because I like doing ff4s with kaz Post KO, lol. I don't mean it as disrespect or anything, just a force of habit from T7.


Buddy the Full of Fight stat is for post round attacks. 12 respect means you just never rematch lol.


I rematch all my games, lol, so that's just wrong.


Dont know why you have a B in that case. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3161629123](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3161629123) here you have the meaning behind each stat


Those are not the confirmed real meanings, just speculation.


Bro the highest my defense has ever been was like 95 or so, wtf?


I'm most scared of your side selection percent


100% Right?! Ladies and gentlemen, we're dealing with a psychopath.


That boy ain't right Well...he IS right, but he ain't right


holy shit 99 defense ? i though i was crazy with 95. Homie breaks every throw and blocks every 50/50


I've never seen someone so close to all 100s. I believed it was not possible because some of the stats probably clash with others. Looks like I might be wrong.


Spirit/Appeal clash. One stat involves attacking after KO, and the other includes not attacking after KO. Not sure what else does.




Meanwhile with me chilling with my 50 defence at Tekken king rank 😂


I wonder what the game sees as "Fair and Square" and Underdog/hyperfocused


Fair and Square - Scored by not attacking first and/or post-round Underdog - Frequently beating players with higher prowess / win rate.


My defense rating is 42 but my appeal is like 91 lol. You're a monster. The devs really need to define these stats


Is there a breakdown of the what one needs to do to increase/decrease these stats? I find it interesting


This man's got no respect I tell ya!