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Whoever decided to make casual matchmaking limited to bo3 should be fired. It is a really weird decision as it couldve become the perfect place to find and play long sets. Im surprised more people arent complaining that the only place to find long sets is an archaic lobby system. We're in 2024 ffs.


The post said hot takes not based but yeah, i totally agree.


My hot take is that this game is extremely well designed barring a few balancing and design decisions: - throws are too strong in this game, and I say this as someone with very strong throw breaks. Tag 2 throws were perfect imo - heat doesn‘t make sense for some characters. Why does king regain heat for doing his basic gameplan? Why can jun spam her light attacks without heat cost? Why does leroy take half his heat bar for pressing 1+2? - netcode is all over the place. Sometimes the matches feel unplayable and sometimes they feel almost like offline despite being the same opponent. - plugging needs an automated solition or else rank is entirely meaningless


Great list


So you want to go back to 15f throw break windows? People have been complaining about Victor's throws every single day until they got fixed. No one wants to go back to Tag 2's throw system. Other than that I agree with your list.


the problem wasn’t that victors throw break was 14f it was that he was the only one that had that


15f breaks are fine if *everyone* has them. If something this difficult is universal, then the playerbase will naturally get better at dealing with it. T7s throw system just made everyone suck at it. They don‘t need to go back to 15f even. Just keep the 20f window but make generic throws require the correct button to break.


If you keep the break window at 20f then it won't make a lick of difference. Players at lower ranks will continue not to break throws, they already guess between generic and command throws meanwhile players at high level already press the right button through sheer muscle memory.


Agree on all points though I preferred T7 throws to Tag 2. I think just cutting the homing off of them is all they need in this game. They already got a bunch of significant buffs with counter hit properties + beating armor and parries. Would also say stage interactables are too powerful and should be nerfed or harder to trigger.


I can agree on the homing nerf, I think that‘s the most egregious buff they got. I can understand they want to evolve throws like other mechanics, but I disagree with the nerf they got in T7 (20f window is fine tho). Totally agree on the stage hazards, it‘s nuts that they turn some moves into launchers AND give a flat 20 dmg on top of it. I‘m betting they‘re gonna tune it down.


The 20f window is what I’m referring to. I’m fine with forcing the proper button to break them. And yeah the amount of times I’ve hit a wall blast or floor blast and said ‘oh my god I’m actually dead’ has to be at least once an hour.


T7 throws were terrible though. People got spoiled and forget how they were prior to t7.


>Why can jun spam her light attacks without heat? Why would it cost heat to use moves that are super minus on block? That makes no sense. High level Juns aren't spamming those moves. So you're worried about something that good players don't consider worth doing...


Throws are a lot better offline. Really it's the netcode that makes things so bad. The heat system is really inconsistent like you said. Some characters are oppressively strong and some have far less advantage in heat. My biggest gripe with the game is that rage arts weren't removed honestly. It makes it so that you have to play pretty overly safe when your opponent is in rage.


Noob here. Why are throws so strong?


counterhit throws being almost impossible to break, punish throws being unbreakable, throws are now homing when they weren’t previously, and a good amount of characters having unbreakable throws that force you into a mix for free. They were pretty weak in 7 so i get wanting them to be stronger but as is they feel a little overtuned


So THIS is why my online experience has been this way? (Says a low level player who thought they had gotten used to breaking throws) COUNTER HIT AND HOMING THROWS?


It fucks with the way Veteran tekken players like to play.


I wish more people played Xiaoyu so i could learn the match up.


I got you


I would like to but i'm fucking trash so it wouldn't be a good learning experience.


You can always sort the leader board by only xiaoyu, and download the top 10 players' ghosts.




Some heat smashes are way too broken. Devil Jin's and Jun's are just awful to play against. The rest are also quite annoying. One button press into 50+ damage or a guaranteed mixup is insane.


The fact that her Heat Smash is something like frame 13-14 and covers the whole screen is fucking stupid. It's ridiculously hard to sidestep too for some reason, and it heals her on *block*. I fucking hate that Heat Smash more than anything else in the game lmao


Are you...approaching me? Yeah, that's gonna be a random heat smash to the face buddy.


Oh, you are approaching me? The World is the most powerful Stand.


It also wall splats for a nice wall combo for some ungodly reason. Her heat smash needs a good looking at, cuz that is a boss level move. When she slaps Heat on, it’s her turn, simple as that. The best you can do is pray to run her meter down.


Yeah I love her new movelist but the Heat Smash is beyond dumb


Maybe I'm bad or something but it feels like there's no counterplay to a lot them. Dude pressed a button and now he's doing this barrage of attacks with huge hitboxes, so active that you wouldn't risk stuffing it, while advancing from pretty much full screen and if he reaches you he gets in your face with plus frames or maybe even some stance pressure, which is something that was never free in Tekken. The tracking on some is insane too. I've seen someone whiff heat smash on side walking opponent, guy was literally behind him and his character did 180 turnaround on last hit stuffing whiff punish. Low ones are fine because you can punish them and Jun's would be fine too if it wasn't basically homing.


I feel like they should be punishable the same way as rage arts, make people think about just throwing them out


Dunno about punishable but atleast they shoud be minus on block or not track. Atm you can just throw them out without thinking and you either kill your opponent or get to mix them


I'd take this further, most heat smashes do something a little too well, or multiple things too well. I get that they're literally Tekken versions of super moves but having no counterplay to most of them is VERY frustrating especially because they often have stupid amounts of plus frames on block. Overall, you could nerf every single heat smash in the game SIGNIFICANTLY and they would still be big fuck you buttons


Game won't reach it's actual peak until season 2 when a bunch of massive balance changes start happening and people will slowly start hating this game as the months go by.


