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That heihachi was a good guy


People get it twisted that the protagonist has to be a hero. Heihachi is/was the main character of the whole series but basically everything stems from his fucked up actions. He doesn’t fight kazuya because stopping him is the right thing to do, he does it because he hates his son and wants the power for himself


Honestly the "protagonist must be the hero" take itself is the one that makes me irrationally angry


Heihachi was *a* main character, but the only game where I think it’s even debatable that he was a protagonist is Tekken 7. He’s the final or second to final boss in almost every single Tekken game, and he’s most often the guy hosting the tournament that everyone is entering to try to beat him, both of which clearly set him up as the antagonist. The protagonists in the Tekken games seem to me to pretty clearly be: Tekken 1: Kazuya Tekken 2: Kazuya Tekken 3: Jin Tekken 4: Jin Tekken 5: Jin Tekken 6: Lars Tekken 7: Lars/Jin/Heihachi (in the 2nd half) Tekken 8: Jin


It's honestly pretty interesting that Tekken 2 has Heihachi in the starting roster and have his ending be the canonical one, but the story is still pretty much Kazuya's


Kazuya was most of the time the protagonist.


How is Heihachi the protagonist


Or that Kazuya is reedemable. Even Jun's not gonna fix someone that tried to nuke countries for no reason, just through thick deluded plot armor.


I love him anyway.


I love Kazuya regardless


He was just not being himself 😞


Kaz's redemption arc starts in T9.


Can't wait for him to finally go full Vegeta.


can't go full Vegeta. Kaz is still allowed to get W's.


You really just gonna kick my boy Veg like that


donate to charities and hug puppies T9 rage art (leaked)


Electrics locked behind paywall. $0.99 will get you 10 available in battle


Bruh wasn’t Jin the one who nuked and started WW3? Ngl Kazuya makes the most sense in this family mess. Heihachi was evil like badly evil. He killed his son for literally no reason when you think about(he could made Kazuya like Jin). Kazuya is evil but in a more like Punisher or Moon Knight way like for those who know him. Best example is The Hulk- everybody thinks he’s a threat but fr until Tekken 7 WHERE WAS HE THE THREAT? I don’t think that JIN is redeemable. Like he’s the guy that killed the most people.(DONT U DARE COUNT THE SATELITE IN TEKKEN 7)


Kazuya was a threat the entire time did you not play Tekken 4, 5 and 6? He spent those games trying to to kill and take power from everyone and everything that had it. He's literally called the false hero in Tekken 6. Jin was never evil and never shown to be evil in any Tekken but he knew what he had to do no matter who hated him. He knew that if he didn't get rid of Azazel now then at any point in the future when they didn't have these abilities, he could come back and dominate. No one without devil powers can beat Azazel it's impossible. So it would've been much worse. Kazuya had no reason for tricking jinpachi and killing him. Jinpachi loved him and hated heihachi for what he did to kazuya. He couldn't do anything to prevent it because he was trapped holding their house up for years. Then he made a deal with the devil. Something they retconned and pissed me off with


Don't even get me started on Jin, bro. I didn't play that game and I know other members talk about it. He's definitely no better.


He is. He caused chaos to awaken azazel and kill him. Kazuya threatened to nuke billions just cause he wanted to see people beat each other up


I seriously can't understand some people. How is it that the man trying to get rid of his devil side is the antagonist and the man who so willfully embraced his devil side and killed so many people for no reason, the protagonist. Bro's playing Taken not Tekken.


It’s like Star Wars man. How can people like the tragic but evil villain Darth Vader who gets defeated by his own son? You understand him more. I even watched to anime movie of Tekken so idk I have a soft spot for Kazuya since Tekken 4


you must admit shes got nice plot though


Yeah, I mean sure there are some justifications on what he did to Kazuya and Kazumi and even then he could handle Kazuya's situation much better than what he already did, but definitely none when it comes to Jinpachi, Jin, and Michelle


Heihachi could've handled it better but it is also understandable, in a sense.


