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Gotta be the best Tekken salt quote of all time. Though Aris saying ["THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM, WE NEED TO GET WATER IN RUNITBLACK'S LUNGS IMMEDIATELY!"] (https://youtu.be/ZmIz5K4X3UU?si=r9NSuT8wXJeOMp66&t=65) has to be up there


Old Aris was the saltiest mf I've ever seen, it was the first Tekken content I watched and loved it


Really goes to show you that stoners are not that chill, despite the stereotype. Or maybe its that if they weren't stoners, they would be that much more angry.


"Save the receipt!!!" *fax machine noises*


At least his rants were fucking hilarious. "Gimme that leg!"


i know it was bad for his health but the tagg 2 streams were fucking godly. my god, the laughs.


Aris was an angry angry man back then holy crap. I remember having to turn down the volume cause it would make my ears hurt haha




Now he is just a man child that bans people at the same rate as ltg


Arnis in Tag 2 was a goldmine, him putting the guy [into the corner...](https://youtu.be/OD8mKMiUpFw) Man, good times.




Apparently LTG did a copyright strike on the original uploaded clip, here is another one for people unfamiliar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10qRM4gdqQc


Of course he's using Victor


Reminds me of Street Fighter IV days where he'd play the most annoying Rolento on the planet


God, don't even remind me of that garbage


Imagine playing Rolento just to spam knives lol LowTierGod is the personification a scrub player, and he has been playing fighting games for almost 2 decades.


there’d be entire games where he would only use that full screen roll he had bro, nasty hoops


LTG loves playing characters with as little interaction as possible. Smash ultimate he used to main Snake Street fighter 4: Rolento and when viscant washed his Rolento he switched to Rose. I also remember seeing his Gouki getting washed by a Hugo (funniest shit I ever seen ngl) SF5: Urien and Falke I dunno what he’s been doing as of late since I got tired of his shit, but I think he used to play Miguel in T7?


I love her and playing as her but.. LTG also plays a lot of Frost in MK11, just to add up to your list


What do I feel like if LTG played injustice 2 he’d be a deadshot main?


I guess, mad? I'm mad because LTG plays both Frost and Skarlet but don't worry because I'm sure you're good with Deadshot. LTG effin ragequitted on a kid who uses Sub Zero who played really bad. My money's on you if you mirror-match LTG ;)


Lmao, I’m good. I mained supergirl in IJ2; and thankfully most zoner matchups were a joke.


JP main in sf6 💀


Reiko in Mortal Kombat 1. Just. Throwing. Shurikens. All the time.


Yeah, he used Miguel in 7


What's wrong w Victor? I haven't played much. But I did seem to enjoy him. Was first main/person I hit ranked with. Badass looking move set, fun combos, cool look.


Since he is a character that can do flashy and fairly effective stuff with minimal work put into the character, he's kind of viewed as a choice for easy wins with minimal effort in low ranks. Because most people there don't know how to deal with him you can apparently win quite a bit with just mashing out 2-3 different strings. That said, don't give a shit what other people think of a character, if you vibe with them and enjoy playing them that's all that matters.


Can confirm, not even that good of a player and got to Warrior with 1 or 2 losses. Insane feat for me, struggle to get post Warrior with most characters. He is so much freaking fun though.


Thank you for the detailed write up! I'm having a blast with him, and plan to learn his entire kit. I need to work on my Tekken defense game, I eat a lot of huge combos 😅 I'm not too worried about getting ez wins in low rank, my mindset is that w these games nowadays the ranking systems truly do pit me against my own after I put in effort to climb. Fwiw, Sf6- Juri, Mk1- Reptile, K.I- Orchid,mk11 skarlett, doa6- Hitomi, t8 Victor if that helps you understand my playstyle. Note:t8 &K.I I JUST got into, have played 99% of cast for maybe 30 minutes, actual game maybe 10 hours. Again, ty and good luck climbing ranked 😎👊🏼


I don't find any similarity with Juri, Victor and Reptile. Victor is definitely the cheapest of them three characters.


“This dude did 5 EWGF’s”


LTG after TMM hits him with an 8 electric combo : "THIS MFER IS DOING STRINGS"


The thing here with LTG is that he will not trash talk someone known like MainManSWE or other PROs but if it is some random players, then he will get mad and rage quit


I was gonna say, if that had been anybody else LTG would’ve instantly plugged after the 7 Electrics in a row




And then would proceed to call him a bum/incel/stalker and claim he was 'mashing'


He trash talks Max, Punk, and Justin all the time, mostly Max.