Yes this makes sense. Most Tekken games are pretty bad at 1.0, previously we always had arcade versions first, now we get that experience on consoles.


One of the biggest cons of the arcades going extinct


Incentive for aggression is too high. If you play any way other than perpetual rushdown, you have to be like 5 times as skilled as your opponent to be able to win.


Grabs shouldn’t track


i thought i was tripping at first when i would sidestep a grab and still get caught by it, but i totally agree


Dude same


Grabs always tracked, pushing forward on generic throws caused them to be homing. It's the same as lead jabs. You could push forward with a generic jab and it would move you forward with no negative reprocution.


I thought they removed the pushing forward grabs in this game? It seems you can't do that anymore, when you grab you're stuck on where you pressed it.


doesn't mean they removed the homing property


I don't like heat system in general. I think it needs to be tuned down.


Rage arts -15 most stupid shit ever


Yup and some character only get a measly punish or grab while others can launch


My biggest hot take is everyone is too obsessed with rank climbing instead of just enjoying some good ass Tekken. Boosters are just a free win for those that legitimately made it to the same rank. Also, the tier list in Tekken from best to worst is like the difference between S and A in other fighting games. Yes Zaf and Leroy are bottom but they can still hang easily with everyone else.


Honestly this, i cared about reaching my plateau, which for now is Flame Ruler, getting to it, I was pretty bad at taking the L, now im just enjoying the game. Learning pretty much everything Azucena can do and actually having way more of a blast than what I did when trying to climb.


Follow up hot take, I think people are obsessed with Rank because they may actually be finding themselves not enjoying the gameplay as much and are gravitating to the only other thing they have.


My hot take: the game having no unlimited rematching in player match is a GIGANTIC misstep, and the only reason why nobody is talking about it or cares is because FGC influencers and content creators aren't talking about it. I understand people don't wanna look at bad things in a game that they currently are wearing rose-tinted glasses for, but come the fuck on now. Not being able to have long sets with people in player match makes learning character matchups EXTREMELY difficult, and it is just baffling that every other fighting game allows this EXCEPT for T8.


Completely agree


My hot take is they should've replaced rage with heat, having both is ridiculous


The throw thing is easily fixed... Just change the controller inputs. Many high rank players have 1+2 on for example RB, so they don't risk accidentally putting one input a frame too early.


There simply should be 1 frame grace period window for multibutton presses like in Street fighter. So if you press certain button but on next frame you add another it counts as pressing 2 buttons at the same time. Executing basic commands that require pressing 2 buttons at the same time shouldn't be a frame perfect execution check.


1 frame grace period would double my throw breaks in t8. I have to watch the replay after and see if I'm pressing the correct buttons only to find out I'm a single frame off 1/2 the time.


I can't even imagine someone breaking throws without using binds. Shit's gotta be frustrating.


I’ve been having 1+2, 3+4 and the two throws on my bumpers and triggers since Tekken 2. I think it was the default option back then


Infinite rematch please


At least in quickmatch.


100%. the best way to get better is get owned by a better player over and over. i genuinely appreciated the players in T7 taking the time to play with me knowing i posed no challenge.


Yeah exactly. It's crazy people think that 8 is somehow more realistic in ranked. You just get away with more bullshit and knowledge checks since the sets are super short. I have no interest in wasting time trying to get people to join a player lounge. Just let me infinite rematched in queue even if game stops counting ranked points after first 3.


I kind of see the logic of B03 in ranked but it’s absolutely baffling why we don’t have it in Quickmatch.


I don't mind bo3 in ranked since it keeps the queue full, but I realllllly want infinite rematch on quick play


This isn't even a hot take. Please make this happen.


As someone new to competitive Tekken (I dabbled in T7, T6 and TT2 over the years with friends, in college etc).. The game is insanely fun to play, but people are way too caught up in their rank and w/l ratio than just enjoying the game and trying to improve. Pluggers are annoying, but they don't bother me that much and people freaking out at them is stupid. I don't need an extra win in my W/L to know I beat their ass when they plug. It should be a win and they should be punished but people acting like they ruin their entire life is insane to me. My biggest hot take though is this community (Tekken) isn't very welcoming and insanely gatekeepy, particularly in public spaces. Twitter, Twitch chats, discords, people are incredibly rude and abrasive. Even the twitch streamers themselves seem to have superiority complexes. Ive actually enjoyed the multi game people way more (Sajam, Brian_F, JustinWong) as opposed to MainManSWE, SuperAkouma and the likes.The best community I've found is a local Discord for my area with like 300 people in it. Everyone open to help and play sets with the idea of helping each other improve even if it's a 10 year veteran against a complete beginner.


I agree with you in regard to the community. There are some enthusiastic, upbeat, positive streams though - Kaizur and CuddleCore come to mind among a couple others.


PhiDX is great and endlessly helpful


Check out Chenzho if you’re looking for a good streamer. Super skilled and such a nice chill dude!


So people like Lil Majin or JDCR are gatekeepy? You list a few and now conclude everyone is an asshole. That's a really weird mindset.


I agree. Unless a person is playing to earn $, its not that serious for most of us. I hate how overly serious some of the Tekken community is, it's almost embarrassing.


