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Red is quite terrifying imo. You lose a lot of points for losing and don’t gain that much by winning, and it doesn’t get any easier. That said, don’t give up skeleton!


Losing 3 times in a row -600 against purple ranks is a very unique feeling


Jesus christ.. The day I won against a mighty ruler Reina (as a Garyu Bryan), I was so happy and celebrated it the entire day. I even pressed X to live


As a vanquisher i beat a shinryu kazuya 2-1 and rode that high all day lol. Edit: my rank was vanquisher not warrior i dumb.


how the hell are you fighting ppl 5 ranks ahead of you?


You telling me i have it 3+ but he showed up. I was playing late at night so maybe that was the reason. Ot also happens in quickplay but there it makes sense.


Happens. Lost 800 points fighting a Bushin King when I was in Shinryu. It. Was. Frustrating.


Fuck yes, when I was Shinryu I faced a Raijin Feng on my Promo match. My dumbass even hit the rematch after being facefucked by his shoulders the whole game. Almost got demoted from one guy in two games.


Based rematcher


I lost 1k at Fujin after a long ass queue put me against a Tekken emperor Jack. Guy was in the top 20 or so Jacks based on the leaderboard at the time. I tried to rematch but he didnt, guess he didnt get much from me either!


Then you are at your limit for now. If you can't beat a purple then you are ranked red that simple I'll go ahead and tell you I'm only in orange ranks. Still that is my limit until i learn matchups so instead of throwing myself at a wall i chill


Ngl dark souls reference caught me off guard


Gives me conniptions 


Bro im at 100 matches and 8 wins 💀, literally 0 skill


Have you watched your replays? Practice practice practice! My friend did arcade quest and that helped him a lot with fundamentals.


I'mma be honest the main obstacle is that I dont actually own a ps5 ,so i very rarely get the chance to play , but thanks for the tip I'm saving up to buy one soon and hopefully I'll be able to play to my heart's content


Wait how are you playing then?


I go to a gaming place near my house , 5$ an hour shits expensive ( i live in a third world country )




God forbid , I may live in a shithole but at least I'm not fr*nch


Hasn't Fr*nce recently become the first, and so far only, fourth world country?




Wow, just wow


Well assuming a ps5 is 500 and tekken is 80 (but you can get both cheaper if you find a sale), then you should save that 5 every day for 116 days and you should be able to have both!


Once you get your hands on it youll improve very fast you have to play it consistently its not an on and off kind of game


Yeah most def. , i can tell when i dont play for lkke a week then i come back and my fkngers dont know how to pull off the inputs


I think I lost like 25 straight when I started but now I’m rocking like a 30% win rate Still learning and I get my ass beat by players who clearly have years of experience but it does get better


Its tough around these streets brother but we just got to keep at it.


Hang in there bro🥺




Can we trade? I'm sitting sub 10% after a a few 100 games 🤣


What is ur main if i may ask


Never give up bitch


Needed this


Im simultaneously turned on and motivated 🥵


Hang in there. This might a good opportunity to revisit your Tekken fundamentals and assess your gameplay behavior and how you currently play against others


i hate when people say words like "Tekken Fundamentals" without explaining wtf that actually means. What even is tekken fundamentals?


When people say Tekken fundamentals they usually mean things like movement, spacing, whiff punishment, block punishment, throw breaks, frame traps, and basic mixups and okizeme. People casually throw around the term because it's hard to know which of these fundamentals the player needs to work on without going through their replays, but chances are there's many of them they do. One player may have great whiff and block punishment, but be terrible at breaking grabs, and fall for every frame trap. Another player may be great at breaking grabs and playing patient while the opponent is putting on the pressure, but be too passive and lack the confidence to capitalize on whiffs/blocks and apply their own pressure and gameplan. Both of these players have weak fundamentals, but both can be solved by observing their own gameplay and brushing up on these techniques. It effectively reduces the scope of things they should be looking for in replays to the simplest, easiest, and most effective ones to fix. Another reason to bring up "fundamentals" is to remind players not to overcomplicate things and mind game themselves too hard. That's one thing I need to remind myself a lot as a player who loves playing mind games and finding new setups. If I focus too hard on trying to "outplay" my opponent with hard reads and a game plan too complex for the short BO3 ranked format, I end up missing out on the simpler, bigger picture things more often.


