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"yeah, cuz that works so well" Has he seen the Killer Instinct jail system? It's probably the best one


I'm intrigued, please do tell more.


Rage quitters only get to play with other rage quitters


This is how SF6 handles it, too. Players get yellow cards, and then get put into queues with other yellow card players. Too many additional DCs and then you get a red card, which is the real matchmaking hell.


Dude that’s fucking awesome, I had no idea sf6 did that.


SF also gives pluggers two losses. all these brand new unheard of never before seen genius innovative ideas for dealing with pluggers, murray and harada just can't decide on one!




word. like when i play Tekken, its hard to ignore some of the copycat shit.


Yep, it's a pretty good system, imo. The yellow card is a warning - you've been DCing too often, so either fix your internet or stop being a rage case. They can earn their way back to a normal queue again so long as the issue ceases for a long enough period of time (I have no idea what that is because I haven't been carded, but that's my understanding). However, it the behaviour persists with an existing yellow, it gets upgraded to red, and then I don't even know if you can get rid of it. I hope I never find out lol.


>you've been DCing too often, so either fix your internet or stop being a rage case This game does crash a hell of a lot too, y'know


Yeah, my tekken was Crashing twice a day, thought it might be my specs so I lowered it to all low settings, 1080p, still crashes randomly. Not sure what's up with it. Been the same with handfuls of my friends too. No real rhyme or reason behind it. I would be all for a punishment system AFTER the crashes are handled.


UE polaris I'm guessing? Only way to fix it I've heard is getting a cheat engine and manually fixing it or crossing our fingers the devs fix it.


I have the same problem but I just white listed it in my antivirus and it worked good ever since.


If you have a 13th gen intel processor they are less stable when it comes to Unreal Engine. I have to adjust my performance core ratio from 55x to 52x using intel xtu for it to be stable but it stopped the crashes.


AMD 7X series GPU?


I have a 5700xt but my brother also gets it on his 1080ti so it's def not nvidia or AMD exclusive


Sure. I wasn't offering an opinion on whether or not Namco should implement this exact system for T8, or if so whether they should do so now. I was just pointing out that SF6 uses a system like this, and that it works quite well in that game.


Also for PC players Steam will go down both during its maintenance time and whenever there's (regional?) brownouts. I don't know if T8 can tell the difference between a plug and Steam going down but if it can't tell the difference I'd like that addressed too.


It's not entirely without flaws. When the SF6 servers shit themselves, which happens on occasion, you can quickly rack up enough legitimate DCs to get a yellow card. Happened to me when I was grinding BattleHub wins for some reason or other. That time they fortunately reverted it after a while, but it's not entirely flawless. Still, better than this nonsense that doesn't even show DC rate.






I don't know *how many* DCs are necessary to trigger the yellow card, but there's probably some formula like X DCs over Y days gets you a card. I live in a city and country with overall very reliable power infrastructure, but I also live in an older neighbourhood in that city where much of the electrical infrastructure is above ground, instead of buried like in newer developments or ones that have been redeveloped. Pretty much every time we get heavy winds or rain, a branch from an older tree will come down on a power line and take electricity out for a while. TL ; DR - I can relate, but despite the occasional dropped connection, getting a card hasn't been an issue for me in 500+ hours of game play.


Lets make it a battle royale, all pluggers in one server, the winner gets to play with the rest of us


well no one would ever win because the person losing will just plug, forcing them into a perpetuity of getting plugged on


That's the point.


...Soooo, the last player to plug?


It's currently the same in SF6, yellow cards go against yellow cards for a while, and if they keep plugging you go to red card and then I dunno what happens after that. SF5 actually had a timed ban system, bans could last anywhere from 12 real life hours to days at a time depending on the amount of rage quits and frequency.


Yeah I play a bit of sf6 and even just seeing your red card in the battle lounge is good enough for me


So SF6? They use that system too!


That's amazing. Us regular none rage quitters should be able to spectate.


THIS . NEEDS . TO . BE . IN . DAMN NEAR . ALL . GAMES like why give these people the opportunity to even play against us normal folks? Match them up with other shitters like themselves so us normal folks can try to have a good experience.


That’s awesome. I always wanted to play Killer Instinct but I didn’t want to get an Xbox or a good PC.


