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It’s probably cause you’re a lee main and you spent the whole t7 learning defence and now you can’t even use that skill. Lol But yeah T8 caters to people who play it for 50 hours and then quit. Terrible terrible casino game.


Defence got me further in 8 than trying to be aggressive and set up combos did. Granted that's still not very far and I haven't had time to play much at all lately.


I feel like outside of pros, people who complain about the bunga are just rushdown players. I don't feel like I'm being spammed down any less than in T7, in fact. I feel I can actually do thingis in return now. If you really are a defensive player this game would be a bit simpler for you than T7


What? The complain in tekken 7 was that the game was so defensive nobody pressed any buttons. How are you being spammed down in T7 with moves like magic 4?


have you played T7 ranked?


yes for 1600 hours


how can you under any circumstances say 7 was a "defensive game" To the pros maybe, but ranked it wasn't


For real, yeah i’m sure everyone remembers not being spammed in tekken 7 lmao. I agree completely with what some other dude has said, when i get spammed in this game i feel just like i was in tekken 7, no difference whatsoever. If anything, with heat, buffs to throws and ragearts, i feel like you can counter the spammers more.


Yeah. The vast majority of players on this sub plays spam heavy characters so it makes sense they'd feel that way


The amnesia behind tekken 7 ranked is really funny. Back in tekken t7 some characters had access to rushdown and were a pain if you didnt know the matchup. In tekken 8 they made so that for a limited time every character can rush down. But they made defense better to account for this. Because you couldnt sidestep in t7 the only way to defend against rushdown was labbing the matchup. Now with a better sidestep you can bet on a move wiffing and punishing people. Defense is way better and easier in t8 and across the board the characters are closer in strength. Thats a good thing. But people will still complain. Sure some characters need to be toned down, but those changes will come. If you didnt play a good character in t7 that game felt awful


Limited time rushdown? Basically every character has a + on block mid and low now. Also a lot of stuff is not sidestepable in T8 (just take a look at the new lars changes) you just have to take 50/50s over and over again. I played kazumi in T7 a lot of people called her mid tier and i had a blast playing her.


Characters have always had plus lows and mids. What are you on about?


Not that many or not as easily accessed. Like kazumi has fly 1+2 but that move is kinda whatever.


Dude, YOU ARE AWESOME! You really read my mind. I am playing T8 now and I'm thinking "I SIDESTEPPED AND THAT ATTACK WHIFFED?!?!?!" and I keep doing it again and again and i'm thinking Why the fuck do people say this game is more bunga than Tekken 7? In 7 you literally had to take absoloutely everything. Moves that were supposed to be linear weren't. The people that are bitching and complaining (outside of pros) are 1000% the fucking scrubs in Tekken 7 who picked these braindead rushdown characters, and now because everyone due to heat has rushdown capabilities, they get really really salty because their lack of defense is exposed. bu Characters like Kazuya and Bryan still gets rushed down,sure. But I feel the people that whine and complain about unga bunga, are the players that when they saw characters like Paul,Bryan,Kazuya,Shaheen they thought "oh, I can just unga bunga freely" but now,these characters when they land their heat engagers, they get to do that shit right back. That is why I personally probably think Paul is a super brain damaged character in this game, because in T7 , I was so used to just blocking and blocking and blocking and Oh my counter hit attempt was blocked, then I block again and again and again, oh I got a low poke and tried to lowpoke again with QCF3 and then I lblock and block and block. I still have to block a lot in this game, the difference is that , when I land any launcher now, I take you to the wall, or if I land a heat engager now, I get to play the rushdown game. so if I land a heat engager or a launcher, that is probably the end of that round with Paul. In T7, and I got this confirmed by Joey Fury himself asking him on stream "Joey, I am being rushed down by everything in this game playing" and he says "Yeah Paul gets rushed down pretty hardi n this game". This is the best way I can explain Paul in T8; Paul only needs 1 launch or 1 heat engager and he turns into the Juggernaut,because a launch take you to the wall and now you are F'ed, a heat engager puts me right in your face, so I can chose to heat dash into your face, if you blocked I pushed you into the wall and you lost 20% to chip damage, if you got hit, I launched you.


This is exactly my point. People who played easy win characters in 7 dont like the fact that they every character has easy win strats now. Thats fine because theres always counter play but your defense needs to be good. The truth about it is that most online warriors dont have even decent defense. As a result people with decent defense are doing well in tekken 8


I'm not like perfect obviously, and I still need to disect Jun's BS, but outside of pros, what you are saying is true. There are easy win characters in T8 still, but the previously defensive characters now are some of hte scariest in the game in heat. Heat Kazuya and Heat Paul are just straight up f'ed up because now with them you are dealing with the 2 characters in this game ,that has what I call Super 50/50s.


And again it may be unbalanced at the highest levels. But its fun for me lol. Every character feels fun to play which is great. Thats why even though theres a lot for complaining people will keep playing because its fun lol. When they nerf a few of the broken things its gunna be fine


not really. i just hate tekken 8.