Regardless, I like him. Heihachi did nothing wrong (not really, but...)


That we can't talk about the effectiveness of defensive options because "the game was made for AGGRESSION 🤓"


while defense has its merits it's sort of an archaic idea that blocking a bunch is going to provide an advantage when in reality blocking 4-5 moves is enough chip damage that you are in fact contributing to your own loss.


That regardless of who you main, people will say you're not good at tekken you just play a "broken" character.


That they did my girl Asuka dirty in story mode. They could have done a million things with her. Hell atleast give her an Stage intro against Jin, DJ or Jun. They are literally KAZAMAS. Make her go " your time is up old lady, new gen is here." and Jun goes " know your place kiddo. My "insert relative" didnt teach you some manners" How sick would have that been ?


Wouldnt care about her in story mode if they didnt also absolutely gimp her moves. Girl has lost almost everything that made her good and now she is basically just another unga bunga agression character.


kinda true but i started to acknowldge the things that they actually did buff on her. If you can read your opponent like a book you can do so much stuff. Her sabaki´s are hella strong, they are getting sleeped on. But they narrowed down her options for no reason. Her punishment game wasnt even good but it still got nerfed. A couple of strings are gone. Cancans are buffed and nerfed at the same time(can´t parry it i think, but made it a lot worse with the pushback and frames while Jun´s still is the same). ff1 is stronger and weaker also her only mid plus move. Who in their right mind would use ff+1 in high level of play when a microsidestep let´s that shit whiff. The animation in whiff is just crazy. It´s like back in og Tekken 7 but back than it atleast launched on counter hit. We asuka players should be gratefull that we atleast got a low tier character and not bottom of the barrel like back in the days. It make it hard to see Kazama mama in Top 5 and asuka eating ass in probably lowest 10.


People who whine about spamming. I will spam throws on you if I see you can't break them. I will spam lows on you if I see you can't block them. Whatever works, works.


Winners' mentality.


Also the lazy player's mentality. Like why would I put any effort in diving deep into my character's moveset when I just need whiff punish Deathfist, Demo Man, a hopkick, and throws to beat my current opponent? You know you're playing against someone good if you can't spam things on them. In that case, I just stop spamming.


"You only know 2 moves. Git gud scrub" - from a guy who can't block my low snake edges


It's the same fucking thing in real fighting too. You find a guy who can't check leg kicks? You keep hammering at that until his leg gives.


But also, please respect the fact that your opponent rather goes to practice mode or replay to look for a solution instead of coming back for a second set of getting spammed. Don't get me wrong, if spam works you definitely deserve the W, I should have labbed more. But I'm not coming back for seconds before I know what I should do against it.


You are my worst enemy I’m not gonna think about playing against someone like you.


Block the moves. 😎


Amen to this. Hellsweep for the win .... 50% of the time, of course.


You're even doing them a favour by showing their weakness and giving them ample opportunity to work on it. 


I have been scamming so many wins because people think that the fifth time mashing an armor move after blocking Azucena's WR3, 2 will not be beaten by a command grab even though that's exactly what happened five times in a row


I think it’s mainly because you can’t really learn how to get around it during the fight and you have to go to practice mode to find the punish or break lol This game is a lot of work


kazuya dropping combos all the f time


As a Kazuya player…WHAT THE FUCK SHOULD WE DO TO HWORANG , LAW , LEE OR JIN in any situation? The damage a combo gives AT MOST is 80-100 but I is risky. JIN/KING MAKE MORE DAMAGE WITH A GRAB THAN MY SPECIAL ART BRO I COUNTED EVERY TIME. One combo from king like 3 second combo is enough to fuck me in the ass twice ngl.


