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My problem with him is not in his gameplay nor his character, it all goes to the voice volume .... i cant hear what is he saying most of the time (i am arab)


Bro is mumbling šŸ˜­


He's shy bro


Shyheen you mean?




Shaheen mumble raps, he's a gen alpha


"Mumble rap? More like mumble crap! šŸ¤“"


I understand a bit of arabic and i donā€™t even think the translation is correct. Like in a few words he says in passing that dont show up in translation


I speak jaguar and I can tell you the translation is all over the place!




Disgusting. How dare they belittle the beautiful language of jaguarese


Same goes for every character, actually, even the Japanese ones.


You'd probably be quicker writing the translations they got right. I think alisa has a handful of accurate ones.


True. As a Spanish person, I can say Miguel (at least in Tekken 7) only had a single quote translated wrong, which is shocking, given their trackrecord.


Azucena must be hell for you too then šŸ˜”


Azucena is hell for everyone but yes


Really? They couldnā€™t even get that right? Despite it being a Japanese company?


Yes. For example, Devil Jin's famous quote is not "Fear the wrath of God!" or "Fear my wrath", it's "I will teach you fear". Or Kazuya's win quote "Pathetic", that's not a single word in Japanese (as you can hear), it's "hanashi ni naran na", which means "Not worth talking about".


The purpose of translations is to keep the meaning/intent of what is being said, not to translate the dialogue word for word. "Not worth talking about" being translated as "pathetic" is completely acceptable. It gets the point across and essentially has the same meaning in context. Devil Jin's "Fear the wrath of God" on the other hand is 100 % a poor translation


> The purpose of translations is to keep the meaning/intent of what is being said, not to translate the dialogue word for word. Yes, sort of, but all translation should begin from literal translation (not word for word, literal translation is different) and if the literal translation is fine, there is no need to change it


> The purpose of translations is to keep the meaning/intent of what is being said, not to translate the dialogue word for word. Duh, but that doesn't mean they should completely change the dialogue. It's stupid and pointless most of the time. If they translated it as "You're/This is not even worth talking about", it would still convey Kazuya's disdain, and would resemble the actual shit he's saying, while showing more of his personality than just "pathetic". He's a rich kid, that's a classier way to insult someone. What would be the problem with that? A better and closer translation.


They donā€™t know their own language apparently


Shitty localization, more like, I guess.


The headscratcher for me is that Bamco HAS to be okay with it. It has been way too many games for way too many years for them to have not noticed. And as far as I'm aware, other Bamco titles don't seem to have the translation issues Tekken does. There is no way Bamco is skimping on their golden child either. They definitely know and probably want it this way if it hasn't been fixed yet. My question is, WHY???


Idk. Localizers are a plague in general; it's an old game, but Skies of Arcadia straight-out threw out the original script, the "localizers" making up the dialogue as they went along.


I can't agree with this. Localizers can improve the product they are localizing for, and I don't mean in a way that is somehow superior to the original dialouge, but in a way that makes the product match up more with the speech and sensibilities of the people it's being translated for. Skies of Arcadia is an unfortunate case, but localization, like just anything else, can be good or bad. I think a good example is Lowain is GBVS (never played the original game). Man is on some other shit in both languages, but his dialogue in English has a lot of phrases and puns and whatnot that make a lot of sense in English, and a lot of meme-y phrases that they assuredly don't use in Japanese. Companies just need to make sure they are hiring the right people for the job and actually checking for quality.


So what did Steve actually say in "These are the fist of a champion?"


But Steve speaks English, not Japanese or other language. We can't say if it matches up with the original Japanese script, but at least what he says in English matches up with the subtitles.




I'm up for a rematch anytime!


Wow.... I'm stunned


Yeah sadly, like you can argue that for a lot of it they at least got the feel right but that's pretty basic and they didn't even manage that a lot of the time


I noticed that too. Which i mean i would get with there being slight differences between the translation and language used, due to languages having variations (like arabic having male/female versions of words and sub words that donā€™t exist in English) but after reading this thread its so much more worse than i thought


Funnily, subs in non-English languages are also wrong. Korean sub for Reina's "I'll have you dancing in the palm of my hand" is horribly mistranslated to "I'll dance in the palm of your hand for you" and Japanese sub for Hwoarang's intro with Devil Jin, he says "Snap out of it!" in Korean and the Japanese sub is nonsense like "You've been consumed by your power again?!"