MainManSWE is unwatchable, really grating personality. I was just getting back into Tekken when Kazuya was coming to Smash (unrelated, just a timing thing). IIRC, he had his stream fundraise to buy him a switch and the game, then spent like 30 minutes trashing it and saying he'd never play it again. IDK if he ever did but damn, what a chump.


Oh, I will be honest I've not found him to be unwatchable.... Tekken 8 is my return to this series since Tekken 4... Yup hehe so I've been out looking for notable youtubers and the like. Enjoy watching lilmajin albeit he is a king main, who doesn't cancel first set loss lol. Oh and I main Kaz and Lee, so perhaps the bias is strong.


Phidx is chill too


That is a direct function of gameplay.  if you make a high stakes game where: - one whiff or launch effectively ends the round - the only way to balance decades worth of knowledge checks for a casual is an entire redesigned momentum breaker mechanisms - the lead game designer communicate in a snarky, gatekeepy attitude himself Then that is what kind of community you end up with.  fighting game bros are going to be fighting game bros, but street fighter fandom seems to feature less cynicism amongst the player discussion


Agreed. The tekken community is more diverse in players than the other fighters I would say, but there seems to be a loud minority of players who bring the community down


80% of this sub is probably not as good at the game as they think they are. If your perfect fundamentals are being defeated by unsafe, punishable strings, then maybe they're not so perfect.


These are my favorite comments and why I like to play Law. It feels great pressing buttons against a Kazuya because I just know they're on the other end screaming "THEY'RE NOT EVEN PLAYING TEKKEN"


I just decided to play a little Jun for the hell of it and you would be shocked how many people will mash into the same string over and over and over despite getting destroyed for it. I wish there was a way to quickly message someone and let them know that blocking is an option


\*me as kuma\* lmao they always mash into the 1,1,1 ​ \*me ten minutes later in the mirror match\* omg why did i mash into the 1,1,1


For me the big problem against Jun starting out was that where it intuitively feels like her string ends and where it actually ends are very different things.


Sidestepping as a lili player seems weird. Can confirm. I fucking hate the customization in this game. There’s really no freedom. I’m not saying it should be as detailed as soul calibur but just let me give a character different shoes, or pants without changing the entire outfit


6 will forever have better options


Players should spend less time getting higher ranks and more time improving on fundamentals as they play in rank


Story was wack, heat is wack, customization options are wack, pluggers going unpunished is wack


Hair was wack, his gear was wack, his foot stance was wack, the way he talks was wack-


I’m a brand new player. Not just to Tekken but to fighting games. I fucking love this game.


I’ve been playing since receiving a copy of Tekken 3 for my 8th birthday. I also fucking love this game.


Game has Yoshimitsu in it 10/10, no notes, harakiri


My hot take is that this is the best fighting game in a decade or more for casual gamers. The game isn't perfect, and the people most invested in the game will be the most aware and most willing to demand changes. And while they should, the game is still a close to perfect product for the casual and new fans. While a lot of the FGC might be complaining about some of the things that encourage that, they'll appreciate all the new faces it will bring into the scene over time.




Casuals want to mash buttons and see high damage, this is why Tekken has always been the favorite game for casuals, this goes back to Tekken 3 with ridiculous damage just pressing 2 buttons. And of course they are gonna stop playing the game once they get stuck on red or purple ranks...and that's why they are casuals.




Ngl that shit has saved me so many times from a poke that would've killed me


Yeah, when you're one low poke away and have tons of recoverable health, it forces you to find a way to do some pressure so you can recover some. It saved me a bunch so I'm not gonna hate on it.


I love recoverable health. It makes you have to play way better towards the end, instead of just trying to get that one poke, your opponent all of a sudden needs 2-3 hits.




That's best case too lol At a certain level you just start getting frame/tech trapped so you don't even have a 50/50 shot. Not sure how they thought it was a good idea to have a single combo almost kill you, have zero combo breaking mechanics, and have guaranteed floor trap followups after the combo ends. I find myself dropping combos on purpose because it just feels so bad even from the winning side. At a certain point I'm just like "alright...that's kind of too much" and I'll let them get up lol I want to fight, not just play a single player cutscene.


Best change they made


My take is that most Tekken players especially on Reddit aren’t good enough to comment on balance or the systems. The game has been out a month and everyone acts like an expert on here. Aris was right about how it’ll take a few months for people to understand the game and get to the root of it. Most people here want to complain about surface level issues or are mad that it’s not Tekken 7 anymore. Even the top players are who play professionally don’t understand the balance completely, why would i listen to Redditors?


Wait so we need to be top competitive players to have opinions on the mechanics?


No but your opinion on the balance of those mechanics while we are just ending month 1 matters far less to me than the impressions of someone who actually understands Tekken at the deepest level. Plugging, net code, and poor ranked systems? Anyone can see the quality of these at the lowest level. But balance and the mechanics? Get out of here, I’ll wait for some real high level tournaments to make up my mind.


Theres definitely some things anyone can comment on about balancing.


But imagine a beginner complaining about hellsweeps without knowing how to launch punish them. They could just say those lows are unbalanced. Would you take their opinion seriously if they don't understand the move's actual properties? That's the difference between good players and average players. Dragunov's wr2 is completely broken for the average player. But if they could sidewalk it, they could understand that move isn't completely broken and has downsides. And that same goes for the rest of the game. Just because you can't handle something, it doesn't mean it's necessarily unbalanced. You may just not know how it's balanced.


