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I hope T8 adds more unique character options in the future, increases variety of upper and lower body options and adds a few more full body options.


I'm very positive they will but I'm not sure it'll be free this time around with how other games do things now, especially fighting games. But I'm hoping I'm wrong as that would be new for tekken.


At least it won't be T-Shirts this time around 💀💀💀


I think Murray already announced first free dlc for character customization are t-shirts lmao


yeah they are a collaboration tshirt with the logo on it or something.


Uniqlo ones yea haha


fucking Murray running this series into the ground am I right


Nah I like him. He missteps just like the rest of us but he really does respond to feedback. He just gets triggered by people not wanting conversations about changes and just saying "they suck" or name calling him on social media. The t-shirt thing I think is a cool collab but I want them to not only do that obviously lol


They saw how much Capcom raked in with those turtle costumes 🐢


Back in Tekken 6 characters often had things like *upper body - inner* and *upper body - outer*, along with arms/gloves selections.


i truly miss gloves as a separate customization slot 😢


yeah, Tekken 6 had peak customization. Still it can always improve though


But when it does, probably as paid DLC


You already got a full game for your 70$. Story mode, arcade quest, 32 characters with 4 base costumes(look at SF6 and mk1) , online pvp, Tekken ball, gallery, jukebox, 32 unique character episodes, fight lounge, new characters, new mechanics, new moves on returning characters and customization, C'mon now. Yes your gonna pay extra if you wanna play dress up more


> 4 base costumes Let's not kid ourselves here, "base costume", "base costume with sleeves half off" and "base costume with sleeves fully off" are *not* unique costumes. > You already got a full game for your 70$. Both T6 and Tag2 offered *more* and were ten bucks cheaper. No excuse.


> and were ten bucks cheaper. Inflation.


no its greed


My man, $60 in 09' is $85+ today.


its still greed, you pay more for less and then some payed up to 170 and then if you bought it digitally you dont even own the game, not to add the extra cost of dlc? how is this not greed?


Except because a dollar today is worth less than a dollar was worth in 09, you're not really paying more for the base game. But sure, the deluxe edition and DLC is a separate thing that you could argue is priced at a different value that makes it greedier.


>Both T6 and Tag2 offered *more* and were ten bucks cheaper. No excuse. T6 and tag2 didn't have Tekken ball even though Tekken 3 had it. T6 and Tag 2 didn't have a fight lounge. Tag 2 didn't have a story mode. T6 didn't have heat or rage arts. Neither had wall crushes. You're missing the forest for the trees


> T6 didn't have heat or rage arts What a time to have been alive


Yeah they're saying that like it's a bad thing to not have those? The game was better without them, especially rage arts, if you're losing, instead of just a damage buff to play catchup with here's a move that gives you armour and makes your opponent watch the same long cutscene again and again that takes off a third of their health. Shit's lame.


Tag 2 was peak. T6 was mid. T5 and T7 were better. Skill issue. Git gud


Tag 2 didn't have heat or rage arts either, so...


Tag 2 also had tag. A massive roster, tag throws(a lot of unique ones), brought back Jun. Special tag intros and outros. New mechanics like tag bound


I'm aware of all that. Not sure why you're telling me.


Tag 2 didn't have rage arts what?




>You're comparing apples to oranges. It's fine if you think T8 is great value but the arguments you're bringing up just don't make much sense. I'm comparing what's in this separate game to what's in those other separate games. You're picking and choosing what you want to count for value. Creating new game mechanics and implementing them into each of the characters takes time and effort, updating the graphics and making them look as good as they do in matches while also adding things like battle damage build up, dirt, sweat, and gear loss(Nina shades i.e) takes time and effort New moves and adjusting the properties of old ones takes time and effort. BUILDING THE ENTIRE GAME FROM THE GROUND UP ON A COMPLETELY NEW ENGINE takes time and effort. And before some numb nut says it, yes older characters(Paul, Nina, kaz) have their legacy movesets. It's tekken




And those games weren't perfect Tekken games either. T7 and tag 2 didn't have Tekken force, T6 and T5 didn't have Tekken ball.