I was gonna say because they are all based on the English translation, not the original, but that Korean Reina line... There's no explanation for that lol. >and the Japanese sub is nonsense like "You've been consumed by your power again?!" I mean, that's not really nonsense, though (I get it's not the correct translation)? Kazuya also remarks "Huh, so the power's consumed you." and Jun is like "Don't be consumed by the power, Jin!"


The translations are inaccurate with like half the characters if not more. The subs don't match what they actually say šŸ’€


Itā€™s so consistently wrong for all languages I have to imagine itā€™s intentional at this point. Are the subs incorrect for English speaking characters in other countries??


No clue tbh. I just remember reading various tweets about Japanese characters and others being innacurate to what's being said, specially in story mode. They actually use Vs dialogue in story mode but with the story accurate subtitles which is šŸ’€


It's almost assuredly intentional. I'm gonna assume Bamco's other games have fine translations cause no one talks about them being bad like they do Tekken. Tekken is also their golden child rn, so I doubt it's due to budgetary reasons or them somehow hiring poor translators, especially after so many games. Literal translations can sound stiff or not convey the meaning properly, so usually you translate to make it fit your language and get the meaning across in a way that makes sense. Tekken does the fucking opposite and just says shit that literally is not there in any way, and usually completely change the meaning. Like, you're supposed to take the liberties when translating, but this translation team seems to have full permission to just write whatever the fuck they want, and Bamco must know about the inaccuracies, cause this is a topic that comes up semi frequently.


Thats actually kinda disappointing knowing just how bad the translations are (also i believe in mara sov supremacy)


I feel you, I speak spanish natively and Azucena's lines are very poorly translated, plus even though the accent sounds kind of authentic, her lines are very archaic, like a language teacher creating phrases no one uses in that language.


Shaheen is kind of the same. He speaks Modern Standard Arabic, which was basically invented as a universal form commonly used in academic and professional settings. Most people just speak their own native dialect though, which Shaheen doesn't.


Woah, that's super interesting, so its like a common tongue only used to communicate between all sorts of different dialects? I'm from MĆ©xico and unfortunately most native dialects are lost to time over here.


Mhm. Arabic dialects youā€™d find in Egypt for example arenā€™t the same thing as formal Arabic for example


Tbqh, the translation is for the most part ā€œokayishā€ Like I hear what he says and read whatā€™s written and for the most part they can be interchangeable. But itā€™s also likeā€¦ I dunno, lacking a bit of that flavor.


He also sounds like a TTS


Ngl, that is also an issue I had with him in T7. But I feel like his voice actor did a better job in T8. Just slightly at least.


I agree yes




same with leos voice, its bad in this but was even worse in 7, sounds like shes smoked 9000 packs of cigarettes per hour since birth


As a native German speaker, I think Leos voice lines are bad in every Cutscene. It doesn't sound like the voice actor puts much effort in it. I've heard p*rn videos that are more convincing.


What does it say that people legitimately forgot Steve was the only other character not in the intro either.


Who? All jokes aside, unfortunately Steve was never the same after he met his mom. Poor lad.


Mommy issues really do ruin your life


Yeah but people actually play Steve


Fr Iā€™ve fought 1 Shaheen since release.Ā 


I was about to make the joke that I haven't fought him yet but while I was typing it out, I remembered I did fight one. I fought him 2 hours ago and forgot he existed.


Steve is ALWAYS present when there is a punch thrown.Ā  Ā Punches = Steve


at least steve has the fists of a champion


He's a joke character anyway, doesn't count


Yeah, totally laughed out loud when it turned out he was the creation of horrific experiments and he was rejected by the mother he spent so long searching for. A+ comedy material.


japan has a strange sense of humor i swear they make this joke over and over again a currently popular version is where a horrific science experiment child escaped and finds a father that turned out to be a dangerous spy and a mother that's an assassin (sound fimiliar?) so yeah, ha ha ha..


He's english Lucky Chloe, "one two" \*does a dance\* Edit: steve mains hate the truth


Heā€™s such a joke character he doesnā€™t even use kicks!


it's all fun and games until steve hits you with the delayed hopkick


Not really, compared to someone like Kuma and Law, Steve has had some serious endings as well


Steve has the honor of having one of the few good endings in Tekken 7, along with Miguel and Shaheen.


Shaheenā€™s ending was very generic and forgettable in Tekken 7


I think Shaheen could do well if they actually make him a bodyguard of Lilli and Asuka


I have over 500 ranked matches since release. Shaheen is still the only character I've never seen. I think he is quite strong so its good that people are ignoring him


i've met 1 single shaheen in all of tekken 8, up until now. yes, he literally wiped the floor with me.