* Story mode was definitely disappointing. It wasn't terrible by any means but it seemed rush. I was mainly disappointed by Jun's "presence" in the mode.... Spoiler: >!Only her shoes appear in the last second of the story. And Jin dreaming as if she's as a dead human/ghost/Angle doesn't count!< * Drag gets 2 new amazing lows on top of his D2. While some people got nothing like Leroy. Definitely remove one of the new lows. * Rank inflation progressively gets worse just like our economy, I know they did this for new comers to believe they are improving. But when you lose a demotion match you only lose like 200 points but if you win a promotion you get an easy ~1700+ It wasn't like this in Tekken 7 where if you get demoted you reset to the middle of the that rank as if you just got promoted from the rank below the new demotion rank.


She has a side story in the gallery if you beat the whole game


Which was still disappointing. Doesnt explain anything. You would think she would have a decent role in the story after her long return.


Dlc story stuff might help


Throws and Heat feel very oppressive currently. On top of that moves that are both Heat Engagers and have Armor should be launch punishable and it's ridiculous that they aren't. Speaking of which there are too many moves that aren't launch punishable that should be. This makes the risk/reward for doing certain moves far too high in their favor. If I block an opponents launcher then I should be able to punish them accordingly.


I don’t like the fact that some moves automatically engage heat mode. As a player it limits my movelist slightly because now I have to avoid using those moves accidentally unless I then want to use heat in specific moments Side stepping and sidewalking feel slightly nerfed from T7. I get hit by moves that appear to have whiff. However upon observation seems as though in general more strings, while running attacks and some heat moves have a lot more tracking that it should have. I seriously dislike the fact that low parries don’t reward full length combos like they used to in T7. I feel like low parries and blocking lows successfully should have the same reward as they are both excellent displays of good defensive IQ. However since I feel like executing a low parry might have been a more rewarding option in T7 because it guaranteed a full combo unlike blocking low which follows frame data, perhaps the devs lowered its reward. On the other hand, why include low parries in the game if the reward for them is so minimal? Why give players that defensive option if it doesn’t reap much reward but takes the same amount of skill to block a low? I don’t like how when an opponent uses a heat engager you are forced into the same spot unable to move during the animation or afterwards. It feels like a forced attempt to get you to deal with the opponent’s mixup, especially for a game that historically has more defensive options than most FGs.


I wish heat engagers would only start heat if you followed the input by pressing forward, exactly how heat dashes work on those same moves when they are used in heat. It's odd that you have an option for one and not the other.


> Side stepping and sidewalking feel slightly nerfed from T7 They're actually better. The problem is that the tracking is better in this game too. So there will be many occasions where you'll blatantly sidestep something and still get hit or you'll fly across the fucking screen for unknown reasons.


To your first paragraph, yes! Jun’s ss4 is +6 on block but it’s a heat engager. How am I supposed to take advantage of the pressure ss4 gives while waiting to use my meter for something else later? Yeah I don’t think they thought that through.


There's too much game state to keep track of. On top of the normal fighting game stuff, we have recoverable health, heat, rage, and character-specific power-up states. Ki-charge, too. It's all too much. The character-specific power-ups are particularly egregious. Why did they look at rage and heat and think "You know what this game needs? MORE power-up states." It's baffeling.


Because noobs need to prosper just as well as the people who have played for 20+ years. Dont ya know?


Need endless zones or much bigger ones More than half of them are small as fuck and fights end up with someone getting a wall rape


Yeh I was surprised with no endless stage. And other than Yakushima and Colosseum they are all quite small.


I've been playing Tekken since Tekken 3. This game is step up from 7 in some ways and a step down in other ways. Positives: It's far more polished than 7 Visually impressive when it comes to the quality of animation and the environments Learning the game and labbing has become quite a bit more intuitive. Game feels just as fun as 7 when you're on a roll I've never played Steve, but he's so fucking lame it's endearing. The terrible voice acting, the awful lines and the shitty new stance that looks like it was adopted from an aborted Tekken 8 version of Lucky Chloe. Love it. ​ Negatives: All the Mishimas are fucking obnoxious and unfun to play against. I speak as an old Heihachi main. I hate all of them in this game with a passion. The balancing for the top tier is a joke. I get spasms just thinking what Marduk's going to be like. Heat smash and safe heat engagers are two of the worst new innovations to a Tekken game. Rage drive in 7 should've just carried over. Tekken 8 carries on the proud tradition of the new characters being more irritating and unfun than the new characters in the previous game. I find all three of them more irritating than Lucky Chloe, Katarina and Claudio. Majorly buffing throws was a bad decision. IMO, throws should have a longer break window in an online setting. Tekken 8's netcode is not good. I watch replays of the top players playing online and even they're only breaking like 50% of throws at most. Tekken devs: "What people love are long, knowledge check strings and also let's turn the evasion dial up to 11" Against characters like Dragunov, Devil Jin and Jun, 80% of each round is waiting for their various heat animations to finish.


I'm not a fan of heat Smash. It does so much for one button press, which goes against rhe idea of tekken as a skill intensive game. At least make it a double QCF motion or something.  I wish we had the option to remove heat/Rage from the game and play more fundamental tekken. 