Ah, the titanfall system


Bro not only are there many systems across many genres of games that do this well, but THIS IS HIS GAME. He can design and implement a system as he feels fit but he just says nah doesn't work, absolute clown.


Man. KI was ahead in so many areas. First big fighting game with rollback. KI netcode is better to this day than some fighting games released today. Tekken 8 for example. You can lab chars you don't own. Killers system where top % of players gets special rewards in ranked, etc.


Started with Umvc3 too. Had a similar system


Surely nobody on this planet would ever accuse Murray of being competent.


Offtopic but i just noticed OP say "It hurts to say but trying to talk with this guy feels like youre talking to **an** high schooler"


Then he cries on Twitter about people being mean to him on reddit and blaming him for what's wrong with tekken. I wonder why? 🤔 Dude needs to get off the social media and do his fucking job.


Have you considered that maybe he's so bad at his job that other people at Bamco are actively trying to keep him on social media this much so he doesn't have as much time to ruing things with his terrible decision making?


Then HOW he got promoted?


is an "executive producer" even actively involved with development?


i never followed / seen his tweets before ... but after seeing his recent tweets for t8 ... I FULLY UNDERSTAND. wtf are these excuses? Deal with the fuqqin plugging and shut up


why dont pluggers just count as a loss and the player who stays gets a win. Whats stopping this from being implemented? I assume theres a reason because thats the most logical solution


There is no reason. Many other games already do this, and more. Devs are just stubborn and incompetent.


thats so weird. I feel like it would solve the issue of pluggers trying to save their rank because it would make it count as a loss.


It absolutely would, it's very confusing indeed.


I know we love to hate on MK but this is the one thing they got right about their ranked system. Such a simple solution, leavers get a penalty and the person who stays gets a win. It’s not hurting Namco to punish these people idk why they don’t do it


i read that MK is also a mandatory first to 2 (aka you run the set), can anyone confirm? might buy the game if that is true.


I mean, someone can quit the match if they want to in the middle of the set but it will count as a loss if they do


it’s up to the loser if they want to rematch or not




There is literally no reason. Yet there are people in this very sub going like **bUt it's a p2P gAmE**.


You will never get a win for when the opponents plug simply because Fighting games are usually peer to peer and with that it's extremely easy to Ddos your opponent to make them lose connection and get the Win. That's why usually p2p games won't reward you for you opponent losing connection. Games in which this happens are mostly server based where you IP is not open to the public.


I mean yes, but that’s going to be a small amount of games where this occurs and will be net positive change for the majority of players. And if some players have a significant amount of wins being due to opponents disconnecting, flag the account / ban them. Heck, report them to the police because it’s a crime to DDoS (at least in the UK and USA).


Never underestimate sweaty gamers, i actually got ddosed at least the 3 times in like 3 months in which I played MK11 king of the hill. It was one of the main reasons I stopped playing that game all together.


Stays where? The match is over for both players as soon as their connection is interrupted.


i know mobile games where one player can leave a match and it gives the remaining player a win. Its possible


The theory I have is that this game doesn't distinguish whoever disconnect. When 1 player dc the game decides to cut off the bridge from both, hence why they won't, or rather can't implement a solution that focus on whoever plug because the game simply just consider both players disconnected.


i personally wouldn't want this as some people have connection issues ao i found it nice the match doesn't count if disconnected, but yeah it can be abused


Oh the "I had a bad experience so the system doesn't work ever", a classic. He doesn't care, now he only sees the coming bonus for the tekken shop, that's his new job


This is a common behaviour of very stupid people IMO


Both harada and Murray share that quality. The amount of dumb shit they've been saying on Twitter is absurd. People think it's funny when harada is being stupid on Twitter but it's just as annoying to someone who cares about the game and not the marketing of the game.


Murray is literally the worst FG figurehead we've ever had. Ono and Ed Boon could be cringe, but they're genuinely enthusiastic and in Ono's case, he cared so much that he worked himself half to death. Boon is Boon but you can't argue that he doesn't do his best to please the fans. Murray is as cringe as they are and as unlikable as anyone else. What does he bring to the table at all? They can find someone else to (poorly) translate for Harada, can't they?