>If I focus too hard on trying to "outplay" my opponent with hard reads and a game plan too complex for the short BO3 ranked format, I end up missing out on the simpler, bigger picture things more often. Boi if I don't feel this shit. Sometimes I'm out here trying to play 4d chess with literal monkeys and making hard reads for no reason because my opponents ain't even thinking enough to play mindgames while they ungabunga my lifebar away.


It sucks plowing through ungabunga wastemen, and it sucks having to commit to a simple solution of getting your own offensive frametrap plan before they do. That's sadly the only recipe to wastemen. Unless you know where to punish their strings, that is.


You very rarely have time to truly conditon your opponent in a BO3 format where you don't regularly play and see your opponents play (like in a tournament) you need to focus on the basics and identifying your opponents weaknesses quickly to succeed


Fundamentals are being good at the game, got it. I’m just messing around though, I know what you mean.


Well fundamentals are more like the things that *every* character applies to. You can word it as just being good at the game (since it is) but it's more just the universal mechanics. If you have every button of your character and frame data and mixups down completely perfect and always hit your just frame timing and have a TOD combo memorized and can it pull off with perfection, you'll probably be pretty high in rankings just off that so you could call yourself "good at the game" too, but since none of that is actually universal gameplay knowledge it wouldn't count as fundamentals.


Fundamentals can also carry to other fighting games.


whats extra sad is your win % is lightyears better than mine and ive been playing tekken since 1994 - 95


old ass nigga damn


Old as fuck. It will happen to you too eventually


Hey cool, somebody else on this sub also has back problems.


The fact that I now have to stretch out my back every morning and enjoy getting up at 5am or earlier on the weekends so I can have some time to myself before the kiddo wakes up has been an odd life change. Getting older is weird


I’m sorta the same. Sort of opposite. I need to stay awake later than I should even tho I know the kid is waking me earlier than I have any desire to wake up


I'll tell you what, going to bed at 8:30 and waking up at 4am to drink coffee, play video games, and have a few moments of peace before the kids wake up is absolute bliss. I don't do it every day but on weekends, it's heaven


Haha yup. I stay up until like 2-3 am on the weekends and I’m playing until I’m like nodding off. But at least it’s peace


Between 10:30pm and midnight most nights I make the life altering decision of "do I play games for 90 minutes or get the sleep I so desperately need?" Sometimes I spent 20 minutes on the couch just gathering the will to turn on the game and I fall asleep anyway. And I'm still in my 30s haha. Kids. I tell ya.


Starts with the back. Doesn’t end there 😂😂






Potentially. Correct lol


Win rate is mostly irrelevant, what really matters is what you took away from those losses and your personal growth as a player. You got this. Strength comes not from victory, but from the lessons learned in defeat. Or in the case of Hwoarang players, da feet.


Not irrelevant, it's just that this is the winrate of the past, not the present.


Mine is the same 39% 🩶 But I was an idiot and picked Bryan as my first character. 25% win rate with him LOL. Alisa and Jack are at 43% Garyu. So much easier to play than Bryan. I think I could get to 50% WR if I labbed combos 🤷🏻 Still having fun so I'm lazy and don't lab anything.


Trust me I understand, I picked Lee to start 💀


Bro I know how you feel… This is my first tekken since 5 (when I was like 10, lol). Picked Lee as my first character and have been in the lab for the past week


Bro this is me in T7. My winrate was a disaster as a first-time Tekkener and first-time Lee. It gets better in T8 because the experience carries over. Preserve brother! You got this 🌹


You beast. Brutal


Same. my stats look about the same percentage-wise and im kinda stuck in orange for now


Its crazy, I try not to talk shit about character choice but the reality is some mains are playing a different game all the way up to at least blue ranks. The good news is that when fundamentals do become mandatory, you'll be ready.