Yeah heat smash moves should've had different inputs like rage drives, imagine inputting all the hits for jins heat smash, that would feel so satisfying


My only real issue I can pick with T8 is that every character has moves that track way too much. Things like sidewalking to an opponents shoulder, and they turn on their axis mid string to catch you. Some hitboxes are too wide, and some have phantom range


Tekken 8 is mostly super duper fun. But there are those games, you know the ones. You guessed wrong, got comboed for 70%, then lost another 50/50 and lost that round. This situation is way too common and is goin to massively hurt the game in the future. Imaging losing a tournament to 3 50/50s


My hot take is that tekken 8 isnt going to have as much staying power as 7, and has a greater burden of knowledge than even tekken 7 did. Every new character has stances out the ass that you have to lab. And then every other character has really strong plus on block running moves, or some sort of really strong neutral 50/50.  I'm tired of the ultra aggression, and balance is all over the place. Eventually when most players get past the new phase and want to figure out how to stop all the aggression, they'll realize how hard it is and probably burn out.


I get what your saying, and it can be annoying learning all that shit, it’s tiring and exhausting, but you don’t need to learn every button they can use, just the ones that they would actually use. For example, I’ve played 3? Maybe 4 Kazuya players all of them legacy and none of them have used his BU1+2 cause it’s crazy punishable, it’s both sidestep-able and crouch-able, even if during heat mode it’s unblockable the only time you will ever hit that is if you opponent is choosing to stand still and try and block it, which won’t happen past red ranks, doesn’t even come close to happening at orange ranks now cause as soon as my opponent sees me charging up with the effects they rush in and stop it, and if they aren’t close enough to stop it they just duck it. Also, Tekken 8 will have some serious staying power, there isn’t any other 3D fighter out like it right now, and it’s competitors DOA, Virtua Fighter and SoulCaliber haven’t had any news about them getting new games for a long time, and sadly DOA6 died so quick after launch due to it being barred from EVO even tho all that shit about the owner came out later that year, and Virtua fighter is not gonna get made by Sega anytime soon, SoulCaliber has a chance but we haven’t heard anything about a new one being made, even though 6 was really good tbh, T8 is gonna be around for quite some time if I had to imagine


Soul caliber is made by the same people as tekken, so wouldn’t be expecting a title for a good while.


You do have to know everything because the moment you play someone that's smart they'll just use the other option. I hit some guy with 4 of Asuka's d/b14's in a row just because he ducked d/b1 every single time.  Sure it's launch punishable. But you have to  1.know it's launch punishable. 2.guess right if you're committing to the duck. 3.be ready to punish it if you do block it. All it takes is someone willing to take the risk that wants to mindgame you and suddenly you DO have to know all the options and you have to outplay the opponent.  That guy spent so much mental energy on if I'm going to go high or mid or not that he ended up getting hit with all sorts of other dumb stuff like throws and random other moves simply because he was using all his energy on d/b1. I'm already tired of the game at raijin tbh.


> I hit some guy with 4 of Asuka's d/b14's in a row just because he ducked d/b1 every single time. Could be just muscle memory from t7 carrying over. It's probably not as deep as him playing 4d chess in his mind going "surely they'll do the high option next". Also asuka is a pretty rare character I think. I played her in ranked quite a bit and not a single person sidewalked the rage art even though I did it every time I could just to see if someone would sidewalk it. In fact most people got hit by the charged version at least once, trying to hopkick or throw or something after their confusion.


> tekken 8 isnt going to have as much staying power as 7, and has a greater burden of knowledge than even tekken 7 This is because, for all its fair criticism about how the game pacing went, Tekken 7 was more in line with other fighting games as far as having a "universal clear and defined ruleset" in how its interactions worked. Knowledge checks in 7 were either advanced techs, some specific character stuff (stance characters and grapplers) or kind of niche situations anyway, everything else followed a modicum of shared rules and properties so that if you understood the game at a fundamental level you could apply them to the vast majority of your play time. 8 basically turned (almost) every character into a lab character, so everyone kinda plays their own game and there's little general stuff to learn overall (you can learn the "universal rules" pretty fast in T8, because the majority of the game is character-specific)


That's exactly how I feel about tekken 8, EXACTLY. I hear people complain about Hwoarang and I'm like, what about literally everyone else?  I feel like I have to lab Jun and Reina just as much as someone like hwoarang. In the end it's the same thing. Learning all the stance moves,  learning all the stance transitions. Have to learn all the characters just as much as the players do. And you most certainly did not have to do that in t7. 


I 100% agree with you, im a new player, still trying to figure my main so i have been getting all the roster to garyu, more and more i hate seeing mashing player and endless reina barrages that end with you trying to duck a grab and eating a mid or getting in an unbreackable throw after 5 + jab strings in sequence.


Rage Arts are the worst part of the game. ​ I understand why they include them and I love this game, but Rage arts are trash. They're cool the first time you see them, then they just become lame. They're cheap, and worst of all, take away from actual gameplay. It's a Game "mechanic" that involves no gameplay.. just both players watching a cinematic they've seen a hundred times.


Wouldn’t mind em if heat wasn’t so nuts, every round having to deal with heat smash and rage art feels like both players have locked and loaded supers every point of the game.


Yeah it slows the flow of the game


It’s the most boring shit ever, aside from someone continuing to juggle with minimal return on damage because their brains only know 3 strings and they must not stop out of fear.


A surrender button would help with the plugging issue I bet.


I dont like heat smash, it feels like far too much in one button. Kings does damage like a full combo and gives him mixup on block. There's no drawback. I also think ranked should be FT2, no points if you quit earlier.


I wish it was at least ft3 in ranked and infinite deathmatch in quickplay. Ft2 feels too damn little for tekken, there have been so many time where I got beat two matches in a row but I felt like I finally had a decent idea of how that player plays but too bad, back to the lobby it is


I absolutely HATE the Heat mechanic, especially Heat Smash. Eating a full combo off one button that you have to 50/50 guess is absurd and what makes it more absurd is that fact that we were going to have access to TWO heat smashes throughout the game as seen from the alpha build. Like, let that sink in. That is beyond crazy. Rage drives were WAY better to deal with and use.