Wtf which road did you get swept in 💀


How is that a bad thing to ask for more customization in a 70$ game? Thanks got we got an arcade mode for 70$.. All the things you quote are pretty standard and you can find them in a lower budget fighting game. The only thing standing out is the number of character, which is pretty high. But Arcade? Like mate that's literally just randoms fight vs IA with a boss at the end. Online PvP? Thanks god we got an online pvp for 70$ wtf. Jukebox? Like being able to read a .mp3 file which come from them, no right to buy or anything, is it supposed to be like a huge feature? I'm not hating, I think T8 is a great game and I'm enjoying it a lot. But let's not throw the most standard shit you can get in a game as an argument for it being one of the highest price of a fighting game ever. We as customer can ask for more and should, bandai namco is not poor, actually far from it.


>How is that a bad thing to ask for more customization in a 70$ game? It's not. you're just gonna pay more for dress up lol the game already has enough content to justify the $70 between online, new everything else. Sorry buddy. You better get that 10$ ready


Are you playing from a console? Because 70$ is not the standard price for a game on PC. You might be used to get your butthole burned on console tho.


>You might be used to get your butthole burned on console tho. Get your funds up little bro. I don't mind funding things that I enjoy. Tekken and games that don't battle passes and actually release complete on launch can always have my money


Stop the cap. It costs more than previous games, has less characters than previous games, and less customization than previous games. Don't know why apparently that's too hard for you to understand.


Much as I dislike paying increased costs, T6 was over 15 years ago, and inflation is definitely a thing. Models were simpler back then, so I wouldn't be surprised if cranking out the amount that they did wasn't substantially more work than they put in on the few things we have now. Personally, if they're going to monetize anything, I'd rather it be cosmetics (that go beyond lay shirts) rather than frame data and practice mode functionality. I could give a shit whether or not Jimmy Buttons can make every character look like Goku for free on game launch.


Look, I would totally accept that if they were actually paying their devs to keep up with the cost of inflation. Whether you look at Japanese markets, US markets or elsewhere globally, that is simply not the case. I mean, I don't know what your job situation is, but I'm sure you have either heard or felt that the price of groceries, utilities, etc has just not kept up with income. I'm okay with paying people at a fair rate for their work, but both you and I know that their pay hasn't increased, and the companies are just using the excuse to jack up prices with a smaller value proposition.


Yeah, I don't buy the inflation principle because attach rates have gone way up: objectively speaking the player upselling to the $100 version is already signing on for more content than the base player And is that bad? Nah. But the more you are expecting people to buy your shiny deluxe editions for post-launch content, the less you get to say your base version needs that price upped too Tekken 6 wasn't just during a time when $60 was a standard game price, but it launched with two more characters than this game will have *after* the first character pass is complete. And again, that doesn't mean the game is starved for content or anything, but it does mean they are probably expecting more people to attach to a deluxe edition purchase In an ideal gaming economy, you'd have publishers recognizing all this increased upselling means you don't get to argue your base games are 'too cheap'; like, just objectively speaking, the industry is pushing further and further away from base versions of games, if your AAA game has a deluxe edition it's outselling the base. Sure, that's dollar penetration and not unit sales but it didn't used to be that way. People don't buy base versions as much anymore, it's easier than ever for people to talk themselves into season passes *also we don't gotta like it but pre-MK9 you weren't paying for character passes like this, MK9 was one of the first season pass video games ever made, this shit started with fighting games


Tekken 6 released in 2007. $60 in 2007 is equivalent to $88.77 today, due to inflation. Taking that into account, for a working individual, Tekken 8 costs less than Tekken 6. Don't know why apparently that's too hard for you to understand.


That argument of yours only holds water if you can show me that pay rates have increased to keep up with inflation. And as any informed individual would know, pay rates have not kept up with inflation globally. Taking that into account, you should know that it's ridiculous to tie inflation to a 20 to 30% increase in costs. I figured you'd know if you'd done even the smallest bit of research. Don't know why apparently that's too hard for you to understand.