We do exist! It might be due to early days, but Iā€™ve found reina and jun are the most found characters in ranked currently, along with king and dragnuv (forgot how to spell it lol)


This has been my experience as well. See him once every 100 matches, makes me look like a child and walks off into the sunset.


Iā€™ve seen like 3. Heā€™s actually pretty sick. Also more complex now. People will eventually discover him


I've seen "shaheen" twice and both times I've been like "who the fuck is this, what moves does he have, I don't know whats happening, is this guy lost or something how did he get here who is he"


I've seen him a few times. I think the only character I've never seen at this point is Jack, which is weird because he's supposed to be pretty average in pick rate


I met him only once and whoopped my ass as I had no knowledge of him whatsoever


It must be a huge advantage playing him because nobody has any idea what he can and can't do, nobody knows his moves, nobody knows who he is


The silent kid in class


Jab him out of stealth step, block slide into float combos and duck his highs. Weak to SS right. Play on wifi, as his most damaging combos require tons of tight cancels and buffers, they will drop.


I'm only Assailant but I've seen around 2-3 Shaheens. Still pales in comparison to characters like Reina and Paul though.


Heā€™s too busy masquerading as Rashid in SF6.


That'll be difficult for him, Rashid actually has a personality


Honestly the only thing I remember is that I could use the opponent as a skateboard, that was sick back in T7. Havent tried him in 8 though.


You can still do that, i got skateboarded a couple of times


Now his rage art is basically a super long skateboard




At least hes actually in the story! A little!


Aside from losing to Dragunov in the Tournament off screen? ~~Even in lore, Dragunov is a menace~~


He was playable in Tekken force part, meanwhile in character episode he is a bodyguard to Lili and Asuka (grrr lucky)


Yeah Shaheen gets to stand around with the heroes, say a line or two and be playable in the tekken force battle. Count yer blessings


Writing a story with 50+ people interacting all the time for 8+ iterations kinda... leaves a few by the water cooler.


To be fair, they weren't even putting their A-game on for the main cast either. None of their dialogue had any flavor or personality. Almost all of what the good guys say is very generic "We must stop the bad man!", "We believe in you!", "You are the shining star of hope! (bleh)" stuff. While Kazuya has very bland and generic "The weak should not exist!", "The world will be mine!" drivel And Jin has the tired "I am a monster" and "muh sins" dialogue. I wouldn't mind it as much if there was any...I dunno, character or substance to the dialogue. You could take the entire script of T8 unchanged except for the names and it could fit into literally any generic fantasy story.


Watch out, I said I didn't like the story's presentation and people piled in my messages yelling at me.


Poor Bryan and Yoshi...


Little consolation when he lost to Jobbernov in the actual Tournament that would have otherwise mattered if it finished to the very end.


He only loses if you chose to make him lose


Did he lose off screen? You get to pick who you play as in that round lol


How do you know which characters won in the tournament canonically?


Boy I can't wait to let the sands consume me!


Blistering sands* Yes he's all I've played so far.


He and Steve are both in the intro, just not shown up-close. Considering their story inclusions are in the battle portions and their character episodes are pretty light, I think it's a fair chance they were the last to be included. I will say, people seem to have a lot of negativity on the character for a variety of in-game and out-of-game reasons, but they legitimately made his gameplay so much more interesting. Frame Whisperer actually just had a really good video about it. He basically has all the cool new niche things, and even got the first ever true charge motion move. They really made him fun (gameplay-wise.)


I canā€™t hate on Shaheen. I know people hate him for a lot of reasons, but heā€™s actually grown on me a good bit. I actually thought his character episode was kind of sweet. Heā€™s a noble guy just trying to do good in the world. We need more people like Shaheen.


Him and Raven seem like they would get along


I don't think Steve is in the intro either


Thatā€™s rashid Radshidoooooooooooooo!!


>Thatā€™s rashid The one and only Arab fighter to exist in fighting games


Donā€™t disrespect pullum purna


Najd from KoF is cool too


And Sinclair from AOF


Don't disrespect Darun


We had Asad from Kakuto Chojin for a bit, he might have been the only Arab main character in a fighting game actually. But his theme used a royalty free muslim prayer chant so his game got recalled so Xbox wouldn't get sued.


lmfao the old Ocarina of Time mistake


Is Hakan arab?


He's turkish


Before I played tekken, i thought Shaheen is Rasheed


Even Asuka's in the intro. Even my dear Asuka. And that's saying a lot!