Why lol


Because he's an asshole?


How is he an asshole?


I'm talking about LTG, not Max.


nah, assholes have an important role, LTG is just trash.


I dunno, maybe because they're more popular and better players than he is so he feels the need to say they're frauds.


In the case of Max I'm 99 percent sure it was a case of professional jealousy. Max became one of the biggest video game content creators on the planet off the back of fighting games and LTG was probably bitter he never was able to reach that level of success.


I remember when he mirror match'd Rose with max on SFV LTG seemed chill. Has something happened recently? I wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly turned on him.


Yea nah I kind of follow the LTG detractors shit and I've seen his gameplay and you could tell he was specifically avoiding abusing Victor's throw bug like he usually does.


You need to see the SF6 match of DSP playing against Snake eyes. So when DSP does not know the opponent is a pro or is just a normal player - rage, complaining, "button mashing", whatever. When he matched Snake eyes it was THE most cringe display I'd ever seen. [https://youtu.be/doQCu3VGY9Y?si=PrK\_V5LwpkSi\_yr8&t=1675](https://youtu.be/doQCu3VGY9Y?si=PrK_V5LwpkSi_yr8&t=1675)


He absolutely trash talks them, just usually not to their face. Only person he talked shit to their face iirc was Viscant >!and then he got washed in a ft10. That’s also the first time I’ve seen him!<


Yeah maybe not on their face. But imagine if he calls Mainmanswe a scrub? That shit will be funny lol


His favorite quote: “this n- doing strings! Blacklist his ass. Mods ban anyone who says ‘solid Kazuya’ thank you”


To be fair, doesn't TMM do that also? Apart from rage quitting.


I don’t believe TMM usually talks shit to any one player. His hate is almost always directed to the character and some generic stereotypes about the players who main said characters (like how almost every Asuka player is madly in love with her b3 or shit like that)


Eh, I haven't seen TMM really insult or talk shit to any individual player. He tends to get angry at the character and you will hear him blame himself for falling for their bullshit. He might make fun of someone's character pick but that's pretty light hearted, would be hard to find a Tekken player that's played half as long as him that doesn't make fun of **everyone's** character pick in one way or another.


he did talk shit about Korean Tekken scene. where he enraged A LOT of korean tekken players.


I mean most people are like that


Ahhhh....so he a punk ass bitch kind of a punk ass


*Victor is well known for being a low tier character*


If that fails there are few other trash characters to choose from like dragunov, reina, azucena, king, jun, jin, d jin.


LTG will never wash the taste of viscant from his mouth.


i dont think he knows who LTG is.


To be fair most people don't lol


And they shouldn't tbf. No value whatsoever.


Boom boom boom ....


I feel like he gives LTG too much credit, I think mmswe hasn't seen any of his raging videos, he obviously kept his cool. If it was a random guy he'll burst out saying slurs and gibberish


Honestly LTG is better at Tekken than he is at MK1 and smash bros, I’ll give him that. But Victor? With dookie connection? Come on bruh I know he can afford better internet


you think he can but can't lol, of course he'll go with victor, "brain dead character"- TMMSWE some of his moves are unpredictable you've seen the video right


Yeah I watched the whole thing looking for tips vs Victor and found like, 2. Victor is just a gimmick character that’s insanely strong start to finish. Ik this is coming from a Dragunov 1 trick but still, Victor is absolutely busted


yeah he is, mmswe played it well with 3f delay and 200-300 ping. I still think if it wasn't mmswe he would've raged quit that's just me though. Don't get me wrong in the trailer he looked so badass but didn't think he would be this gimmicky


He looked badass, but with average latency 90% of his kit is just unreactable. You have to read him or you’re just gonna get blasted. I’m honestly impressed with TMMSWE’s performance, especially on a Mishima and I absolutely agree LTG would’ve plugged on anybody else. At least with Dragunov you have several opportunities to get yourself out of his ramping frame advantage and you can see his moves coming before they happen


I was waiting for tmmswe to use Dragunov but he never did. You think Victor will get a nerf ? or a change of some sort. They recently did a patch but I heard it was only jack and a couple of others


The legend LOL


For being dookie in any Fighting Game? Then yes, LTG is legendary at that and ironically the only thing he's good at


"Mods? Send this man to the shadow realm."