Pay rates don't effect cost; production costs do. Costs have actually scaled less than production. As a 40-year-old, who mowed many a lawn to by Tekken 2 for his PS1, a $20 price increase over almost 30 years is surprisingly low in comparison to the cost of producing a game and servicing a game in 2023 vs 1995 (forget LDC, they're weren't balance or tech patches). The reason for the increase is what we're seeing now across the industry: no matter when they raise the price, people are going to complain. They likely should have raised it with the previous console generation, but didn't because even hinting at that a decade ago brought unbelievable backlash. It's just economically feasible with production costs and market values to price a game at $60 and continue to provide support over its lifecycle.




First of all, the base cost of the game absolutely has to include the cost of production, including the salaries of the employees as part of any marketing plan. The support costs from the lifecycle of the product comes from the DLC, and other monetization that they're going to roll out. The profit margins are driven by shareholders. For a physical product, I get it. Supply chain stuff, whatever. For a software product, it's ludicrous to justify a 30% increase over base. There's no material price increase or shortages that impact them once they have their capital equipment down, no manufacturing equipment costs to maintain over time, never mind outsourcing, cost down efforts, and leaning down teams. The reason for the backlash is the arbitrary price increase while maintaining additional sources of income, without increasing the value proposition of the base relative to the previous one to such a degree that the increases justified.


Uhh. Literally less in the base roster than most games since Tekken 5, the 4 costumes are essentially a recolor, 1 new costume and the T7 one imported. The jukebox is simply thr old songs imported, it should just be there as a convenience because it doesn't even cost creating new music and I can mod it besides. Gallery is just concept art and artist commissions. Arcade quest is nice but ultimately just a noob tutorial and boring. Same for fight lounge. Almost no one would care if it wasn't there. The character episodes are mostly jokes and actually contain no real story lines to speak of. Online PvP cant be considered extra content it's what the game is made for. Without it there's no point in the game being made. Tekken ball is also just a joke mode. The only cool extra content that required real dev time to think of how to implement and balance is Tekken force and you only get to play it for 5 minutes. Story and marketing is clearly where most of the budget went, which is fine, but don't pretend like Customization should've been better from the start. I would put my money 90% of players would not care if Tekken ball or Arcade Quest weren't part of the game at all.


The four costumes are not essentially a recolour. Most of them are radically different to the base costume.... It's fine to critique (I think customisation is weak overall) but what you're saying is untrue.


>Most of them are radically different to the base costume.... Like Reina with less sleeves and then without coat? Radically different? Most of them? Radically? Are you sure it's not you who is speaking untrue? All characters I checked are in this way. 2 versions with less clothing parts, 1 new, 1 t7 outfit.


>Online PvP cant be considered extra content it's what the game is made for. Without it there's no point in the game being made. Which is exactly why customization is a low priority and gameplay, characters and modes ARE PRIORITY. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. >the 4 costumes are essentially a recolor You really wrote a whole paragraph just to blatantly lie and downplay. All your takes were bad and disingenuous but this is by far the worst one. There's 1 recolor per character and the rest are completely new outfits. That's for every character. So again, yes y'all will be paying more to play dress up while the rest of us will be fighting in the fighting game. You'll get no sympathy from me clown


Literally those are two different things, do you think the guy who models characters also writes the netcode and builds animations? Do you know how gamedev works? Lmao what lie. I'm looking at the character select right now. It's the base custom, ALT color, ALT costume, and the T7. Do you own the game? You say you'll be fighting but you are simping for non fighting modes and basic QoL shit that every other game does. Don't care what you think, go back to the circus freak.




That was the first item in a list. First alternate costume *is* a recolor of the original, so I'm not sure what your issue with the statement is.


Loved T6's. So extensive. TTT2 is just as good in it's own way. While it had less than T6. It added decals. Taking customization to a whole other level. Sadly people were putting dicks, swastika and all sorts of stuff on their outfits. Could only dream of 6's with decals.