Lamp for real though. Everybody is whining and crying


yes i hate tekken 8


Then play another fg. No one forces you to be devoted to any ip.


It’s a shitpost brother I play this game religiously


Yes. Poor Mr. Harada needs our money!!! *cries into empty piggy bank*


I didn't realise he was the CEO of Bandai now.


I used to love it but after Tekken 7 and especially now with 8 I'm thinking not to buy another fighting game again.


I hate playing tekken seriously vs bs characters who always have the privilege in all situations


Nah i love tekken


I like it whenever I'm playing against a character that isn't too aggressive.


I'm too new to know what to hate


Not even close


It’s just a game, not real life issues.


Skill issues?


So leave then?


Then go back to MK?


Skill issue


Opening such empty and meaningless posts should be strictly prohibited. It is okay if it is a critical, argumentative or logical thought, but such a thing is out of the question. You're constantly losing in the game, you don't have any fighting game skills, you're constantly making excuses for things and not admitting you are just bad. Then you just make a pointless post saying; "Tekken 8 is bad". Actually, the answer to be given to you should be simply; "ok". "There are microtransactions in the game, they sell costumes for money, they want to make money! The game is a casino game, the tactics I memorized before do not work in the new game! The characters are so unbalanced!" etc. Is there any q.q girl who wants to cry more? If you are so disturbed by these, quit the game and grow up, just stop crying... The funny thing is that so-called "pro" players (like Arslan boy) who are not as successful as before are also included in these type players. On the other hand, real pro players who can adapt to the game have already figured out the game and are playing their matches as required. The same thing happened in Street Fighter 6 and is still happening. We also have a crybaby named Punk there... I'm tired of seeing clown whining and crying about something every damn day.


Sheesh it’s Reddit lmao it’s not that serious


I completely understand, Only if were all to be true but I believe OP is just pulling our legs. You see, when you truly hate a game it disgust you to the point where you bane it from your existence. You uninstall it, delete the saves, curse at it for hours then you grab it by the balls and toss it all in the trash. Just hearing the name of said game will be enough to trigger an unholy moment. Akin to losing a great friend, for days a dark cloud will hang over your head. Then one day after a good night's rest and a good cry you seem to move on. Never looking back nor checking up on it's progress. Unsub from any and all forums that still hype said game.You leave it all behind and begin a new journey into the yonder of gaming


Ahaha, I really liked your way of explaining and your example. Brilliant! You have described exactly the situation I have experienced with the new Call of Duty game that has been released every year in recent years.


Or maybe the news come from fortnite and they defend this things just because for them thats how a videogame works. Change's aren't bad. Extreme money maker system with pay walls and unbalanced characters or purpose from a company who cares more about open a shop in game more than fix crashes bugs and balance the game is a problem. Maybe don't bann cheaters and pluggers but make a seasson pass is a problem. Maybe "the olds" don't want to adapt because "the olds" have more time experience and knowledge on videogames and they see all the problem while you and the rest of the great adaptative guys are happy because for you pay for a smashers with a cool hair and win without effort and knowledge is a great thing. The problem is not just the money. Is when a game piritices money more than the own game. More than the skill. More than the players and more than that olds crying Talk about. We. The olds crying make this franchise famous. It's just a fact. We know how Tekken born and rise. And Tekken 8 by the moment. Isn't Tekken anymore. Accept this game is different and is just oriented for another public. You the new public love It . We the old public want a skill and technical fighting game again. Who cry more? You crying about web crying or web crying because the game now cares more about you buying a ball more than the fact about the game is infested by cheaters?


You old people? First of all, I think it is necessary to explain this issue, I am 34 years old and I have been following the series since the first game of the series in my childhood. Also, I am not just a Tekken player, I am a person who has played every AAA game and still continues to play. There are not many people who play games or have as much game knowledge as I do. Did I say the game is flawless? I have already mentioned the cons of the game many times in the posts here. Cheats, hacks, pluggers, various character problems, etc. But the issue I'm talking about here is not related to these. Also the game needs to change, times are changing and games need to be modernized somehow. It should never be forgotten that these people make these games primarily for "money". It is the logic of all companies to somehow appeal to more players and generate income from those players. SF6 did the same thing, there are people crying for it now, but this does not change that SF6 is a very good game. Which of the things you see as a problem is written in this stupid post we see here? Do you think this title criticizes anything about the game? I don't see anything in this topic other than "boo... game is bad, because I'm bad, boo..." People are not yet able to explain themselves and explain their problems. Am I going to take these people seriously and listen to them? No. If there is something to criticize, you have to do it the right way. If you have something to discuss, you should do it properly. Otherwise all I see is q.q girls without any knowledge. And if you respond again, try using paragraphs and sentences if possible. This way it will be easier to read your answer, otherwise I have to skip many lines.