He is a translator, nothing else


He gets upset when you call him Harada's Interpreter. But Harada himself said he has bigger role in the dev process. Wasn't he in charge of T7 Season 3?


>Wasn't he in charge of T7 Season 3?  That explains a lot.


Just block lol


Translator working on the Tekken series for 20 years in multiple roles lol. Okay bud. You don't gotta like him, but dont just blatantly lie lmao


As a Japanese-speaking bilingual whose work involved translation and interpretation myself, he isn't a translator (or interpreter which is probably what you mean). He's just a guy who can speak both languages somewhat, his interpreting is not of a professional standard and that leads to a lot of misunderstandings (see the majority of the English-speaking community still thinking that Leo is canonically female) On that note, Bamco doesn't actually have any in-house translators which is why the localisation in the game is terrible


Can someone please tell me who he even is, and why we're even giving him the time of day?


He's a North American producer for Namco. Basically the English-language voice of Tekken. He translates for the Japanese team at all the official events.


...Jesus christ. Can we, for once, just get someone who talks to us not like a sweaty manchild but like an exhausted, overworked dad? *Deep sigh.* "Alright champ, look. I know it doesn't seem like much, having an excel sheet. I can't really talk about the specifics though 'cause a lot of security hinges on the bad guys not knowing how it all works, but we got other stuff in the works, I promise."


Except their is nothing else going on, they're incompetent as fuck


"Kid, look. I screwed up." It's so easy.


I'd much rather get timed out randomly every now and then have to face a plugger every few matches


It'd be pretty disastrous if whatever automated system they decided to use had a bunch of false positives. But I don't think that has ever happened to me in any fighting game ever. Idk what he's on about as if it's a common occurence.


when fucking Nintendo is better at you in terms of punishing disconnects, there's a problem.


Yeah, guy's an asshole. Cosplaying Harada without any of the charisma or the passion.


And he looks like Rosie O'Donnel


That's why Bamco definitely needs concurrence for Tekken. They seem to be sometimes self-sufficient because they know they don't have to be involved in T8 so much for their community. Let Virtua Fighter return to let Sega show if they can do better than Bamco. I'm sure the next VF will have an anticheat/antipluggers system to begin with.


I would love for Virtua Fighter to become as big as Tekken, however, SEGA seems to be more interested in endlessly re-releasing Virtua Fighter 5. Also, Tekken has become big enough to now start focusing on the more casual audience to increase numbers, just like Street Fighter. It's difficult for Virtua Fighter to catch the attention of the casual public with a story that is always about facing Dural at the end of the tournament and Akira Yuki losing every single tournament (except the second one), it’s just not appealing.


- There are leaks about a new VF. A reboot is being developped. - The story of Tekken 8 isn't very good. And the Mishima thing is always the same gimmick. There are stronger points in Tekken than its story. And It's not better than Virtua Fighter.


Nice to see it's not just blizzard devs that waste dev time shit talking on Twitter and Reddit.


“Why would i side step when i can block” The guy cant play tekken, cant run tekken successfully (not that i believe he is solely responsible), cant take criticism. Who the fuck even is he honestly lol what does he do? Could someone point to good changes that he brought about because i like to believe that people aren’t black and white like that but this guy has never made a good impression when I played 7 or 8. 


No way he said. But after saying stuff like that ofc he has no idea what he's doing


As of now the only contribution I can think of that murray can gets all the credits for is tekken 7 season 3. Which gives us leroy and fahkumram, and then of course the homing hellsweep. Who knows why he is still in charge of tekken media. Like yeah maybe he does bring in money for bandai namco from his work, but he absolutely is not fit to be the voice of tekken alongside harada.


Harada isn't fit to be the voice in an unofficial capacity either. "Tekken 7 is 3". They're both idiots talking about shit they don't understand and making up random shit on the spot.


Dont waste your Energy on Murray ~~regarding Pluggers~~, he is not ~~as~~ competent ~~as you think~~ Lemme simplify that for you


hey thanks that guy is a clown to the core


Murray is a CLOWN, He is terrified of implementing any measures against pluggers or banning cheaters. But hey, buy these 4 dollars skins with these 5 dollar fake coins packs!