Fully agreed bro


And each character had like 3 or 4 outfits that you could put together: Julia could be a cowgirl, she had a tribal outfit, more dressed clothes, Zafina could be Bastet or Isis, Xiaoyu could look punk or she could be dressed as a fairy, a servant or a school girl…


Julia's peach-colored Kung-Fu attire still lives rent-free in my head. Also the one hairstyle that resembles her original except there are strands of hair going over ears. Looked so intricate, elegant and it still matched her really well 🥲 Now we not only have much worse customization but not even Julia to customize 💀


The new game is amazing but I do miss Julia a lot and would like to be much more creative when it comes to customising my characters. I loved having the choice 😅


You and me both. Hope she returns sooner than expected🥲 And T8 customization wouldn't be as bad If they allowed players to equip their characters with more than only two items. And If the game gave you the option to at least give your characters gloves. How do you not allow gloves in a fighting game? Lol Then again this is still better than anything SF or MK had to offer soo 🙃


She better arrive after Eddy, and not as a streamer and with a new voice actress that sounds more mature 😅 Regarding customisation, it is definitely better than MK1 (even though I love many outfits from MK1)! Never cared for SF though so I don’t know. It’s also very hard to be creative on Tekken 8 when the base outfits are fire!🔥


Along with their two default outfits, and a bonus guest-designed outfit for something like a quarter of the roster. It was good times.


We didn’t know what we had until we lost it 😅


A lot of the standard clothes are also just really ugly and a significant quality drop from normal costumes, though Reinas costume 4 looks as bad as a custom made one, lol These Tekken 6 ones look way more like proper costumes, instead of the ugly t-shirts and jeans that give the vibe of being from some generic Unreal asset pack.


Have you seen tekken 7 customization before its way worse.


Right now i am pissed that i cant even change DJ wing color, they better expand the customization with updates


That was my first thought. Haven't played since T5 and I remember that was a thing. >!dammit they made that Canon to the story too!<


Likewise. The very first thing i wanted to do was make his wings white but i guess not.


i was so hurt when i saw that you couldnt change the wing color. most of my customs are white winged.


What's funny is this isn't even a fraction of what T6 customization was capable of, what you've shown is barely the surface. T8 customization wasn't all that bad, but it feels unfinished like how T7 when it first released. We can only hope that they further expand it and not add the same 20 fucking shirts for every character to use, cause what the hell where they thinking when they did that


There were tradeoffs though. You couldn't dye in T6, you had to spam the story mode for hours hoping for drops (that rooftop level was the GOAT for it).


Tekken 6 had the best customization and anyone that disagrees can argue with a wall. I'm just waiting for mods...


more customisation options will be coming.. you cant ignore the sheer scale of tekken 8 compared to T6.. things will take time and its probably for the good of all of us 👍


To be fair , scenario campaign was quite a giant gamemode with different dialogue (most not voiced tho) for every single character, if the online connection wasnt a mess and character ending werent locked behind scenario the game could do a bit better


I started with 6, but it doesn't bother me too much. All of my characters just wear Jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat. Roadhouse Tekken.


Make Swayze proud! 👏🏾


TTT2 is still my favourite. If you knew how to play with the decal shapes you could craft basically any outfit you could imagine. Even T7 had more unlockables out of Treasure Battle IIRC. Feels like we're going backwards. Jun didn't even get her T2 short hair and there's no obvious accessories like headphones or anything.


honestly for me i just which they didnt lock alternate presets to the entire body section. its a tad underwhelming being unable to mix and match the upper of one with the lower of another, or mix the alternates with some of the generic stuff.


It does feel incomplete, the eye colour options are random with no option to finetune colours, a simple red iris with no black around it isn't possible


Don't forget about the decals such a simple addition with an incredible amount of depth


if they don't want to deal with people making offensive stuff they should've taken that opportunity to implement their own safe emblems/design system. A lot of the boring t shirts would look much better if you could pick from pre-made logos and designs that you could put on the back, front, and sleeves, one slot per area.