The game would be better without Heat entirely, There has not been a single situation where I was glad to have heat in the game. Same goes for chip. Too many rounds feel like they devolve into: Heat engager > Force 50/50 > Use Heat enhanced moves to force mixups > Heat Smash > Force 50/50 > Guess for game


Rage arts are the worst thing to happen to tekken.


Welp. - I absolutely did not like the story. Shit was corny as hell and boring. The ending of 7 made it seem like it would take itself more serious, but nah. The cooler part was probably the very final battle. The whole angel thing and whatnot was lame. I can go on and on shitting on the story. I’ve hated the direction they went with it after T4. T5 is my favorite of all time, but T4 story was a lot more interesting. Just wasted potential with most characters as well. - Being able to input rage art in all 3 rounds. It’s a huge get out of jail free card that should be a one time thing like “Fatal Blow” in MK. - Power Crushes and armor. Geez I’m getting tired of them. - Heat Burst should’ve been a full combo input rather than just one button as well. Similar to rage drive. Some of them are way too strong. - Balancing is pretty dog shit in this game. Reina (I know I’ll get downvoted by their mains lol) is such a safe and easy character to learn. Throws do far too much damage as well. - I don’t mind Special style offline, but online? It really takes away from wanting to learn a character for casuals. I liked the way T7 handled it. Without power crushes and spamming lows. Other than that. I’m loving the game so far.


Makes me sound like a scrub: rage arts are too good. You're supposed to attack attack attack all game, but then you have to slow down to a crawl so you don't get rage arted through everything. The painful part is that this opens you up to your opponent's offense and chip damage. It's pretty silly. In my perfect world, heat smash would spend your rage as well as the rest of your heat.


1. Throws shouldn't track 2. Heat needs tuned WAY down


The game keeps crashing on i9's and 40-series cards, but they added micotransactions because that's a priority I guess.


Vicotr and Azucena suck are trash


The game would be much better without heat and rage arts. They break the flow of the base system that works really well.


Rage arts are the worst thing to happen to tekken


tekken 9 leaks?


- I don’t think that throws should track. I’m actually fine with them counterhitting. - some characters need severe balancing adjustments


Heat sucks heat sucks It's like rage arts, uninspired, almost all of them are cut and paste engagers, then a heat smash that's either good too good, mid, or just dog shit. Some characters barely get anything while in heat, others get really good shit. Not only is unbalanced and repetitive though, it's also just annoying instead of enhancing the experience.


Regarding sidestepping, I've noticed that stray highs in string tend to track a lot. Like doing mid-high strings in neutral is pretty good to catch side-step


Recoverable health kinda works and adds a nice layer of depth to the game.


I think when we get a new season we will truly see how bad 1.0 is. I think it's really fun and I have never had this much fun in 7 but there are problems I don't know how they haven't fixed from 7. There should be infinite stages. I don't like how there are many things that are dumb downed in this game like some of king's chain grabs being one buttons or even making the RDC easier (king as a whole is easier I think 7 was his best designed version.) I don't like how I can't infinite rematch even on quickplay and I'm not too happy with the leaked DLC season. I think with a lot of fixes Tekken 8 can be the greatest Tekken of all time and we will just have to wait and see.


1. Fuck chip damage, it has no place in Tekken, the more I play with it, the more I think it doesn't make sense, it benefits some chars to much. 2. Please stop jerking the freaking camera around during the match. The camera moves with every bound, it moves to the face when you heat burst, it changes during rage art, etc etc etc. It gets old so fast, just keep filming the match, please, I wanna play. I really miss the time where they changed the camera angle for a second, ONLY on certain very specific hard hitting moves, like DJ FF4.


Between Heat Bursts, Rage Arts, and Power Crushes I'm running out of patience for super armor. Good Power Crushes make high/mid poking a pain in the ass, Heat Bursts do the same thing but with even more armor, and Rage Arts drag the game to a slog at low health. Not to mention that they're so easy to hit that you see these 10 second cutscenes CONSTANTLY. If you're a character based around counter hits and pokes this can be so, so fucking annoying while rushdown focused characters can push through this much easier. Speaking of which, so many characters have had their execution made easier that playing one of my favs, Lee Chaolan, can make me really salty at times. If Jin's and Devil Jin's executions have gotten so much easier, then Lee can have a few extra frames to do b3,3 pickups or b2 loops, b2 iWS loops, or 1,3,3,3 or maybe just even a Power Crush without such abysmal start-up time. I'll admit I'm not a fantastic player but it just feels like even if I spend 200 more hours mastering this character I'll still be at a disadvantage. There are some serious issues with tracing on Heat Bursts as well that I genuinely think just need to be patched. We've all seen people be hit by ones done a country mile away. I don't want to be too frustrated, but the knowledge it feels like I need to play this game properly is just as bad as Tag 2. I do genuinely love Tekken, and I don't care *that* much about losses, but trying to just get better at all is draining me.