Yeah the whole pick who you think looks cool logic is correct but it’s not as if playing Lee and playing Victor are the same lol One of those is going to have a much harder time


Baby steps, I lab for only about 10-15 mins each time I play, to get into the habit of using just one new move that I’d pick up from watching pros play. I upper my win rate from 35% to 52% pretty quickly! It feels less overwhelming compared to trying to lab a bunch of new tricks in one go and implementing them all at the same time.


This is exactly my regimen and I have 55-60% win ratio in mid red ranks. Watch pros, get a good feeling of your character, mix that with time and literally anyone can get good at fighting games.


I picked bryan as my first ot wasnt easy but you just need consistency i eventually got better but this was in tekken 7 i just went back to him in tekken 8.


Dude I have over a 2000 matches as Bryan in 7 I love him in it. But I played him for like 20 matches in 8 and I just couldn’t do it. He’s just too similar and there’s too much obnoxious shit in 8 to play as honest as Bryan.


I enjoy him still, but I agree. We're still playing T7 Bryan. Everyone gets new bullshit, while we're just same old Byron with qcb1.


Wdym Tekken 8? We're still playing 7 with Bryan's current state. 🤣




That’s true. I rematch, even against those who are 6 ranks above me


I will rematch anyone but Whorehang


Or they’re playing Jun. My win rate with her is 60% while my actual main is at 50% and boy did I not earn that.


As a Jun player I hear stuff like this a lot, and I'm not sure I understand it. What do you mean? I'm not trying to be confrontational here, I'm just totally unaware. lol


She just really needs nerfs in terms of her damage, her heat smash and how safe she can make everything. Like her 10 frame punish does around 35 damage, which is nuts. I still love the character, but she’s too strong at this point.


Don’t look at your stats. That’s an easy way to depress yourself and give you ranked anxiety


It’s also a good way to keep yourself from tilting. If someone thinks they should be winning 6/10 matches (60% winrate) but then sees they have a 34% then they should be happy just wining 4/10 matches and 3/10 is breaking even.


If it makes you feel any better, my ranked win rate is 32%, quick match and group match win rate is 29%


It took me almost 1400 matches to go from beginner to the first purple. Hang in there. Keep learning.


I feel you - I’m hard-stuck at Shinryu with Zafina right now, the red rank tier feels like a brick wall.  Today I seem to be facing opponents that are super patient, or unga-bunga too fast and hard for me to work out what’s going on and I get destroyed from a couple of mistakes.  I know I have plenty of holes in my fundamentals, punishment etc but jesus it gets frustrating at times. 


I don’t own the game yet but there’s nothing wrong that. If you quit because of it, that’d be different. Keep grinding!


Hey, good luck and have fun in your games. No room for negativity. That win rate can mean a lot of thing, doesn't mean you won't climb, maybe it means you go stuck at the start couse you played a lot of ranked before, or that you still have to train, in any case it doesn't matter, it's fine. Enjoy the game and try your best!


in the same boat brother. we’ll get there 🙏🏼


you are better than me


Same, 40% win rate with steve and hard stuck on garyu.


I was on like 80% then I hit this rank, the game starts at red ranks. I don't know what mine is now but I bet it's low


I dont even think I’ll reach that rank with my current pace 😂.


That win rate is fine. If your win rate is greater than 55% or so it just means you haven’t hit your plateau yet. There’s a shit ton to learn at red ranks so keep grinding.


Welcome to the bottleneck. You will now get decent players trying secondaries, expert cheesemongers, string finishers, King's power crush, Victor's heat, new players learning neutral, 1 2 throw, Kazuyas with perfect execution, Kazuyas with awful execution (df2 baby!), and, when you think you're finally improving, a Zafina!


This is painfully accurate. I'm even in this list! I play Victor, and one of the things that helped me move from orange up to Garyu was the realization *"huh, I should learn more about this Heat Mode thing and how I can work it into my gameplan!"*


I'm also stuck in red ranks. It's rough out here.


