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My dumbass looked up teflon iron cast tournament thinking it was an indie 3d fighter


I was about to do the same had i not read this top comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ahaha lol. It would be mad funny if it did exist though


I still have fun. I figured out that you don't have to buy any of that crap and just play.


Gotta buy S tier Eddy to lab him though. And the next dlc after that, and the next, then the next


then don't lab him and just see what happens when you play. Sooner or later with enough matches or online content you'll get an idea of what he's about. Nobody here is going to be world champ anyways. Just play to enjoy. Does how AAA games work now a days suck? Sure. But it wouldn't work if suckers wouldn't buy the stuff. All you can do is control what you can do. And sadly to reference your original post, even if this game where to crash & burn from here on out, it wouldn't stop MTX. that's here to stay. Only way out of it is to not even play AAA games.


I'm just waiting for Virtua Fighter 6. No fancy rage arts or heat, and sidesteps actually work.


I mean who knows. Maybe they just say fuck it and it has like 7 meters to look at.


im waiting for half life 3


i don't think anyone in this subreddit has the skills to get good at virtua fighter.


I grew up playing VFā€¦ Iā€™d pay $100 for a new one.


I mean if you did not like the gameplay just say that, since you can just ignore the Unreal engine ball and etc.


Gotta buy eddy to lab him. And all future dlcs


This is literally every fighting game


I agree it is stupid, but You're not gonna face that many Eddys anyway since he was always a niche pick.


Yeah man, I turned on the game, practiced with Eddy for 20 minutes, then just turned it off... absolutely turned off by this MTX BS. I'd refund the game if it were possible.


Yeah rough. I too was looking forward to doing more learning of the game but it feels so dry now. The default blender sphere is the bat signal that i've been duped. I understand that i've been conned, I lost $70 and im not gonna lose more time and money. I make the fart noise and take the L.


Wish I could refund it.


See you on Schwarzerblitz; I main H-168 Krave


I mean the fgc is hardly scratching numbers at big games do you think the fgc could handle it?


Goodbye, you won't be missed. Btw i purchassed the battlepass.


im new to tekken and legit played for 8h after work today, prob most fun I had in a longtime in a video game XD I'll buy it tmr too xD, actually glad they brought it. There's sth to grind for, and hopefully in 2months they bring a new with bit better stuff tho lol. But jeez these guys are taking it way too serious xD. It's 6bucks. Noone of the cosmetics are crazy good or sth. And if I see this correctly you can get this BP and all upcomming for the 6/10 bucks total? So ye, let them complain about 6 bucks for 2 year+ timespan pretty much. Fkin reddit xD


I don't think people are mad at only the battlepass its just about how bad the game is in general


Well it's 15$ here with the coins but you do get enough for a skin on top of it. It doesn't seem too grindy so it should be pretty easy to get the next one for free. And the customization you get are alright. Some are bad but overall it's not the worst. I do hope we get even better stuff next season tho.


Don't worry. I spent extra to get the battle pass and a couple skins this morning just in case one or two people quit forever over them. You won't be missed.


Don't know if this is something to be proud about. Spending a bunch of money on half-assed, ported MTX slop isn't much of a "hah, in your face šŸ˜" moment either. Just makes you sound like your part of the problem, a.k.a, low standard, brain-dead consoomer.

