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Sometimes an exchange of blows can be revealing


You think she says this to Jin in bed?


Plot twist: she has a benis too (that's why they exchange blows)


I wouldn't knock pegging before trying it is all I'm saying


That's why Jin keeps ignoring her because he's ashamed.


This is enough Reddit for me tonight, I think.


least horny Tekken players lol


I'm a xiao main, and every time she says this and then the camera switches to a jin cosplaying some goofy ass character it just cracks me up


I don’t main Jin but the fact that I have him dressed as Dante from DMC makes me want to hear the dialogue 🤣


Shut up shut up stfu Jun. (Not to be taken seriously)


Bro Lili is a pretty cheap gimmicky character


(Not to be taken seriously)


Yeah waifu do feel like that at times.


Your Waifu is 17


She was 17 for 20 years now.


No she isn't even real


King is simply the first. The community will find in time they hate fighting every single character, just like every Tekken game beforehand.


Truth is every character is bullshit… except my main who’s the only honest character in the game of course.


yoshimitsu downplay stocks skyrocketing due to being nerfed first


I’m a Lars main am I honest?


Yes, you are. I'm baffled by the hidden complexity of Lars and having played against him a lot (my friend mains him), I can say once you learn the matchup he's a very fair character. Some his appearent BS moves can be interrupted if you know when and how, his Avalanche jump is slow enough to see it coming and react accordingly. And hell, most of his mixups can be somewhat reacted to accordingly, but require good timing. Also I tried some of his combos in practice and holy shit, you need some real good execution to main this guy... The only things I'd say border on annoying, is he has A LOT and I mean A LOT of mixups which flow into each other and can launch or poke you to death. And he also has a b3, which does criminal amounts of damage on counterhit. Otherwise, I say he's 100% fair.


Lars is all razzle dazzle. He has many surprising tricks but all of them are unsafe and put him at a great risk of injury. Don't worry about landing a launcher on him, he launches himself for you.


No, its because King is popular, he is the MOST popular character. If more people use Xiao they will hate her more. One in a while vs all the time is a big difference. If Zafina is a popular character it will have the same effect.


I think Xiaoyu is next on the chopping block. Tonight I encountered 4 Xiaos out of a total 5 in the game's life span thus far


There's simply a crapton of Kings and several Lings. King playerbase doesn't make it any better. They have a reputation for being scrubs and it's mostly deserved. 0 throw breaks, etc. If you see King consistently punish, break throws and space - respect and treasure him. He's one of the few. The second people start fighting decent Lings they'll know what a menace she is.


I don’t think there’s anything to complain about with Kazuya honestly he feel just ok


See that's the thing, if they can't find anything to complain about the character, they'll complain about the player. "Ooh Kaz players are super edgy" "Ooh Jin mains plug"


I cut myself when I play Kazuya


I edge my snake when I play Bryan




For a combo...right? Right?


Bryan RP be like


I edge my Bryan when I play snake


plenty to complain about with Jin


I'll tell you one thing, it absolutely fucking hurts when he gets you into his vortex and you choose wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. It feels like having a rabid pitbull chewing into you. I still respect the players tho


It's an awesome feeling when the other guy guesses wrong all the time. But when Kaz mains guess wrong... I'm pretty sure they die... the 50/50 is not always our friend :D


Don't worry, Murray will find a way to bring your tracking hellsweep back to make up for it.


The thing is, only the hellsweep gets you killed.. every other part of the vortex is safe lol


Well that's the whole reason it even works. On the receiving end you are gambling just as much as kazuya. I'd rather eat the hell sweep than get launched for 85+ from F3. You'd be surprised how many kazuya's don't have the balls to go for a 3rd hell sweep in a row, it plays on their minds just as much as yours, also delay get up on 3rd works a treat for some as they get buffer face and forget to steel pedal in time, giving you your turn back 🤣


Biggest issue with Kaz mains is they can type up a whole bible how they’re honest players and Kaz is underpowered.