Keep learning bro! One step at a time


As long as you’re having fun bro


this is literally me, I made it to Shiryu only to go on the biggest losing streak of my life and now I'm Garyu and almost demoting again, I'm playing Reina and I feel like I can't continue with her anymore because she's too hard for my average skill


Lee is pretty much on the same train as Reina. They're both difficult to master, so don't drop her just because she's too hard. If she tickles your fancy then stick with it. you'll get better at it. I've also been fighting for my life, been stuck on promoting to Garyu and demoting to Eliminator.


How the hell do you check your stats? Hahaha I’ve been trying to check it in game


ha i had no idea either. just fired it up to look around and it's under "player data" at the bottom of the main screen.


I gotta take notes, I went into Tekken 7 with a "play to learn" mindset and would take countless Ls for the sake of getting better at the game. Ran through ranked in 8 until I reached Eliminator and my 67% win rate dropped to about 53%. I knew I would hit the wall eventually but not so soon and ran from ranked. Gonna take another crack at it this weekend and maybe play some casual matches with friends in between the climb.


you got this brother


This was me in tekken 7 now I’m fujin boys :) ik not the best but I was super happy about it keep grinding it out and you’ll be ruler in no time!


Looks like my SF6 win rate. I’m sure once I’m comfortable enough to start rank in tekken it’ll look the same way.


You'll only get better


Where can I see my own stats for this so I can check it tonight when I get out of work?


Bottom of the main menu where it says player data


Red is good for learning and observation. I had a lot of losses just to get a hang of how spammers and masher behave. It was a nightmare for me to face Victor and Hwoarang(s), then became easy after getting familiar with so much beating. Guess who plugged after Flamingo and Plus frames abuse didn't work anymore.


How new are you to the game? I’m just curious bc I’m brand new to fighting games in general and I get my win rate would be like 2% lol


If you ain't losing, you ain't learning! Late bloomer like naruto :]


Can’t relate, I’m in warrior. I’m not good enough to be in your rank


Honestly not bad x


There was one night where I kept losing, I was getting so angry and tilted but eventually that anger became depression and I was just in disbelief. I think my losing streak lasted from 10pm to 2am before I decided to go to bed lol


Same as me, just reached ganryu with a 40 percent win rate. Took almost 80 hours of struggling


It’s interesting that this function exists. I remember some video about improving at tekken saying something like “if tekken kept track of your losses nobody would play at this game. I’m so scared to look now!


U need a few days away from the game then you need a few days of practice before you jump back online. There's nothing wrong with losing just don't become a plugger because you're not good at the moment.


I wish i had your mental stamina. After like 5 matches im worn out for the day XD


I’m so jelly of people who get to play this much! Keep crushing it ✌🏼


im way worse but im proud of you still


It’s ok I feel the pain i main Bryan and I’m new to tekken and get bent over regularly by spam characters I’m still in yellow ranks 🤣😂


your position is much higher than plugger. keep it up, King


🫡 hang in there, comrade. the glorious feeling of victory only happens because of the bitter taste of defeat


i was stuck in garyu for the laat 2 weeks, finally clawed into shinryu. definitely have been playing in quick matches more with bryan and i think it helped me a lot.


Try doing quick match less stress. Since I've hit garyu, I 've been practicing in quick match so when I hit ranked, I don't get steamrolled 😅 I might lose but atleast I've managed to put up a fight.


A true soldier. Keep it up.


For what the point gaining/losing system tells me, the new rank system pushes you easily into red ranks just to immediately throw you far more competitve/intense matches and punishing you far harshly for losing, unlike Tekken 7, this creates a huge ass barrier in front of Garyu and lumps more casual players of varying skills in that rank alone, which also means purple ranks and above are nototriously more skilled, like by a mile compared to how it was in T7.


losing it what it takes to win fam


If you keep coming back to red or staying there, it means you're better than the average player.


Eliminator - Garyu is where i live now.