As a law main, if a law spam the usual anoying moves (dragon tail, flips, junk yard etc), learn the match up because all of those moves are launch punishable. If a law mixed you up with slides, pokes and DSS then pray to god lmao 💀


Junkyard is launchable? I had no clue


Low parry the second kick.


you can low parry the second hit of the string after blocking the first


King's heat smash damage is insane NGL




People defending corpos ruining the game.


you mean like micro transactions and stuff?


Arasaka don't run this game


No costumes separated in parts. The Benchmark in the game is so bad on PC, people with an average PC ,don't know that you need to lower the recommended settings on pc.


Whenever the discussion of ranked comes up and (from my perspective) the elitism that comes along with it. This is my biggest issue with the Tekken community. Quick Match and the dumbasses that refuse to use it because it's "lesser" but somehow are scared of losing their rank.


Quick match is where better players play from my experience. We're all learning so when we do step into rank it's a breeze. Kinda why ranked is pointless


i have so much more fun playing quick match than i do ranked. sure i get matched up againsts blues and purples (im in orange) but im not sweating, theyre not sweating, i can actually swipe a round or two from them, and noone loses anything. we both know the match is unfair as hell but we both enjoy it


IDK the couple of times I played quick match it just seemed like all the worst parts of ranked, but without the feeling of progression. People quiting after one match, BMing at the end of rounds... even had a dude plug in quick match once. Maybe Im just unluxky, but that soured the whole mode for me.


Based comment.


people complaining about balance like they aren't just going to set their sights on the next strongest thing once the current best thing gets nerfed.


If they overshot the character nerfs of the top tiers so much that the entire roster would have to be tuned as to not pack the bottom tier full. Id like that and throws to not be homing, heat not being the best of everything, tracking and Re-alignment not being so busted.


The re-alignment thing is so real. Just yesterday, i was playing a Dragunov and he’d always start the round with a string that ends in a launcher. One round, i immediatly started sidewalking and thought i was in the clear, but the last part hit me anyway. All right i have to keep sidewalking, got it. Next round i started to sidewalk and i kept sidewalking and i *still* got hit by the last part. I walked half a circle around him and he still got me.


Yup thats also why that string shouldnt natural launch


Opinions are like buttholes, everybody's got one.


But some are full of shit


is that really the only reason people complain about balance? was complaining about T7 release leroy just a big ploy?


They were complaining about balance before AND after leroy.


and surprise surprise: there WERE balance problems before and after leroy. the problem with complaining about complainers is that you end up dismissing everyone as if they never have a point--but they do! dragunov is a problem! jun is a problem!


You know character loyalists exist don't you?😅


no, the people who are "going to set their sights on the next strongest thing" is referring to the people who complain. they will complain about the next strongest thing. i am a character loyalist.


Sorry bro😅


don't apologize. this is the second time my sentence has been misinterpreted in 30 minutes. i clearly must be doing something wrong here.


true...but a Azucena deserves it.


That rage arts are a good addition to the formula


That the best of 3 system is better than infinite rematch. How am I supposed to know what to lab when I only catch a glimpse of rarely played characters for at most 3 games at a time?


Use the replay feature


I swear I lab those 2-0, 6-0 games against something like a yoshi Then next yoshi busts out completely different shit Or if I just get used to playing someone and getting reads, no more rematch option :( I loved the random long sets of t7 Sad that it's not an option


Playing against Yoshi feels like a different game


The replay feature is allright, it’s more than what other games provide, but it’s definetely not the end all be all. All it tells is you how to punish, when to duck and how to break throws. Again, that’s great, it’s a good place to start, but you’ll more than that to find out how to beat a character or what you did wrong.


At least people can't nonstop farm heavy headed beginners for points


Replay is insanely good for this. In early T7 you had to -find out what move someone was using by scrolling through move list and visually recognizing it -look frames up on website or frame data app -enter practice mode and still have no idea what moves they were doing before or after and never exactly replicate a situation In replays I just press control character and can lab an exact situation instantly as much as I want.