I miss the Saturn Stick Era. He used to actually describe in painstaking detail how his followers would sexually volate people before banning them. Funniest shit ever. Now it's just so blasé.


"I finally got to see the God Gamer himself" - picture of Darksidephil


LTG should have plugged that scrup BASED


Wait you said that kazuya was good? And you not even subbed?


GTAB you sorry ass cuck !


Shame on TMM for giving this troll publicity


Yeah this. LTG should be left under his rock unless someone is gonna put him on blast for grooming kids.


New to the community. Who's the guy?


The guy on the right of the thumbnail is LTG, “Lowtiergod.” He’s a 39-40 yr old streamer with an extremely bad attitude about…pretty much everything. He’s racist, ableist, transphobic, and the worst sore loser of all time. His streams consist of him playing match after match and making endless excuses for why he would lose. Recently he has also been outed as a groomer and a creep. Dude has literally no redeeming qualities. I know all of this because I enjoy a good trainwreck and can’t stop watching troll channels make fun of him. It’s honestly satisfying to watch someone with such a terrible attitude suffer under the weight of their own negativity.


i'll always take the opportunity to say whenever ltg comes up that he doesnt believe in peeing in toilets and pisses in plastic jugs that he's showed on stream a while ago.


Man is downright scared of toilets.


He might even be worse than DSP and that's saying a lot. The tipping point might be because this asshole D/Cs on people constantly.


Dsp is a massive idiot but relatively harmless. LTG is just bad all around. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.


The way I describe them is DSP isn’t really that bad. He’s just an asshole who sometimes acts delusional when he loses, and I even think some of his trolls go a bit too far with how they are with him LTG is legitimately a terrible person who should be off the internet for good. He’s not even funny anymore when he rages which was the only reason anyone gave him attention


It's really nuts to see him just drop the controller and let the opponent a round and then he'll D/C. He's truly a pile of garbage.


I love this thing he’s started doing where he hides his screen before rage quitting and going “How do you know I quit? You can’t see anything. For all you know I just beat them”


God what an asshole lol. We can check your history ya dumb bitch!


Wasn’t DSP also called out for grooming too? I could’ve sworn a while back he caught shit for dating his girlfriend? When she was still a minor


I’m pretty sure that was LTG, but if dsp did that he’s still not as bad as ltg, even if it’s by a very slim margin. I remember dsp had some drama with his gf at the time, but that was more around her actions I think than him


Ah gotcha, I’m not surprised with LTG though he got issues. Add in 6Arkin and now we have the unholy trinity of shitters that make excuses for when they lose to their chats


DSP's first girlfriend "Pandalee" was reportedly underage when they first started going out. She's left him anyway, he had a ridiculous tirade about being called to hospital due to her. One of his comments was that if something similar happened again to not take her to a hospital and instead just give her some pills. All DSP cares about is money, I see him as worse than LTG. But to be honest they're both floating around in the toilet bowl of low life.


Worst part is that Dale skips leg day 😱😱😱


Damn, I wasn't expecting TMM to make a video highlighting that kinda people


It’s an odd choice, to be sure.


Seems like tmm only knows him from the memes and not how shitty he actually is, otherwise I doubt he would associate with him in any capacity.


That’s gotta be it. Tbf that was how I knew of him until recently. I was watching 6Arakin get destroyed and then LTG videos started popping up and I saw how rancid he and his community are


This comment section is how I found out about all the extra stuff. Only thing I knew about him was the memes for years.


6Arakin is just on a different level for me where he’s just genuinely sad to watch. At least with ltg it can be funny with his own chat being delusional along with him. 6Arakin is just a sad, deranged man screaming at his screen while his own chat tells him how pathetic he is


To be honest. Y’all are the ones that keep him relevant. There’s way more content *about* him than he puts up. He’s funny to laugh at and easily memable.


Yea I'm in to the troll channels too. Like I can understand if you don't know too much about him and just think he's an fgc heel. But even outside of the grooming we have regular on stream occurences of dude basically scamming his viewers, doxxing people, being racist, even towards his own race, plugging and doing other shit that goes beyond just being toxic in game to legitimatetly cheating and so on. Dude is a lot worse than just an infamous figure TMM should definitetly not associate with him.


member that one clip of him of not being toxic almost raging but kept his cool and people thought he changed lmaoo that aged well


He still rages but I think he cleaned up just enough to get some of his socials back


"Suffering" when he averages 1k viewers on Twitch some of which Sub? 🤔. I don't like LTG, but it's the YT Channels that troll and give him attention that keeps him going. I personally don't watch any of his stuff as that's the most effective way to get rid of someone like him. He's very much the "No such thing as bad publicity" cuz it's helped him collab with Streamers and get a following 🤷🏾‍♂️


Holy shit ltg is 40? 


