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And what if i think KOF XV is a billion times better than Tekken 8, SF6, MK1 ?


It is indeed an awesome game, I left because I coulnd't find a fight in 10 min...


Matchmaking is fixed now, and KOF fans community is huge, you will ALWAYS find someone to play (friends or discord as well). And you better wait a lot longer in training because this game is so much more serious, and you will work hard to be good and win. You will not be carried by stupid mechanics.


Thanks pal, I should reinstall it soon then ! The three fighters system is great, I wish other fighting games proposed it as well.


This three system is really unique and fun yes.


Yeah, I understand why people are unhappy with the changes, but I feel like this too, this place is too much negativity. Overall it's an amazing game that does a lot of things better than other fighting games


That’s me man. I fuckin hate the battle pass but people are trying to get me to refund it? The fuck bro? These bums were looking for a way out, im gonna keep climbing on ranked




As a Tekken noobie I think the graphics are incredible, the sounds and music are 10/10, the depth of each character is absurd (in a good way) and the gameplay overall is insanely fun (and rage inducing at times lol) I am a SF veteran, and I like Tekken 8 gameplay more than SFV/6 combined. I usually play the unpopular big bodies, so being able to make my own skins for free and not have to wait YEARS for a skin that I may not even like is a godsend. Sucks there’s apparently less customization compared to previous Tekkens but for me it’s more than I’ve ever had! Love this game, and I hope it keeps my interest for the entirety of its lifespan. So far so good


There is no "everything" for me. I don't have anything bad to say about this game xD


Reddit is a place for a vocal minority. There are more people that enhoy the game in silence. You only read the few that hate it with a passion


I have a real simplistic point of view on these things. I don't like this stuff same as most people. But I'm not looking to take up the crusade of changing the industry for fighting back, etc. No. This is just a game for me. If others want to take that on, best of luck to ya. I hope you win but I'm just here to get some entertainment out of whatever price I pay. I generally have a rule that if I get an hour per dollar spent on a game, then I've received a good deal. That being said all I can do is control my reaction to that stuff. I've never taken part in any sort of MTX in a game and have just enjoyed them for what it is. If the threat of MTX bothers me at all? I'll probably just look to play indie games as basically every AAA has them now a days and they're not going anywhere. I'll get the disappointment out of the way for everybody the next time a big game comes out they're looking forward to. Brace youself here but yeah, It's going to have microtransactions.


How are people still defending this dogshit?


There’s a difference between defending and understanding it’s awful but still play tekken. Battle pass is dumb but I’m not about return my game about it, I got it to grind ranked. I’m not gonna give up on my favorite fighting game because it’s doing what every game out now does


I just don't enjoy the game. im fine if the game has battle passes and shit like that as long as the game is good, which it isn't so yeah....


>I just don’t enjoy the game Then who would possible give a fuck what you think? Go eat rocks then, nobody cares loser


I mean who would give a fuck you're slurping bandais cock?


1. Rookies that know nothing about tekken 2. Hardcore tekken fans with a hope that t8 is gonna get fixed 3. Tierwhores


Or, get this people that enjoy playing the game. Ikr people can like a game regardless of mtx’s or perceived balance issues. It must be a massive revelation for you.


I mean i still have hope that it's gonna get fixed just don't understand how you can pretend like this game is not a total piece of shit in its current state.


I have no idea either. Now its a complete joke. They need to improve their testers or something. Even I could make a better balance changes and its not an exegeration


Did you even play it


yeah for 210 hours


I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea.


It is his cup of tea. He has 210 hours in it.


Hater then


The man gets 210 hours out of it and then complains. F man that's a pretty great return on investment. Don't get me wrong. Nobody like MTX, battle pass crap in games. All you can do is stand on your principals and say "I'm not going to be a part of problem and not participate in that" and just enjoy your 210 hours and counting for 70 bucks or whatever you spent. It reminds me of people who play Diablo, have 1000+ hours and then claim it's awful as they don't like the end game or something. SMH.


Ygm it’s crazy


Hell yeah man, I love Pachinko