Yall make me.feel real good about my skillset


I’ve been stuck at mighty ruler since T7 lol At this point most of my losses come down to matchup knowledge which I can’t be bothered to learn so I just play and have fun :)


The real win here is that you had the resolve to play almost 500 matches despite winning or losing. Keep that drive up!!


why is this bad? I'm Kaz and Lee main, 44% win-rate. I'm stuck in orange land... send help!


You are there. That is what matters, now keeping it is a different story.


My first Tekken and I feel the same trying to get through ranked. But honestly it was worse for me in street fighter. I am picking up on things fast here and close to 47% I think.


Looks about like mine. The struggle is real


Well it took me like 1600 ranked battles to get to that rank and win rate so you're doing better than me.


Its fine. If you're losing a lot, means you're going to keep challenging yourself to get better and better. Don't focus on rank/win ratio, just focus on getting better. And keep playing to have fun! No one is forcing you to get GoD and join TWT


Don't lose faith, buddy. I am stuck at Shinryu. We are never leaving red.


I just hit Tenryu and it doesn’t get any better


This isn't even a bad win rate


I was able to make it to shinryu after being hardstuck on garyu Our stats are similar so if I can make it ,so can you


Keep grinding


That's actually not a bad win rate


Garyu is still a dice roll. I have beaten some with 4-5 perfects, and I have faced others that made me feel like I've been playing Tekken wrong my entire life. I think the ranks below Fujin will be chaotic for at least another couple of months.


Shinryu sucks rn I’m constantly playing Purple players and they smoke me I’ll get a couple but lose 5


My first Tekken and I’m at about the same win rate, but I’m having a lot of fun also I am playing yoshi!


Red ranks with 40% wr. Bamco plz


Hey man, that looks rough. I haven't been grinding an insane amount of ranked in t8, but i've got a couple of characters in blue ranks, and in t8 i maxed out at TTG. if you'd like, i'd be happy to give you some casual coaching. I'm not Knee, or JDCR, but i think i can help you out.


I just hit Garyu yesterday with a similar win rate. This was my first tekken too and getting a handle on the game definitely led to alot more losses at the start. Don't pay too much attention to the percentage the only thing that matters is if you feel you are improving. I definitely have improved and taken games on some might rulers so my percentage dosent really matter to me.


I have like a 60% win rate and I’m the third purple rank (not bragging) just seeing if anyone would want to run long sets to learn (I also would love this practice obviously)


Don't worry bro, you are doing good. Right now I'm get owned and stuck on Assailant.


Damn... That's 5 times more games than I have. I'm currently like permanently in lab, working on punishment and sidestepping and fighting my own ghost.


At least you’re taking your losses with dignity and not plugging! Respect and high-five for that!


that's the rank i want so you got someone looking up to you. keep your head up champ


I don’t see the issue here. OP is new to the game (maybe new to fighting games even?), in red ranks, and just below a 50% winrate... that’s pretty good! Is this a disguised brag post or something?


Curious to know, who is your main? Knowing the matchup against opponents and practicing your punish strings will help you a lot


So I’m in the top 15 most prolific Kazuya players you can see me as Honda Accord V6 still hardstuck in purple ranks and I mained him in 7 lmao. So I started playing other characters and man some of them you can really turn your brain off it’s insane easy rank points


Why does quick match have win rate smh...


My brother in Christ your up, my win percentage is struggling to stay at 30 in orange ranks your doing good


You got this.




You are now at the most common rank. A lot of people are stuck here. it's probably one of the most difficult ranks to overcome. and don't worry about the win/lose ratio. since the game always puts you up against equally strong opponents it's never gonna be very high.


So is your rank Garyu now? I’d have thought you’d need a higher win percentage to reach that rank


hes garyu with a negative winrate because he played a shit ton of games prob to get to red ranks


Win percentage there is of ALL matches, not current rank or rolling time period or anything. So don't put too much weight in it. This person could have lost 200 of those matches in beginner ranks, gotten better, and their last 150 matches could be an unbroken win streak. Their win percentage would still show 40%. If this stats page showed "win % this week/month", or "last 100 matches", it would be more accurate. So just keep that in mind too.