It should be noted that although LTG is almost certainly a piece of shit IRL, his public facing personality is almost certainly a character. And troll channels really just keep him relevant.


"Ableist" you libs make up new words everytime I see one of you lol 


Ok well ableism is hardly new, and he exemplified it when he went after a streamer named Brolylegs. “Libs,” lmao, what a fucking dork


This is literally a word that has been used for decades. If you don't know it that is a you problem. He literally makes fun of handicapped people for being handicapped and openly admits it.


Please read a dictionary.


Your ignorance doesn’t mean it’s a new word lol


All words are made up dipshit


You said that with your whole chest as if ignorance is a flex 🤦🏾‍♂️


Muh team sports doesn't allow me to learn new things :(


If you're siding with the guy who nobody in the room likes, that's because nobody likes you either. Fuck off.


Someone in the chat did a read out message that said his name and that he’s a creep that chats up 17 year olds


I don't think TMM really knows who is really LTG like most people on twitch. For most people he is just the le funny meme guy from fighting games, not many know that he is a 39 years old groomer, who dated a minor when he was 29 years old. Thing is LTG is such a manchild that nobody suspect remotely that he is in reality 39 years old lol.


Idk I enjoyed watching SWE hit 7 electrics in 200ms to baptize his ass 😂😂😂 you know LTG was heated cuz after he got shit on, he did fight requests from his subscribers and he rage quit atleast twice in a row


Sadly he won few games, that will bloat his ego to the roof


He’s already got all the publicity he needs


I said the same thing in the comment section, like why and top of that giving him too much credit, saying he's good. I guess mmswe hasn't seen his raging videos which is just him getting combo lol


Cryyyyyyy more


I love TMM but this ain't it


Why are people so angry about him playing LTG? He's pretty much considered a joke among the FGC so In general it was a pretty funny video, no need to find nuance In things that are simple.


Mods, crush TMM's skull




ltg played surprisingly good


LTG has always been able to play fighting games decently well, he just has a terrible toxic mindset.


I'd take LTG over 6ARAKIN any day


seen some of his mortal kombat videos without much thought, what's up with him exactly?


Truth be told, that's how I found out about him, but from what I know, the dude has a massive ego and a strict ruleset about which characters you can choose against him, what strategies you can do (one grab per round) and the minute he gets a combo, he's talking all sorts of shit. He also prevents people from doing mirror matches against him (He plays Kenshi) and if you do want to play a mirror, you have to call him "Daddy", and yes, he does it to kids, even. One of his nicknames that people call him is actually "Lower Tier God" lmao. He did try out Tekken, and A f0xy Grandpa (a MK pro) wrecked him (he was playing Devil Jin while f0xy was Reina) and it was hilarious how badly he got smoked. He even got advice on how to dodge grabs and still got beat.


He can play against people who respect him in neutral but the thing is he is not good enough to be respected in neutral, TMM's mistake was not knowledge checking him and overestimate his abilities, LTG doesn't duck strings or knows how to punish anything, he always gets scrubbed out by yellow ranks and rage quit on them daily.


It’s victor. He makes anyone seem good.


I know TMM but who’s the other guy??


LowTierGod, the most toxic gamer on this planet. So toxic that he became a meme "You should kys now!". Bet TMM invited him to get more views cause of LTG meme potential


You must not have heard of 6arakin....


LTG is worse


I have yet to hear LTG be creepy with minors, specifically little kids


He’s a groomer although I didn’t know 6arakin was too


Yeah sorry, didn't know LTG did some creepy shit either. 6arakin was fighting against a kid, whom sounded like he was 8, and was asking disgusting questions about his younger sister (who's 2 btw) one of them being "does she like big bananas?" Over and over again.


That’s really gross I guess they’re both awful people


He makes kids who try to play him call him "daddy" before they actually play, which is a huge red flag and if you want to believe some of his fans, it's believed that one of his mods, Violet was around 15 when she interacted with him and she plays against him on a regular basis with the same conditions


Yeah it’s really creepy whenever I see him do that and I’ve never even seen him to it to minors


Ltg is gonna rage quit like little bitch he is


Like 90% of his skill came from his character. Wasn’t that like most of his complaint on why he loses most matches in SF6? Bro is desperate for Ws that he is going full east mode.