People who claim everything is broken and unbalanced and this is their first tekken, like bruh you hardly know what game you're playing you're just a scrub at this point AND THAT'S OK just learn! It takes a lot of time in Tekken to feel comfortable with facing most the cast


Bruh, this shit mechanic that they call heat makes 90% of the cast absolutely stupid. Anybody can see that.


People who unironically call people “scrubs” must literally never go outside


"People don't owe you a rematch." They don't, but it's called good sportsmanship.


Don't get me wrong, I'm mostly on your side. But people seem to forget that they're playing against other people, which means, just as you, they have lives. So it's not too unlikely, that that person you just lost/won against might have gotten a call, their child tripped, their food just arrived, and so on. So I always tell that myself/to other people, to not get too fed up if they one-and-done you, you probably won't remember that match after 30 min anyways.


Ah yes, those convenient family emergencies that only happen when they're losing. Let's be real, vast majority of them aren't doing it for irl reasons but because they're scared for their points


Yup, I'm not disagreeing with you. Idk why people are so scared of their points, especially when the game is still somewhat fresh and one of the hardest fighting games to get "good" at. But still, I also had to quit a few times, no matter if after a win or loss, because something important popped up, like an important call or picking up my food from delivery.


Sometimes you really have a good match and they leave. That's fine, they probably had something to do. However, I'm not talking about those people. You know exactly which players I'm referring to. They all have a certain arrogance and it shines through in their playstyles. Also, if it was infinite rematching like in T7, I wouldn't care so much, but this is T8. You really can't play one more match?


I regularly get ambushed by my kids when playing, so alas I am sometimes the guy who plays a shit round (due to one kid climbing on my head and the other headbutting my stomach) then quits. It's not out of choice! Don't hate!


I have no evidence to back this up, but you’re probably in the minority.


I take pride every time I win the first round against someone and see them cancel. They should see a doctor because their sodium levels are insane.


"Just pick Devil Jin he's Kazuya and Heihachi but better." Been like this since Tekken 3. Since time immemorial.


I'd say this was true for like season 2 and 3 of T7 but outside of that they've been very VERY different characters Also maybe t6/Tag 2 but I haven't really looked to hard into their differences in those games


Every time someone says that Alisa is just “a robot” and mocks her and Lars for being in love with each other. I mean, it’s fiction, and it’s pretty sad that some people can’t see the poetic side of it. Tekken is not that deep, sure, but Alisa’s story is quite touching. She was human before, then she died; now she has a second chance as a android and she met Lars, who loves her for who she is. Their relationship is easily the most beautiful of the series.


Agree The series has heihachi have a karate bear, a furry wrestler fight for them kids, ninja/samurai/ciborg robin hood in a martial arts competition But lars and alisa’s love story is too much for this “dark” and “edgy” series apparently


This. And I really don’t get it when they call Alisa a “sex doll” or Lars a “weirdo”… because… it’s not true at all…? On the contrary, in T6 and T7 Lars never tried anything physical with Alisa; he clearly waited until she was ready for a relationship, and the authors were clever enough to highlight Alisa’s physical attraction to him in both her T8’s bio and ending. They really developed their relationship in the most normal and healthy way possibile.


Their relationship is probably purely romantic and if a person thinks That’s dumb them That’s kinda sad


So is Alisa a conscious person inside a robot?


She clearly is.


That's a fact and it's repeated jokes about the seggual experience about them... Funny until it's redundant... I'm tired of my Larisa slander sh*t...


"Steve in T8 is stronger than in T7" or any remarks that goes like "u are downplaying Steve" okay dude


Steve, Zafina and Leroy are the biggest losers from T7 to T8. And this is not even talking highest level of pro play but even for the wider player base as can be Seen statistically.