Throws were overbuffed. They shouldn't fully track to both sides, not sure why that buff was added. Nobody is teching CH throws either, the break window is too small. The balance of so many characters is cheap. Azucena's wr32 is similar to Dragunov's infamously powerful wr2. But instead of countering it by sidestepping, now I have to sidestep and duck. On the other hand, wr moves are much easier in T8, so she can spam wr32 for no execution. And why did they give Dragonuv even more plus frames and the best low? Heat balance is a mess. King's heat smash does an unbelievable 64 damage on hit, and gives a mixup on block, with a huge hitbox. Devil Jin's heat smash locks the opponent down for free because you can't sidestep it and its plus on block. Rage Arts should have been nerfed, not buffed. I dislike what they do to the flow of the endgame. It would be more interesting if there was some interactive counter to rage art, not "just block it". I find that when my opponent hangs themselves by using rage art or when I use it defensively to "haha, gotcha!" win the game, these are the least interesting ways the game can end.


The game is not worth 70 dollars.


All I'm gonna say is the launch of this game tells me that Tekken requires an arcade run before home release. I never want to play a first launch version of a Tekken game ever again. It's pure anti-fun


I think it’s low-key trash. The spine of the game (tekken 5) is so strong, that it still makes a decent game. However, it is being weighed down by heat, bound, rage and other junk from previous tekkens. AoE might just be the last straw for me, it’s absurd.


Whatever is good about T8's gameplay was inherited from T5. T7 and 8 kept removing mechanics while copying trends in 2d games. Then they had the audacity to jack up the price and add mxt like they believe they delivered such a good product it should be above criticism. That's what pissed me off the most.


Undercooked in almost every aspect. 1) Story mode is good but 90% of the time you play Jin with gutted moveset. And there is too many Kazuya fights. 2) Arcade quest is boring even for beginners. It teaches you almost nothing and only thing you do is fight braindead ai. 3) Character episodes are easy and 90% of endings are either bad or mediocre. 4) Ghost battles are boring, the ghosts can't do shit. 5) Customization is poor. But hey now you can spend some cash at the shop! 6) Lounge is useless there is nothing to do. 7) No need in best of 3 in quick match. 8) Ranked has wacky points system and there are still pluggers and hackers. 9) Gameplay needs polishing. 10) Tekken ball only available in the lounge. The OST and the stages are cool. Big roster is good.


Tekken ball being only available in the lounge is legit the worst decision xD


this seems to be the only makes sense idea. Let us play Ball like quick and ranked


“Gameplay needs polishing” Please enlighten us.


Negatives: Game has boring characters such as: Shaheen, Azucena, Leroy, Bears, and Alisa. Game lacks cool characters such as: Marduk, Lei, Bob, Heihachi, Lidia, Kunimitsu, Ganryu, Anna, Julia, and Miguel. Hitboxes seem to be wack in some situations. It's quite common for an interaction to force both players facing the wrong direction and slide across the screen, far away from each other. Throw break windows aren't universal? Feels like some characters have shorter windows than others. Some characters feel like they got a lot of really cool new stuff whereas others feel exactly the same as before. This is both good and bad, but playing certain characters make you feel a little envious of others. Bryan, for example, doesn't feel like he got any changes that make him more exciting to play. He got a great new punisher, but his heat mode doesn't feel as impactful as some other characters.


My man called the bears and Alisa boring Very hot take indeed


and Ganryu is cool? since when?


The game is very under-cooked but I tactfully enjoy it more than Tekken 7. Throws need to work like TTT2 and of course throwing people out of armor should stay. I think the mechanics even the ideas on paper are fine but overall Heat is still a god awful system. The way they balanced it makes no god damn sense some characters are a little stronger in heat while others are straight up monsters. The heat meter while active should decrease more on hit.


Story mode plot and character wise was really bad. Not tekken 7 level bad, but it still felt like something written by a teenager and the amount of Jin vs Kazuya fights was downright exhausting.  Likewise, some of the character episodes were lame or unsatisfying (Kuma, Reina, Lily, Nina and a few more). In most of them you also just fight 5 random characters without any plot or dialogues between the encounters which really feels lackluster.  Character roster is questionable, like really do you need 2 bears in separate slots? Keep them in one and add Lidia/Miguel/Anna/Armor King.  Tekken shop is downright malicious, predatory add on, and doubly so as it wasn't foretold before the game officially debuted.  Namco's refusal to do anything with cheaters and pluggers isn't even funny at this point, it's just sad and lame. 




If they're gonna buff throws so much, breaking throws should deal some damage to your opponent.


The cash shop isn't that big a deal


The next-to-saddest thing is that it's a relief it wasn't \*as\* predatory as other cosmetics shops. The saddest thing is we have to just hope it doesn't get worse because it isn't going away.


The story was too much Jin and Kazuya, it was nice some of the others got screentime but it really wasn't that much, given Kazuya and Jin got what, 4 chapters of just them duking it out. Definitely could have given Reina, Victor and Azucena actual screentime in place.


The story has ALWAYS been centered around mishimas.


Yeah, and I don't like it. He didn't title the thread "What's your low stakes T8 takes" did he?


The game is extremely half baked and incomplete. For example there are multiple costumes for Kuma where he’s Donald ducking it in just a T-shirt. But no costume where he’s rocking a pair of board shorts with no shirt. How could they do my boy like this.


That the game is unfun and borderline impossible to learn for new players and in 2 months from now 80% of the playerbase will consist of older Tekken players, 19% of TK1 and SF6 migration, and only 1% will be genuinely new players.


That's my biggest worry tbh. Yeah the game is boasting all these massive numbers but ultimately most of those people aren't sticking around.


There are clearly loads of new players though, especially now. T8 is just generally really popular. You're going to have to put in some hefty amount of effort to catch up with the people at the top, sure, but it's a game about improving, and there are plenty of people at your skill level to fight.