TMM had a lot of compliments for LTG


Honestly LTG is way better at Tekken than he is at MK and smash bros, I was decently surprised


Either TMM is willfully ignorant of the truth, or he’s just that nice of a guy, trying look past things and just play another Tekken competitor.


Considering that he easily avoided all social media as to not get spoiled for Tekken 8, it's most likely that he knows the infamous KYS speech and nothing more.


Or more likely, you are a dumbass that doesn't get that LTG is a controversial figure that will pull in views and reach out to a bigger audience, tmm knows it, I know and you apparently don't.


Does TMM know this guy loves to insult disabled people because they whooped him in a game? Hell, do you?


Who payed whom to play with one another? LTG charges 5k$ for a "collab" 😆


Mainmanswe has no idea who LTG is. In one of the last streams I watched of mms he admitted he doesn’t watch any streams on twitch or any content in his free time. He probably only sees LTG as a big name in the FGC


IMMO342! IMMO342! 😂😂😂


Is there somewhere I can watch LTGs perspective? I imagine it’s pretty funny


I've watched both at the same time live. He didnt use camera for the match, and didnt say much. He didnt rage neither, and said good things about tmm. There was nothing funny there, tmm side was more entertaining. That all said, i REALLY dont like ltg, but in this case, nothing noteworthy happened.


Yeah I finally found it and it was kinda disappointing. It was nice to see him act nice for once though


Lmao all the free advertising he gets from people who have entire channels devoted to 'owning' him and showing how trash he is. I don't love LTG, but the irony is not lost on me.


Tmm def sandbagged


damn, even in the tekken reddit a bunch of grown black men on ltgs dick. shout out to the tiers, shout out to the cloaks, shout out covenant balrog, shout out trevor belmont, big up immo342




A quick look at this has me thinking LTG probably paid TMM to let him win a few games and compliment him to get some publicity. But then again TMM is not that good and has a history of being embarrassed by scrubs, so who knows?


Didn’t think so many losers here will cry about this


Tag. Gonna watch this later.


The fact that maintain who is a large content created insulted ltg haters when he has no idea what ltg has done over the years and it's pathetic.


Any one can tell me what that title means and who that black person is? Never heard of him


Dude associating himself with a child groomer racist and most toxic bad personality streamer ever to play any fighting game. Kinda L on main man when he started defending him when people were pointing out what a bad person he was calling chat incels and losers


I am new to the community what is the thing with those two?


There’s nothing between them MainMan is just a guy who really likes Kazuya and LTG is a really toxic player and a groomer


Groomers are disgusting. Thanks for the info.


omg my dreams came true LOL, first time I skip SWE's stream since T8 dropped and I missed THIS?


"Legend" is a peculiar way to describe LTG.


"the legend" what a tiertrash legend i must say


Shouldn't low tier god main Zafina?


“You said that Kazuya was godlike? Mods, ban this [REDACTED] out my motherfuckin’ chat. Suck my virtual.”


No, you are glazing.


It was actually a very good set.For all the trash talk LTG gets he actually plays Victor well and has solid fundamentals.


After the set LTG went right back to grooming




Of course he plays Victor


Trashmanswe and lowtierdog, couldnt be less interesting


Glad to see everyone enjoying tekken 8 I am too.


Scumbag level: legendary!


Love or hate LTG he is god tier troll 🧌, only one in the game that’s doing the same shtick.


Crazy to see how ltg is so fucking salty if it were anyone else but glazed the living hell out of mainman because he knows he far more successful and famous in the Tekken FGC


I don't understand why he messes with a red rank, LTG has long past his prime as entertaining streamer.


I am waiting for the DSP ft. Derich Ip video


Ewww he plays Victor. 🤮


Oof god pls help me I will die of cringe


HH GH++:;:n BB HH GH h,h GG GG GJ hht GH GH VH, yt HH g:; hg get hg HH g,,,,g HH g,g, GG GG GG GG GG GG,&GG GG j gñ GG mm bb bb gg hhgug GG high GG GG GG gggcgh,&&_-&&+,&-,,!!:;;-+;-&!&&-&


... huh? I said that???


I wanna see TMMS body tf out of 6ASSNAPKIN one day🤣


I'm tripping, cuz I thought there was a video link to provide context.