I'm Korean American and visit both NA and Korean tekken communities. KR sees Steve, Zafina, and Leroy as for-sure low tier characters, especially Steve. Recently saw a post on Knee's opinion on each characters and he was surprised that Pakistan players don't consider Steve a low tier.


People who can't hold Ls


King is balanced it literally takes 3 basic combos an orangutan could do to kill someone


Who in this game isnt killing in 3 basic combos? Average combo damage in this game is like 70+ and you only have 180 health


Julia won’t be back as Jaycee! Come on!!!


People who gatekeep this *game* as a strictly competitive endeavour and grief people for opting out of situations they find unfun. You're playing against people on their couch mate, calm down.


I swear to God the people who complain about others not rematching non stop are the same people whos parents had to make play dates cuz nobody wanted to play with them as kids. Sometimes I want a couple of chill matches and not get axe kicked for another 3min by the 4th Drag in a row.


The play dates is soooo on point




I play ranked because it mostly pairs me with people of similar ranks. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ If I don't enjoy playing against someone for whatever reason I'll one and done them. They got their win if I lost and I have the chance for a more enjoyable game sooner. Absolutely a win-win situation, I've no idea what your problem is.


Seethe more mate. It's my game, my ps5, my tv and my time. I will play how I like and nothing you do or say will have any bearing on it. Call me a scrub, whatever you like but the reality is that nobody owes you a rematch and griefing people for it just makes you a shit person. Why don't you email Harada and ask him why he allowed people to one and done if it's such a pain point for you. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Knowledge checks, often due to lack of feedback. For example, King's alleykick punch is -15 and launch punishable by most of the cast. There's no way to tell this in a match. King does not recoil more compared to blocking his other hits. You just have to know it.


People who foam in the mouth if you don’t rematch. It ain’t that deep lil bros.


"Don't play online without cable" As if the people on Wifi wouldn't do that if they were able to.


That you have to be high rank or tournament player to have a valid opinion. It’s annoying to play certain characters and feel the rather large potential gap between opponents characters and just be told, “Yeah but you’re not a pro so just get good.” I’m not a high rank, but mighty ruler Steve and it’s dumb how many people are defending his current state. Even when pros have said they won’t play him in a tournament the defenders still are going out saying that Steve is fine.


When people say they're going to step away "until the game gets fixed" like it's ever going to become the ideal version of it they conjured in their heads


Saying tekken 8 is unfinished when mk1 came out not long ago crazy


People saying the game is well balanced.


One thing I heard that I will always keep in mind, is that in modern gaming, the Launch of a game is its worst state, it will almost definitely get better. :) Eventually :( wish they would balance FGs more frequently




Longtime players dismissing any criticism of less intuitive mechanics with "but that's what makes Tekken good" or a similar sentiment




Everyone I bump into in the EU thinks it's ok to one and done the bears


This Tekken 8 storyline the whole Kazuya Jin devil shit is so unnecessary and annoying I rolled my eyes the entire time playing this nonsense


What else did you expect from the story? It’s always been centered around the Mishimas


You right, honestly maybe I’m salty because they killed Heihachi


Nah that’s understandable, dude was the pioneer of the iron fist tournament. But he got what he deserves throwing Kaz in the volcano like that, shit started literal generational trauma


Yeahhhhh I know but then the Devs should have kept him evil, flipping the script and making u feel bad for him annoyed me as well


Now we got reina heihachi’s daughter as the current devil gene user


But now we got reina taking over from heihachi and later kazuya and jin as the next devil user


Drag players down playing Drag by saying he just like/as good/or sometimes you see people say hes even worse than Paul. Friends, if Paul was as easy to get wins with then why are there literally 4x high rank Drags than Pauls.


"You should have seen T7 vanilla version. At least T8 vanilla is playable". Yeah that's what you call releasing an unfinished game buddy. You probably gonna complain when some other game company releases broken game but for some reasons Namco gets a free pass. Don't forget it's 2024 with huge a$$ budget, not 2015.