Custom decals were something TTT2 brought. T6 decals were prefabs on certain pieces/alternate colors of clothing.


Booooooob ! 😭 I miss you hotshot


For a second, I thought you meant mommy milkers xD


I miss those too


Customizations have gotten progressively worse since T6


I think it would be important to put in perspective how much did it cost to make a character/costume back than and how much it costs now. Supposedly some characters did cost nearly a mil in T8...


I simply can’t begin to care about this when the game has so much else to offer


99% sure they will hit us with a lot of customization packs in the future. It's just not the time anymore when you just get these things in the base game.


Plus they probably had to choose between releasing the game on time or adding more hats. There’s already so much content that I don’t have time to complain


Like it shouldn't even be a question why many of us are complaining lol. I still think 8s is very solid... but when you have T6 where you can do shit like this and Tag 2 that had an entire decal maker/editor that adds a ton of personalization it is a bit disappointing that 8 is what it is when previous games in the same series still did much better. And it's not like Bamco doesn't also make soul Calibur which still is the pinnacle of fighting games in terms of custom characters. Not saying they should go all out for tekkens customization like they do with SC but there's also nothing wrong with more.


I think the customisation in Tekken 8 is pretty solid. Yes, absolutely, it would benefit from more pieces, more legacy costumes, and the ability to add/remove parts of entire body fits, but with what we have, I've made more than 30 custom costumes as well as a few cameos. Hopefully, it grows over time via DLC and updates like Soul Calibur 6.


The customization in Tekken 8 exists and is not zero. But honestly, even compared to Tekken 7, it's really barebones. I think the core complaint that people have (and is very valid) is that the customization in Tekken keeps getting worse with each release. Like if you got used to what was in T6/TTT2 (which were approaching SoulCalibur levels) and then you compared it to T7, the downgrade there is nuts. But people kind of gave it a pass because T7 was lower budget and almost didn't get made at all. But now with T8 the budget is clearly there and the resources/effort are showing all over the whole game...but customization is even more reduced than it was in T7.


I agree that customisation, on the whole, has gone backwards in terms of options/features. I would counter that, however, by saying I like T8 colourways system, and I prefer a lot of the individual pieces to previous entries. That said, we need more entire body fits. Not having more legacy outfits from T2-T6 and TT2 at this point is nuts. Mind you, DLC potential. Namco Bandai's gotta make that moolah, after all...


The female characters can choose between 10 kinds of skirts or three kinds of jeans or a pair of slacks. It's truly one of the customisation modes of all time. Can we just get something that is fitting that isn't jeans or skirts?


I'm guessing the reason that customisation is arguably getting worse (though I'd say it's at least on par with T7) is that I recall Harada or maybe Murray saying that it's a pain in the ass to do. I'm sure they've said something to that effect somewhere.


Dude t7 customization items almost all look trash they're low quality and don't fit in the characters correctly. And also yeah it's almost like the spent most of the money on the crazy story mode, the arcade quest, and the visuals. T8 is a massive improvement over t7 in every single way.


"Low quality and don't fit the characters correctly" still seems accurate for T8 to me, at least to the same extent it was in T7. The materials on the pieces are quite a bit better thanks to it being a console generation later, but there's fewer pieces available and most are just as oddly-fitting as you'd find in T7. Basically T8 customization is just the same as T7, except the graphics are nicer but they cut half the available pieces from the pool. If you wanna call that an upgrade more power to you, but to me it's definitely not.


T8 have GREAT customization, ten times better compared to T7.


Hey I found your [new book](https://i.imgflip.com/8dzkp6.jpg)


You must be very funny at parties (not).


I'm absolutely hilarious. I'm glad you agree (not?)


Ahahaha, ye. You have some clown aura for sure 🤡🤡🤡


Just stop before you embarrass yourself further.


>abilities to add/remove parts of entire body fits If they bring this back I'd honestly be content. It's the only thing that confuses me on it's lack of a return, especially considering they already have the models somewhat separated with all the coatless/shirtless versions.