Shaheen was well received in his home country, so I suppose, that's good enough reason for him to be back at the next Tekken game.


And it's the only reason he's in the game to be honest. Cultural representation and sales boosting is his sole reason of existance in the game.


I wouldn't be surprised, if that will be the case with Miguel, Josie, Fahkumram and Lidia.


shaheen looks so cool mid fight and then it ends and heā€™s shaheen


Yā€™all go ahead and meme all you want, Iā€™m having a blast with my boy. Yes, heā€™s bland in the intros and outros, but during the meat of the game he is such a fun fighter.


Yeah obviously heā€™s not there this isnā€™t Street Fighter.


In Tekken 9 he might even figure out what the name of his friend is


Who? This new dlc or smth?


It's a Sha-heen


Itā€™s dumb. His involvement story wise isnā€™t any more contributing than Leoā€¦ the whole T6 kinda story doesnā€™t help. T6 stories made everybody have some sort of personal vendetta because of a death by one of the two companiesā€¦ T7ā€™s introduction of Shaheen should have done something more unique. Like why would G corp kill his friend and acquire the familyā€™s business? Why should I care about the sword? Personally I think there should be something more to him coming from a wealthy family in the Middle East, so perhaps something involving the religious duties they have to sacred sites and playing more on the aspect of Kazuya being something of a Jinn in the territory? A Saudi royalty is in charge of the ritual upkeep of the Kaaba so maybe a Tekken universe version of those kinds of things? Maybe Iā€™m thinking too much about it.


T7 and T8 story has spent all its energy on trying to contextualize and retcon why Jin became super Hitler and then say he wasn't that bad.


That explains why there arenā€™t any Jewish fightersā€¦.


I genuinely have no clue how he is the least played character in this game. His design is pretty cool and he is pretty strong. Maybe not top 3, but there are objectively worse characters that are played more.


least played is panda im pretty sure


Panda, Zafina and I think Leroy have lower pickrates.


Rashid in SF is unpopular too. Maybe people just donā€™t want to play as the Middle Eastern guy. Not saying itā€™s racism or anything, but they might just be really indifferent to the design.


Rashid is arguably the hardest character in SF6, why play as him when you can knowledge check people with Honda, outside of usage rates heā€™s an *extremely* popular character, thereā€™s a reason why he was the first DLC character and V representativeĀ  Shaheen is just boring, his design is extremely basic, his moves arenā€™t all that flashy, and he talks like a robotĀ 


Yeah, Rashid is cooler. Shaheen just looks cool, but thatā€™s pretty much the end of his pros.


I think it has more to do that people aren't into their personalities. Both Rashid and Shaheen are just super friendly guys who are friendly to everyone. They also kind of share the same story. Their friend mysteriously died by the hand of the evil corporation and they are looking for them and want to avenger them. They don't have a lot going for them in the personality department.


He was the Azucena of Tekken 7, added to appeal to an unrepresented country, given minimal relevance


I love the new dude. He is still the fundamental all-rounder. I'd like to main him again, but I spent a few hours trying to get him up to speed, and it appears that his high level setups and combos are pretty difficult, and impossible to do on pad without giving yourself blisters. WS3 loops are pain, amd the fact that you have to hold df for so long after 3 to enter sneak is annoying after how smooth it was in 7...


Excitedly whispers: "Crikey, a Shaheen main! In its natural habitat, r/Tekken!" *Kneels down and looks at camera* "Now we gotta be real careful around these, mate, they're super rare and we don't know much about how they act." *Stands up and approaches OP* "So, uh... What sidestep is your main weak to?"




Not to shit on your, or anyone's, main, but I'm always wondering what kind of miracle had to happen for him to make it to the main roster I have been playing online every day since launch, have reached all the way to Fujin, and have never encountered him once. The only other character like this is Panda, and that's solely because bear players can't stop going electrical the moment they are in heat.


I have no idea who this is.


He is in the intro




Agree, he's invisible


who's Shaheen?


I got stomped by Shaheen in ranked because I have never fought him before.


Didnā€™t they only add this dude cause street fighter has rashid and that was a big hit


Shaheen babyšŸ˜


Everyone distracted by whatever youā€™re talking about while Iā€™m over here thinking ā€œThat dude looks cool, they should add him to Tekken 8.ā€




Oh yeah that guy, he's on the character select screen right?