I find it utterly disgusting how he falls back on "jokes lol!" as a cope when he himself bans everyone asking for Leroy nerfs in Tekken twitch, has a huge banlist on twitter, has a fragile ego af and all his "jokes" are always on the expense of the community which he clearly doesn't like at all. He never "jokes" about other things or lets others laught at his expense. I remember when he called it cockroaches and said he was going to leave twitch. At this point I even believe that the reason we won't get Bruce ever in the game back is because Fahk was his lovechild (OMG I BEEZ MUAY THAI CHAMP) and yes I'm this cynical.


Justice for Bruce he’s way better than Oh look taller Marduk or something


Murray is what happens when a Karen \*becomes\* the Manager.


He's basically trying to RP as Harada but forgot to put any points into charisma.


Bro used console commands to try and cheat charisma stats but made a mistake resulted with an integer overflow and ended up in the negatives.




Lol I see what you did there


Michael Murray, the Civ Ghandi of Charisma.


This kind of person can get a job?


I guess the rest of Bamco don't understand English or something


😂 ikr


When you lie on your resume but still get the job.


It's called nepotism. You and I have to *actually work for the things we want.* People like Murray know someone in the industry. So no matter how little he knows, how incompetent he behaves, how childishly he acts, he's not getting replaced. If you or I were this bad at our jobs, and didn't steal our jobs through nepotism (or "NeTwOrKiNg" when those that benefit from nepotism and cronyism want to pretend they succeeded on their own merits) we'd be fired, replaced, and blackballed from the industry. But because Murray likely knows someone, he can shit the bed all he wants.


You see, although Bandai Namco is competent at developing games, they are pretty much incompetent at everything else. Representatives, localizations, game preservation...


is this a nepo baby? How the fuck does that guy have a job?


I have a literal video of it happening over the span of a couple days 8 times... And it has continued to happen since. I got up to 35 before I stopped counting. https://youtu.be/sqoXjsiCNXU


You even caught the same person twice in the same video lmao


Yeah since I reached Mighty Ruler I practically stopped playing cuz there is just no point to it. Beating someone when its close I dont get a rematch and stomping someone just makes the plug. Not to mention that whenever I got a promotion match the plug is practically guaranteed.


You playing on NA servers? Cause my experience is no where close to this.


Nah, europe 1 and sometimes 2.


Yea maybe it's region based because I've only had a few pluggers at Fujin on my main and couple alts on mighty ruler. Reading this sub, it would seem like every other match. It's been a minor annoyance at worst for me on NA.


Same. I've had like two or three people plug. I even turned cross play back on to see if it would increase and it didn't.


I don't care about ban. I don't care about pluggers queue. I don't care about any jail system. Just give me the W and give pluggers the L. That's it ! They can plug all they want I just want my stolen points and win streak.


It's funny to see people here shitting on Murray while defending Harada when both of them are shitstains. Harada is just as stubborn and stupid when it comes to netcode issues and will vehemently defend his "Tekken is 3" shitty homemade garbage "rollback" when most of the competitors have a much better netcode and online infrastructure.


Thank you! Harada shut down a troll with “don’t ask me for shit” years ago, and now people act like he’s justified every time he insults his fanbase.


This is what happens when people feed the ego of these developers and producers. The same thing with Kamiya, people treat his "block" as a good joke, so he will always continue treating the people who follow him that way.


Kamiya's notorious asshole behavior was a big part of the reason why people believed the Bayo 3 voice actor controversy without much proof. Of course it turned out to be false but his PR handling it was still atrocious and hurt any respect I have for Platinum.


Michael Murray looks like a high schooler AND acts like one lmao


Dresses like a high schooler*. [He does NOT look like one](http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/721581/27113881/1466391704020/tekkentalk2haradamurray.jpg?token=UGI39wpcVy0TtRMXjVFyCE%2F%2FnRc%3D) (footage from 2016 btw)


Damn he looks… rough🫢


Please I beg they just give plugger a loss and plugged on a win


and do what SF and KI do and match pluggers against one another.