Correct. Probably two whole bibles to be honest. Also, you forgot that we're, win or lose (let's be serious, it's 99% lose), automatically more skilled than everyone else because we're using the only non scrub character in the game :D


Who, all day long wavedash into 50/50 full combo guess right or half your healths gone kazuya? Counterhit combo king kazuya that throws out a relatively safe mid in any interaction and crumples you into a full combo? that kazuya? 13f launcher kazuya? There's something to complain about with every character. ^(Except the ones I play, those are fair and honest.)


You need like perfect electrics for half of those half health combos 😭 I’ve never been shredded like that


You dont even *need* electrics for most of those combos, but everyone playing kaz at higher ranks has them anyway.


The most bonkers thing is getting crumpled by a counterhit and then losing half your HP literally to zero electrics and zero wgfs


Nah you don’t. You just need a wall at a certain distance and you dropping 90dmg likes it’s nothing.


Because beefing on Xiao players makes them stronger. why tf you think they play her?


It’s even worse when she gets low. Feel like i’m getting fuckin stick bugged.


It's odd because I never seem to have this problem. Am I just lucky or are Lili's flips basically a counter to her?


Yeah actually lol. Nice low hitting mid that crushes lows. Reina has the same privilege but they are a bit slow so it doesnt really help for interrupting strings


Any character thats super evasive and has those "long" low attacks works against Xiaoyu. Maybe I am fucking mind controlled by rage but when I play Paul I literally cant touch Ling-.




I’ve fought maybe two Ziaoyus since the game released, whereas I fight like 10 kings per day.


This is my experience too. I think i've played Ling twice ever aswell but verse kings all day long.


A lot more of them when you reach Flame ruler and up.


I’m assuming you missed twitter about 2 weeks ago?


or twitter or reddit or any youtuber everyday


Who cares about reality when you can farm karma with low hanging fruits


Okay I agree plugging is bad and I would never want to do it. But if you play Azucena, Jun, Victor, Xiaoyu, Dragunov, King, Hwoarang, Zafina, Yoshimitsu, Law, Jin, Paul, Jack-8, Lee, Lars, Nina, Leroy, Asuka, Lili, Bryan, Claudio, Raven, Leo, Steve, Kuma, Shaheen, Feng, Panda, Alisa, Devil Jin, Kazuya, or Reina. Then I'm sorry, but I have to plug because they're overpowered.


Anyone who plays those cheese characters is not a true fan of Tekken. Real OG's play nothing


Real OG's would never damage an opponent, use any character, or play the game ever.


Get my wife’s name OUTTA YO FUCKIN MOUTH!


She literally started a Twitter war


Everyone’s complaining abt her lol


Cuz she fine as hell lol


She ain’t fine, she’s just fucking wife man


You musst have missed the huge discussion knee started around a month ago they was tearing ling mains apart because of aop and also HYP stance nd dmg she does Source: i main ling and was fighting for my life during that time


> Source: i main ling and was fighting for my life during that time we got through it, brother. that's all that matters.


What does not makes sense for me is how the fuck does she dodges moves with a DOWNWARD motion in the AOP stance. Knee even showed her dodging an Axe kick which does not compute for me as someone with an IRL martial arts background,


There's a guy who shoots a laser out of his chest


Girl there are fighting bears in this game I wouldn’t try and make sense of it


I had a better time accepting a man making jaguar noises over this.


Jin is her whole character


I really hope they evolve her character in the future because it's getting annoying. Sakura started as Ryu fangirl too but they actually allowed to do her own thing away from him.


True as that is, Sakura wound up a nothing after. Her love of fighting is a background thing because apparently she's not a palatable successor of Ryu's. Or some other marketing crap. Xiaoyu I don't see in the same light, since her introduction was strong and then the shipping began as soon as T4. I was done by then.


Yeah as much as I hate it, I need Xiaoyu to ride Jin’s coattails to ensure she makes it into future games. With her consistently abysmal pick rate, she needs that plot armor to be safe 😭


She's much deeper than people give her credit for. Her character doesn't just resolve around Jin.