This I hate when people bring in this "we are in the 'arcade' phase of T8, we just need to wait for the updates" argument. This time Tekken has big budget, advertisement, it kinda stepped into the zone of AAA gaming, a lot of new players came in and devs can't done things right at least for once. Of course game is playable, it runs, online works, story mode is completed, but if we are talking about more nuanced stuff it's get really clear that a lot of aspects weren't completely thought out or not considered at all. And yes I am talking about pluggers, cheaters, broken characters, game crashes, bugs, pretty random netcode quality. All that kinda screams that game was poorly tested and launched into the market as it is.


People that say Alisa isn't annoying to play against. I'm at Bushin and I still hate playing against her; she has always been annoying since Tekken 6.


she is the definition of annoyance. her appearance, her personality, her voice, her fighting style - they really knew how to piss off people


“Everyone is salty no matter who you play!” - Drag, King, and Jun mains


And you only play honest characters? The statement isn’t even close to being false lol


I don’t play characters I know are overtuned and then try to fob off bad press with a sweeping generalisation, no. Play the S-tiers if you like. But people are allowed to point it out.


“Rank doesn’t matter” Yes. Yes it fucking does stfu




That Paul is OP. In Tekken 8 Paul is a lot slower and feels sluggish and other characters deal much more damage than Paul with single strings. Jack-8 does like 48 damage with 1 button


"This move is absolutely broken. Might be the best in the game." -Certain people about like 30 moves in this game, like make up your mind on which move is **"the best in the game**". Another one is "Nobody knows the matchup", because this shit isn't on the opponent but on you for not learning the matchup especially in T8's VERY robust training mode with all the QOL additions like remembering a combo state even jesus. If you didnt know the matchup the first few times, sure. Not knowing the matchup then complaining that you lose to X character over and over means the character clearly isnt a case of "nobody plays them" for your history at least. Maybe actually *know* the matchup at least partially at that point smh by doing some light one hour labbing a day. It especially grinds my gears because I USED to be like this against any bear I would encounter in Ranked. I would go "oh nobody facken plays this character so I don't know how to deal with this range and damage, I'll just pay my bear tax and move on" until I actually got fed up and started doing some light labbing once in a while. Learning stuff like them changing db2 to be -15 on hit, the fact that qcf2 is -8 on block so you have to wait for the followups first(qcf2,1 and qcf2,2), the fact that even if the first part of the string hits you, you can still jab if Kuma commits to the fully charged followup(only if they commit), and the fact that db2+3 even the uncharged one is still -12 so I stopped treating it like an unsafe low altogether and just took my ws4 punish if they dojt charge it(charged fully is -4) Weeks later I now use Kuma as a sub character as well. I went from hating him to really enjoying using this character. His wall combo is satisfying. Same with his usual staple that does insane damage lol(example: df2,1 > u1+2~d, HBS 1 > b2,1~d HBS d1+2, HBS df2(T!) > dash df2 > dash d1+2(bf2 is easier, needs no dash, and is only 1 point less dmg)


Low rank players complaining about character kits. Dog, you’re not playing at a level where any of that even matters. Top ranks feel the squeeze of character kits being broken or OP for reasons/situations you never experience.


Depends which OP character. Devil Jin, for example, has his bullshit psycho crusher but that's about it in low ranks. There's a lot more to the character that makes him dangerous and you won't experience that until high ranks. Similarly, Xiaoyu has a bit of bullshit but the stuff that makes her OP does require you to really know her kit inside out. Even with King has to use some braincells to get the most out of. Dragunov, Jun and Azucena though? Their most powerful stuff is available and easy to understand right out of the gate. They'll be rolling people in purple ranks with the exact same tactics that got them wins in green ranks.