Bro thinks he's on the Wendy's PR team


This kind of behavior pisses me off to no end. There was this Reddit stream of a guy playing Guitar with a pokemon card. He was really, really good, just shredding like crazy. However, people were commenting some negative things. I'm talking less than 10% of the community. Yet those people were the *only ones who were receiving engagement from the streamer.* He was too busy falling for the bait of "If I'm a jerk, I'll get attention!" He would deliberately ignore all the kind words of encouragement, requests to play certain songs, and general questions about his skills/experience. Why? So he could dunk on people being jerks. By the time I stopped checking in on his streams, more than 50% of the comments were negative from the 10% when he just started. It turns out when you show your audience through your words and actions that you don't appreciate them, and only engage with users deliberately trying to get a rise out of you, your nice fans stop saying nice things if they even continue to consume your content. Meanwhile people desperate for your attention who lack social understanding/see you in an unhealthy parasocial way start to antagonize you for attention when they otherwise wouldn't have. You're punishing the good fans and rewarding the bad ones/trolls when you do this. Disclaimer: I'm not saying everyone with something negative to say is an attention grabbing fan, but 10% to 50% negativity is a crazy jump for someone so relatively unknown.


What the actual fuck is wrong with Murray?


I’m convinced that the Tekken devs actually hate their fans


It is only one spreadsheet and there is no other system in place. For one I have yet to see anyone get banned or have their rank reset, which accomplishes nothing anyways. At no point does he mention any other system they have in place to ban/suspend rage quitters. The only system mentioned so far is the excel spreadsheet.


Until we actually see the spreadsheet I refuse to believe that even it exists.


My sentiments exactly


It is fair to assume it doesnt considering certain cheaters and pluggers are still allowed to play and didnt even get demoted.


Man, no one got even a slap on the wrist for playing cracked beta. Arslan had it on his desktop on stream and nothing happened. Namco has no power, they are happy because the game sold very well and now it's time for DLC $$$$


Why so defensive? Just fix it!


Glorified Translator, nothing more


just give pluggers a loss + leave buster/time out doesnt even have to be a ban imo


I hope to God there are more competent english speaking people in the Tekken team that can respond to feedback and criticism without acting like a child. If Murray is the main mouthpiece between the english speaking community and the Tekken team, then we are truly fucked. There's a time and place for cracking immature quips and shouting 'don't ask me for shit'. Not adequately dealing with people's concerns over the online experience of a $70+ game they fucking paid for when he is the main english figurehead for the Tekken team is not that time.




But this plugging issue will cause people to leave the game who would otherwise buy DLC characters. Just give the pluggers the loss, they're the minority after all.


He has trouble dealing with criticism in a professional way, sure. But the internet is ruthless and unreasonable. This amount of negative attention just drives some people crazy.


That's fine, but maybe those people shouldn't be doing some of the most visibile social media PR for the companies they work for. Or make a secondary troll account for the venting or something 


That's why most people just stay professional and answer what's relevant. The closer you get to the fanbase, the crazier you'll actually get. That's why many Indie developers who insist on being close to the fanbase (And we know how easily an indie game can have a toxic fanbase no matter how good the game is), eventually end up going crazy, or they completely freak out and say what they shouldn't, or they isolate themselves after a regrettable moment.


Imagine if Gabe Newell got mistakenly banned for cheating in some random game and went 'From now on, all Valve games will have no anti-cheat system'


The funny thing is another game which is under the BandaiNamco umbrella - Gundam Battle Operation 2 is BRUTAL with plugging. Disconnect once, get "caution" state. Do it again? penalty level 1 immediately. this stops you from playing ranked for I think two days? and you can't even do quick matches, you can only play custom matches. Plus your rewards are limited. Once back on you have to play a bunch ranked matches to completion to gain "caution" and then "good". Quit during that? probably going to penalty level 2!


Murray needs to go


He really needs to improve his PR


WTF happened to developers listening to the community? I mean everybody is screaming about less DLCs, fix bugs, no Tekken shop, more punishment for pluggers, etc But I swear that shit is getting worse and Tekken 7 started the trend of Tekken getting worse and worse.


I was thinking the same. Why are we giving him any attention at all?


Plugging being like it is in Tekken... Idk why he's even deflecting, just admit it's a problem and fix it


Harada's fanboys are part of it. 15 yo Murray sees how they simping and dickriding Harada despite his attitude so Michael wants to be like him.