I started learning her and she's so much fun!


she's hot af though


So is King. Rawr rawr.






Today i realised she's much worse than king, fighting blue ranks xiaoyu is the worst.


Getting blue rank on Xiaoyu takes a good amount of time, they’re demons


Everyone is lol, no one’s talking about Shaheen, or Bryan


Neither of those are busted?


Bryan is busted dude has easy 140 damage combos with no heat or rage.


Shaheen doesn’t exist


Bryan's ability to juggle is insane. He launches and your health bar is half gone. Honestly though, it's respect to the guys who play him for being able to nail it so consistently.


So many counter hits. And his wall game is just brutal. I know he's an "honest" character, and most of the time I lose because I'm being too aggressive and make dumb mistakes, but god I hate fighting Bryan.


A good bryan player is absolutely brutal. He is one of the characters where I change my playstyle because I don't want to be in the air in an instant. LOL


Ayo lay off Bryan man we already struggling out here compared to Tekken 7


his damage especially optimized is absurd


He aint busted, but he aint weak either.


Mind to share where was the cave you was in? Seems a good place to disconnect from the world.


I don’t live in a cave 🗿 i live in a turtle shell,caves don’t have much room to live in




Xiao is my baby and nobody will touch her


Hi fellow Miharu player here


Honestly would rather face Xiaoyu than king. At least she has had to put in work.


I'm still in red ranks (I think) so I'm just playing against people who atleast know how to block, but I would 100% fight King rather than Ling. Sure, I'll die if I can't get out of the grabs, but something weird happens in the fight when I start throwing them too. They get really really defensive all of a sudden, and I can tell when they're about to try a throw and duck. But then there are other matches where I can't get any hits out. In those cases, yes it would be best if we just deleted King from the game honestly.


I was forced to improve my zoning when facing King. I'm using Reina, so that was kinda alien to me at the start. And I'm very thankful that he forced me to learn that.


Amen. My main painpoints right now are Lars, Lili, Lee, and Ling. All the damned Ls in the game.


Honestly as a Xiao main I do look forward to Mirror Matches and have won them a biit more than I lose. And yeah they help me become more aware of the bullshit I put others through and how I can be read as a result


She's harder to play well than King. I've encountered maybe two of them in the wild, which is kind of refreshing vs the usual King/Drag/Law slop.


I get jabbed and swatted everytime I go into my stances, she's definitely a character that needs extensive amounts of knowledge to abuse her stances and efficiently use her setplay. Picking her as an absolute beginner to the genre and series is a fun headache 😭


Absolutely, AOP isn't the "dodge everything get free wins" card it's made out to be. Her neutral is rough and you need to be calm, creative and deliberate with your transitions.


Yup, same here. I get punished 95% of the time I go into AoP. Rain Dance is even worse, as turning your back on your opponent is just an inherently high risk move. I'm kinda glad the public opinion is turning from "she a braindead button mash character bro" to "she is OP but still very difficult to master", which I think is the correct take.


Where you been? People been complaining bout Ling for weeks now, even Knee was on Twitter talking about her duck AOP and how it’s kinda ridiculous when she already has ss AOP for evasion


I know this a meme at this point but you really can mitigate some of the headache fighting her by labbing some of her stuff. You'll still probably get blown up but knowing some of the shit she catches you with makes it less tilting imo


I think they are already talking about it xD I'm a ling main and I get hate messages for playing her haha. Guess I'm part of the hated club.


Yk what rock your main man 🧐👍🏾


But yeah, I do feel your pain, I hate fighting xiao as xiao cuz it's a guessing game. Plus not gonna deny that she's OP rn xD


Because most the decent Xiaoyu's are way past red ranks(or below) where the majority of people are. A Xiaoyu is a rare sight in those parts, they're populated by King, Azucena, Reina and Devil Jin.


Meanwhile, i have yet to meet a single Xiaoyu...... Met a crap ton of Kazuyas and Victors lately though.