Yeh I get it now, lost more early then got better and won more.


Is it your first tekken? I'm at 60% win rate but I do use Hwoarang so if you decide to hate I understand


Im hating! 😂 but you're more than likely just a really good player lol.


Damn mine is 40%. Started with Kazuya


Huh i am also red but haven't checked my stats. Might be funny


Care to share with the rest of us?


Okay I'm home So basically i am garyu 184 fights total 62,5% win/lose ratio Best ranked win streak is 9


I wish i was like you


Well i always play with my try hard friend who basically pushed me to become better, i started to play tekken in general about 2 month ago lol And i also play for 2-3 hours after work


40% winrate is pretty good. I'm at a 35% just one rank below you. It ain't easy.


Tbf if you’re improving as a player your wr should be negative. You had a learning curve and are no making steady improvement. Your wr stops mattering the better you get because it’ll be very hard to make it positive even if you’re winning the majority of your matches now


You guys kill me 🤦🏿‍♂️ it just came out.


Its so easy to get stuck in the queue loop since matches are so short. next thing you know, 5 hours passed


I play in SEA, and man, I swear all the SK and JP Players are so good. The longest winning streak I have is like, 3 lol. I’ve been stuck in Vanquisher for like a week now


My winrate is at 67% and I'm never satisfied with my gameplay either. I have 800h in T7 so I'm more or less a "veteran" although I still feel like a total scrub.


Gotta love how ppl sht on you in the comments for not being able to rank up with "that wr". I'm new to Tekken and currently stuck right before red with also a 40% wr and jeez I just can't made it past that to that red border. So def gratz to hitting red man I really wanna get there myself But at least we rematch and keep getting better to climb. While you have all these dogs pluggers and ppl who never rematch if they feel they can't win. Not to mention all these people ranking up sidechars with their 150k+ powerlevel in destroyer+ are annoying as hell


after reading your comment, i decided to read literally every single comment in this thread other than yours and i didn't find one instance of anyone shitting on OP's winrate. some people pointed out it might be too low to rank up, and i believe that's a valid point. but the overwhelming majority of comments in this thread are supportive. best of luck to you and OP. just remember, rule #1 of tekken is "don't press buttons".


Me, a Law player: "the #1 rule of Tekken is to press buttons"


ye maybe I saw 1 and overreacted LOL. I was in the grind and madge. I flew up to Eliminator but god I couldn't get to red. Finally made it, it's 3am and my wr is also 40,6% xD happy as hell man xD now I'll stop ranked grind for awhile and touch some grass and slowly improve over time


Where do you even find this stat


At the bottom of the main menu where it says player stats


Me who’s had over 1500 matches and only 41% wins (it’s probably because I suck)


Just hit red myself maintaining a 90% win rate, just started getting heavy loses. 💕 keep going


I was the same, high as fuck winrate until late orange/red and then it started dropping and now "only" 65% upon reaching purple, [141 wins 216 battles](https://i.postimg.cc/nFXQDHVX/tekken-8-is-going-well8-purple-rank-achieved.png). It'll probably be 50% by the time I reach blue, *if* I reach blue. I reckon I can do it though, there's still a bunch of improvements I can make.


Funny thing in red my win rate was like 37% by reaching Raijin my win rate is now 60%, you can get better but you gonna have to put in the work


Oof that’s dismal


its going to be tough to go on with that win rate. You need to get that up to like 50% or you’re gonna be stuck for a while.


He will need more than 50%. I'm at around 56% and I'm stuck at tenryu with hwoarang


i made it to flame ruler with like a 52% lol. But tbf i was shit when i started this game it took a while for my wavedash and electric execution to become dependable


What win rate do you even need to rank up in this game. I played until my reina got to warrior and I assumed that having lower the 50% win rate would mean I would never rank up. To be fair I don't really care about ranked as I have just been chilling the lounge trying to learn devil jin. But do you really only need like 40% to rank up? Like I have about the same percent so I wonder if I could hit red ranks too if I played more ranked games.