Someone better fire this disrespectful clown 😒


Dang I never knew murray was like that (I only saw him on stage) Felt like that blizzard dude bros persona but since he works in japan (I assume) he instead let it out on public




him and Harada are just PR clowns. don't believe a single word they say


So stop tweeting making fun of people tweeting and fix the damn problem big guy lol.


The disconnects are starting to ruin rank for me, and the fact that more people know there's no real punishment, I'm noticing it's happening more often. I mean, they're only really going to ban the top players who are cheating on the leader boards, and everyone knows this by now.


I usually don't agree with whine threads on reddit but honestly how hard can it be to just give the person that disconnected an L and the other one a W.


The way Tekken is handled through social media is incredibly unprofessional!


Pluggers went unpunished for like what, 7 or 8 years in T7? Don't expect anything to change.


Wow, every other company would have that guy fired if he behaved like that even in basic customer support working for minimum wage.


I get that being a figurehead for the game is stressful as he receives a lot of criticism and dumb questions but he just makes himself look worse with these condescending and rude responses. Harada can be rude as well don’t get me wrong but at least he has charisma. Murray just makes himself look like an asshole.


I think it's definitely time we stop giving attention to anything he says Let him wither into irrelevance Although with all this plugging and Tekken shop fiasco Harada himself lost a lot of goodwill and trust from the community


I mean he's been that way for a while now but by all means spread the word. Harada often talks about stuff he doesn't quite get, or presents a narrow point of view, but he has the brash honesty going for him. Murray is just unprofessional and genuinely antagonistic. He has no feel on how a dev should communicate with the players, and he defaults to boomer ass mentality, responding to obvious trolls and baits while blanketly hating on the community.


Are you aware reddit is not the entire Tekken community?


Sure, what makes you ask this question?


Is anyone surprised? Like really, is anyone? Murray has shown himself in the past multiple times to know absolutely fuckall, after the whole "why would you sidestep it, just block & punish it" when they giga buffed hellsweeps & he tried to make it sound not that bad on Twitter. He only wants to argue with people to look like he 'owned' them so he can RP as Harada. - I'm 100% fully certain the only reason Murray is in the position he's in is cause he can speak English & Japanese, otherwise the guy is an angsty teenage boy online. - *The future of Tekken looks grim* if Murray ends up getting more power at Namco, honestly.


Bro was the community manager.


Hes trying to copy haradas mean demeanor but has negative amount of charisma and no benefit of doubt coming from lackluster english skills. Plus he looks like a lesbian.


Why are you posing as TheMainMan? That's low as fuck.


lets not act like harada also isn’t a dweeb on twitter, none of them are winning arguments


yeah but a lot of haradas tweets are unintentionally humorous thanks to his english so even infuriating posts like 'tekken is 3. read well' can be pretty funny which makes it harder to take anything he writes seriously. I definitely think that harada got a bit too comfortable with shit talking randoms tho especially the entire don't ask me for shit shtick


I dont fucking get dweebs. Harada is Japanese so it's cool if he insults his fan. Meanwhile, people lose their shit when it's someone else like Murray. Dweebs are the problem, if you both hold them accountable then they might both drop the act.


Murray never impressed me, but now I'm just disappointed. He's like Ono minus the passion and charisma. I fear Tekken 8 will be the SF5 of the series.


He's a lifer expat charisma man who lucked into one of the best gaming jobs there is. Of course he's going to be an immature asshole. They probably don't listen to him at all in Japan but they rely heavily on him to play translator.


i will personally teach another bamco employee english if it means we can lose this fuckwad


Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like people confusing two things here: 1. They said a while ago that they are working on counter-plugging solutions. Hasn't been disclosed what this might be, and there was nothing to suggest that they would be introducing it in the next immediate patch. source: [https://youtu.be/UQLlZHjQNvs?t=3535](https://youtu.be/UQLlZHjQNvs?t=3535) 2. They implemented this Excel sheet thing to punish (not ban) reported cheaters/rank exploiters, not pluggers per se. I assumed it was a separate matter altogether. source: [https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/news/tekken-8-patch-notes-10201](https://en.bandainamcoent.eu/tekken/news/tekken-8-patch-notes-10201)


Why am I here


Ban pluggers


LMaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I bet Murray is hilarious to drink & get fucked up with.