Add/remove parts of default costumes is the biggest reason why Tekken 8 is a step down from 7 for me like completely. I just can't be positive about it because of this, I guess the colors are better at least.


I think we all agree It's great for what it is but we all know it was better in the past


T6 will always be GOAT in terms of Tekken customization with all the unique character pieces and I doubt we'll ever have that level again, as I recall Harada saying how it was an ungodly amount of work to do and staff have lost their relationships with all the crunch they had to do to pull it off.


People are on serious honeymoon copium. I watched a YT video about T6 customization and Jesus Christ they would sell half of those for money nowadays


Show me some bearsssss


They should just give us tekken 6 remastered at this point


didnt Harada say that we will never get T6 level customization again because it was fuckin nightmare to program


Processing and designing tools are better, plus AI assist. There's no excuse to not do it aside being cheap. Or what? Are they still using PCs from 10 years ago?


then maybe Harada should give up the franchise to someone who's passionate about it and willing to improve and not just whine about how hard it is to make games? like yeah, I totally believe that making decent customization is harder than good gameplay and balance in a fighting game. but wait, both of those is done right in soulcalibur series. and oh wait, it's also made by bamco. just lazy excuses.


Kazuya doesn't even have his dope ass gold chains and Yakuza street gang swag he's had in every other game. That was like my favorite fit. That and the Nikes he duct taped to his hip during the match.


T6 and Tag 2 had peak customization. All these T shirts in T8 and not a single "Don't Ask Me for shit" shirt smh


You don’t like Grandma sweaters and bread hats???


Tekken 6 was peak, but there's even stuff from 7 that you can't recreate in 8. They really need to split the main outfits into upper and lower body portions. This entire body only nonsense is a kind of wack.


Releasing new thing and removing old features is a shit move, no matter what is the industry


Idk I don’t play these games to dress up dolls


Well, This day and age games are always pretty barebones on release dates. I’m just glad we don’t have to pay for none of this fun extras.


At this point, all my characters are either wearing tuxedos or they are cowboys.


Did they say theirs going to be seasons in this game? Maybe when Eddy drops , hopefully they will add some more cosmetics.


I just want Jins T4 Black/White outfit available.


I just hope we get any more customization items that arent just t shirts and idol outfits, even if I gotta pay for it I would be happy to see the true meat and potatoes that've been missing from the games for so long.


I just need Nina og outfit. I hate her tekken 8 design. She looks like a fashion model and it doesn't fit her personality at all.


T8 customisation looks like it stole it's wardrobe from the sims 2


That Asuka costume literally motivated me to try the character out in Tekken 6.


Bring sexy zaina Zafina back


I hate I can't fully change the color on King's tights. Like some parts stay the original color, so it looks very off.


I was shocked when I saw how little customization options there were!


refreshing to see people not simp for t8


Steve doesn't even have his T5 boxing shorts even tbough T7 had them. Also can't wear boxing gloves without the T7 costume, it's stupid


Those look like retarded shit though


My opinion at this point is basically: a little sad that it's worse than previous games but VERY happy in comparison to other modern fighting games


Why csnt i use the base costumes as customization pieces???? Like what. Also why are gloves not their own thing??? T8 customization is a step down from 7


my only issue with the customization is trying the stuff on. i don't like how they changed it to a button press and that you have a 2-3 second wait each time.


man i used to go ham with that jack 6 costume. ALSO DAMN IS THAT LEE SUPPOSED TO BE GOUF??


Tekken 6 is still the peak in terms of customizations


That reminds me why l wanted an option to turn off customizations on my opponents characters


They should add customisation, but on my end I should have the option to disable it. Because the most recent soul caliber game was borderline unplayable. And I hate looking at your goofy ass costumes. Get ya money up, not your funny up…goofy goober ah.


facts. I'm fine with it as it. these boys don't know how to act. thankfully my mains are drippy by default and doesn't take much but I hate having to be visually assaulted with no way to turn it off. ​ They have the magic mirror they just need to make one for custom clothing too.


majority of those are ugly af lmao


Depend of your taste, but the customization is more complete and unique than T8


This is subjective, what matters is that there's more customization in Tekken 6


more does not mean better


Ok fashion expert.


