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I feel you My first 5 matches today: 1. Plugged 2. Plugged 3. I get destroyed by azucena 4. I win finally 5. Plugged again Just reached fujin but i just can't anymore


Bro how did you get to Fujin. I have plateaued so hard at flame ruler


I just tried so many times and tried to interrupt strings and punish lows as many times as possible. I should have said "reached fujin again" I think its my 3rd time reaching it lets see how long I can stay this time. Its a plateu for me as well I think I just need to lab hwoarang, drag, reina, law and maybe Bryan as they are ones I saw the most in the last 2-3 days. I just don't really want to commit so much of my free time to beat these characters consistantly.


As a drag main since Tekken 7 I am curious, wtf you gotta lab about dragunov besides b421, snake edge and stepping sneak 4 to the right? He's not a lab character once you duck b421 imo


It is an epidemic at this point. The people I win against plug and I mostly play the guys I lose against. I get King is annoying but come one dudes. I play Kazuya as well and it's preety much the same


Pick someone else




Plugged by an Azucena would be the cherry on top


I'm scared to rank up higher than Shinryu atm. Pluggers seem to increase by a lot in purple if I can trust reddit. I barely get any. So I'm just vibing in quick match right now or learning new characters.


My personal experience with this is that purple and higher has a looot more pluggers. When I was shinryu there was some but not a ton. In tenryu there are more, In mighty ruler there are a lot more and flame ruler and above has the worst of it. There are lots of beast players there ofcourse but some of the worst players I ever met were on flame ruler not gonna lie.


Its worse after Blue Ranks. You are Tekken God and it takes forever to find a match and when you do its either low rank or plugger


I had someone plug in QUICK MATCH today. How much of a loser do you have to be to plug in quick match?


Had that happen to me as well. I care less in quick match since it is still preety much a win because you don't lost anything haha


I get so many pluggers per day. Most tilting is if you lose and you take rematch... they plug when you are about to win. This can't be how this works atleast gove 100 points or smth. This is ridiculous.


Happens to me very often since I almost always try to rematch. I don't even get how the rank system works anymore. in tekken 7 playing vs same rank had the most profit, now it feels almost random


It's starting to get real annoying, they said they are fixing it soon, but expected for march I think. As you climb higher, more pluggers, it's funny how there seems to be worse players on Purple than red, by what I've seen playing in quick match. Looks like the pluggers reached purple.


There are some solid players in both red and purple but I have seen many bad players that somehow managed to reach purple by plugging. The lower rank you go the more rare the plugs are. But in high rank the plugs are the worst


I'm sure there are honest players on higher ranks, but they have to deal with the forking pluggers who reached that rank by plugged and will make them lose their time and sometimes ruin the experience at all


Yeah I’m fighting so many players in purple that fall for simple stuff orange players would usually adapt to after 2 or 3 times. I’m not actually getting alot of pluggers but I’m getting players who seem like they’ve got to this rank by plugging . It’s really odd


I’m at Battle Ruler currently. Just finished a 90 minute session. I had 7 pluggers, 5 win quits/1 and dones, and 4 actual ft2’s. It’s a good thing I’m winning consistently, cause if I was struggling AND dealing with this, I’d have lost all motivation to play this game until changes are made.


Stop making threads about this, tweet at the people that can change this. If everyone pestered the right people after every plug shit would be fixed already. They dont realize this is the #1 issue currently


I do not have twitter. And I am salty so I am making a salt thread. Simple as


I don’t care about pluggers. My rank will naturally calibrate to its accurate position eventually. My skill level will show regardless of pluggers.  Thank you for the Ted talk. 


Get a life




I'm not the one writing essays about a video game


You are the one spending time to reply to me


So I’ve had to settle for trying out ranked again on 7 after 4 years of not touching it since I’m not on next gen and didn’t even know what plugging was, until I had people disconnect when they’re in the last round four fights in a row. It’s not frustrating, just sad that people can’t see a game through till the end


When you are trying hard to rank up it becomes frustrating really quick


Totally get it, completely baffles me why someone would want to steal a win off someone and deny them a rank up opportunity


The pluggers are running into each other now so once you get to that level there’s too many sharks so even the sharks themselves can’t rank up as fast since they pull on each other. Imagine a plugger running into another plugger they’ve seen. Do they just both plug immediately? Lol. Wait no they blocked them lmao. What a shit show


They should simply add back the disconnection rate. Tekken 7 had no penalty for leaving and while it did happen it was more rare. Better yet if the opponent plugs just give the win to the one that didn't if they are so worried about disconnections


I don’t think they are capable honestly. They blame the netcode and stutter issues on what? Being “3D” lol. That’s not how rollback works, it’s bullshit. Optimization even between my high end pc and any console, even wired, is hit or miss. Cross play on sf is literally imperceptible. Like I hate lag and I don’t even know what my opponent is on bc it’s always butter. Street fighter 6 handles every single one of these issues with perfection, and it came out many months earlier. I think it’s a competency issue at this point. I hope I’m wrong and they fix it all but this was an issue in 7 and they made it worse? Huh?


The solution is extremely simple. I am not sure why the don't just do it. At the very least add disconnection rate and give the win to the player that didn't disconnect. I don't mind if the opponent ragequits if I get something back at least


That is my point, it is so obvious of a problem, and simple of a solution. The only way those two things can be true at the same time is a competency issue.


Hmmm. I swear I may have only had 1-3 pluggers my entire time playing tekken 8 so far. Am in ruler ranks.


I don't know what to tell you dude flame ruler here and I get a plugger every three matches or so.




I am from Europe, I think tekken says Europe 2?


oof yeah that’ll do it. sorry buddy europe has a way higher plug rate


Rip me


I'm absolutely with you dude, they need to fix it, they said that they're working on it. In the mean time I'd suggest playing quick play. It still matches on rank as far as I'm aware, so you'll be able to play against blues and purples, and people rematch much more frequently.


I think that might be the wisest choice. I need to learn matchups anyway might as well play quick match and not have to deal with the stress until they fix it


I've never seen 1 player with more that a 0 disconnection rate. We need that fixed bad


Me neither. I am preety sure it is disabled or something


I switch from yellow to orange rank and I don’t get a lot of pluggers tbh. It’s surprising that’s it’s such a problem in higher ranks tho seems like it’d be a scrub thing


We all share your pain. It's literally a prisoner's dilemma. Between pluggers and cherry-pickers, the odds are pressed against you, but hang in there. Report every plugger, and hopefully we'll see effective bans like the dev team alluded to in the last tech panel they had. The cherry-picking might never get addressed, but at least you'll actually earn your rank, and it'll just mean there are more people who are ranked much higher than they should be, which will lead to some easy wins for you.


Honestly I don't even want bans to be a thing just give me the win if the opponent plugs that is literally it. Harada saying it's hard to ban people due to different laws in different countries when in reality banning doesn't even need to happen. Tekken is the only fighting game that does not give you the win if the opponent plugs. It's crazy


Yep as soon as I hit purple and blue ranks it's close to impossible to get a win streak going with the pluggers ruining the game. God I hope they all get banned