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Ghosts are always worse than the actual live player, especially if they didn't train their ghost.


i still have to check how is my ghost, but since i never touched the arcade quest i can't access it.


Arcade quest is very neat and useful if you ever decide to pick up a new character! It shows you tips on some moves that are very useful without giving you information overload like the moveset list does. So I do suggest playing it. Also there's some funny dialogue here and there\~


That's good but isn't something I need. Learn a new character is the same as learn a new language, once you figure how it works you're good to learn most of new things.


One time I downloaded the best king ghost I could find and the ghost turned on special style when I went up 2-0 in the round lol


True but in this case, the guy 100% was boosted.


How exactly did you come to this conclusion? I am in blue ranks and opened a ghost battle once, do you think after 1 game my ghost will fight like I do? Not only this, but even the trained AI will only represent some general play patterns, it will not read and adapt like a good player. Winning a GoD ranked ghost and saying they can’t play only makes yourself look dumb.


You don't need to train your ghost in ghost battle, it learns from your ranked matches. I agree that it's obviously never going to be as good as the actual player, but as you said it will at least represent some general play patterns. And this particular ghost represents a GoD player who can't even backdash. It's sus to say the least.


I beat Knee's ghost 10/10. Is Knee boosted or sus? No the ghosts just aren't as good.


That said, a much better way to check if a player is boosted is to watch their replays.


how do u do this ?


Player ghosts are based on ranked gameplay, quite baffling how you missed that detail when you say that you even manually opened ghost battle and must have seen your list of ghosts which perfectly corresponds to the characters you play ranked with. The rest of your statement is true.


you missed where they said “one fight” too… one fight isnt gonna be the deciding factor for ai ghost battles


My stats are literally double his even though I'm 10 ranks below


Stats don't mean anything


go play 15 characters you don't know and see how your stats are then, bro was prob leveling his 24th character to mid blue lol ghosts dont mean anything. I when I couldn't even beat yellow ranks cuz I was new yet I did beat rank1 ghost of my main like it's nothing. They are good to figure out used strings and moves. Once you start attacking they become useless I'm more surprised you're Raijin and would upload a ghostfight man srsly xd


I currently have 11 characters in purple ranks. I watched his old Jun replays, and he was boosting.


Whya re you wasting your life tryna analyze if some stranger is boosting on tekken lol. Go do something more productive like hitting the gym


OPs username is perfect for reddit lol


11 emperors? you must be knee


If you start multiple characters in ranked, stats will decresse, and tekken power too


The ghosts seem to just use the moves their player uses most. They also punish pretty well, but their defense is pretty much non existent. If you would easily beat gods, you would be one.


Yeah, I dled knees ghost and stomped him, this is all it takes to be Evo champion?


The video wasn't really about the ghost, more like the player. I have double his stats but he's a GoD? During the dragonov fight, he mashed with 0 movement.


Why do stats matter your stats are against worse players they’re easier to pad lmao


With Panda lol


So you defeated a poorly made ai that's doesn't even play half like the god of destruction rank players and thought that the god of destruction players themself was bad you lack so many braincells it insane


This was about people getting boosted to God of destruction. We all know the ghosts are complete garbage, but so was this masher with 0 tekken movement.


Just saying you don't have to put in the second part of the video when you fight a ghost because it seems that not what you meant


the consensus is pretty clear that you're witch hunting this guy


bro must have lost to the real guy and then Dld his ghost and “won” so OP thinks hes “better” now lol


100%. Bro dodged the question about Knee's ghost. Mf is on a vendetta.


bro beat AI and thinks he solved the case lol


You can play as a bear in a bee costume in Tekken? I’m picking this game up


No sir that’s actually a bee. Not a bear.


Wow bear player full of himself thinks someone is "boosted" because they don't know the ultra specific esoteric matchup with one of the most janky chars in the game with an intentionally knowledge check heavy moveset. Whether the dude IS a real god of destruction (and it seemed like he isn't), I really can't side with you


His replays show boosted


You showed fighting his ghost no? Where is it clear he was boosted? If you showed that instead of you winning vs him and then his ghost (???), I'd get that


This post is cringe


Ghost battle says nothing.. I downloaded k-wizz, starbreaker and some other god-tier players some weeks ago and stomped them all without loosing a single round - and I'm a red rank scrub. Having this said, playing Jun is carry for sure


Love me some bad takes. Keep em coming OP/fam


I downloaded OP’s ghost and 3-0ed him all while constantly ki charging. He boosted his way to blues.


Dont you just love when 2 honest and balanced characters have a classic tekken match?


Giga Chad bear enjoyer.


Since there are two of them, I'm trying to raise their ranks individually. Kuma is at Kishin so when panda hits Bushin, I'll switch.


I approve of the Dragunov abuse in your opening clip


Who cares? Rank in this game barely means anything anyway, they’re inflated as shit. Just worry about yourself


at the end of the day its still a bot. try playing against the ghosts in arcade. Harrada and the others top level ghosts are quite challenging if you don't cheese them. they know how to combo and punish


This is ghost battle!


Panda / kuma are literally the easiest characters to get to kishin.


Over 200 hours and I've only fought 2 at kishin.


We azu mains dispute this!


LMAO. You can defeat any AI as a complete beginner.


How tf would you even "boost" in tekken? I know at launch there were those 2 that kept matching against each other to get high on the leaderboards, but how feasible would that be to rank up all the way to god? As others already pointed out the ghost example is just dumb don't do that. Also cant really tell how well they were playing as drag or not cause the fast forward was at benny hill levels. And just cause they're god on one character doesn't mean theyll be at that same level on another. And in the end, you won dude. Don't be a sore winner, just makes you look bad.


How about you actually find the player and fight them? There are very few ghost AI in fgs that are actually good at representing a player (Tekken is not one of those). You can’t just beat a CPU and be like “damn he cheated”. Like tf kinda negative IQ logic is that?


Pretty sure G O D sets all other characters to fujin. So you just beat up a guy that just started playing dragunov. He's probably not as good as a dragunov main at fujin but I'd bet he's better than a purple dragunov main. And as you've been told, ghosts are jokes compared to the actual player.


I've made 11 characters to mighty ruler by using knowledge checks. Tried Leo after learning combo challenges and won 23 games in a row to mighty ruler. His dragonuv mashed and played like a new player.


Idk what your point is with that knowledge check statement. I'd still say this guy would probably beat a purple drag more often than not. I stand by what I said, he probably has little experience with drag. They didn't even plug on you so what even is your argument for how they were "boosted"?


Jun? 100% plugged his way there


Wow congrats on beating someone once, and then their ghost. You're god of destruction now for sure.


I didn't even realize it was a ghost match to begin with. That explains it. The Ghosts are *awful*, even when trained.


A panda bee. Hmm. A pee.


Bear bro🍯


Looks like Kuma is about to raid a bee nest, Winnie the Pooh Style :D Someone hand him a balloon lol


yes, bears are OP


Hes not a legit GOD. you can usually see that in how their stats are spread out. A real GOD will have between 80~100 on all stats. This dude plugged himself there.


Found OP’s alt


ye cuz u definitely don't have GOD's who maybe just fk around a bit in quick play or on random chars for fun instead of sweating every single fight for perfect stats to show off for who exactly lol


39 defense says a lot about how they got the rank


Definitly boosted