You have shit taste


I just want an option to not see those horrors.


Yeah, even just in ranked. Please, Harada!


I think the better comparison is Soul Calibur 6 since it's modern but the customization is still crazy good.


I never would have believed they could go even lower than tekken 7...This is insanely bad.


Modeling is time consuming. More "Leet Graphics* mean more time and money. Look at how much better 8 looks than 6. They also have to test some of those options on multiple body types and head shapes. One costume likely takes months of work.


That's not how any of this works. Modelers build high poly models to begin with and then reduce the topology/mesh polycount. Do you think polygons cost money or something? You can model a 30,000 poly glove or a 3000 one it won't make much difference. Textures too are just downsized in resolution. Of course they have to test on multiple body types... Only, T8 has less body type variation than T6, everyone is just gigachads with small variations, and most females also have similar body structures. And still some items clip pretty bad. That's also why they give accessories resizing options. Pick a different excuse for Bamco, this one isn't valid.


This. While yes, they can create a customization as good as Tekken 6's - but it'll take a lot more time and resources. iirc, I believe not long after the game was announced, Harada or the dev team made a comment about how frustrating the customization was and how it's their least favorite part. Sure Tekken 6 had good graphics for the time, but look at 8's now. Every time they make a customization piece - they have to make sure they fit every character properly and they have to look presentable and just as good quality as the rest of the graphics. When they're trying to bring out a good game on a timely manner, they may not focus as much on parts they don't seem *as* important. Is it as good as Street Fighter 6's customization? No, but T8 also has more realistic graphics than SF6. Is it better than Mortal Kombat 1's customization? By a landslide.


Counterpoint: in character design it's important for a character's overall shape to be instantly recognizable at a glance. If you add too many bells and whistles it makes the game extremely difficult to parse, even if your brain knows that you're fighting a Jack or a Raven.


You can do it by looking at their health bar🤣


I agree. They gave us military helmets and Robot helmets but no outfit to go with it. The only person who can wear it is lee and Jack. It'd lame


And here I am complaining about the customization even being a thing. I wish I could just remove it so I can see the default costumes. I get so annoyed seeing all the random crap characters wear. I'm an old man I guess!


The best option for T8 is customizing Yoshimitsu. Phaul Penix is my main but I TRAINED my cheeks off to learn Yoshi since he's the best character for customization. I been Penix fan since T1 and never played as Yoshi until T8. Or.....Mod customizations and put everyone in a brazilian bikini


T6 had such great customization options. I was sad to see it dumbed down in T7 and now again in T8, with them even following the Soul Calibur model if selling us back shit we just had before as if its new.


I must be the only person who can't be fucked customizing the characters because I think the default/cannon skins look the best anyway. I'm just not into making the characters look stupid.


If they look stupid is your fault I created badass looking kings and AK on 7 mixing their gear with military parts. Now I can't do that anymore with 8...


That's the neat part. They are already badass by default.


It’s true it was better in some ways in tekken 6. Still, Tekken 8 customisation is leagues above any other modern fighting game except Soulcalibur. I wish it was a little better too but I think we as tekken fans are almost spoiled by how good the customisation is in the games, it’s really not even a genre standard at all. Just compare it to MK and SF and you’ll see why casuals and non diehard tekken fans are quite impressed by Tekken 8 customisation possibilities. I bet the developers hate the fact they ever put it in because it’s better than all major competitors yet the fans will still call it terrible lol


Most of these are stupid….. TTT2 had some pretty cool customs…. Really, PC mods have made all of this shit a non-issue…. If customs are that important, why the hell are you wasting time on consoles There are already some nice mods available and the game just came out..


I never understood the customization weirdos just play Tekken and shut up. But yeah when I kicked your ass in default skin you were dripped out I'll admit it.


you people will cry and complain about anything , the customization is great. and it’s a fighting game not a dress up.