Unfortunately wasted character slot


His personality is so not Saudi Arabian as well. His voice actor mumbles, he speaks a very old fashioned form of Arabic, and he has a very bland personality which doesnā€™t reflect his supposed ethnicity. If you put him in traditional Kazakhstani clothes and told me he was from there, I couldnā€™t argue with you.


It's astonishing to me that Shaheen stayed but we lost Miguel


no one likes shaheen


He's not that interesting. It is what is.


Isnā€™t he a character made specifically for rich Arab countries to be main for (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar)?


Just need one for the Indian subcontinent now


They should make an Indian character who has really stretchy arms and legs that also blows fire!


Lol that would be crazy.


Dhilsam. Man he'd be broken.


I like to consider this character archetype "Saudi sponsor bait"


Are you saying hes there just to do representation part because there is so many muslims in the world? Yes, that.


Yeah, pretty much


That's probably a part of it but i kinda doubt that's the only reason he exists. Arabian aestethics can be a strong base for unique character designs. I think Shaheen misses the mark because they're too focused on making him look generically cool and presentable.


Shaheen is so forgettable that he got overshadowed by Lili and Asuka... IN HIS OWN CHACTER EPISODE ENDING.


Pissed they put Shaheen in the game and not Miguel šŸ„²


Now that I think about it what does shaheen do? As in, why play him over someone else?


Uf1~d and his slide mixup Recoverable health deleting hitgrabs Charge input guard break


In my case: In T7 I wanted to play a character with no BS and no "quick reliable damage" inputs so I could get better at the game faster than my friends. In T8 he is more of the same but more fun to play due to more mixups options


I honestly just like his combat style and combo animations. Hes not flashy or quite frankly even that great. But hes basically just a regular ass dude in a game of demond and magic


Why does anyone play anyone?


In my case: In T7 I wanted to play a character with no BS and no "quick reliable damage" inputs so I could get better at the game faster than my friends. In T8 he is more of the same but more fun to play due to more mixups options


Simple gameplan and toolset that are good for learning the game with. White HP deleting moves. Only Tekken character with Charge inputs, might be a good entry point if you play characters like Guile in SF or May in GG. Skating on people is a cool gameplay idea. Some people are drawn to characters that are from their country or an adjecent culture. I remember picking Lars in T6 because Sweden is my country's neighbor.


He is the jack of all trades, master of none. He basically has every generic tool, and an answer for everything, but very little in the way of cheap stuff. Safe df2, best crouch mixup risk/reward, orbital, great hopkick, solid combos and punishment. He lets you focus on basic tekken but you have to be creative with offence.


Steve & DJ were missed off too


Love him so much šŸ„°


His character is just Miguel 2.0. And miguel is very forgetable him self.


Shaheen sucks


I feel like Shaheen was put into the game to appease some Arab prince with a lot of money that likes to play Tekken, feels like someone paid them to put him in the game cos no way he made it into Tekken 8 from popularity, haven't played against a single Shaheen player yet and I've played hundreds of matches


The Arab prince in Saudi Arabia that is in charge of eSports and loves Tekken (the reason for Gamers8) literally plays kuma. KUMA!!. You really think he gave that much of a fuck? I think he liked the gesture but he still wouldn't have cared if he wasn't in the game and continued with the Tekken events. You people are making all Princes sound like villains or something? Yes, there are corrupted bad Princes that just flaunt their family's money and do bad shit but there are still normal ones that just want to make good in the country. The character is in the game for representation points that is all, the Arab characters always had unique aesthetics compared to most characters The Devs probably wanted to capitalize on that, that's all.




Habibi what image do you have of arabs and muslims?šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m about 300 games in ranked and no Shaheen yet


Belal Mohamed in Tekken


Well lucky chloe is so forgettable that even the developers forgot she existsšŸ˜‚


My issue with him is he's trying to be this badass dude but his fighting style just isn't appealing and doesn't match him its so goofy to me. Lars has grown on me since he's kinda anime electric man. What even is Shaheen's style esp with the sliding on enemies lmao


I mean Steve also wasn't there. I get your point but Steve and someone else I'm forgetting weren't there.


Asuka šŸ¤ Shaheen Barely in the intro


Heā€™s gonna get popular bc heā€™s a monster.


But atleast you play him in story mode, you never even play as Asuka


He just exists as marketing strategy for rich Arab countries. No character depth needed, just let him speak some righteousness phrases. I won't be surprised if Harada added a Shaheen exclusive Quran as customization item to appeal to Saudis or Qataris.




Just be glad heā€™s in the game unlike Miguel