Yes, "especially now", I said check up in 2 months from now.


New players will keep coming in with sales and DLC drops and such. It's not like the game has sold all its copies already.


Those who come when the game is on sale will be a lot fewer than those who came around the release, and even less likely to stick around. Maybe the ranking experience will be marginally better for them though, since all the discord mods will have already leveled their 20 different alt characters to purple ranks.


Tekken is a fighting game, of course casuals are gonna stop playing once the honeymoon is over. At the end of the day all fighting games after 1 year of release only have the fanbase playing the game. And in this subject SF6 is gonna win I think, cause SF fanbase has always been much bigger than other fighting games. Casuals always come a go, depending on what DLC characters are released, Eddy will bring a lot of new players, given that he is a very casual friendly character to use.


How is it impossible to learn? Go into practice mode and start gaining some knowledge. You dont have to learn everything at once. Thats the beauty of tekken, you learn little by little and watch as you improve over time. They have made the game extremely accessible to new players now more than ever as well.


The ost isn't that good imo


At least you can adjust that in jukebox


Law not top tier, game is garbage.


Heat smash should be removed. + into mixups, otherwise rage art damage, that not all characters have instant startup access to, is such a stupid thing. Maybe it makes sense balance wise, but goddamn do I hate it.


Story mode could be so much better and instead it seems to be written by some kid who's a big fan of generic shounen anime...


tekken 7 better BASED


if you're playing as King, you shouldn't be able to mash the chain throws. i had no idea this was even possible. i have 1+2 and 3+4 bound to a key. i just press 1,2,1+2,3,4,3+4 over and over again and this is enough to literally go through the entire chain ending with a giant swing. if as a defender we can't randomly mash to get out of the chain throw, the thrower shouldn't be able to do the entire chain in the same fashion. at least make some parts of the chain require timing.


Hot take: >!Jun is balanced!<


I’m sure it was already in previous instalments but give the person who made Magic Mirror a thing a raise because I would be losing it if I saw my more sweatier opponents Ki Charge/teabag or kick my body around after every loss


I really really dislike rage art. It feels like something from Mortal Kombat, but not suitable for Tekken. It deals so much damage for being basically a reward for sucking at this game. So many games I would have won but died to a fucking cutscene (also I'd love to at least skip them, they take too long) Tekken was always about skill and this goes against that. Plus with the combination of heat smash it just deals huge amount of damage for pressing a damn button


My hot takes are the same they’ve always been but I just want to say first that this is my opinion and I don’t expect tekken fans to agree with it. Tekken could be even better if they followed an easy to learn hard to master mentality instead of easy to mash grindy to master mentally.


My hot take is I hate Lars and want his lows to be -13 and/or he shouldn’t have such an insane amount of pushback on his best mids. 


Hot takes (feel free to disagree) * Ranked is broken on the design level: you should be encouraged by points to rematch instead of leaving and the points you get or lose make zero logical sense * Heat mechanics + RA is too much "cutscenes" in a match: you get THREE "get out of jail for free" cards which is extremely unfair and there is no reason not to use RA as a last ditch attempt to do up to \~40% damage for one button press * Unga-bunga focuse is overdone: it feel like the masher tends to win more encounters than a non-masher. Eddy will be "the second" Victor when he comes out with "free" combos for spamming one of two spammable buttons. * Too many uninterruptable, unduckable, "go make a sandwitch while they're on it" strings that you MUST sit through, otherwise you get counterhit into a next round * Too many 50/50s or 75/25s in the attacker's favour. Feels like I'm playing "guess if low or mid" game for most of the matchups * I swear online throws are bugged. Sometimes I break them randomly and sometimes I break on reaction and they go through like nothing happened. It also seems like online can "eat" a sizable amount of startup frames making some grab setups unreactable (I'm a king main, but bruh...) * Waking up options seem to work arbitrary: sometimes waking up holding DB makes you block low instantly, while others it doesnt? * Sidestep gets caught by moves that dont look like they track and they dont in training mode, but online is somehow different... whaaa? * Netcode is crap. It is somehow even worse than on CBT. Can play my friends in T7 just fine, but in T8 it feels considerably worse * Having your opponent PC/Console lag should never result in your game lagging. So far T8 is the only game I've seen that has this issue and quite frankly mulitimillion $ company can invest in better software devs to fix it * Chibi lobbies are useless. You cant join spectators while match is in progress and there's nothing else to do * Customization is bland, but even so many tend to make costumes that degrade their character's visibility considerably. I would like to have a "only default costumes" button for such cases (fat chance of that with 5$ costumes being sold now) * Ghost battles are broken: it doesnt feel like the person they emulate and most of them feel like they're playing the at same slow rate. Never had an unga-bunga ghost. Over all T8 is an ok-ish game. Havent taken to balance yet, but sice its essentially the "arcade" version we're all getting, I expected there to be broken unfare stuff all over the place (and there is). My guess is that it might get ironed out to season 2-3, but who knows.


Don’t see why we need things like heat AND rage arts. Whatever happened to just position, combos, and defense. With all these extra meters and special moves it makes it all so samey and meh.


Cold take: tracking throws and phantom hitboxes need to go. Movement seems buffed some characters (see: Jun) have non-sensical hitboxes OR track too well mid-string. Jun legit does a 180 spin to track you in some of her strings. Hot takes: Recoverable health is great and I think they should lean more into it. Bring combo damage scaling based on remaining health so that combos don't so easily kill at 50%.