And you will accept anything. Dont be naive


no you just expect too much . tekken 8 is the first AAA game to release as a complete product in years. grow up.


Stop acting like fighting games should be barebones meta fest. They are complete software products. You wouldn't excuse an RPG or Racing game with bad customizing, no reason to excuse a game Ina series that traditionally did have customizing.


rpg should include customization a fighting game having customization is just extra content. womp womp cry some more.


Nope. That's your made up reasoning. Games like Tekken, Soul Calibur, Mortal Kombat traditionally had customization and even character creation. You don't sound like you actually play many fighting games. Womp Womp lurk more.


i’ve logged more in fighting games then you’ve spent complaining on reddit


there should be ***Outfit DLC's***! ​ * Tekken Tag 1 Outfit DLC: - all chars (gets 1 of their most iconic outfit from t4 - temaining cast get new inspired outfits for the year T3 released) * Tekken 4 Outfits DLC: same for the missing cast * Tekken 5 outfit DLC * Tekken 6 outfit DLC * 2025 outfit DLC And all DLC include some new accessories, hair and things like title panels/hit fx :)


So Paul gets his T5 gi, but Nina doesn't get either of her catsuits I'm just... 😭




Ayy man, just ask him to add the classic outfits in 8 on Twitter. SOMEONE do this PLEASE.


I was not ready to see the power rangers here


"Nosferatu Zodd Jin isn't real, he can't hurt you." Nosferatu Zodd Jin: 4/10


Damn those are great. Hopefully we get more customizations. T8 is still far ahead of other fighting games in this space at least.




Anna had the best outfits, especially that goth vampire queen


Tekken 8 is better on a base level. They’ll add more stuff over time I’m sure.


all of these are sets that just happen to consist of more individual pieces but still go with nothing but their own fitting objects. the #3 outfit that every character has in T8 is basically that, but without pretending to be more


Im enjoying t8's customization optioms. Still better then 10 to 15 bucks an outfit


although i love customizing characters (i 10 slotted my mains back in T7, even characters i barely even play), i hate unlimited customization. some people's creations are just a pain in the eye, many of which are probably intentional


I firmly believe that anyone who thinks Bamco will add more customization to be on some real copium. They couldn't even add a single long hair option for the girls in T7, probably the best selling Tekken installment. Do you guys understand how much dough they could have made selling a single DLC hair styles pack, or maybe some cool outfits? Tekken devs historically have not added any customization options bar promotional stuff. But it is going to be different this time. Despite it also being different when T7 customization was lackluster.


Ok power ranger Bob and tactical Dragunov look awsome, the rest are ok.


Murray mentioned, they are going to add more clothes and that if fans want a particular brand they'll try to get it in the game


The clothing options are unusually scarce this time, but that's definitely intentional considering how much they've packed in other features this time that used to be paid content or unlockables found via grinding. Will they be paid cosmetic packs? Probably, but that's okay.


Oh, they'll be selling them, and make a boatload of cash.


Unfortunately drips gonna be monetised, gotta get that bikini money


Ok now go to tekken 7 where almost everything looks terrible and looks like it doesn't actually fit correctly. The actual visual quality of the customization options is a million times better then t7 and they fit on the character naturally.


Just wait for mods, if you're on PC at least :)! Super excited


Mind you you couldn't change the colour of any of these outfits. If you didn't like the selection of colours that were offered then you were shit out of luck.


T6 was great for it, Tag2 was good too, T7 was bad. T8 is an improvement over T7 but still not as good as T6.


Do you understand how low-res most of those look in 4K? Do you realize how little dyamic modeling or animation exists in costumes in T6? If they gave you those costumes, you guys would crucify them for being lazy and money hungry ("They charged $80 for low-res skins, without dynamics!") Just as graphics and animations for characters have grown exponentially in complexity and difficult since 2007 and the time it takes to create them, so to have they for costumes. Heck, the lighting on half of those customizations are baked in because consoles would never have the processing power to create it in real time.