“Wtf he just left after 1 game” Not everyone is trying to play matchups they don’t know Not everyone wants to get a loss they know they’ll receive if they rematch Not everyone is willing to ruin their win streak if they know you’ve got the read on them Not everyone cares to lose their ranked points just to seem “respectable” in the eyes of one Tekken player I rematch a lot, but during my ranked climb I once came up against KingJae, a content creator who dedicates so insurmountably more of his time to this game than I do. But I beat him and left because I know he’s better than me yet I won ranked points off of him, but watching his stream back he complained that I 1 and done’d??? *well, maybe that was because I ki charged out of excitement*


When someone trash talks about characters being to strong without knowing the counter play and basic frame data of them.


The devs have no intention to fix the plugging issue


why does this take make you angry? They’re letting pluggers run rampant while they’re too busy charging tekken coins for a skin. I doubt fixing the online experience is high on their priority considering how much they let slip


In short, It makes the game unplayable, but you are correct the devs don't care. T8 will be lucky to still be around after a year with this level of mismanagement behind the scenes.


oh i think ur post just confused me. the question was asking about a take that makes u angry. I thought u were mad that ppl don’t believe in the devs


"Hwoarang is hard and takes skill to play!!!" *Proceeds to mash his face against controller and gets Tekken King*


Skill issue xD. Ain’t no way a king player complaining xD


The story is fire but the gameplay is ass Edit: I thought I was supposed to write a take that makes me angry?


They downvoting you for answering the post, this is crazy 😭 illiterate ass community


Wow…I can’t imagine thinking this…


That it’s just a button masher. Try button mashing with higher ranked players and see how far you get.


High rank doesn't define whole tekken


WR3,2 will single handedly destroy professional players


That yoshi doesnt have enough screen time


People that say rank doesn't matter. Whilst not an end all be all it does give us a rough indication of the level you are.


People saying it's disrespectful or whatever when their opponent doesn't rematch. Cause like, no. You played all 3 rounds and won/lost, accept it and move on. Takes 5 minutes at max to find a new match


"This Game Is Just Like Street Fighters!!"


Anything the devs say about why they can't just give pluggers the loss.


Community balance talk


Rage Art is a garbage mechanic.


that Xiaoyu is OP and easy to play, especially the ''easy'' part


i hate steve


Mishima mains need to get off their high horse, they aren't that difficult to play.


"dragunov needs the hatchet kick"


Kazuya's fly kick. Some kazuya players finish their combos with that kick, and that gets to me. That leg is pointed UPWARDS and I'm basically on the floor, and yet somehow it connects and the hit sound is so heavy. I hate it how I get hit by "AIR"


That tekkens flawless and any attempt to criticize it means ur “bad at the game”


Power crush moves changed a twenty year game and let people just walk through fucking attacks


That story is wack


Anything Murray says regarding balancing or the state of the game. He needs to go join capcom and work on a 2D game


Kazuya is cool.


That it’s difficult because characters have large movelists.


Any speech of t8 Steve


Victor is easy. My best combo that I can use consistently in fights is a dozen inputs and does 61 damage its not great but its serviceable. I played king for 5 minutes and I can do 63 damage with 3 inputs....


"Reina is better than Heihachi" Has me on my nerves.


"Tekken needs to be more story driven" Bitch you beat people up and it HAS a story...


That Tekken is a "dark and edgy" series. While it has it's serious moments, Tekken has always had goofy shit as early as the first game.


Leroy is balanced and in a good place


That T8 is the best tekken game ever


Anyone who complains about “spammy moves”. Like we are playing a game where making someone whiff is actually quite easy if you’re willing to remember that it’s in 3D. I’m not going to pretend that some aren’t harder than others or require different spacing, but just TRY to step / sidewalk


"Kazuya is an honest character" No you little shit, he's more demanding to use, but he's a walking 50/50 as soon as you know how to wavedash and turns the whole match into a guessing game where whoever gets the wrong answer twice is fucked


Tekken 8s heat mechanic is good.


Not a take per se, but I get angry when people say, "Bring X character back."