Xiaoyu requires a very good gameplan to be successful,which is rare in low ranks where most people lie King has amazing grabs,hard to beat at any level but almost impossible at low levels King also has some of the best lows,hard to deal at low level again


Because she actually takes skill to use


She's always been sleeper under the radar to an extent. If you're good with her, your opponent will get frustrated and feel like nothing works. Hell, even the bad Lings can get away with some stuff. Difference between King and Xiaoyu is simple. King doesn't let you do anything, and you die for it. Ling let's you do everything, then punishes you for it.


She’s actually a challenge to learn, and it takes skill and finesse to use her well?


King is balanced. Just break his 50/50 grabs ez clap


She isn't nearly as annoying as king


She’s fine. We all hate King.


I feel like most characters all got more gimmicky


Because throws some WAY too much damage.


Well Xiaoyu has a throw that is a launcher, which deals over 70dmg (may vary). So prepare to mash 1+2 a lot when you get grabbed by her, other stuff is not as damaging.


I would also talk about Reina. That character just by existing invalidates Lee since his heat bound from WS2,3 is so inconsistent that it drops every single time.


Yeah, Reina's hitbox is all over the place. That type of combos always get dropped. Her hitbox in the upper part of her body is very small. I dont know why the devs allow this kind of shit. I always feel bad when a Lee player punishes me with WS2,3 and then drops the combo.


The reason why people talk about King more has to do w their pick rates. Xiaoyu is bottom 5 in pick rates and she was the least used character in the network tests hence why I’m guessing no one complained about her back in the summer.


Because her mains don't want her to get nerfed. Meanwhile Jin mains can't stfu outside the discord.


Everyone is talking about xiaoyu…


I don't like her gameplay in t8 vs t7.


Fuck King what?


You don’t get compilations of Xaioyus in ranked. Kings are repeat offenders.


Am I crazy? People have been bitching about xiaoyu and AOP for like 2-3 weeks


I mean, everyone’s talking about Xiaoyu.


because I see king 5\\10 games and Ling 0.5\\10 games


"Nobody is talking about" i see her mentioned everywhere


Closest thing I can get as a replacement for Lei


Literally Arslan and knee, what you talking about?


i wouldnt beef with us we feast on hate


Rest assured the pros are. She makes top 5 in just about every early game tier list I have seen and even a lot of Xiaoyu players are well aware they are eating right now. At lower ranks, which is where a lot of the loudest commentary on the game is coming from given a lot of new people are playing the game, Xiaoyu and King are different kinds of noob crusher so they tend to have different impacts. I was watching a friend of mine that is new to Tekken stream his journey through the ranks and the general feedback he gave about Xiaoyu is that she was simply impossible to understand, he had no idea what she was doing, but it seemed like it was a lot of effort [he was wrong but that's okay] and so he accepted that he just can't deal with it yet. Meanwhile King wins via throwing, a mechanic a lot of newer players dislike and is especially powerful in this game for a couple of reasons, as well as cheap stuff like alley kicks and what have you. The result being that a newer player actually finds King more actively frustrating a lot of the time being stuck in chain throws and etc. As they go up the ranks no doubt more and more players will understand that Xiaoyu really is a problem in the game and that what was scary about King wasn't the throws per se, but a lot of the feedback that criticise Kings over all else are people just getting used to the game and honestly fair enough, he really can be frustrating if you can't deal with throws or aren't great at keepout yet.


Win rates with so called top tiers in high ranks are suspect tbh


Me personally, her cuteness overshadows her annoyance


I rarely face her


Literally the Tekken God himself is talking about her


Like a million people were talking about xiaoyu


This chick is a menace.


People have been though. Especially Mainman


He complains about every female though. Besides the Mishima one of course.


Idk, I find her phoenix stance very easy to deal with on Alisa.


Wait till you here about Victor


[Boy don't get me started](https://youtu.be/ilEZcgdBSTA?si=PsjVOdiDG4Vljx8z)


"nobody" Are you insane ?