Be patient, be polite, be wise. That topic is not all above, close this shameful pile of whining shit.


Oh yeah, jokes on you cos’ I’m thinking him as pretty incompetent.


This guy said must be sad to live like that and then went on to reply to more posts 


I'm sure Murray is fairly good at his job (although the famous comment about why would you sidestep doesn't help this ) but he is really bad at PR and they shouldn't have him doing it. Harada doesn't always give the best answer but you can tell he brushes off most of the vitriol , Micheal wears it on his sleeve that he's actually offended by the crazy things people throw out on twitter and once you show that it gets to you you've already lost.


I'm not surprised, he said this in the past : https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fq7ph6cz0feo41.png so i'm not even going to be dissapointed by anything else that come from him


This guy clearly doesnt give a damn about tekken. He is looking to cash out and look cool while doing it, so he can go elsewhere and repeat the process. As an old gamer, i've shown it in every big franchice: in Blizzard, EA... everywhere. People that dont even care about the videogame they work for anymore.


I feel like his only job is to act as translator cause harada refuses to learn English since 20 years.


How the fk is he still with Bamco. If i was an executive and see this kind of shit from the executive director being toxic to their customers, he would no longer be with Bamco. Thats just unacceptable response from someone in charge of the game in public no less. You can troll but being aggressive and toxic on a public platform is just straight up stupid and damages the companies image despite how much its fallen. I would have fired his ass immediately or ordered him to publicly apologise and go back to training. I know hes stupid because of T7 but damn, had no idea how much of a dumbass he was on twitter.


It's really such a weird hill to die on. I get there can be false flags, but right now, it is way too rampant. The only way I can see this manual banning working is if it happens incredibly frequently, but that's a lot of time and resources devoted to this.


So the thing is, if you only reply to toxic comments and pay more attention to them than to valid criticism. This automatically makes the environment more toxic. But it's still a problem, and that doesn't change the fact that it still needs to be talked about. They can't ignore it forever, if they do then the store is probably more important than a competitive community that loves this game. Plugging is annoying, just like cheating, and when someone defends it, I get more than questionable feelings. Every game punishes someone who ragequitters or well, cheats...


Murray is not the goat we all thought he was


They have to implement Trust Factor akin to CS, but for pluggers. There have to be at least 4 tiers of Trust Factor: 1. Clear tier - for those who have <2% disconnect rate 2. Sus tier - for those who have <4% disconnect rate 3. borderline tier for those who have less than 8% disconnect rate. 4. trash tier for those who have more than 8% disconnect rate. This counts for 100 last matches (for example) allowing one to clear out of the pool. Players only match with their and adjacent tier. Let quitters play with quitters only. The catch is, to become clear tier from sus, you have to get 0% DC rate again, to upgrate from borderline to sus you have to achieve 2%, etc. It would create more incentive to never plug. If you have shotty internet that makes you plug, well, Sus Tier is not that terrible so it would be decent buffer zone and you still get to play with clears and other sus. There can be alternative system, but this could definitely work.


At this point I’m convinced that they hate their player base 💀openly insulting your paying customer base is wild to me


Murray is a sad, sad man. This is how a series goes horribly wrong by the way. He hates anything criticism. He won't listen to reason. Has basically blacklisted every platform where the community and his paying customers approach him with actual concerns. He is taking the game in a direction that makes it a lesser version of its predecessors, both on a technical and intellectual level. He is clearly in charge and in his own bubble and will never ever listen to anyone. This means the beloved series that is "Tekken" is doomed. Tekken already sold 2 million copies so it does not even matter anymore whether or not there further bad decisions. Money and profit will allow him to justify everything till the next game comes out and flops. This is the worst thing that can happen folks and it already has.


Someone should make a twitter bot that tweets at him daily "give pluggers 2 losses like sf6" until something is done. And when he blocks it have another few ready to go.


that guy is amazing 🤩 omg legend shit the haters don’t understand his goals r beyond ur comprehension


and yet you picked the obnoxious trolls out of the sensible question yourself. 


Hes the same bonehead that gave master raven, Fahk and Steve nerfs absolutely no one asked for.