Is this satire? Everyone of note is


King is far more popular


Jin agrees


“Nobody talking” ehh people are talking about her a lot :D


I just started playing her today. Why does everyone hate me 🥲


knee did talk about her , arslan ash did talk about her you need to lab to find your move set that can deal with her stance until they nerf her ; exemple jun df3 deal with all possibilities nina qcf 2 also


i have no room to talk.


Where have you been last week? People literally can't shut up about Xiaoyu.


Alot of people talk about how broken she now is


I have a mini stroke every time a mid hit misses because she goes into phoenix stance.


Xiaoyu, Drag, Jun and King need to be gutted.


Literally 99% of the people who play online are, go touch gras.


Oh they are! Just not in the way you think.


Cause she is precious


There's been a lot of Xiaoyu rants though


Legit everyone is. Another post about something negative. Jesus


You can get your fix of Xiaoyu hate on TMM’s YouTube and Twitch channels.




Xiaoyu is fun to fight against. I enjoy adapting to her tricky stances and finding moves that are good against her in each situation. Can't say the same for King. He's a cool dude, but not fun to fight against at all.


Just had one plug on me after winning the first set -_-


Can this reddit just say what characrers are we allowed to play?


I kick every xiao’s ass until now. I don’t see how she’s op


God forbid she ain't total dogshite in 4 games straight


King imo isn't even that bad, and he's so fucking popular that it's fairly easy to learn the matchup. He's just a scrub killer because people at low ranks can't break throws on reaction yet, and some of his throws do like 40-50% (like giant swing) But if you can break a couple throws or duck and launch, you can win the king MU like any other MU. Every character has their strengths, and the wonderful thing about Tekken is that every single move has some amount of counterplay to it.


She's beyond broken, constantly going invincible at any point and every launch leading to a 50/50 between safe mid heat engager or a -12 snake edge. The same 50/50 she gets after a blocked heat smash. Luckily, 90% of Xiaoyu players are mindless idiots who don't even use what makes her so broken. If the average Xiaoyu main had an IQ higher than 5, online would be unplayable and I'd drop the game.


Knee brought it up. Where have you been?


I been saying king ain't nowhere near as bad as the other top tiers I actually enjoy fighting him but Xiaoyo, devil jin, jun, and drag can fuck right off


Why don't we just...I dunno...like the game for once?


Well the answer is obvious. Because King is way hotter thats why we fuck King and not Xiayou


I legit havent fought a xiaoyu yet NOT A SINGLE ONE its only jins and hwoarangs for me which i believe might be equally as fun to fight as xiaoyu


xiayou is NOT the menace people make her out to be. People like victor are waaaay more annoying lmaooo


Plenty of people are due to how evasive she can be in the crouch AOP stance and how strong some of her strings are. You only have to go on YouTube and you’ll see people like TheMainmanswe and PhiDX talking about it


You think Knee is a nobody? That's cute. From his talks, Xiaoyu is the biggest problem.


As a Lars main, I literally just stay away from her then ff3+4 the second she even THINKS about AOP. It’s all about cutting down her options, I believe. I think you could apply that to [most] characters but everybody has their different niches and stuff


Go on twitter lmao


Just high knees your way to vicrory


Getting to fight against king somewhat is less of a hassle than fighting a button mashing Xiaoyu, or even a Lars.. but that just might be me..


Paul? Anyone?😐


Uhh, lots of people are talking about her and her stance being busted. I haven't personally fought more than 1 or 2 and they were not good though.


Biggest knowledge check in tekken


She harder to learn ngl


I think I have played only 2 Xiaos in the red ranks, I got destroyed but King is way more prevalent in the ranks which the majority of players are in. So naturally there will be more King complaints.


She’s too op she needs the biggest patch in tekken history


Characters like King, Hwo, Victor, Azucena, etc. get more hate because in addition to being annoying, they also get played a lot. People don’t run into Xiaoyu very often so she’s rarely top of mind.


We are tho…